Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: The Art of Murder by J.S. Strange

The Art of Murder (Jordan Jenner Mysteries #2) by J.S. Strange

#TheArtofMurder @JackSamStrange @PantherPubs @damppebbles #damppebblesblogtours

Hi, everyone!

Today I am very excited that it is my turn on the Blog Tour for J.S. Strange’s second book in his Jordan Jenner Mystery series – The Art of Murder. I am looking forward to many more books in this series!

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review and the author’s bio and social media inks. Enjoy!


Book Blurb

Artist Xander Draper is being threatened by a dangerous group. With PI Jordan Jenner’s help, Xander hopes to remain unscathed.

But when Xander is murdered, his body displayed as his final exhibit, Jordan realises the extent of the trouble Xander was in. Now, there are people following Jordan. They know his name, and they want him dead.

Meanwhile, Jordan’s brother Ashley has returned, and he has a secret. As time runs out to solve the murder of the famous artist, Jordan begins to fear his brother may be responsible.

A classic cosy mystery set in the heart of Cardiff.

A perfect read for fans of Agatha Christie.

A murdered artist. A brother with a deadly secret. A group intent on killing. The Art of Murder is the second in the Jordan Jenner Mysteries series, a cosy murder mystery set in Wales


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

The Art of Murder (Jordan Jenner Mysteries Book #2) by J.S. Strange is the second cozy P.I. mystery featuring Jordan Jenner. The mysteries are set in and around Cardiff, Wales with a gay male protagonist which makes this series unique and the author’s writing style makes it an intriguing mystery read.

Jordan’s brother, Ashley has shown up unexpectedly from his home in Australia and tells Jordan he is in trouble, but he will not reveal what is the problem.

P.I. Jordan Jenner is hired by artist Xander Draper. He has been receiving threats from a group called The Dirty Dollys. They are an anonymous group that disrupt showings, blackmail and threaten new artists that they feel have been artificially pushed into stardom using illegal means.

Xander’s dead body is displayed in one of his last exhibits.

Jordan and his brother are being threatened and followed. Is it for the paintings Xander gave them before he was murdered? Did the Dirty Dollys kill Xander or are there other enemies that Jordan needs to find. And what secrets is Ashley hiding?

Jordan has several suspects, but will he be able to solve this case before they come for him?

I really enjoyed this second mystery in this series. Jordan became more fully fleshed and vulnerable in this book. We see him start to let people in and try to consciously change his isolation. (I am still cheering for Lloyd.) The mystery was well paced and kept me guessing. All the information about illegal money and publicity tied to the rise of an art world star was interesting and kept me engrossed in the story.

I recommend this book, series and author! I hope I will be able to follow Jordan on many more adventures in the future.


Author Bio

J.S. Strange is an author from Wales, United Kingdom. He writes crime, mystery and horror. His first novels, published in 2016 and 2017, were set in an apocalyptic London. Murder on the Rocks, is the first in a cozy crime mystery series, featuring a leading gay male detective. 

Murder on the Rocks was written by Strange for many reasons. One of those reasons was a lack of representation within the crime genre, particularly with detectives and sleuths. Strange created Jordan Jenner, a private investigator, who lives and works in Cardiff. Murder on the Rocks was written with the intention of shining light on Cardiff, and bringing Cardiff, and furthermore, Wales, into the crime genre. 

Strange’s previous works, such as ‘Winter Smith: London Burning’, also explored LGBT themes, and featured socialite Winter Smith escaping a zombie apocalypse. ‘London’s Burning’ became an Amazon best-seller in LGBT fiction. 

When Strange doesn’t write, he works in television. He also presents a radio show all about the paranormal. He has an enthusiasm for Britney Spears and cats. 

Jack can be reached on Twitter: @JackSamStrange

Social Media

Twitter: @JackSamStrange




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Publishing Information

Published in paperback and ebook formats by Panther Publishing on 30th September 2019.

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: The Third To Die by Allison Brennan

Hi, everyone!

I am back again with another post for the Winter 2020 Mystery/Thriller Blog Tour for Harlequin Trade Publishing. I am excited to share my Feature Post and Book Review for The Third To Die (Mobile Response Team Book #1) by Allison Brennan.

Below you will find an author Q&A, an excerpt, my book review, a book summary, a blurb about the author and her social media links. This is a great start to a new series and I cannot wait for the next. Enjoy!


Author Q&A

Q: Tell us a little about your new release, The Third to Die. What character in the book really spoke to you?

A: THE THIRD TO DIE is the first book in a new series, which is always exciting. I think what I like the most about THE THIRD TO DIE — and the series concept of a mobile FBI task force tackling complex cases in rural and remote areas — is that I can explore some areas that aren’t often written about. With the vast numbers of crime fiction set in New York City, Los Angeles, and the like, I wanted to do something different. (This isn’t to say other authors haven’t — J.A. Jance has a small-town Arizona series and of course Craig Johnson’s Longmire series in Wyoming are two I enjoy.) I like moving the setting from book to book and keeping the core characters — it’s one reason I had Maxine Revere investigate cold cases in places other than where she lived. Because of the nature of the task force, they will be outsiders wherever they go, and need to learn to work together and trust each other. 

In THE THIRD TO DIE, a serial killer hits a small community outside Spokane, Washington. The Triple Killer surfaces on March 3rd to take three victims before he disappears for three years. But this time, the FBI is on the case early, and they have the best chance of finding him. If they don’t, a cop will end up dead. The best thing about this story is being able to create an ensemble cast of characters. I love shows like BONES and SVU where you have a lead character or two, but the writers spend a lot of time developing everyone else, so you feel like you’re part of a team. That’s what I’m trying to create with the MRT series.

Matt Costa heads the group, and what I love most about Matt is his ability to be a leader. He’s a workaholic, but he trusts his team to do their job. He’ll listen to everyone, but when he makes a decision he stands by it. Detective Kara Quinn thinks, “He’s an alpha male trying very hard, and failing, to be a beta.”

Dr. Catherine Jones surprised me. I pictured her (somewhat) as a female version of Will Graham from THE RED DRAGON (the book, not the movies!), torn apart by what she’s seen, but unable to leave the job behind even if it destroys her family. Knowing she’s a secondary character in this book, I was surprised that her few scenes had such an impact. 

But it was Detective Kara Quinn who really spoke to me. Kara was never supposed to practically take over the book. When I first conceived of the opening, where Kara finds the body, I thought Kara would simply be a witness and that she might investigate on her own and possible even end up a victim herself. But getting into her head, learning about her childhood, watching how she interacts with Matt as well as his team … she intrigued me so much that I hoped she survived (it was iffy there for awhile!) because I wanted to keep writing about her.

Q: You write about some interesting and complex characters in your books. From Investigative reporter Maxine Revere to the Rogan/Kincaid families. What is your favorite type of character to write about?

A: This is a hard question! I like exploring a wide variety of characters, both heroes and villains. I love complex and conflicted characters, like Detective Kara Quinn, who has many strengths and a few weaknesses. I love writing villains and trying to figure out why they do what they do. To me, every great hero has a fatal flaw and every evil villain has a redeeming quality. 

Q: How long did it take you to get your rough draft finished on your latest release?

 A: Generally, a rough draft — which is usually pretty clean because I edit as I go — takes me 10-12 weeks to write. Because I wrote THE THIRD TO DIE “on spec” — meaning, it wasn’t contracted by a publisher — I had to write between other projects that had deadlines. I wrote three complete books while also writing this book, so it took me a little over a year to finish the rough draft. But it wasn’t really “rough” — because I had to step away for weeks at a time, in order to get back into the story, I re-read and edited what I’d written, then wrote the next few chapters. 

Q: For readers who haven’t tried your books yet, how do you think your editor or loyal readers would describe your books?

A: My editor usually tells me that my characters are compelling and I know how to increase the tension through to the climax. My long-time readers usually tell me that they feel like they know my characters and that they can’t put the book down because they have to find out what happens. Most readers say my books are suspenseful. I also hear that my books are “intricately plotted” which makes me chuckle because I don’t plot.

Q: When writing, how do you keep track of timelines, ideas, inspiration and such? By notes on the computer, a notebook perhaps?

A: I’ve tried every method of note-keeping, but little works for me. When I’m writing, I write notes directly into the manuscript either using the comment function or just typing in the text *** NOTE *** so I can easily search the asterisks. During revisions I have a notepad next to me with the key points my editor commented on, so I can keep those in mind while fixing problem scenes. For ideas I have a computer file called IDEAS (original, I know!) that I add to from time to time, but I rarely have used any of the thoughts I’ve jotted here.

Q: In The Third to Die, were there any characters that started off as supporting characters, but then developed into a more prominent character?

A: Detective Kara Quinn, who ended up being my favorite character once I was done writing, I’d intended to be a supporting character but as I got into her head, I liked her so much I kept wanting to go back to her. She became much more important to the story — and, ultimately, the series. Detective Andy Knolls, who was a strong supporting character throughout, was originally supposed to be a much more minor character — just the local cop my FBI agents could tap into for whatever they needed. But once he walked out of the autopsy because he thought he would puke, I realized he was a terrific character and I wanted to explore the character of a small-town cop facing a violent crime he was ill-prepared for.

Q: The Third to Die is the first in a new series from you, called the Mobile Response Team. What made you decide to branch out into another series set in the world of the FBI?

A: I had this idea more than a decade ago. When I participated in the FBI Citizens Academy in 2008, I learned about the Evidence Response Team and how they work within the FBI — basically, they are agents from different squads in one jurisdiction who come together because they have specialized training in order to process and investigate specific types of crimes. One example locally was the Yosemite murders that terrified northern California in 1999, investigated by the Sacramento FBI with crime scenes investigated by the Sacramento ERT.  But ERT agents also have their own cases, they’re only pulled together in extraordinary circumstances. So I mentioned an idea to the public information officer about having an ERT unit that worked around the country (rather than in one limited jurisdiction) and he said he didn’t see how it would practically work. I shelved it, but it nagged at me from time to time. Fast forward ten years and the PIO had since retired. He and I were chatting about another book of mine (I call him regularly for research!) and I talked to him again about my idea, but I had tweaked it. I had the concept of a Mobile Response Team to focus on rural and underserved communities, based on reading about some FBI offices that had huge territories and more limited resources (because of size, location, etc.) He thought about it, and said, yeah, he could buy into it, especially since the FBI is working hard on improving its image. So while it’s not an actual FBI task force, it was plausible. So I ran with it.

I love writing crime thrillers. I’m very comfortable writing in the FBI world, maybe because of all the research I’ve done and maybe because I’m interested in the cases they investigate. Because the MRT team moves around, I can explore a multitude of crimes that interest me. With an ensemble cast of characters, I can focus on different characters in each book, hopefully to make them more real to my readers. Matt and Kara will likely lead each book, but like Catherine was a pivotal character in this book, and Michael Harris will be a pivotal character in the second book, I hope to also go deeper into Ryder, Jim, and the rest of the team.

Q: I really enjoy the complex story lines and cases you have in your Lucy Kincaid and Max Revere Books. How much research goes into your stories and is there a particular ‘right from the news headlines’ that catches your interest for a possible storyline?

A: I love research! I read widely and have more than 50 research books on my shelf — forensics, true crime, military, criminal profiling, psychology, police procedures, and more. I have contacts in many professions who I can ask questions. Before I start writing, I have to make sure the set-up works. After that, I research as I write. I participate in “generic” research whenever I have the opportunity–talking to people in interesting professions or going on “field trips” (such as to the morgue to view an autopsy or a ride along with the sheriff’s department)–just to keep my general knowledge about law enforcement up-to-date. 

Because I read widely, and keep up-to-date on crime related news, many ‘right from the headlines’ stories catch my eye, but I rarely write about them. It’s usually a couple stories that I see together that give me an idea. Such as reading about a storm that unearths bones might interest me, but then I’ll read an article about a missing person or a mortgage fraud scheme and twist all the articles into one idea that’s completely different from the original stories. I’ve read a lot about human trafficking, and my second MRT book touches on that based very loosely on an article I read about how coyotes go back and forth across the border and the cost to their victims (financial, emotional, physical) coupled with another article I read about an abandoned camp that may or may not have been used for criminal activity, on top of a conversation I had with my brother-in-law, a wildlife biologist, about birds.

Q: What is the hardest part about writing for you?

A: Procrastinating. I get easily distracted, especially when I’m just starting a book. So I guess that means the beginning is hard, hahaha. Once I am deep into the story — somewhere between 100-150 pages — something clicks and then I can’t write fast enough. In fact, I’ve often said that it takes me twice as long to write the first 100 pages than it does to write the last 300 pages!

Q: What do readers have to look forward to in the future from you?

A: After THE THIRD TO DIE, the next Lucy Kincaid book will be out on March 31, where Maxine Revere gets to join Lucy in San Antonio — but with a twist. In CUT AND RUN, Lucy is investigating the cold case and Max is investigating the recent murder. I’m almost done writing the Lucy book that follows — COLD AS ICE (10.27.20) as well as finishing the revisions of the second MRT book (currently untitled) coming out in the spring of 2021. I also have an idea for a trilogy about a female private investigator that I’m super excited about, and I’ll be starting the first draft of the third MRT book this spring. Oh — and there will be two Lucy Kincaid novellas coming this summer!




Wednesday, March 3 

Liberty Lake, Washington 

12:09 a.m.

Warm blood covered him.

His arms, up to his elbows, were slick with it. His clothing splattered with it. The knife—the blade that had taken his retribution—hung in his gloved hand by his side.

It was good. Very good.

He was almost done.

The killer stared at the blackness in front of him, his mind as silent and dark as the night. The water lapped gently at the banks of the lake. A faint swish swish swish as it rolled up and back, up and back, in the lightest of breezes.

He breathed in cold air; he exhaled steam.

Calm. Focused.

As the sounds and chill penetrated his subconscious, he moved into action. Staying here with the body would be foolish, even in the middle of the night.

He placed the knife carefully on a waist-high boulder, then removed his clothes. Jacket. Sweater. Undershirt. He stuffed them into a plastic bag. Took off his shoes. Socks. Pants. Boxers. Added them to the bag. He stood naked except for his gloves.

He tied the top of the plastic, then picked up the knife again and stabbed the bag multiple times. With strength that belied his lean frame, he threw the knife into the water. He couldn’t see where it fell; he barely heard the plunk.

Then he placed the bag in the lake and pushed it under, holding it beneath the surface to let the frigid water seep in. When the bag was saturated, he pulled it out and spun himself around as if he were throwing a shot put. He let go and the bag flew, hitting the water with a loud splash.

Even if the police found it—which he doubted they would— the water would destroy any evidence. He’d bought the clothes and shoes, even his underwear, at a discount store in another city, at another time. He’d never worn them before tonight.

Though he didn’t want DNA evidence in the system, it didn’t scare him if the police found something. He didn’t have a record. He’d killed before, many times, and not one person had spoken to him. He was smart—smarter than the cops, and certainly smarter than the victims he’d carefully selected.

Still, he must be cautious. Meticulous. Being smart meant that he couldn’t assume anything. What did his old man use to say?

Assume makes an ass out of you and me…

The killer scowled. He wasn’t doing any of this for his old man, though his father would get the retribution he deserved. He was doing this for himself. His own retribution. He was this close to finishing the elaborate plan he’d conceived years ago.

He could scarcely wait until six days from now, March 9, when his revenge would be complete.

He was saving the guiltiest of them for last.

Still, he hoped his old man would be pleased. Hadn’t he done what his father was too weak to do? Righted the many wrongs that had been done to them. How many times had the old man said these people should suffer? How many times had his father told him these people were fools?

Still, he hoped his old man would be pleased. Hadn’t he done what his father was too weak to do? Righted the many wrongs that had been done to them. How many times had the old man said these people should suffer? How many times had his father told him these people were fools?

Yet his father just let it happen and did nothing about it! Nothing! Because he was weak. He was weak and pathetic and cruel.

Breathe. Focus. All in good time.

All in good time.

The killer took another, smaller plastic bag from his backpack. He removed his wet gloves, put them inside, added a good-sized rock, tied the bag, then threw it into the lake.

Still naked, he shivered in the cold, still air. He wasn’t done.

Do it quick.

He walked into the lake, the water colder than ice. Still, he took several steps forward, his feet sinking into the rough muck at the bottom. When his knees were submersed, he did a shallow dive. His chest scraped a rock, but he was too numb to feel pain. He broke through the surface with a loud scream. He couldn’t breathe; he couldn’t think. His heart pounded in his chest, aching from the icy water.

But he was alive. He was fucking alive!

He went under once more, rubbed his hands briskly over his arms and face in case any blood remained. He would take a hot shower when he returned home, use soap and a towel to remove anything the lake left behind. But for now, this would do.

Twenty seconds in the water was almost too long. He bolted out, coughed, his body shaking so hard he could scarcely think. But he had planned everything well and operated on autopilot.

He pulled a towel from his backpack and dried off as best he could. Stepped into new sweatpants, sweatshirt, and shoes. Pulled on a new pair of gloves. There might be blood on the ATV, but it wasn’t his blood, so he wasn’t concerned.

He took a moment to stare back at the dark, still lake. Then he took one final look at the body splayed faceup. He felt nothing, because she was nothing. Unimportant. Simply a small pawn in a much bigger game. A pawn easily sacrificed.

He hoped his old man would be proud of his work, but he would probably just criticize his son’s process. He’d complain about how he did the job, then open another bottle of booze.

He hoped his father was burning in hell.

He jumped on the ATV and rode into the night.

Excerpted from The Third to Die by Allison Brennan, Copyright © 2020 by Allison Brennan. Published by MIRA Books.


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

The Third to Die (Mobile Response Team Book #1) by Allison Brennan is the action packed first book of a new FBI thriller/romantic suspense series. This book grabs you from page one and does not let up.

LAPD Detective Kara Quinn is exceptional undercover, but there were some problems with her last case. She is put on leave for two weeks and returns to her hometown of Liberty Lake to spend time with her grandmother. While jogging, she discovers a murdered young nurse.

FBI Special Agent in Charge Mathias “Matt” Costa is working on setting up his new Mobile Response Team. They will travel the country to help jurisdictions with their special skills. Matt is notified that the murder in Liberty Lake fits an alert that is set for the Triple Killer. Even though his team is incomplete, he sets out to work the case.

The Triple Killer is meticulous. He returns every three years on March third to kill three times. This time, Matt and his team are out to stop him before he can kill again. Kara cannot stand being off work, so when she realizes Matt has limited manpower, she volunteers to help. Matt accepts and the two work against the clock to discover who the Triple Killer is and stop him before he disappears again.

This book has everything I look for in this genre! An edgy, individualistic and strong female lead with a hard-outer emotional shell, an alpha male FBI agent male lead and a group of secondary characters that play an important part in the plot and will be further fleshed and integrated in future stories. Ms. Brennan also always gives me an antagonist killer that is smart, intelligent and scary in their psychopathy.

I love these types of books and this is a definite winner. Ms. Brennan never disappoints me and I cannot wait for more Mobile Response Team books!


The Third to Die : A Novel 

Allison Brennan

On Sale Date: February 4, 2020

9780778309444, 0778309444


$26.99 USD, $33.50 CAD

Fiction / Thrillers / Suspense 

464 pages

About the Book

New York Times bestselling author and gifted storyteller Allison Brennan’s new standalone thriller features a troubled female police detective and an ambitious FBI special agent who wind up at the center of a ticking-clock investigation into a diabolical serial killer.

Brennan’s novel will launch a book-a-year series featuring a fabulous cast of recurring characters. It’s the story of a troubled female police detective and an ambitious FBI special agent who wind up at the center of a ticking-clock investigation into a diabolical serial killer; and the bond they forge in this crucible sets the stage for the future books in the series.

Book Summary

Detective Kara Quinn is visiting her hometown of Liberty Lake, Washington, after being placed on administrative leave by the LAPD, when she comes upon the mutilated body of a young nurse during an early morning jog. The manner of death is clearly ritualistic; she calls it in.

Meanwhile back in DC, special agent in charge Mattias Costa is meticulously staffing his newly-minted Mobile Response Team. One of his first recruits is the brilliant FBI forensic psychologist Catherine Jones. When word reaches Matt that the Washington state murder appears to be the work of the Triple Killer–it will be the first case for the MRT. Jones has done the only profile on this serial killer, but she is reluctant to join the unit, still shaken by the death of her sister a year ago under circumstances for which she holds herself responsible. But only she holds the key to understanding the killer’s obsessive pattern–three murder victims, three deep slashes a piece, each three days apart, each series beginning on a March 3rd–3/3, then a three-year hiatus before he strikes again.

This time they have a chance to stop him before he claims another victim strikes, but only if they can figure out who he is and where is is hiding.


About the Author

Allison Brennan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of three dozen thrillers and numerous short stories. She was nominated for Best Paperback Original Thriller by International Thriller Writers, has had multiple nominations and two Daphne du Maurier Awards, and is a five-time RITA finalist for Best Romantic Suspense. Allison believes life is too short to be bored, so she had five kids. Allison and her family live in Arizona. Visit her at

Social Links

Author website:

Facebook: @AllisonBrennan

Twitter: @Allison_Brennan

Instagram: @abwrites


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Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: The Last Sister by Kendra Elliot

#TheLastSister, #KendraElliot, #LastSisterBlogTour, @AuthorKendraElliot (Facebook), @KendraElliot (Twitter), @Kendraelliot (IG) @Kendra_Elliot (GoodReads), @AmazonPublishing (Facebook), @AmazonPub (Twitter), and @AmazonPubishing (IG).


Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to be on the Blog Tour for the first book in Kendra Elliot’s new romantic suspense series – Columbia River. THE LAST SISTER (Columbia River Book #1) had me glued to the page from start to finish.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review and the author’s bio and social media links. This is a new romantic suspense series, but there are a few characters you may recognize from Ms. Elliot’s Callahan & McLane series. Enjoy!


Book Blurb

Twenty years ago, Emily Mills’ father was murdered, and she found his body hanging in the backyard. Her younger sister, Madison, claims she was asleep in her room. Her older sister, Tara, claims she was out with friends. The tragedy drove their mother to suicide and Tara to leave town forever. The killer was caught. The case closed.

Ever since, Emily and Madison have tried to forget what happened that night – until an eerily similar murder brings it all back. It also brings FBI special agent Zander Wells to the Oregon logging town. As eager as he is to solve the brutal double slaying, he is just as intrigued with the mystery of Emily’s and her sisters’ past.

When more blood is shed, Zander suspects there’s a secret buried in this town that no one wants unearthed. Is it something Emily and Madison don’t know? Or aren’t telling? And Tara? Maybe Emily can’t bear to find her. Because when Tara disappeared, she took a secret of her own with her.


By Kendra Elliot
Montlake; January 14, 2020
(Mystery | 336 pp. | Hardcover: $24.99, ISBN#: 978-1542006729; Kindle: $5.99,
ASIN#: B07SLZ9LMN; Paperback: $12.95, ISBN#: 978-1542006705)

“Elliot skillfully unravels layers of intersecting stories, each one integral to the overall story of the Mills family and their small-town secrets. Readers will want to see more from this author.” – Publisher’s Weekly

“Part budding romance, part compelling backstory, part prescient tale of racism: provocative on all fronts” – Kirkus Reviews


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

THE LAST SISTER (Columbia River Book #1) by Kendra Elliot is the first book in a new romantic suspense/FBI mystery series. This book is easily read as a standalone, but a few of the characters are carry overs from Ms. Elliot’s Callahan & McLane series.

Twenty years ago, a family was shattered when the father was found hanging from a tree and their home burned to the ground. The mother committed suicide a week later, the eldest daughter disappeared and that left two small girls with secrets that they would hide for years.

Present day. FBI Special Agents Zander Wells and Ava Callahan are sent to investigate a double murder in a small Oregon coastal town that is eerily similar to a twenty-year-old crime that was supposedly solved. The tip came from Emily Mills who found the slain couple and was one of the sisters who survived the old crime. Zander is determined to solve this double homicide, but he is also intrigued by the old case and Emily.

As Zander and Ava investigate, the killer threatens Emily and her relatives and then strikes again to hide his crimes past and present. Secrets long buried need to be revealed for the past and present cases to be solved before someone else is killed.

I was completely engrossed in all the plot threads in this suspense. Past and present, multigenerational secrets. I like that Ms. Elliot shows the insidious, not in-your-face racism that can infect and destroy multi-generations and towns. Zander and Emily each deserve to find happiness and I feel they were perfect for each other. There is no sex in this story and Zander and Emily are very attracted to each other, but Zander waits until the case is solved.

I highly recommend this book and I cannot wait for more book in this series. There is intriguing investigation, secrets revealed, and the start of a romance that had me turning the pages continually from beginning to “The End”.


Author Biography

Kendra Elliot has landed on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list multiple times and is the award-winning author of the Bone Secrets and Callahan & McLane series, as well as the Mercy Kilpatrick novels: A Merciful Death, A Merciful Truth, and A Merciful Secret. Kendra is a three-time winner of the Daphne du Maurier Award, an International Thriller Writers finalist, and an RT Award finalist. She has always been a voracious reader, cutting her teeth on classic female heroines such as Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, and Laura Ingalls. She was born, raised, and still lives in the rainy Pacific Northwest with her husband and three daughters, but she looks forward to the day she can live in flip-flops. Visit her at

Social Media Links





Blog Tour/Feature Post and Audiobook Review: Outrush by Errin Stevens

Hi, everyone!

It is time for my third and final stop on the Blog Tour for another book in The Mer Chronicles. OUTRUSH (The Mer Chronicles Book #3) by Errin Stevens. This book features Maya and Aiden’s second chance for love.

Below you will find a book synopsis, my book review, author and narrator info and a giveaway. Enjoy and as always good luck on the giveaway.


About Audiobook #3

Author: Errin Stevens

Narrator: Sean Posvistak

Length: 11 hours and 16 minutes

Publisher: Errin Stevens⎮2019

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

Series: The Mer Chronicles, Book 3

Release date: Jul. 17, 2019


Book Synopsis:

“Falling, falling…. Maya was airborne again, suspended between a landless platform above and an inscrutable expanse of water below.” Maya’s headlong rush into marriage isn’t working out…and it isn’t the only collision course she’s on these days. Her saltwater distractions aside, her father-in-law wants her gunned down for reasons unknown, and her pesky bodyguard – when he’s around – seems intent on drowning her in want and regret.

Maya is desperate to hold onto any small part of herself she understands. When escape becomes her only option, she finds herself in a race against a past – and a man – she can’t outrun.

Buy Links for Audiobook #3Buy on AmazonAudible


My Book Review:

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

OUTRUSH (The Mer Chronicles Book #3) by Errin Stevens is the third paranormal/urban fantasy story in the world of the Sirens of Griffin Bay though this addition to the series takes the listener/reader all over the US. The story picks up seven years after the events of Breakwater and focuses on the second chance romance of Maya and Aiden.

Maya has tried for years to make her marriage to her college sweetheart work, but when she catches him having sex with another at a party at her in-laws, she finally accepts there is no fixing their broken marriage. As she works through the revelation, her father-in-law catches her in his office. He believes she has seen incriminating papers and to save himself he orders her followed and killed if she goes to authorities.

Aiden may not be married to Maya, but he feels bonded and therefore goes against all efforts of the Siren community to keep them apart. Using his powers to cloak, he stays on the periphery of Maya life and marriage. When he learns of the danger she is in, he helps her get away, but their troubles are just beginning.

I have to say that I was once again drawn into the Siren world of Ms. Stevens and enjoyed all the characters. I was happy when Maya stood on her principles and strength to continue with her medical education and practice, even with all the chaos around her. She is a strong independent female character, which is why I had some difficulty listening to the first part of the book. It is a lot of internal struggle over several chapters that if she was so strong should have been more limited and resolved sooner in my opinion. I also love Aiden and his devotion to Maya, but the mind manipulation bothered me in some instances. Even with these two complaints, I still cheered their romance on. I was glad to see Ms. Stevens added the proof of Maya and Stu’s divorce before Maya and Aiden came together, also.

There are several subplots going on in this story that I am looking forward to listening/reading about in future books in this series. Once again there is plenty of romance, action, adventure and intrigue in The Mer Chronicles that keeps me coming back for more.


About the Author: Errin Stevens

Errin Stevens writes paranormal romantic suspense stories from her home in Minnesota. When not wrestling with unruly narrative – or reading literary and commercial fiction like a fiend – you’ll find her poring over seed catalogues (winter) or gardening (the other three days of the year).TwitterFacebookGoodreadsInstagramPinterest

About the Narrator: Sean Posvistak

Sean is an aspiring game developer who’s used his years of work on Youtube to excel at audiobook narration.


Giveaway: 6-month Audible Subscription

Runs Jan. 12th-Feb. 1st⎮Open internationally
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Blog Tour/Feature Post and Audiobook Review: Secrets & Lies by Andrew Cunningham

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Audiobook Blog Tour for Andrew Cunningham’s new mystery SECRETS & LIES (“Lies” Mystery Series Book #4). I am very excited about sharing my Feature Post and Audiobook Review.

Below you will find a narrator Q&A, a synopsis of the book, my book review, the author’s bio, social media links and the narrator’s bio along with a giveaway at the end of the post. Good luck on the giveaway and enjoy!


Narrator Q&A

1. When did you know you wanted to be an audiobook narrator?

In 2014 I was looking down the road toward retirement from my federal government job.  I knew I wanted to do something with voice over, but I didn’t want to go to an office. I read the book, “More Than Just A Voice: The REAL Secret to Voiceover Success” by Dave Courvoisier.  The chapter on audiobooks was very intriguing. I did some research and auditioned in late 2014. I was ecstatic that I was selected quickly. It’s been a great adventure and learning experience ever since that fateful day.

2. Did you find it difficult to “break into” audiobook narration? What skill/tool helped you the most when getting started?

I was a radio news reporter in my first career.  Being in front of a microphone was my comfort zone.  I was very glad that I got my first audiobook a few days after my audition.  It helped a lot that I worked with digital audio in 1987 when it was first introduced at ABC Radio News.  Those skills have worked in my favor as an independent narrator not working with a publisher. Plus, I was an audio engineer when I was a student at Syracuse University working with analog audio.

3. A lot of narrators seem to have a background in theatre. Is that something you think is essential to a successful narration career?

I believe it’s necessary to know a little about acting because that’s what narrating mysteries and thrillers is all about.  Through my first reviews, I learned that listeners want distinct character voices so that they know who’s speaking. They don’t want to keep rewinding to keep up with character dialogue.  I’ve studied acting and taken acting classes in order to make the dialogue sound like a movie soundtrack

4. Are you an audiobook listener? What about the audiobook format appeals to you? 

I listen to hundreds of hours of audiobooks each year.  My favorites are biographies narrated by the author. There’s nothing like hearing someone’s story as told by them.  I also love mysteries and thrillers. I also am very picky about narrators.

5. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of narrating an audiobook?

I enjoy the whole process from narrating, editing and processing the audio for final production.  Since I edit my own narrations, it’s my goal to make certain the audio is the best quality to give the listener a terrific experience.  The only frustrating part of narrating is when I get a cold. That shuts down the whole process behind the microphone. That’s when I go into editing mode.

6. What would you say are your strongest narration abilities?

Over the past five years, I’ve made it a point to come up with distinct character voices.  I don’t want them to sound over the top. I want them to sound like every day people and believable.  Some voices come naturally from the author’s words, and others take a little time to get the right cadence and inflection.

7. What about this title compelled you to audition as narrator?

I have narrated six books by Andrew Cunningham.  I haven’t auditioned for a book since 2015. Andrew and I have a great collaboration.  I call him my director because he’ll let me know if I’ve gotten a character’s voice the way he envisioned it when he wrote the story.  There are about four more books that Andrew wants me to narrate. This latest series allows me continue voicing the two main characters, Del and Sabrina, that I now consider my alter egos.

8. How closely do you prefer to work with authors?

I enjoy authors that listen closely to my narration and provide feedback.  I’ve been fortunate to work with Andrew Cunningham on several books because he provides valuable input that makes my narration all the more real sounding.  I get great satisfaction when an author says I’ve brought their book to life.

9. What bits of advice would you give to aspiring audiobook narrators?

I advise aspiring audiobook narrators to do their research.  Narrating an audiobook is time consuming. When starting out, it takes about three hours to narrate and produce a finished hour of an audiobook.  With time and experience, you can cut that down but not by much. You have to be prepared mentally and vocally for the long haul. It takes even longer if you edit and produce your own narrations.  

Bonus question: Any funny anecdotes from inside the recording studio?

There are some words and long sentences that sometimes pose a challenge.  I’ll get half way through a long sentence and then blow the next part or run out of breath.  It’s amazing how some words come out that are not on the page. When I hear the playback, I’ll have a laugh.  Take two, please!


Book Synopsis

Horrific plane crash, murderous deception, and a deadly chase in the alligator-infested Florida Everglades! 

On the afternoon of May 11, 1996, ValuJet 592 plunged into the Florida Everglades. There were no survivors. But something came through the crash unscathed: a small box with huge implications for humankind. And the one man unlucky enough to discover its whereabouts disappeared without a trace. 

Now, 20 years later, the mystery of Flight 592 hits close to home for Del Honeycutt and best-selling mystery author Sabrina Spencer. A shocking revelation launches them into the middle of a dark conspiracy, and locating the box becomes a matter of life or death. They are not alone in the hunt for the mysterious package and very quickly learn that others will stop at nothing to find it, eliminating anyone who stands in their way. 

With killers hot on their trail, Del and Sabrina must navigate dangers lurking both above and below the swamp waters of the Everglades in order to find the box…and to survive.

About the Audiobook

Author: Andrew Cunningham

Narrator: Greg Hernandez

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Publisher: Andrew Cunningham⎮2019

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Series: Lies Mystery Thriller Series, Book 4Release date: Nov. 15, 2019

Buy Link Buy on Audible


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

SECRETS & LIES (“Lies” Mystery Thriller Series Book #4) by Andrew Cunningham is another entertaining mystery/thriller addition to the series. This is the fourth book in the series and the first of the books I have listened to in audiobook format. The mystery plot is a standalone, but I believe you will enjoy these books more by reading them in order.

This book starts with a BANG, literally. Seymour shoots intruders that are sneaking into his apartment.

The story then goes back twenty years in time to when Seymour was called Jack and an airboat driver for a tourist company in the Florida Everglades. Jack/Seymour was enjoying some solitude when ValuJet 592 plunged into the Everglades killing all on board and changing his life forever.

Back to present day and Del Honeycutt, best-selling mystery author Sabrina Spencer and Del’s other tenant Mo, are all shocked to learn the truth about Jack/Seymour, Mo and how his past is coming back to haunt him.

The four friends return to the Everglades together to find a box Jack/Seymour buried twenty years ago and in the process they are on the run from rogue government agents, mobsters, a crooked billionaire and alligators. Are samples from the fabled “Fountain of Youth” really in that long-buried box and will the friends be able to live long enough to find out?

This is such a fun mystery/thriller. The four main characters are unique and entertaining in their own way quirky ways. All the characters, good and bad were able to take the story from fun, dry humor to serious in a heartbeat. To find out Jack/Seymour’s secrets really changed my perception of him from previous books. The mystery plot is full of twists and turns that kept me guessing.

This fourth book, same as the previous book in the series are fun, entertaining reads. Mr. Hernandez does a great job of narrating this book. Because I read the first books, some of the character narration does not match how I envisioned some of the characters to sound in speech. It did not detract from my enjoyment of the audible book though.

I recommend this unique series of books and characters, but as stated previously, I do believe they should be read or listened to in order.


Author Bio and Social Media Links: Andrew Cunningham

I’m the author of novels in several genres, including, mystery, thriller, and post-apocalyptic science fiction. Under the name A.R. Cunningham, I’ve also written the Arthur MacArthur series of mysteries for children.

I was born in England, but have spent most of my life living in the U.S.—including 25 years on Cape Cod before moving to Florida. A former interpreter for the deaf and long-time independent bookseller, I’ve been a full-time freelance writer and copy editor for many years. A 4th-degree Master Black belt in Tang Soo Do, I finally retired from active training when my body said, “Enough already! Why are you doing this to yourself?” I’m married, with two grown children and two awesome grandsons. My wife and I spend as much time traveling as we can, and are especially fond of cruising the Caribbean.

​I have been gratified by the response to my books. When I published Eden Rising back in the spring of 2013, I had no idea what to expect. When I sold my first few copies, I was excited beyond belief that someone was willing to take a chance on it. Numerous books and thousands of copies later, I am still humbled by the emails I get from readers telling me that my books kept them up late into the night.

In October of 2014, Wisdom Spring made me an official Amazon Bestselling author, a thrill I never thought would happen. But it still comes down to being able to bring a few hours of escape to a reader. That’s what it’s all about for me.

I hope you will try my books. Please feel free to email me with your comments.


Narrator Info: Greg Hernandez

Author-preferred Narrator of Mysteries & Thrillers

Narrating audiobooks is highly gratifying.  I immerse myself into an author’s story in order to bring it to life for the listener.  I’ve enjoyed working with Andrew Cunningham for several years. His books are filled with rich characters, and the stories keep me turning the pages.

I also work as a background actor in movies and TV shows.

For more than 20 years, I worked as a radio news reporter and news writer.  I spent half of my broadcasting career at ABC News Radio in the Washington, D.C., bureau.  I covered all the federal agencies as well as Congress and the White House. I reported on a wide range of stories during my career, including financial and entertainment industry news.

For nearly 24 years, I worked as a federal government spokesman at three separate agencies—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Mint and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).



Giveaway: $25 Amazon Gift Card

Runs Jan. 26th-Feb. 2nd⎮Open internationally

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Blog Tour/Feature Post and Audiobook Review: Breakwater by Errin Stevens

Hi, everyone!

Back again for my second stop on the Blog Tour for another book in The Mer Chronicles. BREAKWATER (The Mer Chronicles Book #2) by Errin Stevens. This series just keeps pulling me in deeper and deeper with great worldbuilding and storytelling!

Below you will find a book synopsis, my book review, author and narrator info and a giveaway. Good luck and enjoy!


About Audiobook #2

Author: Errin Stevens

Narrator: Sean Posvistak

Length: 8 hours and 37 minutes

Publisher: Errin Stevens⎮2017

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

Series: The Mer Chronicles, Book 2

Release date: Jul. 17, 2017


Book Synopsis:

The sirens of Griffins Bay are in trouble, and the recent slew of royal suicides looks to be the least of their worries.

For one, unless a blood relative of the queen shows up, no one’s around to staff the monarchy. Well, except for a whack-job bureaucrat and he seriously won’t do. Worse is the community unrest threatening siren society, a problem caused by too many humans in the pool, which means Simon and his off-limit girlfriend will have to run and hide if they want to make more of their flirtation…

The solution doesn’t inspire confidence at first, but the Blakes have everything at hand to set their world to rights – namely, a hidden queen, a dead prince, and a facility for human manipulation. Once they find their sea legs, they’ll restore order, distribute smart phones, and drive that conniving bureaucrat to a grisly, satisfying end.

Buy Links for Audiobook #2Buy on AmazonAudible


My Book Review:

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

BREAKWATER (The Mer Chronicles Book #2) by Errin Stevens takes the reader back into the enchanting world of the Sirens of Griffin Bay. This second book in the series continues immediately after book #1 events in this paranormal world and once again contains a human/Siren romance subplot. These books are best read/listened to in order.

The Siren world is still in upheaval with the absence of an heir to rule their society. The viceroy, Duncan Fleming has been running the government until final decisions can be made, but power can be addictive and even in the Siren world it can corrupt. When a surprise heir is revealed, the viceroy is forced out and plots his revenge.

As the Blakes deal with Siren royalty, a group of rebellious male Sirens return from building an outpost in Antarctica. The brothers, Simon and Aiden are staying with the Blakes and Simon has an instant attraction to Sylvia. Simon refuses to listen to the older Sirens and steals Sylvia off to Antarctica to mate with her without Siren society involvement. Aiden is not so lucky in his choice of mate.

Once again I was carried away into the world of the Sirens. I find all the characters to be dynamic and fully fleshed out. The focus in this book is on Siren society and the continued intrusion and interactions with humans, but the romance between Simon and Sylvia intertwines throughout seamlessly. Ms. Stevens worldbuilding and storytelling skills make me believe in the Sirens and I did not want the story to end. This is a great series for all ages to share. There is some talk of sex, but it is not explicit. The focus is on Siren society, human/siren interaction, family bonds and love.

The more I listen to The Mer Chronicles, the more I want it to never end. Ms. Stevens has brought a wonderful world to life. Mr. Posvistak’s narration is crisp, clear and added to my enjoyment of the story.

I highly recommend this paranormal series and I am looking forward to listening to book #3.


About the Author: Errin Stevens

Errin Stevens writes paranormal romantic suspense stories from her home in Minnesota. When not wrestling with unruly narrative – or reading literary and commercial fiction like a fiend – you’ll find her poring over seed catalogues (winter) or gardening (the other three days of the year).TwitterFacebookGoodreadsInstagramPinterest

About the Narrator: Sean Posvistak

Sean is an aspiring game developer who’s used his years of work on Youtube to excel at audiobook narration.


Giveaway: 6-month Audible Subscription

Runs Jan. 12th-Feb. 1st⎮Open internationally