Book Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Dangerous Ground by Susan Hunter

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tour for the new Leah Nash mystery – DANGEROUS GROUND by Susan Hunter. I am excited to share my Feature Post and Book Review for this great addition to the series. Even though this is the sixth book in the series, it can easily be read as a standalone mystery.

Below you will find a book description, my book review, an excerpt from the book and the author’s info. Enjoy!


Book Description

The town’s golden boy is murdered while returning for his high school reunion, and Leah Nash finds no shortage of suspects—or secrets.

Almost everyone in town is anxious to connect with actor Ryan Malloy when he returns to Wisconsin for his 15-year high school reunion.

Crime writer Leah Nash doesn’t have many fond memories of Himmel High’s favorite son. And when he turns up dead on reunion night, Leah realizes that she’s not the only one who feels that way…

DANGEROUS GROUND is the sixth standalone book in the Leah Nash series. If you enjoy murder mysteries with witty dialogue, clever characters, and unexpected twists, you’ll LOVE Leah Nash.


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

DANGEROUS GROUND (Leah Nash Mysteries Book #6) by Susan Hunter is another well written mystery addition to the Leah Nash series. Ms. Hunter not only gives the reader a twisted and clever mystery plot, but also entertaining and witty fully fleshed characters.

It is true crime author Leah Nash’s 15-year high school reunion and almost everyone is excited for the return of Ryan Mallory, the golden boy who made it in Hollywood.

But not Leah and not his killer.

Leah is once again embroiled in a mystery and looking for a killer.

Every time I return to Leah’s world, I know I am going to be entertained by her hard-headedness, snarky wit and all the well-developed secondary characters around her. Ms. Hunter’s mystery plot pulled me in and kept me engaged and guessing until the end.

I recommend this addition to the Leah Nash mystery series and once you read it, you are going to want to read them all.



Chapter 1

I parked my bike just inside the cemetery gates. It took only a few steps down the tree-lined path for the heat and humidity of a mid-summer Wisconsin day to slide away into the cool dark shade. Overhead, the soft murmur of thousands of leaves stirring in the light breeze accompanied me as I walked slowly toward my sister’s grave. Both of my sisters are buried in the cemetery just a few miles outside of Himmel, Wisconsin. My father is as well. But today it was Annie I’d come to visit.

My heart beat a little faster as I neared the gravesite. I’m not afraid of the dead. It’s the memories they leave behind that haunt me. Quiet Annie with her soft voice and big blue eyes, too shy to join the other laughing, shouting kindergarteners at recess—but the first to run over to comfort a little boy struggling not to cry on the first day. Imaginative Annie, commandeering our wide front porch as a sailing ship for her and her cat, Mr. Peoples, to travel around the world. Kind-hearted Annie, sharing her Halloween candy with me when I’m forced to surrender my own treats as penalty for talking back. Sweet, brave, compassionate, eight-year-old Annie, who ran into a burning house to save Mr. Peoples twenty-two years ago, and never came back. 

Over all the years since, people—my mother, my aunt, my therapist (yes, I went that route once), my best friend—have reassured me that her death wasn’t my fault, that I was just a child. But, I was older. I should have been watching over her. I should have seen her slipping back to the house after we’d all escaped. In my deep heart’s core, I can’t ever forget that. 

Now and then, and always on her birthday, I go to the cemetery to see her. I know that she isn’t really there. But her grave is an anchoring spot for me. I catch her up on the good, the bad, and the ugly happenings in my life. She knows what hurts me, and she knows what frightens me—secrets I don’t share with anyone else. I tell her what our mother is up to, and how others she knew in life are doing. I say all the things to her that I would if she were still here. I try to make up for the fact that I’m alive, and she isn’t. But, of course, I never can. 

When I’m talking to her at the cemetery, it feels as though she can really hear me. And I know that she answers. Not right there, at the grave, but later, in unexpected ways. Sometimes, I hear Annie speak to me through a chance remark a stranger makes, or a phrase that leaps out at me from a book, or a sudden flash of insight on a problem I’m wrestling with. I don’t share that belief with very many people. If I did, I might be forced to resign my membership in the Doubting Thomas Society, to which all good journalists should belong. But I can’t accept that those occurrences are just coincidental. I really can’t.

So, on the anniversary of her birth, once again I sat down on the bench in front of her grave and told her how sorry I was that she had died. That I hadn’t saved her. That I still missed her. And then I told her what was really going on in the seemingly successful life of Leah Nash, former small-town reporter, current true crime author, and soon-to-be business failure. 


When I say I talk to Annie, I mean that literally. I have a one-sided, out-loud conversation with her, though only when I’m sure I’m alone. Some people already think I’m crazy. No need to give them additional proof. On this particular day, I had a serious problem weighing on my mind. 

Not long before, I had made what seemed, at the time, like a brilliant decision. The Himmel Times Weekly, the paper where I’d started out in journalism, and where I’d found a home again after a self-inflicted career injury, was closing. I decided to buy it. I asked a wealthy, community-minded, local attorney, Miller Caldwell, to invest with me. And then I asked a lot of other people—reporters, an editor, stringers, office and sales staff—to work very hard, for very little money, in the hope that together we could keep the Himmel Times alive.

It was exhilarating at first. But it had become an increasing source of anxiety for me. Just as we were getting off the ground, Grantland County Online, a digital-only news site (and I use the term “news” loosely), had gotten a major infusion of capital and a new publisher. Now GO News, as it’s more commonly known, was kicking our butt. 

“The scariest thing, Annie,” I said, “is that we’re barely keeping our heads above water, while GO News keeps getting bigger. They don’t have the expenses we do—no print edition, no delivery costs, and they don’t spend a lot of staff time fact-checking. Plus, they started Tea to GO. Did you know that the cool kids say, ‘spill the tea,’ when they mean ‘what’s the gossip?’ 

Tea to GO is full of ‘What married school official was seen in Milwaukee with a very attractive staff member last Thursday night? Did we say late, last Thursday night?’ That kind of garbage. It’s almost all blind items—the better to avoid lawsuits, my dear. But people are eating it up. Every time you go into the Elite Café, someone is trying to figure out who the latest gossip is about.”

I paused for a bit of a wallow in self-pity. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t tried to shake things up at the Times, to get us moving ahead, but so far nothing I’d done had made much difference.  

“We have a good team. Miguel is much happier since he gave up the managing editor job. He really didn’t like bossing people. And Maggie McConnell is doing great in that spot. She’s got the instincts, the skills, and forty-five years in the news business behind her. If she could only spin straw out of gold, she’d be perfect. But since she can’t, we’re making do with a budget so lean it might as well be made out of turkey burger.

“I gave Allie Ross—you remember, I told you about her. She’s the high school kid we’ve been using as a stringer. Anyway, I gave her a part-time job for the summer in the office. She’s doing the routine stuff, obits and inside pages copy—weddings, anniversaries, club news. She’s got promise, but she’s only fifteen. Troy, the other reporter besides Miguel, is a little bit of a suck-up—and his news judgment isn’t quite there yet. Still, he’s a hard worker. The stringers are a pretty mixed bag. 

“Now, here’s a twist I bet you didn’t see coming. I hired Mom to take April Nelson’s place as office manager. I know, I know, it’s a dicey move. But she’s smart, and efficient, and she gets the job done. Plus, she comes cheap. It’s been a little challenging, I admit. Remember when I used to get mad at her and say, ‘You’re not the boss of me!’ and she’d send me to my room? 

“Well, now I’m the boss of her, only I don’t get to send her to her room. Yes, OK, I’m not supposed to be doing the day-to-day. That’s Maggie’s job. I understand that. But I can’t just hide away in my office and write my next book if the paper is falling apart two floors below me, can I?

“Everybody took a leap of faith when we reopened the Times, and everyone is putting everything they have into it. I can’t let them down. I have to find a way to keep us afloat. I just didn’t know it would be so hard, Annie.”

I paused for a breath before I wrapped things up. 

“And then there’s Gabe. I don’t know. I like him as well—no, probably better than—anyone I’ve gone out with in a long time. He makes me laugh, and he’s really smart. And he likes strong women who speak their minds. In my experience, a lot of men don’t. So what’s the problem, right? Well, it’s not exactly a problem. It’s more that I’m afraid a problem might be coming. Lately, it feels like he’s pushing me a little, like for a commitment or something. Can’t we just enjoy each other? Can’t we just be without getting all serious, and defining things, and making plans? I don’t want to change things. That’s when things go bad, when you try to change them.”

I slumped back against the bench with a sigh. Usually, when I lay everything out to Annie, it makes the issues seem a little more manageable. This time it all still felt overwhelming. 

Then, a voice spoke.


Fortunately for my mental health, it wasn’t Annie’s. I turned and looked behind me. 

“Coop! How long have you been standing there?” I asked, trying to remember exactly what I’d said out loud. It’s not that Coop and I have major secrets. He’s my best friend, after all. Still, I don’t tell him everything I tell Annie.

“Long enough,” he said with a grin that didn’t offer me much comfort. I tried to move the conversation away from my chat with Annie, particularly the Gabe part.

“What are you doing here?”

“Your mom said you were here. I called your cell, but it didn’t go through.”

“Yeah. It’s a dead zone—pun totally intended—in the cemetery, except for the hill. What did you want?”

“Nothing. I brought something for Annie.”

I looked down at his right hand and saw that he carried a small pot of pink flowers. Pink was Annie’s favorite color. Tears sprang to my eyes. I quickly blinked them away.

 “That’s so nice. Why?” 

He shrugged. “I know what today is.”

I’m all about keeping my tough outer shell polished, but I was so touched, I couldn’t keep up the facade. 

“You’re a pretty great friend, you know that?” 

He smiled, but he looked embarrassed, and tried to cover it by moving to put the flowers next to Annie’s headstone.

“Did you really come just to put flowers on Annie’s grave?”

“No, not just for Annie. I took some to Rebecca, too.” He was kneeling, positioning the flowers, with his back to me. I couldn’t see his expression.


Rebecca had been Coop’s wife and my nemesis until she was killed last year. I wasn’t happy that Coop had lost someone he loved, but I couldn’t pretend I was sorry she was gone. She’d done everything she could to break up our twenty-year friendship and came close to succeeding. I couldn’t think of anything nice to say about her. So, I employed the Thumper rule, and didn’t say anything. 

Coop apparently didn’t want to get into the subject of Rebecca either, because as he stood and turned to me, he said, “I’ll walk out with you. I’ve got my truck. We can throw your bike in the back and you can ride home with me.”

“Yes, please. I didn’t realize it was so hot. I just about sweated to death pedaling out here.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” he said, taking in my damp, bedraggled hair, slipping from its hair clip, and the beads of moisture coalescing into a river of sweat running down the side of my forehead. “You kind of look like you just took a shower.” He sniffed the air, “Except you don’t have that shower-fresh scent.”

“Shut up,” I said. “I’m a head-sweater from way back. Deal with it.” I smiled though, because there’s something very nice and very easy being with a person who really doesn’t care how you look—or in the present situation—smell. 

We walked together in companionable silence, until I’d decided he hadn’t heard any of my one-sided conversation with Annie. That dream died in the next minute.

“So, what’s going on with you and Gabe? He’s a nice guy, Leah. You’re not getting ready to toss him overboard, too, are you?”

“No. Why would you say that? And what do you mean by ‘too’?”

“You really want to go there?” He cocked an eyebrow. It’s a not very funny running joke between Coop and my mother that I always find a reason to cut my romances short. 

“No, I don’t. I thought you didn’t believe in illegal surveillance, and what do you call lurking around cemeteries where people are having a private conversation? It’s nothing. Really.”

He looked at me for a second, but all he said was, “OK.”

Our conversation was cut off as a tall woman in her fifties, her hair pulled back and hanging in a long, gray braid down her back, appeared and abruptly crossed the path in front of us.

“Hello, Marcy,” I said.

She looked up as though surprised we were there.

“Leah. Coop.” She nodded but didn’t stop to talk. We knew where she was going. To the top of the hill on which sat a small granite building that resembled an ancient Greek temple. The family mausoleum held Marcy’s grandparents, her own mother, and Marcy’s baby daughter, Robin. One day, it would hold Marcy, too.

We watched in silence as she reached the building, pulled a key out of her pocket, unlocked the door, and slipped inside, like a ghost gliding through a wall. It had been sixteen years since Marcy White’s baby had died, and she still came every week. People said she brought a different book each time and read it to Robin. They said it like it was something weird, or even crazy. Not me, though. I understood why she did it.

“You know what, Coop?” I asked, as we continued on down the path.


“I’m calling bullshit on death.”


Author Info

I am a charter member of Introverts International (which meets the 12th of Never at an undisclosed location).I’ve worked as a reporter and managing editor, during which time I received a first place UPI award for investigative reporting and a Michigan Press Association first place award for enterprise/feature reporting. Which for someone whose previous award history consisted of 3rd place in the 50-yard-dash, when there were only 3 runners, was a pretty big deal.

I’ve also taught composition at the college level, written advertising copy, newsletters, press releases, speeches, web copy, academic papers and memos. Lots and lots of memos. I live in rural Michigan with her husband Gary, who is a man of action, not words.

During certain times of the day, I can be found wandering the mean streets of small-town Himmel, Wisconsin, looking for clues, stopping for a meal at the Elite Cafe, dropping off a story lead at the Himmel Times Weekly, or meeting friends for a drink at McClain’s Bar and Grill.

Some of my favorite mystery writers are Jill McGown, Sue Grafton, Sara Paretsky, Lisa Scottoline, Lisa Lutz, Michael Connelly, Peter Robinson, Raymond Chandler, Reginald Hill, Kate Atkinson, Laurie King and well, more than there is room for here.

Please visit my website; 

Book Review: Starting Over at Blueberry Creek by Annie Rains

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

STARTING OVER AT BLUEBERRY CREEK (Sweetwater Springs Book #4) by Annie Rains is another wonderful addition to the Sweetwater Springs contemporary romance series. Ms. Rains has written a friends-to-lovers story that pulled at every one of my heartstrings.

Brenna McConnell put her college education to become a teacher on hold to finish raising her younger sister, Eve when their parents are killed in an accident. Brenna takes over her mother’s catering business with her aunt and when her sister graduates from high school she fears her sister’s desire to become a firefighter like their father. Eve is headstrong and difficult with Brenna acting like a mother instead of the sister she misses which causes a rift between them.

Firefighter Luke Marini moves next door to the sisters to start over in a new town. He immediately notices the beautiful brunette next door, but one of the reasons he moved was to get away from his previous neighbor and have people not know about his past. Brenna welcomes her new neighbor even as he seems cold to her neighborly advances, but Luke is finding he cannot stay away from the temptation of the sweet Brenna.

Luke helps Brenna realize that her sister is an adult, even though she may not act like one at times and it is time for Brenna to work on realizing her own dreams. Brenna is used to sacrificing for others and she is finding it difficult to only think of herself, especially when wonderful firefighter may be her chance at a future that may be slightly different than what she always dreamed of.

I love Ms. Rain’s storytelling! It pulls me in to her small-town characters and lives effortlessly. Brenna and Luke both had so much going on emotionally, past and present and yet Ms. Rain’s writing makes you feel empathy and not sympathy. The growth and changes flow throughout the story, including Brenna and Eve’s relationship. Sometimes what we believe will make us happy, is not necessarily so and both of the main characters learn that and grow. All the secondary characters are fully fleshed out and the sex is all behind closed doors.

I love this book and all the Sweetwater Springs books and recommend them all! I want to thank Forever Books and Net Galley for allowing me to read this eARC. It was very much my pleasure.

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: A Venomous Love by Chris Karlsen

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Blog Tour for A VENOMOUS LOVE (The Bloodstone Series Book #3) by Chris Karlsen. I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for the third historical mystery featuring Detective Rudyard “Ruddy” Bloodstone.

Below you will find a book description, my book review, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. Enjoy and good luck!


Book Description

A veteran, Detective Rudyard Bloodstone has fought a brutal battle and witnessed war horrors that haunt his nightmares. Now one of those horrors has followed him home from Africa.

A vicious predator, the Cape cobra, can kill a man in thirty minutes. A suspect using the snake as a weapon in robberies is terrorizing London.

When the crimes escalate into murder, a victim’s daughter, Honoria Underhill, becomes the focus of the killer. After several attempts on her life, Scotland Yard threatens to take over the high profile case. With few leads to follow, Bloodstone and his partner must now fight department politics and catch the killer before Underhill becomes another murder victim.

Title: A Venomous Love (Bloodstone, #3)

Author: Chris Karlsen

Genre: Historical Suspense set in Victorian London

Release Date: February 28, 2020

Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

A Venomous Love (The Bloodstone Series Book #3) by Chris Karlsen is the latest historical mystery in this series set in the Victorian era featuring Detective Rudyard Bloodstone. These are entertaining reads that give you a snapshot of the people in this era and it also gives you a look at the limitations of the police to solve crimes. No CSI here, just old-fashioned legwork and logic with a little luck thrown into the mix.

Detective Rudyard “Ruddy” Bloodstone and his partner Detective Archie Holbrook are on the case of a thief who uses a unique deadly weapon to get his victims to turnover their valuables, a Cape cobra. Ruddy knows how quickly this snakes’ venom can kill having fought against the Zulus in Africa.

When the robberies escalate into murder, Ruddy and Archie wonder why the victim’s daughter, Honoria Underhill becomes the main focus of their thief. As they work the case, Ruddy’s brother, Will who has returned from service in India becomes a bodyguard for Honoria.

With few leads and the threat of Scotland Yard taking over the case. Ruddy and Archie are racing the clock to catch the killer before Honoria becomes another murder victim.

I really enjoy reading these mysteries featuring Rudyard Bloodstone. Ruddy, his partner and all the secondary characters pull you back in time with an interesting case to solve. Ms. Karlsen makes you realize how limited early law enforcement was and the class differences that could also impact a case. The use of the Cape cobra as a weapon was unique and even though you know the person behind the crime, the story still keeps you intrigued and interested.

I recommend this historical mystery and all the books in The Bloodstone Series.


Author Bio

I was born and raised in Chicago. My father was a history professor and my mother was, and is, a voracious reader. I grew up with a love of history and books.

My parents also love traveling, a passion they passed onto me. I wanted to see the places I read about, see the land and monuments from the time periods that fascinated me. I’ve had the good fortune to travel extensively throughout Europe, the Near East, and North Africa.  

I am a retired police detective. I spent twenty-five years in law enforcement with two different agencies. My desire to write came in my early teens. After I retired, I decided to pursue that dream. I write three different series. My paranormal romance series is called, Knights in Time. My romantic thriller series is Dangerous Waters. The newest is The Bloodstone Series. Each series has a different setting and some cross time periods, which I find fun to write.

I currently live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband and five wild and crazy rescue dogs.  

Social Media



Facebook Page: 




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Rafflecopter Giveaway

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Release Blitz and Book Review: M for Murder by Keri Beevis

Hi, everyone!

I am very happy to be included in the Release Blitz for M FOR MURDER by Keri Beevis. (This book was previously published as Dead Letter Day in 2013.)

This standalone thriller’s plot will grab you from page 1 and pull you into a fast paced twisted story that intertwines a serial killer’s story from eight years ago with a present day series of killings. They thought the killer died in a fire, but there was no body.

Has he returned to continued his Alphabet Killings ?


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

M for Murder by Keri Beevis is an engrossing and fast paced standalone thriller. (This book was previously published as Dead Letter Day in 2013.)

Eight years ago, the ninth victim of The Alphabet Killer escaped. With her escape came the identification of the serial killer as Professor Rodney Boone an English Professor from the college. During the escape, the professor was stabbed twice and the basement kill room was set on fire. No body was discovered and the killings stopped.

Present day. The killings have resumed right where they left off in the alphabet. Rookie cop, Rebecca Angell is excited to be assisting the two FBI agents assigned to the case. She soon finds that not every investigator plays by the rules.

The investigators are convinced they are dealing with a copycat killer, but Boone’s body was never found. Is Professor Boone back or is someone else finishing The Alphabet Killers letters?

I have to say that this plot pulled me in and did not let up. There are several red herrings and plot twists that constantly had me questioning who the killer may be. I did not guess the killer or the twisted ending correctly and that makes me very happy. I was disappointed in Rebecca. She was always hot-headed and confrontational. The male characters were difficult and chauvinistic, but I would have really liked Rebecca to have handled her frustration and temper better.

The thriller plot is great and because of that and the surprise twist ending I recommend this book for an engrossing read.


Author Bio and Social Media Links

Keri Beevis wrote her first novel at age twenty, but it was a further twenty years before she was published after winning a contract in the Rethink Press New Novels Competition 2012.

Born in the village of Old Catton, less than a mile from where Anna Sewell was living when she wrote Black Beauty, Keri had a passion for reading and writing from a young age, though her tastes veered more to the macabre.

Today she still lives in Norwich, along with her two naughty kitties, Ellie and Lola, and a plentiful supply of red wine (her writing fuel), where she writes a comedic lifestyle column for a local magazine. She loves Hitchcock movies, exploring creepy places, and gets extremely competitive in local pub quizzes. She is also a self-confessed klutz.

Keri joined the Bloodhound team in 2019 and her first release with them, the psychological thriller, Dying To Tell, which is set in her beautiful home county of Norfolk, has been her biggest success to date, with over 1200 four and five star ratings on Goodreads.

Her new novel, Deep Dark Secrets (which was previously published as The Darkness Beneath) was released in January 2020.

Find out more about Keri and her books at or you can follow her on Facebook at or Twitter at

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Audiobook Review: Chemical Attraction by Christina Thompson

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Chemical Attraction Audiobook Blog Tour. This Feature Post and Audiobook Review is for the romantic suspense CHEMICAL ATTRACTION (The Chemical Attraction Series Book #3) by Christina Thompson and narrated by Gary Bennett. This book can be read as a standalone in terms of the suspense plot, but there is a lot of crossover of characters from the previous two books.

Below you will find a book synopsis, my audiobook review, an author interview with a character from her books, the author and narrator’s info and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. Enjoy!


About the Audiobook

Author: Christina Thompson

Narrator: Gary Bennett

Length: 10 hours 3 minutes

Publisher: 48fourteen⎮2019

Genre: Romantic Thriller

Series: The Chemical Attraction Series, Book 3

Release date: Dec. 26, 2019


Book Synopsis:

Working in nanotechnology, Madeline Pierce, a dedicated scientist, has pain in her heart from an abusive relationship. She hides in her research. Charismatic yet brooding, Joe Roberts searches for an instant chemistry with his soulmate, the one person who will love him for his faults not in spite of them.

Dr. Pierce teams up with Agent Roberts to uncover a criminal network within her medical research facility in West Michigan. Feeling an undeniable attraction, they struggle to stay professional while they determine the degree of company involvement.

In the nearby farming town, animals violently attack the residents. Someone is experimenting outside the laboratory. Are human test subjects next? With the help of Joe’s sister Eva, a physician assistant at the local hospital, and her husband Chief Matt Connor, Joe and Madeline hunt for this new bio-weapon before the death toll rises in this gripping third book of The Chemical Attraction Series.

Buy LinksBuy on AmazonAudible


My Book Review:

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

CHEMICAL ATTRACTION (The Chemical Attraction Series Book #3) by Christina Thompson is the third romantic suspense in this engaging series. In this story it is Joe’s turn to feel the chemical attraction. The suspense story can be read as a standalone, but there is a lot of character crossover between the books in this series. I suggest you read or listen to them all in order. You will not be disappointed.

Dr. Madeline Pierce is a scientist who specializes in nanotechnology. She discovers discrepancies on invoices at the medical research facility where she works. When her questions lead to answers that do not add up, she asks the FBI for help.

FBI Agent Joe Roberts is sent to meet with Dr. Pierce. The two use the pretense of a relationship to work together to get to the truth. Joe never believed he would find the chemical attraction his sisters talk about until he meets Madeline, but she is his contact on this dangerous case.

As they work together, they struggle to keep their relationship professional. Joe has a history of being a player and Madeline has been terribly abused in the past. Can she trust this chemical attraction to be real? And can their relationship survive as they fight a horrific threat to humanity?

I have been waiting for Joe to meet his “one” and this story did not disappoint. I love when a player is brought down by a strong and intelligent woman. Even with her past and some insecurities, she is a heroine that fits with Joe. The suspense plot is well paced, realistic and terrifying in that aspect. There are some graphic scenes, but they are in line with the plot so for me they were not gratuitous. I enjoy Eva and Matt being active participants in this story and crossovers from “The Kindred Code”, book #2 in this series. None of the characters in this series have it easy in love or danger.

I listened to the audiobook this time after reading the first two books in this series. Gary Bennett narrated this audiobook and this was my first time listening to him. I enjoyed his voice and I would definitely look for other audiobooks with his narration.

I recommend this audiobook and all the books in the Chemical Attraction series!


Author Character Interview:

Matthew Connor from Chemical Attraction

Hello Everyone! I’m Christina Thompson, the author of Chemical Attraction, a romantic thriller. I’m joining you today to promote Chemical Attraction’s Audiobook narrated by Gary Bennett.

I’ve had the privilege of getting to know the people in this story. Eva Connor and Joe Roberts are siblings by choice. They’ve told me their story, and I wrote about their amazing journey. These interviews take place just after their adventure. [trivial spoilers/no plot spoilers]

Ruggedly handsome with a calm demeanor, Matthew Connor had pushed any romantic life aside to focus on raising his eight-year-old son, David. Then, he met Eva and watched her take his hometown by storm. Now as the police chief, he helped Joe on his FBI case.

CHRISTINA: When you first saw Eva with David, what was your first thought?

MATT: Mesmerizing came to mind. She definitely spiced up my life. The first time she visited my home, she turned the town upside down. I didn’t think the Allenton gossip circuit could travel faster than the speed of light. Boy, that weekend it had.

CHRISTINA: How hard was it to be a single dad for the first eight years of David’s life?

MATT: Tough. Like I mentioned before, gossip is big in this town and stereotypes are even bigger. I’ve been the chief for nine years, but I’m still known as the guy who knocked up his high school girlfriend. Beth gave up her rights to David right after he was born while I embraced fatherhood. I wouldn’t have changed a thing though. David makes me a better person, and I strive to be the man he looks up to.

CHRISTINA: Uncovering a criminal network in your town, Joe created tension by not informing you about his case from the beginning. How’s your relationship with him?

MATT: Man, I don’t want him to visit us anymore … too much drama when he’s around. Joking aside, I love Joe like a little brother. Years ago, I helped him out of a sticky situation, which cemented a brothers’ bond. I could do worse than having a federal agent as a brother.

CHRISTINA: I get the feeling that your responsibilities take over much of your life. What do you do for fun?

MATT: Ha. Not having much fun these days. I enjoy spending time with my wife and I crochet to relax. It’s meditative. My mother taught me years ago. I made David’s first baby blanket, and I donate the baby blankets I make now to our local hospital. After seeing the basket of yarn next to our sofa, Joe gave me a hard time until Eva told him what I did with the finished ones. Boy, did he feel bad. His niceness lasted for a month. It really creeped Eva out.

Thanks for stopping by. You can find the audiobook of Chemical Attraction on Amazon:


About the Author: Christina Thompson

Christina Thompson has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Nazareth College in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She is a certified massage therapist from the Health Enrichment Center’s School of Therapeutic Massage in Lapeer, Michigan. She also has a Diploma in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in Racine, Wisconsin.

Her background in biology gave her a love of science and an insight into the physical realm of the body. Her holistic understanding of Traditional Chinese medicine taught her that the mind and spirit affect the body in powerful ways.

As a former holistic practitioner with over 20 years of knowledge, experience, and service, Christina now enjoys writing about the physical science, the emotional workings of our mind and heart, and the spiritual energy that taps into our passions.

She is the author of the romantic thrillers in The Chemical Attraction Series, which include Their Rigid Rules, The Kindred Code, Chemical Attraction, Chemical Reaction, and an anthology of short stories, Searching for Her. She has also written the romantic adventures, The Trucker’s Cat and The Garden Collection.


About the Narrator: Gary Bennett

Narrator Gary Bennett is a SAG-AFTRA audiobook narrator.  He was born and raised in California and then in Bozeman, Montana, and is the oldest of 4 children.  He now calls the greater Seattle area his home, and he’s a huge fan of the Seattle Seahawks

He’s always been passionate about not just telling a story, but telling it well!  From reading bedtime stories with his children to performing in front of the microphone, bringing a story truly to life is one of his greatest joys.

Gary has pursued his career in audiobook narration with zeal, investing in not only personal coaching from some of the best in the field, but in also some of the best equipment for his professional home-based studio.  There are few things he enjoys more than stepping into his StudioBricks home studio and recording his favorite books!

Gary is also a licensed electrical engineer and a private pilot, loves to listen to and play music and is an avid outdoor enthusiast.



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Book Review: A Favor for a Favor by Helena Hunting

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

A Favor for a Favor (All In Book #2) by Helena Hunting is a contemporary romance that will have you laughing out loud and/or teary eyed more times than you can count throughout this fun and entertaining read. This is the second book in the “All In” series featuring alpha professional hockey jocks from Seattle’s new expansion NHL team, but it is easily read as a standalone romance.

Stevie Bowman is excited to surprise her boyfriend returning from her trip early to her and her boyfriend’s new apartment in time for her birthday. But the surprise is on her when she walks in and finds him in bed having sex with someone else.

Her brother, Rook helps her out by letting her live in his team apartment he is not using while she gets back on her feet. As she stumbles in late at night, she wakes her neighbor, who is not happy to be woken up. Stevie just wants to hide and get away from this jerk of a neighbor.

Bishop Winslow cannot believe his strait-laced team captain is keeping a side piece in his apartment. He already hates that Rook was made team captain instead of him and this makes it even worse. Imagine his surprise when he finds out the mistress is actually the hot younger sister.

Bishop suffers a severe groin injury in the very first pre-season game. Stevie offers Bishop a deal. She will assist with his rehab so he can return to the ice sooner, if he will give her a letter of recommendation which will help advance her career in sport physiotherapy. Can they keep it strictly professional?

I absolutely love Bishop and Stevie. They are perfect examples of “do not judge someone because you don’t know what they are going through privately.” The underwear war had me laughing out loud.

I am fast becoming a huge fan of Helena Hunting’s romances. The characters are realistic, full-fleshed and the dialogue is pitch perfect. She captures the sex appeal and down-and-dirty language and foibles of young professional male athletes. The women she creates are strong, but surprisingly quirky and/or have an emotional impediment that I would never think would work as a match for these men and yet each is the perfect match.

I highly recommend this contemporary romance and author!


Author Biography:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. Helena writes everything from contemporary romance with all the feels to romantic comedies that will have you laughing until you cry.

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