HOW TO SEDUCE A BAD BOY by Traci Douglass is a contemporary romance with an entertaining heroine who wants major life changes by her 25th birthday and a bad boy hero home from the service.
Melody Bryant loves being a librarian in her hometown, but
she wants to break out of the stereotype. Her 25th birthday is in a
few weeks and she has decided it is time for a makeover, which also includes
her personal life. She has only every loved one bad boy who is her brother’s
best friend. Before he left for the Army eight years ago, she offered him her
virginity and was turned down. Now she has plans to get rid of her virginity
and seduce the bad boy.
Adam Foster has always had a bad reputation in his hometown.
He was abandoned by his mother and his father was a drunk. Lucky for him he
made a friend who saw past his family and befriended him as a brother. He was
entranced by his friend’s little sister and was always protective. After eight
years, he is home and building up the car repair shop he and his friends always
dreamed of owning. When Melody comes to him and asks for his help with men,
what else can he do but agree to date her himself to protect his friend’s little
sister once again.
Melody has five weeks before her birthday to lose her
virginity and get the bad boy she has always loved.
I really enjoyed Melody and her journey of change. I cheered for her to finally get her man. Adam was a not-so bad boy whose protectiveness of Melody made him endearing, but I would have preferred much less inner dialogue on how he was not good enough for Melody. The plot is not new and had no new twists, but it was fun to watch this relationship develop. The chemistry between these two was well written without explicit sex scenes. An entertaining romance read that has secondary characters with the potential for future spin-off books.
Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.
Below is the Feature Post for Kendra Elliot’s current release A MERCIFUL FATE (Mercy Kilpatrick #5). Included is an excerpt from the book, a book summary with info and social media links for the author . You will also see a Rafflecopter giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card and a digital copy of the book.
As you know, I would normally include my Book Review with the Feature Post, but I am on book #4 and I just cannot read these books out of order. The suspense/mystery in each book can standalone, but I just cannot skip ahead in Mercy and Truman’s lives. I LOVE these two characters and just cannot miss a minute of their relationship. My books review will be posted soon for this book.
As always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway and you really have to get to know Mercy! Good reading!
Excerpt: A Merciful Fate by
Kendra Elliot
sat on a stool that was too high for the makeshift table. She didn’t care. They
could sit on the ground and she’d be happy with Truman. Currently the home had
plywood subfloors and open framing, but part of Mercy loved the empty, bare
look; it promised that something fabulous was coming.
and practical.
leaned over and poured red wine in the plastic cup by her paper plate. She
sighed and buried her nose in her cup. The fragrance was deep and bold, with
hints of plum and smoke.
she mumbled into the wine.
asked Truman.
want to visit Italy. How does a honeymoon in Italy sound?”
grin filled his face, and the sensation of butterflies fluttered up her spine.
Or maybe it’s the wine.
took a sip of her wine as she studied his face. So familiar and dear to her.
smile to stop traffic. Eyes that crinkled in happiness. Several scars that
testified to his love of law enforcement. Her attraction to him was more than
skin deep. She was in love with the person he was. He was a natural leader and
easily commanded respect. His people turned to him, followed him, admired him.
His natural sense of honor was a magnet for her.
No. It’s not the wine.
He gets me.
understood how her mind worked, and they fit together like a couple of
complicated puzzle pieces. She’d been painfully aware of her missing puzzle
piece when he’d been taken away, chained by men planning to kill him, and then
rescued thanks to Ollie. The two weeks when no one knew his fate had been the
worst of her life. When he’d been returned to her, she’d known she couldn’t
waste any more time.
been of the same mind-set and had proposed.
try Italy.” He dished spaghetti carbonara onto their plates.
what’s on your agenda for tomorrow?” he asked over the rim of his plastic cup.
She perked up. “The bank confirmed the money bags are from the Gamble-Helmet
Heist. And I have the go-ahead to visit Shane Gamble at the Two Rivers prison
are your thoughts on the remains?” Truman asked. “Did the medical examiner get
to them yet?”
They spent the afternoon removing the remains, and Dr. Lockhart was going to
start an examination tonight. The woman never takes time off.”
could be said for you.”
when I’m deep in a case.”
guess this means your weekends are booked for a while?”
sighed. “I know. The two of us are supposed to be working on the interior of
this place … We’ll get it done at some point. It’ll have to wait awhile.”
grin filled his face.
she asked.
not the same person I met last fall. Back then, if the cabin had been in the
half-completed state it is now, you’d be climbing the walls with anxiety
because your safety net wasn’t perfect.”
right,” she agreed. “I had a similar thought earlier, but nearly all my
supplies are still intact, so it’d be rough living but doable. I can
temporarily live with that for now. Especially with this case to distract me.”
lips twisted.
she asked with a grin. “It’s an amazing case, isn’t it?”
is. Considering there have been no leads for decades, and the robbery is
practically modern folklore. It’s like a buried treasure hunt, and Ollie found
the first clue.”
Ollie okay after his morning?” she asked with a small wince. She’d nearly
forgotten the teen had made the grisly discovery.
okay. I spent some time with him and he was very quiet, but I could tell he was
processing it. He’s dealt with death before.”
been through a lot,” sympathized Mercy.
silently ate for a few moments until he glanced up and caught her staring at
him. Longing shone in his eyes, an appetite and craving that had nothing to do
with food, and she struggled to find her breath.
How does he do that to me?
know,” he said, his voice low and tempting, “this place hasn’t been christened
blinked. “People do that to homes?”
filled his features. “That’s not what I meant.” His brown gaze held hers.
she breathed as heat flashed through her.
His smile was sinful, and energy pulsed between them.
melted. “Yes. Dessert.”
About the Book
Title: A Merciful Fate
Author: Kendra Elliot
Release Date: January 15, 2019
Publisher: Montlake Romance
by preppers, survivalist and FBI agent Mercy Kilpatrick has a deep-rooted need
for a safe place. Her getaway in the Cascade Foothills is her secret. But when
skeletal remains are unearthed—those of a murdered man linked to a notorious
heist—Mercy realizes she isn’t the only one with something to hide.
years ago, an armored-car robbery turned deadly. The mastermind was captured.
Four conspirators vanished with a fortune. One of them, it appears, never made
it out of the woods alive. For Mercy and her fiancé, Police Chief Truman Daly,
their investigation opens old wounds in Eagle’s Nest that cut deeper than they
imagined. Especially when a reckless tabloid reporter draws fresh blood. It’s
clear to Mercy that somebody in this close-knit community is not who they seem
to be.
Some are still shattered by the heist. Some still have reason to be afraid. But which one will kill again and again to hide three decades of secrets? To land this case, it’s up to Mercy to unmask a familiar stranger before someone else dies.
Author Biography
Elliot has landed on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list
multiple times and is the award-winning author of the Bone Secrets and Callahan
& McLane series, as well as the Mercy Kilpatrick novels: A Merciful
Death, A Merciful Truth, and A Merciful Secret. Kendra is
a three-time winner of the Daphne du Maurier Award, an International Thriller
Writers finalist, and an RT Award finalist. She has always been a voracious
reader, cutting her teeth on classic female heroines such as Nancy Drew, Trixie
Belden, and Laura Ingalls. She was born, raised, and still lives in the rainy
Pacific Northwest with her husband and three daughters, but she looks forward
to the day she can live in flip-flops. Visit her at
Today’s Feature Post and Book Review is for Carolyn Brown’s upcoming release THE MAGNOLIA INN. Below you will find a message from a character from the book, an excerpt from the title, my book review and info about the author. At the end of the post, you will also see a Rafflecopter giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card and a digital copy of the book.
Enjoy and as always good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!
Dotty Welcomes Readers to The Magnolia Inn
Good morning to all y’all. Thank you for inviting me to your
site today to tell you a little about The Magnolia Inn. I’m so
excited about this book. The characters became like family to me as I was
writing it. Today, I have Dotty with me. She’s one of the four ladies—Sugar,
Dotty, Lucy and Flossie—who’ve been fast friends since their youth. I’m going
to turn this microphone over to Dotty now, and leave the rest of the post to
Hello, folks, I’m Dotty Beauchamp—half Texan, half
Louisianan and all sass. I own the Tipsy Gater bar that sets right on the Big
Cypress Bayou near Jefferson, Texas. When my good friend, Sugar, told me that
she was going to give half of The Magnolia Inn, the bed and breakfast that her
family had owned for generations, to her niece, Jolene, I thought she was bat
crap crazy. When she said that her husband, Jasper, was giving the other half
to his wimpy nephew, Reuben—well, I figured Reuben would sell his half the
minute the ink dried on the papers.
I was right! The little weasel sold out his part of the inn
to Tucker Malone. We—that would be Lucy and Flossie and me since Sugar was
already off in that big ass RV touring the United States—had heard that he was
a tortured soul. And dear hearts, we damn sure believed the rumor. He was the
best of the best when it came to carpentry work, and from what we heard he only
hit the bottle on weekends, but still we didn’t want our precious Jolene in
living in that inn with him.
I really didn’t want to hire Jolene when she came to the bar
looking for work, but I needed help and she sure enough needed a job. I figured
I’d take some flack for it from Sugar, Lucy and Flossie, and I did—believe me I
did. But Jolene and I both lived through it.
When we met Tucker for the first time, we were sure that the
rumors had been right. His wife had died in an automobile accident a few years
back. She’d gone to our church so we all knew her very well, and we’d met
Tucker a few times when he showed up at church with her. When she died, he
turned to the bottle and lost his important job on the police force over in
Dallas. It was rumored that he came to our part of the world to be near her
grave site. Poor man, he wore the guilt like a heavy shroud and just couldn’t
seem to get past it.
But I’m digressing. When we met him we found out that he was
also a Prince Charming. He didn’t have a white horse or a white cowboy hat, or
a crown, but he was so sweet and kind, and he had such a sweet nature, that
pretty soon, we fell in love with him as much as—well, she didn’t know it then,
being as how she had plenty of baggage of her own—but as much as Jolene could
it they’d could get past all the obstacles life kept throwing at them.
I see that my time is up. So let me thank you again for inviting me sit a spell and visit with all y’all. And if you’re ever in Jefferson, Texas, come on down to the Tipsy Gater and I’ll give you a free drink if you tell me that you’ve read The Magnolia Inn.
Excerpt: The Magnolia Inn by Carolyn Brown
is Tucker a tortured soul?”
“He lost his wife, Melanie, a couple of years
ago. She was his whole life,” Lucy whispered. She clucked like an old hen
gathering in her baby chickens. “I just can’t believe he bought half interest
in this place. It takes a people person to operate a B&B, and from what I
hear, Tucker is almost a hermit.”
“I guess we’ve all got our own emotional
baggage,” Jolene said.
“Wait until he hauls his damn sorry ass home
drunk and you’ve got guests in the place,” Lucy declared.
“She loves Jesus, but she still cusses a
little,” Dotty said with a wicked grin.
“He’s a fantastic carpenter. He’s got money to
put into the inn. And I’ll cross the drinkin’ bridge when it happens. And . .
.” She glanced over at Dotty, who shrugged and winked.
“And just so y’all know.” Jolene took a deep
breath. “I’ll be working at the Gator starting Friday night.”
“Lord have mercy,” Lucy groaned. “Have you
talked to Sugar about this?”
“Visited with her last night and was going to
tell her, but . . .”
Lucy threw a hand over her forehead in a
dramatic gesture and then shook a fist at Dotty. “You’re leading our sweet girl
down the path of unrighteousness. Jolene, I’ll give you a job in my place of
business. Full-time with benefits if you’ll quit the Gator right now.”
“I know bartending, and I can only handle
part-time work with the inn, but thank you,” Jolene said and tried to change
the subject. “Do I have the recipe for these cookies in Aunt Sugar’s files?”
“I’m sure you do, chère,” Dotty said. “But now let’s talk about the Easter Tour
of Homes. Surely Sugar mentioned it?”
“Oh, that.” Jolene was glad Dotty had changed
the subject. “She always wanted to be included in it but figured the Magnolia
was too far out of town.”
“It might be, but we want to add it this year,”
Lucy said.
“It’s, what, like three months from now?” Jolene
“Yes,” Tucker said from the doorway. “We’ll
have it ready by then.”
Jolene felt heat rising from her neck to her
cheeks. How much had he heard? She motioned to the coffeepot and then to the
cookies. “Come on in and meet my friends.”
“Always ready for cookies and coffee. I’m
Tucker Malone.” He stuck his hand out toward Lucy.
Her expression said that she’d rather be
sticking her hand in a rattlesnake pit, but she put her frail hand in his. “You
probably don’t remember us, but we remember you from when you used to come to
church with your wife. I’m Lucy Rogers. I own Attic Treasures, an antique store
in Jefferson.”
“Jolene told me that a couple of you ladies own
antique shops. That’s wonderful.” Tucker brought her hand to his lips and
kissed her knuckles. “I’m right glad to make your acquaintance, ma’am. I hope
to do some business with y’all as we work on this place. We’d like to keep the
antique ambience but use modern things like tubs and showers to make things
nice for our guests.”
From Lucy’s expression, Jolene could’ve sworn
she’d rather have been shaking hands with the devil. “Well, I’ll be sure to
give you a real good price on anything that you can use.”
He turned to settle his crystal-clear blue eyes
on Flossie.
“I’m Flossie Simmons, and I own Mama’s Place in
Jefferson. My antiques are better than Lucy’s.” She winked. “And since Jolene
is like a daughter to all of us, I can beat any deal Lucy would give you.”
“And I’m Dotty Beauchamp.” Dotty’s southern
accent thickened. “I’m a Louisiana girl from the other side of the Big Cypress
Bayou, and I own the Tipsy Gator. I’ve seen you a few times in my bar. You
always sit on the last stool in the shadows, right, chère?”
“Yes, ma’am, I sure do,” Tucker said.
Jolene was totally blown away. One minute they
were ready to crucify her for letting Tucker live there, and the next they were
flirting with him. Good glory! They had to be seventy or older, and he wasn’t a
day over thirty-seven.
“We should let you two get back to work,” Dotty
said with a broad wink toward Jolene. “And since you’re going to be out of
pocket on Friday night, then Sunday afternoon will be our meetin’ time.”
They pushed their chairs back and paraded
toward the foyer. Lucy stopped at the hall tree for her coat, and Tucker
hurried over to help her into it. “Thank
you for the cookies.”
“You’re welcome. Good luck with all this
remodeling.” Flossie gave Jolene a quick hug and whispered, “I hope you know
what you’re doin’.”
Tucker picked up the last coat from the hall
tree and held it out to Dotty. “It’s been a real pleasure to meet you ladies.”
Jolene sank down on the
bottom step of the stairs and sighed when Tucker shut the door behind the
ladies. Tucker sat down beside her
and propped his forearms on his knees. “So you work in a bar?”
“Ever since I was twenty-one. Until then I did
waitress work,” she answered. “How much did you hear?”
“I got there when Lucy was offering you a job
to quit working in a bar,” he answered.
“Sounds like you heard most of it, then. I’ll
be working at a bar on Friday and Saturday nights. I understand that you drink
a little on weekends.”
He got to his feet. “I’m going to get a couple
more cookies and another cup of coffee to take upstairs with me. And, honey, I
drink a lot on Saturday nights.”
“Just so long as we understand each other.”
Jolene stood up and headed toward the kitchen. “Right now we could take fifteen
minutes off and call it a midmorning snack.”
“Got chocolate syrup?” He followed her into the
kitchen. “For the cookies, the coffee, or the milk?”
“Milk, and then I dip my cookies in it,” he
The ladies had called him a tortured soul. Jolene stole glances at him as she got out the chocolate syrup. It was a shame that he’d lost his wife so suddenly. He might never get over it, but she sure wasn’t looking forward to dealing with another weekend drunk—like her mother or that last worthless boyfriend.
My Book Review
RATING 4 out of 5 Stars
THE MAGNOLIA INN by Carolyn Brown is her new contemporary
second chance romance. It is a sweet romance, which I call a cozy romance
because it is written about adults (not YA), any sex is behind closed doors,
some religion may be included and the focus is on the H/h’s emotional growth or
healing. These books also include a strong family, friends and/or community
support system.
Jolene Broussard grew up with a drug and alcohol addicted
mother. She could not get her mother to change or get help for herself, so she
left when she could. She is carrying a lot of guilt though because her mother committed
suicide after she left. The happy times she had growing up were with her mother’s
older half-sister and her husband at The Magnolia Inn B&B during summer
break from school.
Sugar and her husband are ready to retire and travel across
country, so they leave half of the B&B to Jolene and half to her cousin
Rueben. Sugar has big plans, but no money. Rueben hates his memories of the
B&B and decides to sell.
Tucker Malone lost his wife of 5 years in a tragic traffic accident. He hits the bottle hard. After losing his job as a police officer, he vows to only get drunk on the weekends and starts to build a name for himself as a carpenter. Tucker is informed about the sale of Rueben’s half of the Magnolia Inn and decides to buy in and partner with Jolene.
The partnership is rocky at first, but soon each begins to
understand that they each have deep emotional issues to deal with and dealing
with them together as they remodel the inn seems to work better than dealing
with them alone.
I enjoyed this cozy romance. Jolene is so strong and had to survive
so much. Tucker is rebuilding his life, but he is stuck emotionally until he
meets Jolene. I enjoyed how the changes in their lives and the remodel of The
Magnolia Inn seemed to intertwine. The secondary characters are almost show
stealers in this story. Sugar, Flossie, Dotty and Lucy are good for a laugh,
but also share their wisdom with Jolene. This is an emotional growth story with
a very slow build up to romance. Sex is behind closed doors and only in the
last portion of the story. An enjoyable read.
Author Biography
Carolyn Brown is a New York Times, USA
Today, Publishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal bestselling
author and a RITA finalist with more than ninety published books, which include
women’s fiction and historical, contemporary, and cowboys-and-country-music
romance. She and her husband live in the small town of Davis, Oklahoma, where
everyone knows everyone else and knows what they’re doing and when. And they
read the local newspaper on Wednesday to see who got caught. They have three
grown children and enough grandchildren to keep them young. Visit Carolyn
You all by now know how much I LOVE Freya Barker’s romances and this is her new one Burning for Autumn (On Call #1) starting off a new series in Susan Stoker’s Police and Fire Badge of Honor world.
Below you will find a description of the story, my book review and Freya Barker’s author info and social media links. Also you have a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card at the end of this post. Good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway and I know you will fall in love with this HOT romance!
When Autumn McCoy accepted a temporary work contract in Durango, she thought it would be a safe way to add some spark to her existence. She may be getting more than she bargained for when she finds herself the target of impending danger.The outspoken forty-two-year-old isn’t prepared for that spark to ignite flames threatening to engulf every aspect of her life.
Buried under the weight of responsibilities, all interim Chief of Police, Keith Blackfoot, wants is to get back to good old-fashioned detecting. He gets his chance when an encounter with a feisty redhead seems to incite a wave of arson cases. Although a visit from friend and firefighter, Roman “Chief” Proudfit, provides some direction, he’s left to battle an invisible menace fueling fires that could leave his town—and his heart—in ashes.
Goodreads book link:
My Book Review:
RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars
BURNING FOR AUTUMN (On Call #1) by Freya Barker is the first
romantic suspense in a new series in Susan Stoker’s Badge of Honor World focused
on Police and Firefighters. I LOVE Freya Barker’s writing and was very excited
to see her entering one of my favorite romance worlds. This book is smoking hot
and does not disappoint!
Autumn McCoy accepted a one year work contract for a special
program in a new burn unit in Durango. She is sad to leave her girlfriends
behind in San Antonio, but she believes she needs to shake up her staid life.
She knows she needs to get out and when she takes up the invite of a new friend
to meet at The Irish, a local pub where firefighters and police hangout, she
runs into an arrogant, but handsome man. Two strong personalities butt heads,
but there are sparks there that Autumn is not sure she wants to explore.
Acting Chief of Police, Keith Blackfoot is sick of the
politics and responsibilities of being Chief. He wants to go back to being a
detective only. He takes a break for the night and runs into a feisty redhead
who sets off an interest that he has never felt before. When that redhead seems
to have caught the attention of a serial arsonist, he will do anything to
protect her even as she fights his protectiveness at every step of the way.
Autumn and Keith are both strong, independent characters who
have to learn to trust that what they have found with each other is special
before an arsonist destroys their future in flames.
Once again Ms. Barker’s writing pulls me into a story and
makes me believe. She breathes life into her characters and expertly twines
suspense throughout the romance. I especially love her characters because they
are middle age and have either been burned by love before or are career oriented
and never bothered with a long-term relationship. I enjoy reading about
characters with worries about folds or wrinkles from age when they enter into a
new sexual relationship occasionally instead of 20 somethings with perfect
everything. She makes her characters very sexual. They are older and know what
they want in bed and out and it is HOT!
I highly recommend this book!
About Freya:
Freya Barker inspires with her stories about ‘real’ people, perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy.
She is the author of the Cedar Tree and Portland, ME Series, the Northern Lights Collection and the Rock Point Series. She is also co-author of the SnapShot Series.
To see Freya’s complete backlist, or to find out what is coming down the pipe, visit
A VERY BRADEN CHRISTMAS (The Braden #11) by Melissa Foster
is a holiday novella that brings all of the Weston Bradens together for their
traditional Christmas Eve celebration. I loved each of the individual Braden
romance stories and I love catching up on their lives and children.
Patriarch Hal Braden has carried on the tradition his late
wife began of having all the family home for Christmas Eve. They celebrate with
holiday activities in town and then have a giant sleepover with everyone in the
main living area of Hal’s home. All of the couples are in attendance with their
children which demonstrates the bond between all the members of this family.
Fun, chaos and love ensues with each couple trying to sneak away for a little
“alone time”.
While each couple has a special announcement to make, it is
the special movie that Treat has for the family to watch which makes this Christmas
Eve unforgettable.
This is a very quick read that packs an emotional punch. I was happy to catch up with the Weston Bradens and was very happy through the tears with the ending. (Keep the tissues close for this ending!) This is a wonderful addition to the series and it is best read after the individual stories because all of the couples can be confusing if you are just picking this up as a holiday read. Like all of Ms. Foster’s LOVE IN BLOOM series books this one is full of family, fun and love.
TRAILS OF LOVE (Love in Bloom #69, The Bradens #29. The
Bradens & Montgomerys: Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls #3) by Melissa Foster
features Morgyn Montgomery and Graham Braden in a contemporary romance that
left my romantic heart completely satisfied.
Morgyn Montgomery lives life in the present and to the
fullest. She has a beautiful heart and a flighty spirit that her sisters never
want to see change. She has her own business where she repurposes everything
from clothes to furniture and turns them into unique, one of a kind creations
for resale. With the rise of her rent, she is not sure if she can continue with
her business as it is, but she refuses to worry.
Graham Braden is an investor and engineer who has a
traveling soul. Lucky for him, he and a friend have a successful company that
funds and invests in projects that are eco-friendly and innovative all over the
U.S. Graham is in Oak Falls to attend the wedding of his friend, Reed Cross and
possibly invest in his theater restoration project. To his surprise, the beauty
he met and cannot forget the night before at a music festival is the sister of
the bride and in the wedding.
It was love at first sight for these two. Graham is
captivated by Morgyn’s spirit and love of life. He feels he has finally found someone
to travel the world with if he can figure out how to teach Morgyn to think
outside of the box with her business without crushing her uniqueness. Morgan
knows Graham is a planner and is willing to take his help, but is she willing
to spread her small town wings and travel the world with Graham?
I LOVE all of Melissa Foster’s Montgomery sisters. They are
all unique, love life and family and live their lives on their own terms and to
the fullest. I pick up each new book and fall right back in to the family love
and drama as if no time has passed at all.
Morgyn and Graham may seem opposite at first, but both have
enough similarities to make this pairing perfect. They both fit and make a
dynamic couple. Every little thing they do for each other and the consideration
of each other’s feelings and families is swoon-worthy. There is as much fun and
laughter as there is sexy steam and heat. The sex is explicit, but appropriate
to the story.
This book is an addition to LOVE IN BLOOM family by Ms.
Foster. It can be read as a standalone romance, but I suggest reading The
Bradens & Montgomery books in order to watch each sister find her perfect
mate. I highly recommend this romance!
Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.