Book Review: Roll the Dice by Wayne Avrashow

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

ROLL THE DICE by Wayne Avrashow is a political novel that is entertaining and intriguing. A fictional story of an aging rock star who throws himself into the knockdown, drag-out political race for a U.S. Senate seat from Nevada.

Tyler Sloan is a rock and roll celebrity who has decided to run for office. He has led a rock and roll life full of sex, drugs, rehab and privilege, but he has also matured and runs a multi-million dollar fund.  He is no stranger to politics. His father was the governor of California and just barely lost in his bid for President of the United States.

Tyler funds his campaign himself and will only accept the help of small, personal contributions. He refuses the campaign contributions of special interest groups and lobbyists. He runs as an independent and campaigns outside of the two major political machines. As past indiscretions come back to haunt him and his campaign, new intrigues can also threaten his run for office.

This was a great look behind the scenes of a major political campaign. Even written as a fictional account of a campaign, you get the feeling that all of these situations could happen today in real life. Tyler was a believable main character, strengths and flaws included, with secondary characters that were perfectly placed. This is a great fictional read for a political junkie like me, but it is advertised as a thriller. Not so much. A fast paced read, campaign and some political intrigue behind the scenes, but not what I would personally call a thriller.

Thanks very much to Fiery Seas and Net Galley for allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review.