Book Review: Connecting Strangers by Rachel Carrington

RATING: 3 our of 5 Stars

CONNECTING STRANGERS (Discovering Emily #1) by Rachel Carrington is a Contemporary romance with an element of suspense. It is also the first in a series with a small cliffhanger to entice you to continue on in the series.

Emily Jacobs is on the run from an abusive boyfriend with powerful connections. She leaves with nothing and is lucky enough to find a woman who understands her, her situation and wants to help. She also seems to have attracted the eye of the handsome sheriff, Adam Madison. There is an instant attraction. Emily has secrets, but so does the sheriff. Can the two come together and overcome an ex on the hunt for revenge?

The story has some interesting characters, both good and bad. The small town feeling of acceptance and warmth where Emily ends up was a great contrast to where she came from. I hope there are people like Francine out there in the world.

Ms. Carrington’s writing style was very readable, but there were too many tropes and unbelievable situations for me to really get into this story. Emily was a character that I wanted to empathize with and cheer on to a HEA, but an instant attraction put me off. Personally, I would have preferred a guardian relationship and then a growth into attraction over the story arc. I also had a problem with how often she fought the help she was offered. Even if she was afraid of her ex finding her and felt she was putting others in danger, she had nothing.

For me this was just an O.K. read for which I had to suspend realistic belief one too many times. The author’s characters and writing style are what kept me reading, but I will not be continuing on in this series.

Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.

Book Review: Riptide by Michelle Mankin

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

RIPTIDE (Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances #2) by Michelle Mankin is a second chance contemporary romance that just blew me away! It is an emotional rollercoaster of a read. I loved the first book in this series and this book made me even more deeply invested in all of the characters. These books can be read as standalones, but I recommend they be read in order because there is a lot of character crossover in the scenes from the past.

Karen Grayson is a California golden girl who lives to surf and be by the Pacific Ocean, but she has been existing in an emotional limbo. She moves back home to OB to help her mom with her father and to try to find a way to move on with her life.

Ramon Martinez has returned to OB after the break-up of the Dirt Dogs to finally claim the one girl who has always held his heart. Karen and Ramon have been friends since high school, but he backed off when his friend and bandmate Dominic “Patch” claimed Karen. Ramon stayed Karen’s friend and over the years was the only person who truly understood who she really was and what she needed. He hopes to help her find her future with him.

Ms. Mankin has written a beautiful story told from the two main characters alternating points of view with flashbacks that are intertwined seamlessly with present day. This story covers everything from lust for the “bad boy”, fidelity, loyalty, friendship and love. Karen and Ramon had me in tears as well as fanning myself during the hot sex scenes. Ms. Mankin writes tragedy with empathy and leads her characters to forgiveness of others as well as themselves. I was not sure I would like a series that is based on rockers and surfers, but this author’s way with words has made me love them and want to come back for many more.

I cannot recommend this series enough!

Feature Post and Book Review: Small Town Rumors by Carolyn Brown


I am so happy to share this Feature Post and my book review of Carolyn Brown’s new novel Small Town Rumors. This is the perfect summer read with great characters, a sweet romance, small town life and two senior sisters that will have you laughing out loud.

Below you will find a guest post from Ms. Brown followed by an excerpt from the book and then my book review. After the book summary and author info you will find a Rafflecopter giveaway. I hope you enjoy this Feature Post, good luck on the giveaway and you just have to get a copy of Small Town Rumors for yourself.


Top 5 Biggest Scandals in Bloom, Texas by Carolyn Brown

Welcome to Bloom, Texas, where the gossip is hotter’n than the peppers in Rick’s garden. Bloom is located just north of Sweetwater where the land is so flat that you can see all the way to where the earth curves. Well, maybe not that far but it goes out there for miles until it finally meets the sky. It always reminds me of a child’s drawing. He/she makes a line on their paper. Above it is sky with fluffy clouds. Below it is grass with wild flowers. The streets are wide and the bus comes through on the way to Sweetwater once a day.

If you want to hear the local gossip, just stop by the Main Street Café. You’ll love the burger baskets and sweet tea, but if you listen closely, you can learn who didn’t come to church on Sunday and why, who died, who had a baby and whether or not she was married. The list goes on and on, so don’t bypass the café as you wander up and down Main Street. Oh, and ask Elaine, the owner, to fix you up with a large sweet tea to go when you leave.

A couple of doors down, you’ll see a used book store. Go right on in and Amos will tell you the whole history of Bloom. If you have a seat on the sofa inside the front door, he’ll entertain you until all that sweet tea is gone with stories about the folks in town. Don’t be shy, now. He loves company.

As a stranger, you probably won’t be invited to one of the Sweetwater Belle’s club meetings, but even their exclusive meetings aren’t so secret in Bloom. After all everyone knows everything about everyone. They know what they did with whom, where it happened and what time they got home afterwards. Then they read The Bloom Daily News to see who got caught!

After all, gossip is the life blood of the community. It’s what drives the people to get out in the blistering hot sun and go to town. It’s what sets the phone lines to smoking, and why there’s more than one cell tower pretty close to the town.

There were, have been, are will be many scandals in Bloom. But five come to mind. First is the fact that Jennie Sue’s dad has been having affairs for years and every year the mistress gets younger and younger. He has his reasons but Jennie Sue doesn’t know them until she comes home. Second would be the fact that she arrives in town, right there on Main Street on a bus. Not in a rented car from an airport. Not even in her own little fancy sports vehicle, but a bus! That alone will put a strain on the phone company. Third is that she intends to be independent and since her father won’t give her a job in the oil company, she agrees to clean houses for two elderly sisters, Lettie and Nadine, who are the biggest gossips in Bloom, Texas. Fourth is that she’s seen with Rick, a local farmer, and even worse that she’s working on his farm for no money but for vegetables as pay. And number five that she has a baby buried in an unmarked grave at the Bloom cemetery. Now when that last one hits the gossip vine, it really will be hotter’n the peppers in Rick’s garden!


Excerpt: Small Town Rumors

“Well, well, well! Are you leaving us already? You only got here yesterday.” Lettie shoved the suitcase over and sat down across the table from Jennie Sue. Short, as round as Mabel, and sporting a kinky hairdo that had gone out of style years ago, Lettie hadn’t changed since Jennie Sue was a little girl.

“Yes, ma’am,” Jennie Sue answered. “How have you been, Miz Lettie?”

“Elaine, I’ll have a big stack of pancakes and two orders of bacon,” Lettie called out across the café.

“Got it,” Elaine yelled.

“So where are you going?” Lettie turned back to Jennie Sue.

“To find a job,” she answered.

“What kind of skills and experience do you have?”

Elaine crossed the floor and set Jennie Sue’s breakfast in front of her. “Millie will bring out your order shortly, Miz Lettie.”

“No rush. Just send me a cup of coffee, and I’ll be happy until it gets here.” Lettie waved her away with a flick of the wrist and turned back to Jennie Sue. “Now, you were about to tell me about your work experience.”

Jennie Sue picked up the saltshaker and applied an unhealthy dose to her eggs. “I have no experience, but I do have a business degree. The only thing I’m good at is keeping a clean house and organizing fund-raisers and parties.”

“Hmm.” Lettie pursed her lips. “So why didn’t you have a housekeeper up there in New York?”

“Percy was never pleased with the way they cleaned.”

“Was?” Lettie asked.

“Been divorced for over a year.”

“Oh, really?” Lettie cocked her head to one side.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Me and my sister, Nadine, lost our housekeeper a couple of weeks ago. The lady that worked for us cleaned for me on Friday and Nadine on Thursday. You interested?”

Charlotte would probably go into cardiac arrest if Jennie Sue became nothing more than a maid for her archenemies. But hey, it was a job, and Jennie Sue damn sure knew how to clean a house so well that it would pass judgment in the courts of heaven.

“I might be interested if you could point me in the direction of an apartment or a rental house of some kind that wouldn’t be too expensive,” Jennie Sue answered.

“I got an apartment over my garage. It’s pretty small, but it’ll work for a single person. I’d be willing to rent it to you furnished. You’ll clean for me on Friday each week, but the last week in the month, you won’t get paid. That’ll be your rent,” Lettie said.

Jennie Sue could imagine Charlotte throwing whatever she could get her hands on at the wall when one of the Belles called her with that bit of news. Even if she was angry with her mother over trying to mold her into another Wilshire woman, she couldn’t do that to her mother—or could she? How else would she be independent?

She picked up a piece of crisp bacon with her fingers and took a bite while she thought about the offer. It was a job that she could do. It was a place for her to live. She didn’t have to live in a shelter or sleep on a park bench. However, her mother would never speak to her again, and the rumors would be so hot that they might burn down the whole town of Bloom.


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

SMALL TOWN RUMORS by Carolyn Brown is a contemporary romance perfect for a summer read in the shade of a big old tree with a glass of lemonade or sweet tea. It is a sweet romance with wonderful characters and a small town setting. This was my first book from this author, but it will definitely not be my last.

Jennie Sue Baker has returned to Bloom, Texas. The minute she steps off the bus, the local café is buzzing with rumors about her return. Jennie Sue was raised to be a society belle and trophy wife, like her mother, but her marriage falls apart. Her mother goes into damage control and wants to get Jennie Sue back on track for another husband, but Jennie Sue has changed and has other plans for her life.

Jennie Sue wants to build her own life with her business degree and never again rely on a man to support her. Her mother does not understand her and her father is not willing to interfere. As Jennie Sue accepts two jobs house cleaning which includes an above garage apartment her mother is scandalized and the rumor mill is working overtime.

Rick Lawson has returned to Bloom after medical discharge from the army. He is working to keep his family’s farm running with the help of his sister, Cricket who waitresses at the local café. Rick does not believe in gossip, but he is interested to learn of Jennie Sue’s return. He sees Jennie Sue for who she is and not her past status, but he also does not believe she could ever be interested in a scarred veteran with simple dreams.

The romance between Jennie Sue and Rick builds slowly throughout the book. Kisses and hand-holding build at a realistic pace to all other eventual sex scenes happening behind closed doors. The elder sisters that help Jennie Sue are very adorable and funny. Cricket is as big a gossip as the old ladies, but is never really malicious. I loved all of the characters in this book and especially Jennie Sue’s spirit and determination. The small town of Bloom is depicted as a typical small town and I hope there are real small towns just like it.


About the Book

Title: Small Town Rumors

Author: Carolyn Brown

Release Date: July 3, 2018

Publisher: Montlake Romance

Genre: Contemporary Romance


Everyone is talking about Jennie Sue Baker and the mess she made of her life in New York. The former high school queen bee—and wealthy darling of Bloom, Texas—has returned home after all these years, riding on a common bus and bearing two bounced alimony checks. In a town that thrives on gossip, Jennie’s fall from grace has shamed her mother, set the town buzzing, and caused old, jealous enemies to whisper in delight. They say she’s taken a job as a housekeeper, gotten a garage apartment, and might be crushing on Rick Lawson, a simple farmer with modest dreams.

As romance starts to bud, Jennie relishes what it means to follow her heart, find real new friends, and finally be herself—regardless of all the lying town chatter. But fate has another twist in store. Rumor has it that Jennie now stands to lose what matters most . . . unless she can convince Rick of one true thing—and that’s love.


About the Author

Carolyn Brown is a New York TimesUSA TodayPublishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author and a RITA finalist with more than ninety published books, which include women’s fiction and historical, contemporary, and cowboys-and-country-music romance. She and her husband live in the small town of Davis, Oklahoma—where everyone knows everyone else and knows what they’re doing and when—and they read the local newspaper on Wednesday to see who got caught. They have three grown children and enough grandchildren to keep them young.


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Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Rosemary Wolfe, M.D. (Monster Doctor) (Loving Monsters, #1) by Rexanna Ipock-Brown

Title: Rosemary Wolfe, M.D. (Monster Doctor) (Loving Monsters Series Book 1)

Author: Rexanna Ipock-Brown

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date: April 15, 2018

Cover Designer: Angela Fristoe at Covered Creatively


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Book Description:

Never date vampires.

Dr. Rosemary Wolfe loves her career as a physician and veterinarian to the Genetically Diverse Beings in her community. She’ll do almost anything to help them. Dating them is another matter. Been there, done that, almost married a psycho. A witch and werewolf, she’s convinced her differences make her unlovable, therefore she reluctantly embraces her friends-with-benefits lifestyle.

Bryce Gold meets Rosemary at a party and asks her on a date. After losing his last wife to a vengeful vampire, Bryce has sworn off serious relationships for good. Not a heartless vampire, he’s simply endured all the grief he can. But his thoughts are filled with the sexy Dr. Wolfe, and he’s reconsidering his principles. The more time they spend together, the more he realizes she could be the one to heal his heart.

Soon, Rosemary and Bryce find love might not be enough to save them from their pasts. They will have to awaken their neglected powers to save their lives and relationship.

CONTENT WARNING: This book includes an adventurous witch/wolf trying to find love. It contains smoking hot shifters and vampires, swoon-worthy love scenes, naughty language, and a dash of violence to spice things up. Intended for mature audiences

Goodreads book link:


My Book Review:

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

ROSEMARY WOLFE, M.D.: Monster Doctor (Loving Monsters, #1) by Rexanna Ipock-Brown is the start of a new paranormal romance series. This new world has your favorite vamps, weres, witches, shamans and daemons with a few new twists, suspense, hot sex scenes and light-hearted relief.

The great part of this new to me author’s writing are her characters. Rosemary Wolfe is a witch/werewolf hybrid who is brilliant as a doctor for the GDB (Genetically Diverse Beings), but is insecure in her personal life and her paranormal talents. She has a fear of unfamiliar vampires after being attacked by her ex-fiance vampire in a jealous rage, but is intrigued by the new head of the local blood bank, Bryce Gold. Bryce is a sexy alpha, 400 year old vampire who believes in love.

The author also introduces the reader to many other diverse characters during the world-building. Rosemary is friends with a long-term vampire couple, Johnathon and Edward. The story fills Rosemary’s new practice with interesting help and patients. Her family is quite diverse, also. The introduction of all of these characters is also my one problem with this novel. The world-building gets too intricate and bogs down the story in places. It is a delicate balance between setting up a new world and not writing everything into the first book. This story could have been a little leaner to make it more focused on Rosemary and Bryce’s romance and the suspense sub-plot and saved some of the character introductions for further into the series.

I am looking forward to reading more in this series. There are so many stories that can come from Rosemary and Bryce’s continuing romance, Rosemary continuing to explore her paranormal side and the characters introduced by her medical practice. This is a new paranormal with great characters, a growing romance and hot sex scenes.


About Rexanna:

Rosemary Wolfe, M.D. (Monster Doctor) is Rexanna’s debut novel. Rexanna is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Columbia chapter of the Missouri Writer’s Guild.

Rexanna’s characters are drawn from her work as a psychic consultant. She has assisted police departments with cold cases, was a popular guest on radio call-in shows, and has been featured on local and national television.

Rexanna married her college sweetheart, who also loves reading and is an easy blusher. Their long-shared Saturday afternoon activity is to go out for lunch and then to a library or bookstore. They’ve done this for most of their 35-year marriage.

Rexanna’s favorite hobbies include walking her dachshund/king cavalier spaniel rescue dog, collecting crystals, and reading romance novels.


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Feature Post: Cleveland Author Event – June 2018

I had a great day today meeting many new to me authors!

All of these books and swag plus about 25 more bookmarks and cards. I’ll be working some extra hours to cover my credit card usage today. 🙂

I want to share just a few of the great authors I met today and I hope you will check them out, also.


T.K. Leigh – Beautiful Mess series and The Vault series


Ariel Marie (Cleveland Author)- Steamy Paranormal/ Shifter Romance


Kate Squires (Ohio Author) – Contemporary Romance


Kathleen Kelly – Contemporary Romance with a bit of Erotica


Kiarra Taylor – Contemporary and Romantic Suspense


 Tia Louise – The Bright Lights series and The One To Hold series


Taylor Dawn – Contemporary Romance


Tara Sivec (Ohio Author) – Romantic Comedy, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance and Psychological Thriller


These are just a  small sample of the friendly, talented authors I met today.  I want to give a shout out to my new friend from Pittsburgh, who was my event buddy for the day – Rexi Lake. Rexi is an up and coming BDSM Erotic Romance author. Check out her book and all the others highlighted.


Twenty minutes before the end of the event the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the hotel.  The Cleveland firemen who showed up got quite a surprise and cheer from all the women out front. They were very sweet to pose for pictures once they knew they were not needed.

The perfect end to the event! 🙂







Feature Post: A Merciful Silence by Kendra Elliot


I am very pleased to share this feature post for A MERCIFUL SILENCE (Mercy Kilpatrick, #4) by Kendra Elliot. This post includes a message from Ms. Elliot, an excerpt, and a summary of this book. An author biography and web links are followed by a Rafflecopter giveaway. I hope you enjoy this post and good luck on the giveaway!

(My review is to follow.)


Message from Kendra Elliot: Mercy’s road to the FBI

Mercy Kilpatrick, the heroine from my newest release A Merciful Silence, was raised by anti-government preppers in Central Oregon. She grew up learning to live off the land, avoid law enforcement, and never trust the government. When she was eighteen, she and her father had a falling out that forced Mercy from the home.

She entered the regular world but could never leave her prepping roots behind. She eventually joined the FBI—thereby becoming the two things that her father hated most. Estranged from her family, Mercy keeps one foot in the regular world and another in her hidden past. She can’t help but prepare for the end of the world. No one at the FBI knows she escapes to her mountain hideaway every weekend where she stocks firewood, food, fuel, and medical supplies.

An FBI domestic terrorism case pulls her to back to her hometown where she must face her family for the first time in fifteen years. The case takes place in a survivalist world with which she is all too familiar, and suspects some of her family may be involved.


Excerpt: A Merciful Silence

Her GPS took her on a wet, winding trip thirty miles out of Bend. Mercy revered privacy, and it appeared Britta Vale did the same. The terrain was flat, with clumps of huge trees and fields of scattered volcanic rock. She took the final turn off the two-lane road and was pleasantly surprised to find a well-maintained gravel driveway. A wood fence lined one side of the drive, and Mercy idly wondered if Britta kept cows or sheep in the field. A wide creek rapidly flowed through the pasture, full of the recent rains. A few minutes later she stopped in front of an old white farmhouse. Fields flanked the house on two sides, and a small ancient grove of fruit trees was to the east.

The paint flaked from the two-story building, and large pieces of railing were missing from the wraparound deck. Lace curtains appeared at most of the windows, and a newer Ford pickup was parked next to the home. As Mercy stepped out of her Tahoe, faint barking greeted her, and she spotted a black lab inside, watching through a tall window next to the front door, alerting the residents that company had arrived. Its wagging tail defied the belligerent barks.

Overall, Mercy liked the home. It felt shy but friendly. Sequestered but welcoming.

The door opened and a woman appeared. In one hand she gripped the lab’s collar. With the other she balanced a rifle against her shoulder.

Not threatening, but making her stance clear.

Mercy approved. And stopped moving forward. Mercy stood with her right shoulder and hip slightly farther back and casually held her hands out in front of her stomach, the palms up. A nonaggressive pose, but she was ready to move to the gun in her shoulder holster if needed. “Britta Vale?”

“Who wants to know?” The woman’s tone was polite but direct. Her long hair was black. The flat-black, obviously dyed tone. Blunt-cut bangs just above Britta’s eyebrows gave her a no-nonsense look.

“I’m Special Agent Mercy Kilpatrick from the Bend FBI office. You’re welcome to call them to verify me.”

“Take three steps closer.”

Mercy took three measured steps, her hands still exposed. She felt the weight of her weapon at her side and watched Britta for any warning movements. The woman stood perfectly still, the dog’s wagging tail a contrast. At this distance Mercy could meet Britta’s gaze. The woman had light-blue eyes and skin that looked as if it’d never seen the sun. She also had a huge tattoo that wrapped around the front of her neck. Mercy couldn’t read it but wondered how painful the process had been. She swallowed, imagining tiny sharp needles jabbing at the tender skin on her throat.

The woman released the dog, who instantly sat, its dark eyes still locked on Mercy.

“Are you here about Grady Baldwin?”

“Yes,” Mercy answered.

“Is he out? I’m supposed to be notified if he gets out. No one has said anything to me.” Britta’s voice shot up an octave as the words spilled out of her mouth, terror and anger flashing in her eyes. Her fingers tightened on the butt of the rifle, and Mercy tensed.

“He’s not out and he’s not getting out.”

The woman lowered her chin a notch, and her shoulders moved as she exhaled. “I have nightmares about police vehicles abruptly showing up at my home, trying to get me to safety. They’re always too late.” She nodded at Mercy’s Tahoe. “You’re clearly armed, and you have government plates, so you understand my reaction.”

“I do. You are Britta, right?” The woman acted like a survivor, but Mercy wanted to be certain.

“I am. Why are you here?”

“Yesterday we uncovered five bodies. Possibly a family—we aren’t certain about that. But each one of them had been struck in the mouth. Their teeth and jaws shattered.”

The pale woman went a shade whiter as she slapped a hand across her mouth, and the dog whined, leaning hard against her thigh.


About the Book


Author: Kendra Elliot

Release Date: June 19, 2018

Publisher: Montlake Romance




For FBI agent Mercy Kilpatrick, returning to rural Oregon has meant coming to terms with her roots. Raised as a prepper, Mercy is now relying on her survivalist instincts to defend her town from the people the law can’t reach. But this time, an investigation calling up a dark past for her and police chief Truman Daly may be hitting too close to home.

A rainstorm has uncovered the remains of five people—a reprise of the distinctive slaughter of two families twenty years ago. Except the convicted killer is in prison. Is this the case of a sick copycat, or is the wrong man behind bars? One person might have the answer. The lone survivor of the decades-old crimes has returned to town still claiming that she can’t remember a thing about the night she was left for dead. As the search for the truth becomes more dangerous, Mercy fears that the traumatized woman may not have buried her memories at all. She might be keeping them a secret. And there’s a price to be paid for revealing them.


Author Biography

Kendra Elliot has landed on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list multiple times and is the award-winning author of the Bone Secrets and Callahan & McLane series, as well as the Mercy Kilpatrick novels: A Merciful DeathA Merciful Truth, and A Merciful Secret. Kendra is a three-time winner of the Daphne du Maurier Award, an International Thriller Writers finalist, and an RT Award finalist. She has always been a voracious reader, cutting her teeth on classic female heroines such as Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, and Laura Ingalls. She was born, raised, and still lives in the rainy Pacific Northwest with her husband and three daughters, but she looks forward to the day she can live in flip-flops. Visit her at

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