Book Review: How to Lose an Alien in 10 Days by Fiona Roarke

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

Oh how I LOVE the fun, witty and romantic books of the Alienn, Arkansas series!

HOW TO LOSE AN ALIEN IN 10 DAYS (Alienn, Arkansas Book 2) by Fiona Roarke is another romantic romp through Alienn, Arkansas and the Big Bang Truck Stop. This time Cam Grey, Chief of Security at the Big Bang Truck Stop will learn to his surprise that sometimes he is willing to bend or break the rules when it comes to a sexy Alpha with a blue streak in her hair who jumps ship at the rest stop.

Alexandria “Ria” Latham Borne is on a get-to-know-you journey with her arranged marriage fiancée, chaperoned by her mother who wants the money and prestige from this marriage. Ria knows the true nature of her fiancée and wants nothing to do with him or this arrangement. She has studied everything about Earth and has a bucket list to accomplish. She jumps ship and makes her way to a karaoke bar, where she cannot believe her luck. She has found and is instantly attracted to a man, who she believes to be an Earthling.

Cam’s secret pleasure is to go to a karaoke bar just across the county line. When he sees Ria and she sings directly to him, he knows he has to have her, Earthling or not. Cam has been burned by an Earthling before, but he tells himself he just wants her in his bed for a short tryst, not forever.

When Cam finds out Ria defied colony rules, he should lock her up, but he just cannot lock up his rule breaker with a bucket list of Earth attractions. He breaks all of his rules to share what little time they have before she must leave.

This romance is so pure and simple which makes it so beautiful. Ms. Roarke writes romance with sex scenes behind the curtain and in this case, Cam will not have sex with Ria once he knows she is promised to someone else, but the romance is in everything they do together. The plot has some adorable twists involving Cam’s aunt, her best friend, and his brothers, Diesel and Axel. Once again, I loved all the unique play on word names of places and people. I laughed out loud in places, felt despair at how Cam and Ria could ever come together for their HEA, and loved how Ria saw everything on Earth with child-like eyes.

This is an easy to read series that plays on all your emotions without you realizing how much talent that takes from the author, who does a wonderful job in this series.

Written for and posted first for The Romance

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