Book Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: The Vampire Next Door by J.T. Hunter

The Vampire Next Door

The True Story of the Vampire Rapist

by JT Hunter

Tour February 1 – February 29, 2020

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tour for The Vampire Next Door (The True Story of the Vampire Rapist) by J.T. Hunter.

Below you will find a book synopsis, my book review, an excerpt from the book, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway.


Book Synopsis:

While he stalked the streets hunting his unsuspecting victims, the residents of a quiet Florida town slept soundly, oblivious to the dark creature in their midst, unaware of the vampire next door.

John Crutchley seemed to be living the American Dream. Good-looking and blessed with a genius level IQ, he had a prestigious, white-collar job at a prominent government defense contractor, where he held top secret security clearance and handled projects for NASA and the Pentagon. To all outward appearances, he was a hard-working, successful family man with a lavish new house, a devoted wife, and a healthy young son.

But he concealed a hidden side of his personality, a dark secret tied to a hunger for blood and the overriding need to kill. As one of the most prolific serial killers in American history, Crutchley committed at least twelve murders, and possibly nearly three dozen. His IQ eclipsed that of Ted Bundy, and his body count may have as well.

Genre: True Crime
Published by: RJ Parker Publishing
Publication Date: October 11th 2014
Number of Pages: 365
ISBN: 1500909491 (ISBN13: 9781500909499)
Purchase Links:Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

The Vampire Next Door: True Story of the Vampire Rapist and Serial Killer by J.T. Hunter is a true crime story of a serial killer who was terrifying in his ability to hide his depravity.

John “JB” Crutchley is a good looking man with a genius IQ and working as an engineer. To his neighbors in Florida, he was a hard-working, quiet husband, father and neighbor. He was sometimes socially awkward and could hold a grudge, but these were just looked at as quirks. At one time he even held a top secret security clearance when he worked on projects for the Pentagon and NASA.

There was a dark side to JB’s personality that he kept behind closed doors. He enjoyed bondage, choking and hungered for blood. Women went missing in areas that JB lived. He was accused of at least twelve murders, but authorities believe there were many more.

I found this to be a well written true crime novel. Mr. Hunter writes an account that pulls you right into John Crutchley’s life. His research flows into a writing style that gives you all the information without being stark and feeling as though you are just reading an information dump. Mr. Hunter also does a wonderful job introducing the reader to Crutchley’s victims and the one woman who got away. At times, this killer reminded me of Ted Bundy and that made it even more chilling.

This book focuses as much on the victims and law enforcement officers, as it does the killer and the narrative flows perfectly to tie the whole story together throughout the book. The ending is not what I was expecting or hoping for, but this is not fiction and you cannot change the facts.

I highly recommend this true crime book and author. I am looking forward to checking out more of Mr. Hunter’s work.


Book Excerpt

Chapter 2

You were a vampire . . .

Nineteen-year-old Christina Almah was still a virgin, and a bit naïve when it came to matters of sex, but like most teenaged girls on the verge of womanhood, she enjoyed receiving attention from good-looking, romantically inclined men. Yet, even she was surprised when, after a handsome, slightly older man took an interest in her, she found herself traveling all the way across the country to see him again.

Christina first met twenty-two-year-old Carl Von Bane several months earlier while he was visiting a friend near her hometown of Westminster, California. She immediately noticed him when he walked into the Drug Emporium where she had been working for the past year as a clerk, and they had quickly hit it off. His rugged, bad-boy looks and confident disposition combined to render her fully smitten. But the budding romance had barely begun before “Von” returned home to Florida. Their brief time together had passed much too quickly for the love-struck Miss Almah.

Since Von’s departure, they had continued their blossoming relationship by telephone racking up steep long distance bills. All the while, Christina had meticulously saved her meager Drug Emporium pay so that she could afford to purchase a plane ticket to visit him. When Von had called her a few weeks ago, Christina hinted at wanting to see him again by casually mentioning that she had some vacation time that needed to be used. When he suggested that she catch a flight to Florida to visit him, she had immediately agreed. After all, this was not some fly by night infatuation. She thought that she might be in love.

Christina had been counting the days until this trip—a weeklong vacation certain to be a memorable one if for no other reason than the fact that it would be the first time she had ever traveled alone. She booked a direct flight on Eastern Airlines from Los Angeles to Orlando International Airport, and Von had picked her up there nearly a week ago. Since then, she had been staying with Von in his mother’s mobile home at Lot 12 of the Enchanted Lakes Mobile Home Park on Malabar Road, near the eastern edge of the City of Palm Bay in southern Brevard County.

Named for the lush palm trees that lined the bay at the mouth of Turkey Creek, the nearly 100-square-mile Palm Bay had experienced a period of rapid growth in recent years fueled by an influx of retirees, northern transplants, and space industry workers. As part of the “Space Coast,” Palm Bay benefited from its proximity to Cape Canaveral, home to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s space shuttle program. To the west of Palm Bay, just past Interstate 95, a vast expanse of swamps and marsh grass stretched beyond the horizon, home to an endless assortment of flora and fauna. Under the blinding gaze of the eternal Florida sun, cold-blooded creatures swam silent and unseen as they had for ages past, ancient predators stalking their unsuspecting prey.

Immediately to the east of Palm Bay sits the Town of Malabar, a small, quiet community only thirteen square miles in size. Its eastern edge meets the Intracoastal Waterway in a subtropical paradise of palm trees, sailboats, and spectacular sunsets. The area’s abundant seafood, perennial sunshine, and constant sea breeze reminded Christina of her favorite parts of California. That familiarity was reassuring. It felt comfortable. She felt safe.

A petite girl standing about five feet, four inches tall and weighing a little less than 110 pounds, Christina was not a beauty queen, but she was not unattractive either. Indeed, her green eyes and brown hair combined in an inviting way that most men found sensual and appealing, and she had enjoyed her fair share of suitors. Although she had shared a few intimate moments with boys in high school, she had never found one with whom she felt comfortable enough to sacrifice her virtue. Still sexually inexperienced, she had the classic Libra traits of compassion, innate gentleness, and a genuine caring for others, traits that were sometimes misconstrued by men. Still, it never dawned on her that Von’s testosterone-driven brain would expect something more than a kiss hello, or that he would interpret her willingness to fly across the country to visit him as a green light for sleeping together. Von had tried to take that next step during her first night in Florida, and when she told him that she was not ready, he had reluctantly played the part of the understanding boyfriend, but he could not wholly hide his irritation and mounting frustration.

Von worked at Gator Chrysler in nearby Melbourne, and he had to leave Christina alone for much of the day. That had been the routine for most of the week, and the excitement of staying with someone in another state had long-since faded away. On this particular morning, she passed some time by listening to a worn down cassette tape of Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” album, popping it into the cherry red Sony Walkman that Von had given her. She played several songs, rewound the tape, and played them again, but after a while she tired of listening to the provocative singer purr about being “touched for the very first time.” She tried watching television after that, but quickly lost interest in the mindless game shows and melodramatic soap operas that dominated the channels. Growing bored, she decided to walk to Melbourne a few miles away to visit several friends that she had met through Von. She would be flying back to California the next morning and wanted to say her good-byes and make the most of her final day of vacation. Wearing blue jeans, sandals, and a black t-shirt with a Harley-Davidson insignia splashed across the front, she left the trailer shorty after 1:00 p.m. It was the twenty-first day of November, 1985.

As she walked out of the entrance of the mobile home park, a light rain began to fall. She could see dark clouds gathering in the distance and a westerly wind promised that they would soon be present. Somewhere beyond the visible horizon, thunder rumbled ominous and angry, its source hidden behind an approaching wall of grey and black clouds.

Christina turned left and started walking faster as the rain increased, heading east on Malabar Road toward U.S. 1 and the Intracoastal. She planned to stop at the Jiffy Mart at the corner of Malabar Road and U.S. 1 to buy a pack of cigarettes before walking north into Melbourne. She had not gone far when a small, light-colored car pulled up beside her.

Behind the wheel of the two-door automobile sat a clean-shaven man wearing a stylish, navy-blue sports coat, a black-and-white striped tie, and a nice pair of dress slacks, not the cheap K-Mart kind, but the higher quality cloth and cut of a more fashionable men’s store. The man looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. He had loafer style shoes, but he was not wearing them while he drove. Christine thought it slightly odd that the well-dressed man’s bare foot operated the gas and brake pedals, but she gave it no more than a fleeting thought. She had certainly seen much stranger things during her time in Florida. The man’s eyes were concealed behind darkly tinted sunglasses and his face was framed by a mane of medium-length, dirty blonde hair. He had a thin build, and though slightly pale in complexion, his handsome facial features held an undeniable allure. She could not help feeling an attraction to him.

Flashing a broad, inviting smile, he leaned over, rolled down the passenger door window, and greeted her in a friendly, reassuring voice.

“It’s a bit wet today for a walk, isn’t it?” he asked with a wry, disarming smile. “Can I give you a lift?”

Although Christina was initially wary of his invitation, he looked harmless enough and it was the middle of the day in broad daylight in a public place, so she did not wait long before responding.

“Well,” she said, deliberately drawing out her reply as she decided how much to trust the seemingly friendly stranger. “I’m on my way to Melbourne to meet some friends. Are you going anywhere near there?”

“Sure, I have to go that way to get to my office. I just need to stop by my house real quick to pick up a notebook for work, but it’ll only take a minute or two. Go ahead and hop in.”

She hesitated for just a moment, studied her Good Samaritan one last time, and then grabbed the passenger side door handle of the car. As she opened the door, she heard Sting’s new song, “Russians,” playing on the car’s radio.

The country had long since fallen into the depths of the Cold War, and the perpetual threat of nuclear holocaust loomed in the back of most people’s minds like some amorphous boogieman lurking in the shadows. As Christine pulled the door closed, Sting’s voice flowed out of the car’s speakers, echoing what seemed to be the universal mood in America and Western Europe, the growing fear of a nuclear attack by the Russian-controlled Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  The song sought to appeal to the good in what President Reagan dubbed the “Evil Empire,” expressing a desperate hope that the Russian leaders loved their children enough to avoid the horror of a nuclear holocaust.

Suffering from the same state of uneasiness expressed in the song, Christina found herself captivated by the sense of calm that seemed to radiate from the man behind the wheel. They drove for a little while making small talk. While they chatted, she caught a glimpse of the man’s eyes behind his sunglasses. Their azure shade of blue added to the aura of assuredness he projected, and it seemed to Christina that the man’s eyes had the power to peer into her very soul, not in any unsettling way, but in an understanding, comforting manner that disarmed her naturally cautious disposition. He seemed genuinely interested in learning about her, and she was impressed with how articulately he expressed himself. He was charming, witty, and exuded self-confidence, and Christine felt relieved that he seemed to be normal. Some of Von’s friends that she had met were more than a little on the odd side.

After about five minutes, the man turned his car onto a bumpy, dirt road, and then continued on for a few minutes more before exiting onto a gravel driveway obscured by a tall row of hedges. Planted across the inner edge of the yard, the hedges had grown high enough to block a clear view of whatever was behind them. As the car continued down the driveway, a well-kept lawn, dotted sporadically with pine and oak trees, came into view. At the far end of the lawn stood a redbrick, Colonial style house with four white columns framing a large front door painted the same shade of white as the columns. The gravel driveway ended at a double-length carport on the left side of the house. The man pulled into the carport and parked. Two motorcycles stood at the opposite end of the parking area.

“I’ll be right back,” the man told her as he took the key out of the ignition and slipped on his shoes.

He stepped out of the car and walked to the side door of the house, where he paused and glanced back at her.

“Hey, you want to come inside for a drink?”

She smiled politely.

“Oh, no thanks, my friends are expecting me and I don’t want them to worry.”

“Suit yourself,” he said, before unlocking the door and disappearing into the building.

After a few minutes, the man emerged and announced with an embarrassed laugh that the notebook was not in the house after all.

“It must be in the back of the car,” he said, an amused smile spreading across his face as if he had just remembered an irresistibly funny joke.

He walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door, flashing her the same smug alligator smile. He crawled into the back seat and began looking around, grinning all the while.

Suddenly, the back of Christina’s seat shot forward, slamming her violently against the dashboard. Stunned by the force of the impact and shocked by the unexpected attack, she was barely able to register the sound of something rustling behind her.

Then something brushed against her forehead. Before she could react, her neck jerked back painfully, and she began to choke. Frantically, she reached for her purse, attempting to grab something – anything – to try to defend herself. Her fingers brushed against the top of a can of OFF insect repellant. Desperate, she thought that if she could spray her attacker in his eyes, she might be able to blind him long enough to get away.

But as her fingers closed around the spray can, the man’s voice, angry and powerful, startled her into submission.

Stop it or I’ll kill you!”

As her initial impulse of self-defense gave way to a paralyzing feeling of despair, her hand retreated out of her purse and her arm fell numbly to her side.

Then the rope tightened and everything went black.


Author Bio:

J.T. Hunter is an attorney with over fourteen years of experience practicing law, including criminal law and appeals. He has significant training in criminal investigation techniques. He is also a college professor in Florida where his teaching interests focus on the intersection of criminal psychology, law and literature.

Catch Up With J.T. Hunter On:, Goodreads, BookBub, Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook!


Rafflecopter Giveaway:

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Toxic Deception by K.C. Gillis

Toxic Deception (A Jordan Reed Mystery) by K.C. Gillis

#ToxicDeception @kcgilliswriter @damppebbles #damppebblesblogtours

Hi, everyone!

Today it is my turn on the Toxic Deception Blog Tour. I am excited to share my Feature Post and Book Review for Toxic Deception (A Jordan Reed Mystery Book #1)) by K.C. Gillis, who is a new to me author.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review and the author’s bio and social media links. This is a fast-paced, entertaining start to a new thriller series. Enjoy!


Book Blurb

Strange symptoms. Bloody secrets. Can one reporter solve a medical mystery before she ends up in a body bag?

Jordan Reed put her world on hold to hunt down corruption. So when the gutsy journalist gets tipped off about blood money changing hands at a pharmaceutical factory, she dives into the story. With an otherwise healthy worker dropping dead of multiple organ failure, Jordan suspects something far more sinister than a simple accident…

Daring to go up against big pharma, she gains an ally on the inside and recruits two friends to join the investigation. But after a string of false leads and tight-lipped witnesses, she ties her case to disturbingly similar evidence in a medical trial on the other side of the globe. And if she doesn’t expose the lethal conspiracy soon, Jordan is terrified she and her team could be the next victims of the lethal cover-up.

Can Jordan take down a greedy corporation before they sacrifice more lives in the drive for profit?

Toxic Deception
is the first book in the gripping Jordan Reed thriller series. If you like tenacious heroines, underdog stories, and edge-of-your-seat action, then you’ll love K.C. Gillis’s page-turning tale.


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

TOXIC DECEPTION by K.C. Gillis is an engrossing new thriller by a new to me author. A junior staff reporter versus an amoral biochem/pharmaceutical company and it just picks up in speed and suspense as it progresses.

Jordan Reed is a staff reporter on the metro beat at a small newspaper. She returns home one day after her morning swim to find an envelope taped to her door. It contains an obituary for a young husband and father who died under mysterious circumstances. Jordan is not a crime reporter, but when she starts to ask questions, she finds she has a story that may tie the pharmaceutical company and its COO back to an experimental drug trial that killed her mother.

With help from her ex-fiance, still best-friend Travis and her friend Charlie Choi who works at the CDC, Jordan fights to learn what the company is hiding. This lethal conspiracy needs to be uncovered before there are more victims, including Jordan and her friends.

I enjoyed this introduction to Jordan and her friends from K.C. Gillis. The thriller plot is an interesting investigation into the biochem/pharmaceutical industry and the massive amounts of money that corrupt the entire system. Jordan makes an interesting new journalist protagonist to follow, but she is at times a little too naïve to believe for her position. That said, she will hopefully be a little more careful in her decisions in future books. She is inquisitive and caring and I do not want those qualities to change. The secondary characters are well fleshed out and I hope to read more about Travis in future Jordan Reed books.

I recommend this thriller for a fast-paced, entertaining read.


About the Author:

K.C. (Kevin) Gillis is the author of the Jordan Reed mystery series. Despite being a lifelong lover of stories and books, writing took a distant back seat as his professional career travelled through the Canadian Air Force, a decade as a chemist, followed by a long and continuing run in corporate America. With writing no longer in the back seat (but not quite yet in the front seat), Kevin has the initial novels (plus one novella) in the Jordan Reed series well under way. His personal interests focus on endurance and water sports, and obviously a lot of reading!. Having grown up in the Canadian Maritimes, he now lives in the US northeast.

He can be found online at You can connect with Kevin on Twitter at @kcgilliswriter, on Facebook at and you can email him directly at

Information on all of his books can be found at

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Purchase Links:

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:


Publishing Information:

Published in paperback and ebook formats on 6th February 2020 by Chesterfield Press

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan

San Diego Dead (Jake Wolfe #4) by Mark Nolan

#SanDiegoDead #JakeWolfe @marknolan @damppebbles #damppebblesblogtours

Hi, everyone!

Today, it is my turn on the San Diego Dead Blog Tour. I am excited to be sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for San Diego Dead (Jake Wolfe Book #4) by Mark Nolan. This is the first book I read in this series and I cannot wait to go back and read the previous books after falling in love with Jake and Cody.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review and an about the author with social media links. Enjoy!


Book Blurb

Danger awaits Marine-turned-lawyer Jake Wolfe on his vacation to sunny San Diego and Cabo San Lucas. There he finds sugary white sand beaches, warm turquoise water, boat trips among gray whales, and … cold blooded murder.

It was meant to be a relaxing holiday for Jake and his adopted war dog, Cody, but violence erupts when he crosses paths with a criminal cartel urgently seeking to reclaim a deadly package.

Jake learns the missing item is a threat to US citizens and vows to stop the cartel from possessing it, no matter what vigilante justice actions he might have to take.

Time is running out and thousands of innocent lives are at risk. Will the two combat veterans be able to retrieve the dangerous item before the killers do? The clock is ticking, but Jake hopes that if anybody can help find the package, it has to be his highly-trained and ultra-intelligent dog, Cody.

Find out what happens next. Start reading the latest Jake and Cody thriller right now and enjoy another fast-paced stand-alone story by author Mark Nolan.


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

San Diego Dead (Jake Wolfe Book #4) by Mark Nolan is a fast-paced action thriller featuring Jake Wolfe and his retired war dog, Cody. This is my first time to read a book in this series. The plot lends itself to be easily read as a standalone, but multiple characters seem to be carried over from previous books. That said, I loved it so much that I bought the first three books in a bundle pack.

Jake Wolfe is a veteran Marine turned lawyer, but he is also part of a secret covert operation team. He and his retired war-dog, Cody live on a borrowed yacht. Jake’s Marine training, love of country and the strong moral code have him fighting against national security threats and assisting his many friends and brothers-in-arms.

Jake is on vacation with his girlfriend, Sarah and Cody in Cabo San Lucas to relax and whale watch with a fellow veteran and friend, Pez. Pez is hiding secrets that put Jake, Cody and Sarah in the crosshairs of a ruthless Mexican cartel leader, who will do anything to retrieve a stolen package.

Until Jake can unravel the mystery of the package with help from his friends, they are all in mortal danger. And when they discover what the package contains, it becomes a threat to national security. The clock is ticking as Jake and Cody work to destroy the cartel, secure vengeance for his friend and neutralize the threat to the country.

This is an extremely fast-paced and exciting, easy-to-read thriller. The plot is packed full of action, danger, a ruthless cartel, terrorism and human trafficking that does not slow down. Jake is an alpha hero and with his war-dog Cody, they work together to slip out of some very tight situations. There is a large ensemble of secondary characters that work with Jake and Cody that make the story feel more realistic than just a lone hero taking on the world. I really love that Mr. Nolan gives Cody a unique personality and he gives his own third person perspective on his pack leader occasionally. I read this book all in one sitting and I am looking forward to reading the previous books in this series, too.

I recommend this fast-paced thrill ride of an adventure.


About Mark Nolan:

Mark Nolan has spent much of his life near the seashore. He loves dogs and has often been called a “dog whisperer.” These interests are reflected in his novels where the main character lives on a boat with his highly intelligent former war dog.

Social Media:




Purchase Links:

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Publishing Information:

Published in ebook and paperback formats on 31st August 2019.

Book Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: The Mentor by Lee Matthew Goldberg

Hi, everyone!

Today, I am excited to be on The Mentor Book Tour. This Feature Post and Book Review is for an intense new thriller – THE MENTOR by Andrew Lee Goldberg.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review, and the author’s bio and social media links. Enjoy!


Book Blurb

Kyle Broder has achieved his lifelong dream and is an editor at a major publishing house.

When Kyle is contacted by his favorite college professor, William Lansing, Kyle couldn’t be happier. Kyle has his mentor over for dinner to catch up and introduce him to his girlfriend, Jamie, and the three have a great time. When William mentions that he’s been writing a novel, Kyle is overjoyed. He would love to read the opus his mentor has toiled over.

Until the novel turns out to be not only horribly written, but the most depraved story Kyle has read.

After Kyle politely rejects the novel, William becomes obsessed, causing trouble between Kyle and Jamie, threatening Kyle’s career, and even his life. As Kyle delves into more of this psychopath’s work, it begins to resemble a cold case from his college town, when a girl went missing. William’s work is looking increasingly like a true crime confession.

Lee Matthew Goldberg’s The Mentor is a twisty, nail-biting thriller that explores how the love of words can lead to a deadly obsession with the fate of all those connected and hanging in the balance.


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

THE MENTOR by Lee Matthew Goldberg is an intense psychological thriller. Literary references, a cynical look into the book publishing industry and a college literary professor who dreams of immortal fame. A twisted and dark page-turner. (This thriller is not for the squeamish.)

Kyle Broder is a young New York house editor who has a new deal with a debut author that has put him in the limelight. The publicity is noticed by college professor, William Lansing who was Kyle’s mentor in college and assisted him in straightening out his life. William gets in touch and lets Kyle know he is writing a novel. Kyle is more than happy to read his mentor’s opus.

Kyle cannot believe not only the poor writing, but the story is depraved. He finds himself trying to let his mentor down gently with his rejection, but William obsessively injects himself into Kyle’s life and threatens his career.

Kyle learns that there is no way to separate himself from William’s story and he must finish reading the manuscript to discover the fate of all the people tangled up in this psychopath’s story.

I feel this will be one of those books everyone will have very differing responses to. It was a riveting, hard-to-put-down thriller that has an escalating cat-and-mouse game going on between Kyle and William. It is also quite graphic in descriptions of cannibalistic behavior and thoughts. That said, it has a twisted, psychological plot that pulled me in and had me continuing to read until the end just as Kyle did inside the story. I also enjoyed the dark twist after the climax at the end of the book.

I recommend this for dark psychological thriller lovers.


Author Bio

Lee Matthew Goldberg is the author of the novels THE DESIRE CARD, THE MENTOR, and SLOW DOWN. He has been published in multiple languages and nominated for the 2018 Prix du Polar. The second book in the Desire Card series, PREY NO MORE, is forthcoming in 2020, along with his first Sci-Fi novel ORANGE CITY.

His new endeavor will be as the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Fringe Press and Fringe Digital, dedicated to publishing fiction that’s outside-of-the-box. His pilots and screenplays have been finalists in Script Pipeline, Book Pipeline, Stage 32, We Screenplay, the New York Screenplay, Screencraft, and the Hollywood Screenplay contests.

After graduating with an MFA from the New School, his writing has also appeared in the anthology DIRTY BOULEVARD, The Millions, Cagibi, The Montreal Review, The Adirondack Review, The New Plains Review, Underwood Press and others. He is the co-curator of The Guerrilla Lit Reading Series and lives in New York City. Follow him at

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Blog Tour/Feature Post and Audiobook Review: The Secret Life of Anna Blanc by Jennifer Kincheloe

Hi, everyone!

Today is my first share on the Anna Blanc Myseries Audiobook Series Blog Tour. This Feature Post and Audiobook Review is for THE SECRET LIFE OF ANNA BLANC (The Anna Blanc Mysteries Book #1) by Jennifer Kincheloe.

Below you will find a book synopsis, my audiobook review, an author interview Q&A, the author and narrator’s info and social media links and a giveaway. Enjoy!


About Audiobook #1

Author: Jennifer Kincheloe

Narrator: Moira Quirk

Length: 12 hours 45 minutes

Publisher: Jennifer Kincheloe⎮2016

Genre: Historical Fiction Mystery

Series: Anna Blanc Mysteries, Book 1Release date: Nov. 14, 2016


Book Synopsis:

It’s 1907 Los Angeles.

Mischievous socialite Anna Blanc is the kind of young woman who devours purloined crime novels, but must disguise them behind covers of more domestically-appropriate reading. She could match wits with Sherlock Holmes, but in her world women are not allowed to hunt criminals.

Determined to break free of the era’s rigid social roles, Anna buys off the chaperone assigned by her domineering father and, using an alias, takes a job as a police matron with the Los Angeles Police Department. There she discovers a string of brothel murders, which the cops are unwilling to investigate. Seizing her one chance to solve a crime, she takes on the investigation herself. If the police find out, she’ll get fired; if her father finds out, he’ll disown her; and if her fiancé finds out, he’ll cancel the wedding.

Midway into her investigation, the police chief’s son, Joe Singer, learns her true identity, and shortly thereafter she learns about blackmail. Anna must choose – either hunt the villain and risk losing her father, fiancé, and wealth, or abandon her dream and leave the killer on the loose.

Buy Links for Audiobook #1Buy on AmazonAudible


My Book Review:

RATING: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

The Secret Life of Anna Blanc (Anna Blanc Mysteries Book #1) by Jennifer Kincheloe is the first book in a historical mystery series set in 1907 Los Angeles featuring young socialite Anna Blanc. I listened to this audiobook and was entertained by the narrator’s performance.

Young socialite Anna Blanc feels caged by her overprotective father and societal rules. After several failed attempts to change her life which only managed to tarnish her reputation, Anna finally has a plan that can work. She has a new chaperone she bribes for her freedom and she uses an alias to obtain a job as a police matron for the Los Angeles PD.

Anna discovers there are a string of brothel murders the police are covering up. Anna has always dreamed of being a police detective and this is her chance to solve a crime and prove herself, but the consequences for failure and/or exposure are high.

I hope the listener will give this audiobook/book a chance to get going. At first Anna’s personality is that of a spoiled, sheltered and self-centered debutante, BUT she evolves and learns as her circumstances change. I do feel the author makes you feel the restrictions of that time for women as well as Anna’s frustrations very well. Anna is inquisitive and intelligent, not just a young female character who lucks into the resolution. While the crime itself is serious, there are many lighter moments throughout. I would have given this book a higher rating, but it took too long to get to the mystery plot and for Anna to begin to mature. Once the storyline progressed though, I enjoyed it more.

I look forward to listening to more of Anna’s adventures. Moira Quirk does a wonderful job of narrating this book and brought Anna to life for me.


Author Interview Q&A:

1. How did you select your narrator? 

An Anna Blanc fan who is also a fan of Moira’s knew I was auditioning narrators because I posted it on Twitter. She tweeted me and said, “You need to hire Moira Quirk.” So, I checked Moira out. While I loved her work, I initially dismissed the idea because Moira is English and Anna Blanc is American. I didn’t yet realize that Moira can do anything. She’s won a million awards. Anyway, the book is hard to narrate because you have to get the delicate mix of humor and darkness right. I auditioned some 30 narrators, and they had many strengths, but no one had everything I wanted.  I finally approached Moira and asked, “Can you do an American accent?” Her audition was perfect. 

2. How closely did you work with your narrator before and during the recording process? Did you give them any pronunciation tips or special insight into the characters? 

Moira instinctively gets Anna. Also, she’s a perfectionist and committed to excellence. I like her artistic choices. She might ask how to pronounce a word, but she doesn’t need me at all.

3. Were there any real life inspirations behind your writing? 

Yes. I got my storylines straight from the 1900s newspapers. A 19-year-old white missionary woman was found dead and stuffed in the trunk in her Chinese American lover’s apartment in New York’s Chinatown. I moved the story to Los Angeles, but lots of things are the same, right down to tiny details. After you’ve listened to the audiobook, Google Elsie Sigel and Leon Ling. The B plot in the novel is about two singsong girls–Chinese sex slaves–who were stolen away from their “owner,” a tong president. It almost led to a gang war. The LAPD were hunting the singsong girls to give them back to their “owner” so the LAPD could collect a $1,000 reward and avert violence.

4. Are you an audiobook listener? What about the audiobook format appeals to you? 

I LOVE audiobooks. I listen to 20 audiobooks for every one paper book I read. The narrator is everything to me, which is why I’m so thrilled with Moira Quirk.

5. If you had the power to time travel, would you use it? If yes, when and where would you go? 

Definitely 1900s Los Angeles! I’d go everywhere that Anna would go–fancy hotels, cheap brothels, Joe Singer’s apartment.

6. What do you say to those who view listening to audiobooks as “cheating” or as inferior to “real reading”?


7. How did you celebrate after finishing this novel? 

I need to work on that celebration thing. 

8. In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of writing a stand-alone novel vs. writing a series? 

I liken it to a movie vs. a TV series. You simply have more time to develop the characters. You know them so well.You also have the challenge of making them grow or change in every book. Sustaining the romance is a trick, but I love how Elizabeth Peters did it in the Amelia Peabody series. It never got old. The audiobooks of that series are seriously the best I’ve ever heard (after Moira). They relate the adventures of a woman Egyptologist in the late 19th and early 20th century. Start with CROCODILE ON THE SANDBANK. You’ll thank me.

9. What bits of advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Write for yourself. Not for money, critics, or glory. Only write for yourself

10. What’s next for you?

I have a contract for book three in the Anna Blanc mystery series, which I’ve tentatively titled GRIFFITH PARK. It’s hard to describe the plot because there’s a twist in the beginning and I’m not sure how much to reveal, but it’s more Anna and Joe, more adventures, more LA history straight from the papers.


About the Author: Jennifer Kincheloe

Jennifer has been a block layer, a nurse’s aid, a fragrance model, and on the research faculty at UCLA, where she spent 11 years conducting studies to inform health policy. A native of Southern California, she now lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband and two teenagers. She’s currently writing book three in the Anna Blanc Mystery series. Book two, THE WOMAN IN THE CAMPHOR TRUNK, is coming out in Fall of 2017 from Seventh Street Books.


About the Narrator: Moira Quirk

Moira grew up in teeny-tiny Rutland, England’s smallest county, which is fitting as she never managed to make it past five feet herself.  Moira’s work spans the pantheon of the voiceover world: plays for BBC radio, plays for NPR, video games, commercials, television promos, podcasts, cartoons, movies and award winning audiobooks. She’s won Multiple Audie Awards, Earphone Awards, as well as Audible’s prestigious Book-of-the-Year Award. She has lately set foot in front of the camera again, appearing in “Pretty: the Series” and the Emmy-winning “Dirty Work.”



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Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Going Rogue by Neil Lancaster

Going Rogue (Tom Novak #2) by Neil Lancaster

#GoingRogue #TomNovak @neillancaster66 @Burning_Chair @damppebbles #damppebblesblogtours

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Going Rogue Blog Tour! I am very excited to share my Feature Post and Book Review for GOING ROGUE ( A Tom Novak Thriller Book #2) by Neil Lancaster. In just two books this has become a must read series for me. I love Tom Novak for action and suspense.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review and the author’s bio and social media links. You are going to love this. Enjoy!


Book Blurb

Tom Novak is back.

When a spate of deadly terrorist attacks hit the streets of London, Tom finds himself thrust into the middle of a fight for the survival of all he holds dear.

When the attackers hit closer to home than he could ever imagine, Tom is forced to make a choice between his duty or his conscience. In doing so, he enters a series of increasingly dangerous worlds, in the darkest corners of humanity.

Can Tom and his colleagues get to the bottom of a plot which threatens the very fabric of society?

Will they stop the terrorists before it’s too late?

When faced with the ultimate choice, which way will Tom go?

After all, as Cameron always says: “Always do right, boy…”

Going Rogue is the follow-up to the hugely successful thriller, Going Dark: the book that introduced Tom Novak as the hero who, in the words of best-selling author Tony Parsons, “makes Jason Bourne look like a vegan Pilates teacher”.

Get Going Rogue today, and start a rollercoaster ride of a thriller that you won’t ever want to put down.


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

GOING ROGUE (A Tom Novak Thriller Book #2) by Neil Lancaster is the latest thriller featuring Tom Novak. This book can be easily read as a standalone, but there is some character overlap and it adds to your enjoyment when you read both. I read them both in order and fell in love with this protagonist and author!

Tom Novak was a child refugee, a Royal Marine and an undercover member of an elite army force. He was raised with a strong moral compass and sense of justice. He is highly skilled physically and mentally. After his exploits in Going Dark, he is now a member of the Covert Policing Advice Unit known as “the team”. They specialize in undercover work to disrupt those with power in the military, judiciary and/or civil service who use their positions corruptly.

This story starts with a domestic terrorist attack in London. A mosque is targeted on the Eid to maximize deaths and destruction.

DS Tom Novak is briefed that the bomber was captured and refused to talk, but he did turn over a prepared statement. He is an ex-British soldier living on disability and claims to be a member of the Aryan Defense Force. He states that the group will not stop until all Muslims are expelled from Britain.

As Tom and the team begin to investigate, they find there is missing Semtex and their best option to finding it is to get someone into prison with the bomber. Tom has to move into darker and more dangerous territory for answers. Will Tom and the team be able to stop these terrorists before it is too late?

I am so excited to have another fabulous protagonist and thriller series to follow. Mr. Lancaster had me at book one, Going Dark and now in book two, Going Rogue, I have added this series to my must reads list. Tom Novak, all his team members and his colleagues add up to a great cast of characters. Mr. Lancaster has written a fast-paced thriller that builds in intensity and tension throughout.

I highly recommend this thrill ride!


Author Bio

Neil was born in Liverpool in the 1960s. He recently left the Metropolitan Police where he served for over twenty-five years, predominantly as a detective, leading and conducting investigations into some of the most serious criminals across the UK and beyond.

Neil acted as a surveillance and covert policing specialist, using all types of techniques to arrest and prosecute drug dealers, human traffickers, fraudsters, and murderers. During his career, he successfully prosecuted several wealthy and corrupt members of the legal profession who were involved in organised immigration crime. These prosecutions led to jail sentences, multi-million pound asset confiscations and disbarments.

Since retiring from the Metropolitan Police, Neil has relocated to the Scottish Highlands with his wife and son, where he mixes freelance investigations with writing.

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Publishing Information:

Published in ebook and paperback formats by Burning Chair on 21st November 2019.