Feature Post and Book Review: The Wonder of Now by Jamie Beck

Hi, everyone!

I am so excited to be sharing THE WONDER OF YOU (Sanctuary Sound Book 3) by Jamie Beck. I have been anxiously awaiting Peyton’s story in this trilogy and Ms. Beck did not disappoint!

Below you will find a guest post from Jamie Beck, an excerpt, my book review, a book summary, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. As always good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway and you have to read this book!


Guest Post: Author Jamie Beck Urges Readers to Focus on the Wonder of Now

Throughout my career, I’ve loved the challenge of redeeming a character that might be hard to like, much less love. In Peyton, the heroine from The Wonder of Now, I took on a particular challenge, because most of my readers are women, and most women don’t forgive a friend who betrays them for a man. This setup made redeeming Peyton a singular challenge and begs two questions: who is Peyton, and why should you care about what happens to her? 

Peyton Prescott is part of a legendary literary family owing to her great-grandfather’s prolific career as a celebrated novelist. The casual observer would say she’s grown up in a mansion by the sea and enjoyed every privilege (wealth, beauty, wit). But life in Arcadia House wasn’t as picture-perfect as her family would have the public believe, and emotionally distant parents didn’t exactly model warmth or instill a sense of deep love and acceptance. She spent her twenties living out of suitcases and blogging about her travels, then had the misfortune of falling for her childhood friend’s boyfriend, who dumped that friend for Peyton…until she got diagnosed with breast cancer, at which point he dumped her, too. 

Facing her mortality alone forced her to take a hard look at her life and her choices, spurring a sincere desire to become a better person, and to make amends with the friend she betrayed. Although she gets diagnosed in the first book in this series, and begins to make amends in the second, this final book is when all the threads come together. She and her famed-photographer brother recorded her journey from diagnosis through her final surgeries, collaborating on a memoir that is about to release (the proceeds of which will be donated to cancer research). Of course, at this point in time she’s more interested in moving on with her life than with reliving the experience with cancer and sharing those intimacies in public forums. Her attitude puts her in direct opposition to the publicist, Mitch, who is counting on her becoming his fledgling company’s big hit.

Despite Peyton’s flaws, of which she is well-aware, she also has strengths that draw people to her. She’s self-deprecating, witty, brave, beautiful, and empathetic. She now also has a heightened appreciation for living in the moment and not taking any day for granted—something the goal-oriented Mitch must learn to do. Although he has very good reasons for being disciplined and focused on his ambitions, he is instantly drawn to her energetic spirit and zest for life.

I confess that I struggled while writing this book, but it ended up becoming my favorite to date. Not just because I loved rising to the challenge I’d set up, but also because Peyton’s musings, fears, and hopes go to the heart of what connects us all, and because I think I gave her the perfect man to help her complete her much-needed personal growth arc. But you can be the judge!



The writer from the Barcelona Review swaggered in and sat down. Medium height, trim, with coal-black hair worn a bit shaggy. The guy’s eyes lit up when he got his first good look at Peyton’s smile, making Mitch’s gut tighten. 

“Hello, Miss Prescott. I’m Javier Molina, but friends call me Javi.” He reached across the table to shake her hand. 

“Nice to meet you, Javi. Please call me Peyton.” 

The little knot in Mitch’s stomach screwed tighter when he thought she was flirting. She’s only smiling, stupid

Javi set up his phone recorder and then slouched back, feet planted wide apart on the ground, pen in hand. That cocky bastard was trying to intimidate Peyton with his domineering position. “First, let me say I enjoyed the book, although I suspect some of the caustic humor was meant to keep us at a distance.” 

“Not exactly,” she muttered. 

Javi hesitated but would be disappointed if he expected his silence would force her to elaborate. Mitch had watched her operate with interviewers in Rome. She’d make an excellent trial witness, answering only those questions asked—nothing more or less. Even this spare utterance seemed to have slipped through her fortress wall. 

Javi prodded again. “In certain cases, the photographs are more raw than the narrative, although they blend seamlessly together. All but the cover photo, which has no explanation or accompanying exposition. It’s a spectacular, harsh image . . . Can you tell our readers what was going through your mind when it was taken?” 

“You mean aside from ‘I’m going to kill you, Logan’?” She chuckled, buying herself a precious moment to compose her thoughts, Mitch guessed. 

Meanwhile, Javi raised his index finger with a sly nod, as if she’d proved the point he’d made a moment ago about her defense mechanism. Rather than venture another attempt to flirt his way past Peyton’s defenses, Javi simply stared at her this time, waiting for a real answer. 

Her gaze drifted, eyes cloudy. If she’d wanted to discuss whatever happened at the time of that photo, she would’ve put it in the memoir. 

Mitch loosened his fist and wiggled his fingers. She needed to do this for herself, and it might be easier on her if he left the room. It would certainly be easier on him not to listen to the story behind the photo that had captivated yet haunted him for weeks. 

He wrestled with his internal debate until she sighed. 

Without looking at Javi, she picked up the pen and began doodling on the pad in front of her while she spoke. “Forty-five minutes before Logan shot that photo, I’d used the magic mouthwash to help with my mouth ulcers. After the waiting period, I went to the kitchen to get some water. It was predawn, so I’d assumed Logan was sleeping. I took a few sips and then wandered to the living room window. Outside, the street was already coming to life, all shadows and movement and secrets. Garbage men emptying bins, night-shift workers heading home, a stray woman dashing toward the subway on an obvious walk of shame . . . ordinary people living their lives. Probably worrying about the electric bill, or looking forward to a sporting event, or maybe daydreaming about a new love. Things that had once occupied my thoughts but, in that moment, meant less than nothing to me.”

When she paused, Mitch stole a look at her notepad. Daisies? 

Her expression shifted to something self-deprecating. “And yet I envied them and those small worries . . . envied their health. Their nonchalance about another new day. I was so separated from it all—and not only by the glass. I swallowed a scream because I knew they, like me before my diagnosis, were taking everything for granted. I watched them, resentment festering because I might not exist long enough to even see those people months later. Worse, they’d never know. Life everywhere would go on without me, and very, very few people would care. Just like that”—she snapped her fingers—“it hit me that my whole life never mattered much. No spouse. No children. No impressive legacy from my Globejotter days. What, of value, had I done with my time?” 

The room remained silent while she resumed her doodling. “I don’t know what woke Logan. All I remember is that I turned when I heard the camera click, and then he kept snapping.” She finally looked at Javi and tapped the book jacket with the back end of her pen. “That was his favorite of the bunch.” 

Javi straightened his posture while finishing his notes. Peyton shot Mitch a quick glance punctuated by a half shrug. What a strange, intriguing woman. Drawing flowers while relaying her existential crisis to a total stranger. 

Mitch offered a sharp nod of approval when what he wanted was to gather her in his arms like a bouquet of delicate flowers and tell her that he would care very much if she didn’t exist tomorrow or the next day or the one after.


My Book Review:

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

I have been anxiously waiting for Peyton’s story and Ms. Beck did not disappoint!

THE WONDER OF NOW (Sanctuary Sound Book 3) by Jamie Beck is the third contemporary romance in this trilogy about three friends who dubbed themselves the Lilac Lane League growing up and their lives until they each find their HEAs. This can be read as a standalone, but there is character and back-story crossover.

Peyton Prescott is not the same carefree, world travel blogger she was before her breast cancer. She has survived a double mastectomy, reconstruction surgery and a year of baring her sole through words to go along with the pictures taken by her brother, Logan, a professional photographer, of her personal journey to be published as a book with half the proceeds going to fight cancer. Up until the cancer she led a privileged and spoiled life, but now she must find a way to face her new self in the mirror not just physically, but mentally also.

The first leg of publicity for the book is a tour through Europe. Logan is at home planning his wedding, so the publisher hires a publicist to accompany her.

Mitch Mathis has been responsible and disciplined ever since he lost his father to cancer while in high school. His new company’s success is riding on Peyton’s tour being a success. There are definitely sparks between the two, but Mitch has been burned before in an office romance and refuses to ever let personal feelings interfere with business again.

As the tour progresses, Mitch and Peyton’s attraction grows, but so do expectations, stress and miscommunications. Both need to decide if they are willing to be what the other needs.

All three of these books were about such emotionally strong women, but I especially loved this book. I have known many women who have gone through Peyton’s journey and others who have passed on and this book realistically covers so many of their fears and joys as I witnessed their terrifying and amazing journeys. Mitch and Peyton are a wonderful couple with a complex, flawed and slow burn romance that had my emotions engaged throughout. These characters and this book will stay with me for a long time to come.

I highly recommend this contemporary romance trilogy and for me, they only get stronger as they progress.


About The Book:

Title: The Wonder of Now

Author: Jamie Beck

Release Date: September 10, 2019

Publisher: Montlake


Peyton Prescott would give anything for the carefree life she knew before breast cancer changed everything. But instead of using her second chance to move forward, she’s stuck promoting the memoir her brother convinced her to write, thus reliving the very battle she wants to forget. If she hopes her European book tour will allow her to enjoy revisiting her favorite travel-writing destinations, she’s wrong: her PR whiz is too consumed with his own goals to consider her needs.

Mitch Mathis has relied on discipline to achieve his goals, and with his new firm’s success riding on Peyton’s book launch, he must keep her on task. They’re here for business, not pleasure. And Mitch won’t let unbridled desire harm his professional reputation—not again.

When frustrated expectations and attraction throw the tour into chaos, it challenges everything Mitch and Peyton believe about themselves, life, and love, forcing these opposites to consider whether they can embrace the change they need to grow.


Author Biography:

National bestselling author Jamie Beck’s realistic and heartwarming stories have sold more than two million copies. She’s a Booksellers’ Best Award and National Readers’ Choice Award finalist, and critics at KirkusPublishers Weekly, and Booklist have respectively called her work “smart,” “uplifting,” and “entertaining.” In addition to writing, the author of the Cabot novels, the Sterling Canyon novels, and the St. James series enjoys dancing around the kitchen while cooking and hitting the slopes in Vermont and Utah. Above all, she is a grateful wife and mother to a very patient, supportive family. 

Fans can learn more about her on her website, www.jamiebeck.com, which includes a fun “Extras” page with photos, videos, and playlists. She also loves interacting with everyone on Facebook at www.facebook.com/JamieBeckBooks.

Buy Linkhttps://amzn.to/2HLBa3N

Social Media Links:

Website: http://jamiebeck.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamieBeckBooks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/writerjamiebeck

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8020971.Jamie_Beck


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Feature Post and Book Review: Claiming Sarah by Susan Stoker

Hi, everyone!

Today I am excited to share this Feature Post and Book Review for Susan Stoker’s new release CLAIMING SARAH (Ace Security Book 5). This is the final book in this romantic suspense series, but it is easily read as a standalone and it will make you want to go back and read the previous couples’ stories.

Below you will find a guest post from the author, an excerpt, my book review, a book summary, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. Enjoy this romantic suspense with heart and as always good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!


Opposites Attract: When Cole Claims Sarah 

In Claiming Sarah, Cole Johnson is co-owner of one of his town’s most popular gyms. He’s extremely busy since his partner, Felicity, is out of town. He makes an appointment to meet with Sarah Butler, to arrange for some self defense training for her, but he almost loses his chance when she overhears him telling his secretary he’s too busy and to give her an excuse as to why he can’t meet her. The couple (obviously) works out that awkward first meeting and Sarah begins learning how to defend herself from a creepy man who keeps giving her inappropriate presents. Of course the more time Cole spends with Sarah, the more he likes her and they end up dating. When she disappears it’s up to Cole, and Ace Security, to put together the clues to find her before it’s too late.

Cole Johnson is a man who’s used to plowing through his day and when he needs or wants something, he simply gets it. Sarah Butler is more reserved. As a kid who didn’t feel wanted until she was finally adopted she was used to being in the background. Cole and Sarah compliment each other perfectly. Cole is able to ferret out what Sarah wants and needs and he delivers. And in return Sarah keeps Cole grounded. She smooths out his jagged edges.

I think that’s how good relationships work, at least in my books. The Hero is there to protect and shield his woman from anyone or anything that might want to hurt her, and she’s there to keep him grounded and to support him. It seems to just work.



“Do you ask out every woman you train at your gym? It just seems . . . fast.”

Cole stared at her for a long moment, and when he frowned, Sarah felt as if she’d somehow disappointed him.

“No, I don’t ask out every woman I train. Not even close. It’s been a long time since I’ve asked anyone out. And believe me, Sarah, I’m looking at you—and I like what I see. A lot. You’ve got an air of innocence about you that I find fascinating. You’ve had a tough life, but haven’t let it harden you. I respect you, and I . . . I’d like to get to know you better.”

She bit her lip and took a deep breath, but didn’t immediately protest, so he went on. “I have a feeling simply being around you will make me a better person.”

Sarah shook her head. “Don’t do that. Don’t put me on a pedestal. I’m not some paragon walking around sprinkling glitter throughout the world.”

Cole laughed. Threw his head back and laughed as if she’d said the funniest thing he’d ever heard.

Sarah tugged on her hand again, somewhat offended, but he still refused to let go.

When he got himself under control, he said, “I know you’re not perfect. You’re too trusting. You see the good in everyone, even when there isn’t any there. You probably neglect your own health in order to do something good for someone else.”

“You make me sound like an idiot,” Sarah grumbled, despite being secretly kind of flattered.

“You’re not an idiot. You’re refreshing. And I’m not. I’ve got more than my share of flaws that I’m sure you’ll discover sooner rather than later. But as I said, if you let me get to know you, go out on a few dates with me, I’m hoping you’ll find that you like me back . . . just a little.”

Sarah frowned. “I already like you, Cole, but I don’t understand you. You don’t know anything about me. I could totally be lying to you right now, and you just bought my lies hook, line, and sinker.”

He smiled again. “You’re not lying.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I’m an expert at reading body language. I’ve been around some bad people in my life, angel. You are who you say you are. What you see is what you get.”

Sarah licked her lips nervously, and his gaze immediately followed the movement.

Cole persisted. “Say you’ll go out with me, Sarah.”

“I thought I was here to figure out how to defend myself.”

“You are. And we’ll get to that. Agreeing to go out with me in no way affects whether or not I’ll teach you some basic moves that will allow you to get away from someone and get to safety.”

“But if I say no, things could get weird.”

“Then say yes,” Cole cajoled. “I swear you’ve got nothing to fear from me. I’ll even get references if that will make you feel safer.”

“It’s not that. I think I feel safer with you than anyone I’ve ever been around . . .” She



“I’m afraid once you get to know me, you’ll decide I’m annoying. Too much work or something. I work odd hours, weird shifts. And I looked you up online. I know about your friend and what happened to her. And about the Andersons. The last thing I want is my stalker getting upset when he sees us together—because he will—and taking out any anger on you and your friends.”

“Breathe, angel. Take a breath. Nothing is going to happen to them.”

“You can’t control people, Cole,” Sarah pressed. “They’re unpredictable.”

“Fine. Then we’ll meet with Logan, Blake, Nathan, and Ryder, and make sure they know everything about this Owen guy. We’ll let them investigate and figure out what will make him back off. In the meantime, we’ll hang out at my place. Or here. Or your house. We won’t shove our relationship down Owen’s throat. We’ll be discreet. How’s that sound?”

Sarah could only gape at him. “How’d we go from me wanting some tips on protecting myself to having Ace Security investigating Owen and you and me hanging out at each other’s houses?”

He smiled at her again, but didn’t answer her question.

She took a deep breath and gave him the only answer she could. “Okay.”

He beamed. “Okay,” he said quietly. Then he finally let go of her hand and stood, before immediately reaching the same hand down to her again. “Time for your first lesson.”

Automatically, she reached up and let him help her off the floor. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting. A kiss to seal the deal. A hug. A discussion about when and where their first date would be. But so far, Cole hadn’t done anything the way she expected him to.

“First lesson for today will be how to get a guy to let go of your hand if he’s been holding on too long and you’re uncomfortable.”

Sarah knew he was referring to her feeble attempts to pull her hand out of his, and blushed. But he was right, this was something she should know. It would come in handy at the hospital too, just in case one of the patients or family members got a little too familiar, as they’d done in the past.

Concentrating on his instruction, she did her best to put her nerves about dating Cole behind her.


My Book Review:

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

CLAIMING SARAH (Ace Security Book 5) by Susan Stoker is the last romantic suspense book in the Ace Security series. This story does have crossover characters from the other books, but it is easily read as a standalone and makes me want to go back and read the others.

Sarah Butler is a nursing assistant who loves her job, but she is now having difficulty with the son of an ex-patient who keeps sending her intimate notes and gifts. There have been no threats, just a weird feeling on Sarah’s part, so the police and Ace Security do not believe there is a problem and just tell her to take self-defense classes at Rock Hard Gym and let them know if she receives an overt threat. When she shows up at the gym, she overhears the co-owner trying to get the receptionist to brush her off and she walks out.

When Cole Johnson realizes he just sent the “Sarah” that Ace Security sent his way, he runs out to apologize and try to get her to come back. Cole has an instant and intense attraction to Sarah; her gentleness and innocence make her his “angel”. Sarah also cannot explain why Cole makes her feel safe, but her fears disappear when he is around. Cole believes Sarah’s instincts and gets Ace Security working on her case as they become closer. Sarah has a premonition she will disappear and no one will come looking for her or be able to find her.

Sarah’s premonition becomes reality and Cole will stop at nothing to find his “angel”.

I loved everything about Sarah. She is sweet, loving and forgiving. I agree with Cole that she is a special person who needs to be protected and I wish there were more people like her in this world. Cole is a great hero for Sarah with his alpha attitude, rough edges, tattoos but a core of love and protectiveness for her. The sex scenes are explicit and steamin’ hot. I was very satisfied with the compassionate way Ms. Stoker handled the resolution of the climax of this story, also.

This is a suspenseful romantic suspense with a lot of heart and memorable characters.


About the Book:

Title: Claiming Sarah

Author: Susan Stoker

Release Date: September 10, 2019

Publisher: Montlake


Sarah Butler isn’t flattered. She’s angry and unnerved. She’s been getting intimate gifts from a man she barely knows. Nothing threatening yet, but there’s just a weird vibe she can’t ignore. Her recourse is Ace Security. Their solution: self-defense lessons at Rock Hard Gym with a personal, hands-on instructor. One look at the bearded, tattooed, green-eyed alpha is enough to take Sarah’s breath away.

Cole Johnson is definitely the man for the job. He’s eager to train her. Eager to get closer. And when it comes to Sarah’s instincts, Cole knows she’s not imagining things. He’s also not imagining the intense attraction between them—and his desire to protect her is growing. But so are Sarah’s fears, the worst of which come true when she disappears.

Enlisting the help of Ace Security, Cole will stop at nothing to find the love of his life . . . before she vanishes forever.


Author Biography:

Susan Stoker is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Claiming Felicity, Claiming Bailey, Claiming Grace, and Claiming Alexis in the Ace Security series. A lover of alpha heroes, Susan is also the author of the Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes, SEAL of Protection, and Delta Force Heroes series. Married to a retired Army noncommissioned officer, Stoker has lived all over the country—from Missouri and California to Colorado and Texas—and currently lives under the big skies of Tennessee. She is a true believer in happily ever after and enjoys writing novels in which romance turns to love. To learn more about the author and her work, visit her at www.stokeraces.com.

Buy Linkhttps://amzn.to/2NPoUTv

Social Media Links:

Website: http://www.stokeraces.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsstoker

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Susan_Stoker

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8247140.Susan_Stoker


Rafflecopter Giveaway:

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Book Review: Duric: A Science Fiction Romance by Athena Storm

RATING: 3 out of 5 Stars

Occasionally, I enjoy reading a sci-fi romance book just for the fun and simply campy enjoyment of the world-building and the explicit sex scenes. DURIC: A Science Fiction Romance (Trident Alliance Mail Order Brides Book 2) by Athena Storm is one of those stories.

Daphne Moebius is a member of the Interstellar Human Confederation. The ship she is travelling on is attacked and destroyed by an Odex assault ship. She is the only survivor and is rescued by a Vakutan warrior.

Duric is a seven-foot tall, alpha Vakutan warrior whose ship attempts to help the ship under attack. After his rescue of the only surviving human, his ship is also damaged beyond repair. He directs his crew to set for a crash landing on the closest moon of Aenexia that supports human life. After the crash landing, Duric and Dapne are the sole survivors.

The enemy ship has also been damaged beyond repair and crash lands on the same moon. Duric and Daphe travel to get as far away as they can, but is it enough if their enemies from the Ataxia Coalition have survived? Stranded together the pair has to learn to work together to survive and in the process discover their feelings for each other are more than they expect.

I enjoyed this quick sci-fi romance book. It is the second Mail Order Bride book in a four book series that stands on its own. The world-building was well done and put me in the fantasy world, but I did not read how this was a mail order bride story. There were also a few typos that should have been caught in editing before publication that threw me out of the fantasy in a few crucial places. The sex scenes were explicit, erotic and steamin’ hot, but also at times some word choices and phrases were campy and not what I would usually find in a current romance. That said, it was still a fun, sexy and entertaining quick read and just the escapism I was looking for.

Thanks very much to Booksprout for this eARC for review.

Blog Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: The Editor by Simon Hall

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Blog Blitz for THE EDITOR by Simon Hall.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review and the author’s biography. This book is not what I was expecting. I would not classify it as a classic mystery, but a fiction story with a mystery subplot. You will have to judge for yourself. Enjoy!


Book Blurb

A mysterious advert in a newspaper promising to restore hope to the hopeless brings together four strangers.

None realising they will end up investigating a twisted and troubling crime that threatens their very futures.

Mitch, a former Crime Scene Investigator, Olivia, a brilliant PhD student, and Florence, a middle-aged solicitor, find themselves working with an enigmatic newspaper editor who refers to himself only as Ed.

But when Maddie, a teenage girl, disappears in sinister circumstances, the team are drawn into the hunt for her. And when a neighbour’s body is discovered in a pool of blood, they realise they must use their unique skills in a race against time.

But can they solve the mystery before it’s too late? And before Ed’s shadowy past overcomes them all?


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

THE EDITOR by Simon Hall is not the book I was expecting, but that is not necessarily a bad thing at times. I was expecting a straight mystery due to the book blurb and the marketing, but for me it was more of a general fiction story with a mystery sub-plot.

An ad is posted in the newspaper promising to restore hope to the hopeless by Ed. Ed is a mysterious figure who chooses three people from the applicants to assist him in starting a new newswire to get them out among people and reconnect them with humanity and hope.

Mitch is a former crime scene investigator who has seen too much. Olivia is a brilliant computer and mathematician PhD student who hates humanity. Florence is a lawyer who feels that no matter who or what she tries to help, it ends in disaster. Ed is the leader, but he is also is looking for an unnamed answer.

As they search for news stories, the four become involved with a family in crisis. When teenager, Maddie disappears after her mother is sent to the hospital after a domestic abuse incident, the four work together to solve her disappearance. They all use their unique skills in a race against time and fight to maintain their hope.

The four main characters are the focus of this book more than the mystery which is easily figured out. Even the surprise twist at the end is focused on the main characters and not the mystery itself. I really enjoyed the differences between the four and how they came together. The twist at the end surprised me and cleared up questions about Ed.

This book is one of those books that everyone will have different views on and leave the ratings all over the place, but I enjoyed it. I recommend it for a different type of read with the emphasis on the four main characters and not the mystery sub-plot.



Simon Hall is an author, journalist, communications consultant, and business coach.

He was a broadcaster for twenty five years, mostly as a BBC Television, Radio and Online News Correspondent, covering some of the biggest stories Britain has seen.

He now lectures, and coaches companies at the Judge Business School, part of the University of Cambridge, working on presentation skills, branding, pitching, websites, and media profile, both conventional and social.

Simon has had seven books in his tvdetective series published. They focus on a television reporter who covers crimes and gets so involved in the cases he helps the police to solve them.

He has also contributed articles and short stories to a range of newspapers and magazines, written plays, and even a pantomime.

Alongside his novels and stories, Simon is a tutor in media skills and creative writing, teaching at popular Writers’ Summer Schools such as Swanwick and Winchester, for the National Association of Writers’ Groups, at universities including Cambridge and Exeter, on cruise ships and overseas.

Simon has also become sought after as a speaker, appearing at a variety of prestigious literary festivals. His talks combine an insight into his writing work, along with some extraordinary anecdotes from the life of a television reporter, including the now notorious story of What to do when you really need a dead otter.

He began a broadcasting career as a DJ on the radio and in nightclubs, then moved into radio and TV news. He worked in Europe, London, Ireland, and the south west of England, before settling in Cambridge.

Simon is married to Jess, Director of Libraries at the University of Cambridge, and has an adopted daughter, Niamh. She’s an army officer, which makes her father both very proud and very nervous.

Simon also lectures on careers in the media at Cambridge University, and in schools and colleges. Amongst his proudest achievements, he includes the number of young people he has helped into higher education and jobs in broadcasting, and aspiring writers into publication.

As for his likes, Simon lists beer – he judges at real ale festivals – running, cycling, solving cryptic crosswords, composing curious Tweets (find him @SimonHallNews) and studying pop lyrics.

For more on Simon, see his website – www.thetvdetective.com

Feature Post and Book Review: Anyone But Rich by Penelope Bloom

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing with you the Feature Post and Book Review for Penelope Bloom’s new release ANYONE BUT RICH (Anyone But…Book 1). This romantic comedy/contemporary romance that had me laughing out-loud. This is the first of a trilogy featuring three billionaire brothers who return to their small hometown to claim the women they could never forget, but the girls made a promise seven years ago to never date one of the King brothers again.

Below you will find a guest post from the author, an excerpt from the book, my book review, a book summary, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway.

This was an entertaining escape read that will make you laugh and leave you anxiously waiting for the other brothers’ stories. And as always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!


Guest Post: Meet the Kings of North Carolina with Author Penelope Bloom

Anyone But Rich is the first book of my new, three book “Anyone But…” series. Every book is a true romantic comedy and is full of moments that I hope will have you laughing out loud, if not at least breathing out a little puff of air from your nose.

Anyone But Rich follows the oldest King brother, Richard King, and his love interest, Kira Summerland. Seven years ago, the King brothers left behind a trail of scorched earth as far as Kira and her best friends, Iris and Miranda were concerned. The three women swore an oath that they’d never date the King brothers again, even if they wound up becoming mega-famous billionaires and came back on their knees, begging for forgiveness. 

But that’s exactly what happened. Now, Kira isn’t so sure she’ll be able to hold herself to a vow she made seven years ago, even if breaking it could drive a rift between her and her best friends.

Rich and the King brothers are global phenomenons. Each of them takes their own, unique approach to melting hearts. Rich is the kind of guy who puts business first and relentlessly pursues his goals, even if it means ruffling feathers along the way. That’s what makes Kira so special for him. She’s the one person who can bring out a softer side of Rich, and at times, even a funny side. But Kira or not, he’s generally seen as the face of the company, and he’s easily the biggest name to ever land in a place like West Valley.

Cade is Rich’s twin brother, but the two men couldn’t be more different. Cade is a somewhat strange blend of intelligence, goofiness, and unbearable cockiness. He can turn any situation into a joke, but behind the laughs and crude comments, he still wonders if his high school crush, Iris, would ever look beyond their past. 

Nick is the youngest of the trio and generally thought of as the quiet genius of the group. He’s not as in-your-face as Rich can appear, but Nick commands respect in his own way. He also has the closest relationship with Cade, partly because Nick is the only one who ever seemed up to the task of keeping his wild, older brother alive. 

All in all, the three brothers are like the riders of the apocalypse, if apocalypses were caused by melted panties and broken hearts, at least.

But the King brothers all share one thing in common. Whether they’ll ever admit it or not, they all came back to West Valley for the girls they left behind. Anyone But Rich is the story of Richard King and his attempts to win the forgiveness of Kira Summerland, his old high school flame. The question for Rich is how long he can pretend forgiveness is all he wants. For Kira, it’s a question of whether she can look past the mountain’s worth of warning signs telling her to stay as far away from Rich as possible.

There are endless obstacles between the King brothers and their West Valley girls, but the King brothers aren’t the type to shy away from a challenge. They’ve just never faced one this great.



 Principal Lockett. 

He was shorter than most of the freshmen, but the shiny patch of bald skin on his crown and the drooping bags under his eyes meant there was no mistaking him for a student. “Just wanted to say good luck on your first day, Kira.” 

“Thank you,” I said. I hoped my smile looked genuine. I’d expected to need to try very hard to make a good impression on my new boss, but from the first day of preplanning two weeks ago, it seemed like he was the one sucking up. It wasn’t the first time being the mayor’s daughter had given me some unwanted advantage. No matter how much I protested, some people in West Valley were dead set on the idea that getting in my good graces was the same as getting in my father’s good graces. Unfortunately, my objections went unnoticed, and people had never been quick to believe that favoritism wasn’t something I secretly encouraged. 

So I did what I always did. I pretended I still needed to bust my ass to make a good impression. I refused to sit back and let my father be an easy pass, and I hoped for the best. 

“Is everything okay?” I asked when he was still standing there with a smile plastered on his face. From the corner of my eye, I saw students start pouring into my room from the back door. 

“There is just one thing. A slight hiccup, really. Nothing that you would need to worry your father about,” he said. “There’s a very influential businessman in town. He got on the phone with the right people a few minutes ago, made some very interesting promises, and . . . well . . .” 

“Well, what?” My eyes were darting between Principal Lockett and my rapidly filling classroom. 

“He’s apparently an old friend of yours. Said he’d like to be able to stop by today and say hello. He promised it would be quick.” 

“It’s my first day,” I said slowly, hoping I wouldn’t need to explain any further. 

“And you’ll do great!” Principal Lockett seemed to sense my inevitable eruption, so he ducked back into the hallway and flashed me a quick thumbs-up before the door snicked closed. 

I turned my eyes toward my students and made a weak attempt to mentally rally. I can do this. They’re just children in bodies that have grown faster than their brains. They aren’t as mature as they look. 

“Do you see how red her face is?” whispered a girl in the front row. I wasn’t sure if it was intentional, but I was pretty sure I would’ve been able to make out every word of the “whisper” from the parking lot. 

The boy beside her smiled cruelly. “Maybe she’s PMSing.” 

The girl frowned at him and slapped his arm. “That’s not how it works, you idiot.” 

“What do you mean? There’s all the blood issues. Some of it must end up in their heads.” 

The girl rolled her eyes, crossed her arms, and gave up on him. 

I cleared my throat. “I’m Miss Summerland.” I paused, swallowed, and willed my windpipe to grow a little bigger. “This is—” 

The bell signaling the start of first period rang deafeningly, cutting me off and making me realize I was already showing what a rookie I was. 

I cleared my throat again. “This is—” 

The announcements began, instructing the students to stand for the Pledge and the anthem. 

I turned my back to face the flag and pretended I didn’t hear the snickering students behind me. I also pretended I didn’t remember being a high schooler not so long ago, and how quickly I would’ve decided a teacher like me was the kind students were going to eat for breakfast. 

A few minutes later, the announcements ended, and I finally turned to face the students again. “Okay. This is—” 

The door to my room opened. I spun, hands balled into fists. All the frustration of the last few minutes boiled over into an embarrassingly squeaky outburst. “I would love to finish my sentence!” 

And that was when I saw my visitor. 

Richard King. 

Distantly, I heard the excited whispers of every girl in my classroom. 

“Is that him?” 

“Oh my God, is my hair okay?” 

“This is going on my Snapchat!” 

Their voices faded into background noise as I looked at him in person for the first time in so many years. 

“Please,” he said. His voice was so deep and rich I could feel it rumble through my chest. “Finish your sentence. I’ll wait.” 

He knew damn well there was no way I could think about anything else with him standing there. The corner of his mouth had twitched up into the suggestion of a smirk, and his eyes were locked predatorily on me. He knew exactly what was happening to me, and he was enjoying it. 

I tried to picture a normal human being in his place. I tried and failed to unsee the broad, powerful shoulders and long legs, to unmake every cruel and perfect line of his face, from the sharp jaw to the dark eyebrows and burning green eyes. His nearly black hair was cut short and neat. He wore a suit that would’ve made most men look overdressed, but he seemed perfectly at ease. Here I was with my legs spread out like I was trying not to step in a puddle, pretending I was in control. Meanwhile, Rich’s pinkie toe projected more confidence than my entire body.

I wanted him and his obnoxiously cocky pinkie toe out of my classroom and out of my life. I was perfectly happy seeing him in a dirty dream every few weeks, where he couldn’t screw up my reality any more, thank you very much. 

“Out,” I said. 

“That was the end of your sentence? ‘This is . . . out’?” 

The students acted like his sitcom laugh track, and I already wanted to give them all detentions for being traitors. 

I turned, annoyed, and gestured to my students. “This is English Four Honors.” I looked back at Richard. “Out.”


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

ANYONE BUT RICH (Anyone But…Book 1) by Penelope Bloom is a new release romantic comedy/contemporary romance that had me laughing out-loud. This is the first of a trilogy featuring three billionaire brothers who return to their small hometown to claim the women they could never forget, but the girls made a promise seven years ago to never date one of the King brothers again.

Kira Summerland is starting her first year of teaching at her hometown high school. Seven years ago, Kira, Iris and Miranda made a promise when they were students at this very high school to never date a King brother again. When Richard King shows up at Kira’s classroom door on the first day of school, she is as angry at herself as she is at him.

Richard King has returned to town with his brothers. Cade and Nathan to set up their company’s headquarters in their hometown. The beautiful woman on his arm is just a ruse to keep both sets of their parents from matchmaking. He has his heart set on Kira. He knows it will be hard work to get Kira to forgive him and get her friends approval, but Rich has always worked hard to obtain his goals.

Kira must deal with her promise to her friends as she begins to let Rich back into her life. Can she have both? Will Rich be able to get Kira to forgive him and get the girl he has always wanted?

I love Rich and Kira together. Kira is the perfect lovable heroine to bring out serious Rich’s softer side. The dialogue between the friends and the brothers is laugh-out-loud funny and at times raunchy which made it more realistic. The sex scenes are explicit but not gratuitous. Each character’s unique personality adds to the fun of reading this book. For me, this is not a new plot or storyline, but the author’s voice makes it very entertaining. This is an easy-to-read romance that has me anxiously waiting for the other brothers’ stories.


About the Book

Title: Anyone But Rich

Author: Penelope Bloom

Release Date: September 3, 2019

Series: Anyone But…, #1

Publisher: Montlake 


Seven years ago, my best friends and I made a promise: No matter what, we would never date one of the King brothers. Even if they grew up to become megafamous, gorgeous, heart-stopping billionaires. Even if they crawled on their knees and begged for forgiveness.

But guess who just flew back into our lives in a private jet? And guess who just showed up to my job on my first day? Richard. King. Fortunately, it takes two seconds for Richard to reveal he hasn’t changed. Conceited. Cocky. Rude. Unfortunately, he’s also the kind of gorgeous that’s borderline offensive—with a jawline to make statues self-conscious and a grin that short-circuits my brain.

He’s spent years taking what he wants. I doubt he’s hungry for anything else—except me, apparently. There’s no way I’ll let him maneuver his way back into my life. My friends would never forgive me. I would never forgive me. But did I mention his jawline?


Author Biography

Penelope Bloom is a USA Today, Amazon, and Washington Post bestselling author whose books have been translated into seven languages. Her popular romances include His Banana, Her Cherry, Savage, and Punished.

Her writing career started when she left her job as a high school teacher to pursue her dream. She loves taking her imagination for a spin and writing romances she’d want to live. She likes a man with a mind as dirty as sin and a heart of gold he keeps hidden away. Her favorite things include getting to wear socks all day—pants optional—and being a positive example for her girls. Showing her daughters that no dream is too big, no matter what anyone tells them, is worth all the late nights, doubts, and fears that come with being a writer.

Stay connected! For giveaways, goodies, updates, and extras, join the mailing list at https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/a0y7m1. Follow her on Facebook at PenelopeBloomRomance, and check out her website at www.penelope-bloom.com.

Buy Linkhttps://amzn.to/2TZCaGe 

Social Media Links

Website: https://www.penelope-bloom.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PenelopeBloomRomance
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15928382.Penelope_Bloom


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Release Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: About Face by D.E. Haggerty

Title: About Face (Love in the Suburbs #1)

Author: D.E. Haggerty

Genre:Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance

Release Date: August 29, 2019

Cover Designer: Jeroen E. Spaan – Geared Training

Hosted by:Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

Hi, everyone!

Today I am happy to be a part of the Release Blitz for D.E. Haggerty’s new romantic comedy/contemporary romance ABOUT FACE (Love in the Suburbs Book 1). I love all the characters in this book and especially Grandma who is an absolute hoot!

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. This romance is definitely one to add to your TBR list. You will be laughing long after you are done reading. As always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!



My grandma is trying to hook me up. 

To be painfully specific, my seventy-five-year-old grandmother thinks a little hanky-panky would cheer me up. Direct quote. Since I’m currently living with her, I can’t escape the endless line of grandchildren of friends who keep ‘dropping by’ for dinner. Literally, I can’t escape. I can barely manage the trek to the dining room at this point. 

While Grandma’s determined to find me a husband, I’m determined to learn how to walk again so I can walk away from her matchmaking skills. Spoiler alert: She has no matchmaking skills. 

But then I get a brilliant idea. I can fake date my physical therapist. Only he wants a real date. Gulp. A real date with me? Is he for real? I’m no longer the stylish girl with the glamorous job. Now, I’m a woman with a shattered leg and a scarred face. 

If I’m going to learn to live with my new reality and give love a chance, my attitude needs to do an about face. Easier said than done.


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

ABOUT FACE (Love in the Suburbs Book 1) by D.E. Haggertyis a new romantic comedy/contemporary romance by a new to me author that is also the start of a new series. I love all the characters in this book and cannot wait for more!

Francis “Frankie” McMillan is living it up in the big city. At 35, she is the top event planner in the firm she works for. Life is long hours of work, checking out hip venues while dancing and drinking with her three girlfriends.  She is beautiful with designer clothes, stiletto heels and a third floor walk-up.

And then…. she wakes up in the hospital after a horrible car accident with a leg that was barely saved and a two inch scar on her cheek. Upon release, she moves in with her Grandpa and Grandma in the suburbs. Now, she is facing physical therapy and going out in public. She does not want to do either, but she has to learn to walk again to get her job back. Facing the world with her scars has her terrified, but she can hide the scars on her leg with clothes and she always wears a bandage on her face.

She is surprised when her physical therapist is a burly Viking with a beard named Brodie. She also cannot believe that she is very interested in him, but what man wants to be with someone as ugly and scarred as she is now? With laugh-out-loud help from her Grandma, her new best-friend Shelby and Brodie, Frankie learns things about her old life and self she is not very happy with and maybe with the help of some real friends, she just may live happily-ever-after after all.

This is a laugh-out-loud entertaining romance that also has some very poignant scenes. Frankie is on a very sharp learning curve, not just physically but also emotionally. Brodie has his job cut out for him trying to convince this “city girl” that she is still beautiful inside and out. The sex scenes are appropriate to the story and realistic. Shelby, who Frankie meets in physical therapy is a true friend and I love her snark. Almost every time I laughed-out-loud while reading this book is when Grandma makes an appearance. She is “THE BEST”!

I highly recommend this romantic comedy/contemporary romance! You will laugh-out-loud and be cheering Frankie on throughout. I am anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.


About D.E. Haggarty:

I grew up reading everything I could get my grubby hands on, from my mom’s Harlequin romances to Nancy Drew, to Little Women. When I wasn’t flipping pages in a library book, I was penning horrendous poems, writing songs no one should ever sing, or drafting stories which have thankfully been destroyed. College and a stint in the U.S. Army came along, robbing me of free time to write and read, although on the odd occasion I did manage to sneak a book into my rucksack between rolled up socks, MRIs, t-shirts, and cold weather gear. After surviving the army experience, I went back to school and got my law degree. I jumped ship and joined the hubby in the Netherlands before the graduation ceremony could even begin.

A few years into my legal career, I was exhausted, fed up, and just plain done. I quit my job and sat down to write a manuscript, which I promptly hid in the attic after returning to the law. But being a lawyer really wasn’t my thing, so I quit (again!) and went off to Germany to start a B&B. Turns out being a B&B owner wasn’t my thing either. I polished off that manuscript languishing in the attic before following the husband to Istanbul where I decided to give the whole writer-thing a go. But ten years was too many to stay away from my adopted home. I packed up again and moved to The Hague where I’m currently working on my next book. I hope I’ll always be working on my next book.

Social Media:

Website: http://dehaggerty.wordpress.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dehaggerty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dehaggerty

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dehaggerty/

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/denahaggerty

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7210211.D_E_Haggerty


Buy links:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TX42MKD

iBooks: https://apple.co/2Ge7MCy

Nook: http://bit.ly/2Losunb

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2Lo8f97
Universal: https://books2read.com/u/3kp8EN


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