Book Review: The MacInnes Affair by Blair McDowell

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

THE MacINNES AFFAIR by Blair McDowell is a contemporary romance intertwined with a historical romance with a mystery subplot. The present MacInnes and Glendenning investigate a mystery and the history tied to their MacInnes and Glendenning 19th century ancestors. This is a standalone romance read.

The Present

Canadian Lara MacInnes is getting away from her broken engagement with a trip to Athdara castle B&B in Scotland. Athdara castle has been in the Glendenning family for generations and the current generation has done everything to ensure it continues on for many more. None more so than the handsome Highlander Iain Glendenning. As Lara and Iain begin to discover how much they have in common, they also discover the journals of a long ago Glendenning woman in love with Lara’s very great-grandfather.

The Past

Elspeth Glendenning is in a carriage accident and rescued by a rugged Highlander named Lachlan MacInnes. While the clans may have been feuding since Culloden, Elspeth and Lachlan fall in love. They discover the carriage wreck was not an accident and the two are caught up in events beyond their control.

Lara and Iain research the long ago romance and historical events that intertwine their two families. As these two work to uncover a murder mystery from the past, they fall in love as well. Can this generation of MacInnes and Glendenning’s solve a mystery that persists from their clans’ past?

I really enjoyed reading this entertaining contemporary and historical romance mix. It was not what I was expecting from the genre listings on the description because it is not a time-travel or paranormal romance. It has two time-lines that intertwine, but no one travels to another time. That said, both plot-lines are well written and I never felt confused as the two stories shift from past to present and back again. The present day romance progresses at a believable pace and the historical romance is filled with situations that are appropriate to that time.

This is the type of book you can just fall into and get engrossed by the history and mystery and not want to put down. This is the first book I have read from this new to me author, but I will definitely be looking for others.

Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.

Release Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: 10-Code by Freya Barker

Title: 10- Code (Rock Point #4)

Author: Freya Barker

Genre: Romantic suspense

Release Date: June 17, 2019

Hosted by:Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

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Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to once again be featuring a new Freya Barker romantic suspense book. This author’s heroes and heroines are always realistic portrayals, a little older and more seasoned by life, with an element of suspense that brings them together.

10-Code is the fourth book in the Rock Point/La Plata County FBI series. All of the books in this series are easily read as standalones, but believe me, you will want to read them all!


Book Description:

As a forty-one-year-old mother of three boys, working two jobs, Marya Berger doesn’t have the time or energy to consider a relationship. Especially after a lifetime of poor choices in the romance department. But when the disappearance of a young boy strikes a little too close to home, and a younger man she’s tried to ignore offers his help, she doesn’t stand in the way.

Single father, Dylan Barnes, the junior member of the La Plata County FBI team at thirty-three, has his focus firmly on his job and his son, Max. He’s certainly not looking to complicate his life, when he finds himself at his son’s soccer game, sitting beside the spirited brunette he can’t get out of his mind. Fate, however, appears to have different plans.

When an unspeakable crime draws the attention of the FBI, Dylan finds himself torn between his job and his instinctive need to protect Marya and her boys.


Goodreads book link:


My Book Review:

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

10-Code Rock Point/La Plata County FBI Book 4 by Freya Barker is a new FBI romantic suspense which returns to Rock Point and is the fourth book in this series. While there is character crossover from the previous books in this series, it can be easily read as a standalone without confusion.

Marya Berger had her dead-beat husband walk out on her and their three boys five years ago. With the help of her mother and working two jobs, she has done her best. Between the boys, her jobs and her past poor dating choices, Marya does not have the time or energy for romance.

FBI agent Dylan Barnes is firmly focused on his career and his son. He is very lucky to have his mother and step-dad close to help with his son when his job interferes. At his son’s soccer game, Dylan is surprised when Marya shows up. He learns her middle son plays on the team and the two boys have a lot in common. This Marya is different than the buttoned up woman he buys coffee from at the book store. She is spirited and sarcastic and he finds he cannot quit thinking about her.

When a young boy the same age as both Marya and Dylan’s sons disappears, and Marya’s ex-husband shows up out of the blue demanding to see the boys, Dylan is torn between his job and his need to protect Marya and her boys.

This is a wonderful romance with two people who truly deserve each other and a HEA. The road had more than enough bumps in it between Marya’s ex-husband, Dylan’s ex-fling and the suspense plot surrounding the boys. The sex scenes are explicit and realistic as they try to just grab whatever time is available as they deal with everything going on in their jobs and lives. Ms. Barker has the characters dealing with what age to get children cell phones, on-line gaming, predator danger and codes for dangerous situations.

This is another home run from this author. Her characters are always flawed in ways everyone can relate to, the romance is hot and the suspense keeps you turning the pages to the end. Excellent book, excellent series and excellent author. I highly recommend you pick up a Freya Barker romantic suspense and get reading!



About Freya:

Freya Barker inspires with her stories about ‘real’ people, perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy. 

She is the author of the Cedar Tree and Portland, ME Series, the Northern Lights Collection and the Rock Point Series. She is also co-author of the SnapShot Series.

To see Freya’s complete backlist, or to find out what is coming down the pipe, visit  

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Prize: Signed copy of 10- Code Open Internationally


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Feature Post and Book Review: Defending Harlow by Susan Stoker

Hi, everyone!

Today I am excited to share the Feature Post and Book Review for Susan Stoker’s new release DEFENDING HARLOW (Mountain Mercenaries Book 4). This addition to the series has the men working a case right at home in Colorado Springs.

Below you will find a guest post from the author, an excerpt, my book review, the author’s bio and social media info and a Rafflecopter giveaway.

You are going to love “Black” and Harlow’s story. As always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!


Guest Post: A Mountain Mercenary’s Sneak Attack with Author Susan Stoker

Defending Harlow is book 4 in the Mountain Mercenaries series. Each book features one of the men who were recruited by the mysteries “Rex” to work on his team to help rescue kidnapped women and children. In this book we meet Lowell “Black” Lockard who was a Navy SEAL before he became a Mountain Mercenary. He joined the group because after his stint in the Navy, he realized that he was happiest when he was being useful, helping others. He’d been close to his fellow SEALs when he’d been on active duty, but somehow he was even closer with his fellow Mountain Mercenaries.

They worked together, they played together, and they simply enjoyed spending time with each other both during missions and when they were living their lives in Colorado Springs.

Black loves that his friends have found women that completed them. Gray met Allye when he rescued her from a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and they had to swim for hours to safety. Ro met Chloe when her brother was holding her hostage in his house and was about to pimp her out from his strip club. And Arrow met Morgan when they’d been down in the Dominican Republic to rescue a child who’d been kidnapped by her non custodial father. Turns out, Morgan was one of the most famous missing people the United States had ever had, and she’d been held for over a year before she’d accidentally been found by the Mountain Mercenaries.

He loves that his friends are happy, but realizes that he is…bored. He wants someone to laugh with. To talk to at the end of the day. To break the routine of his life. He envies his friends for having that.

Meeting Harlow is a turning part in Black’s life. She makes him laugh and he’s intrigued more than he’s ever been by a woman before. And realizing they went to the same high school once upon a time makes him even more curious. But there’s a problem…Harlow has had bad date after bad date and she’s sworn off dating forever.

But Black won’t give up. He decides to “trick” her by refusing to call what they’re doing as ‘dates.’ They’re just “hanging out.” And the more he spends time with her, the more he likes her…and vice versa. Harlow will have to decide whether or not to take a chance on Black, and he’ll have to figure out how to neutralize the threat looming over Harlow and the women’s shelter she works at or else the semantics of what they’re doing will be a moot point, because someone might end up dead.


Defending Harlow Excerpt

Neither said anything for a while as they drove toward downtown.

Finally, Harlow asked, “Where are we going?”

“The Pit.”


Lowell smiled. “Since this isn’t a date, and we’re talking about the shelter, I decided I should take you to the place where me and my team conduct business. The Pit.”

“It sounds scary. Please tell me there aren’t snakes on the floor and Indiana Jones isn’t going to pop up and run pell-mell through the place being chased by members of an ancient civilization because they want their artifact back.”

Harlow stared at Lowell when he threw his head back and laughed loud and long. She couldn’t help but chuckle herself. The man sitting next to her was so different from any man she’d dated in the past—no, wait … this wasn’t a date. Nope. Not even close.

“I can’t wait to tell the others that. No, Harl, The Pit is a combination bar and pool hall. It’s pretty much a hole-in-the-wall kind of place.”

“Why do you do business in a bar?” Harlow asked.

“To be honest, I’m not sure. The Pit is where we were interviewed when we were first asked to join the Mountain Mercenaries … I’m assuming you know about the team?”

She nodded. “A bit. Loretta told me. I’m sorry if she spoke out of turn, but she was trying to reassure me that you knew what you were doing and could help us.”

“I can help you,” Lowell confirmed. “And in a nutshell, me and my teammates are all former Special Forces soldiers, and we work for Rex, getting women and children out of untenable situations.”

“Why mercenaries? I mean, it doesn’t sound like that’s what you guys really are.”

Lowell shook his head, and a small smile formed on his face. “Why do women always concentrate on that word?” he asked, more to himself than her.

Harlow answered him even though he hadn’t really asked. “Because. It’s weird that you call yourselves something that you technically aren’t. I wouldn’t start a catering business and call it Harlow Photography.”

“Point taken. I don’t know why Rex chose that name. Probably because it was catchy and sounded better than Colorado Badasses, or Your Worst Nightmare.”

Harlow couldn’t stop the bark of laughter that escaped. “True.”

“The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter what we’re called. We’re six men who go where we’re needed and do what we have to do to rescue those who need a helping hand. I know women are empowered, and there are many who are just as talented at what they do as we are. But the fact remains, there are a lot of men out there who feel the need to subjugate and beat down the women and children in their lives. They take advantage of teenagers who are too young to know better or those who have had horrible lives. They hurt them and force them to do things against their will. It’s not right, or fair, and me and my friends are playing a small part in trying to right those wrongs.”

Harlow wasn’t sure how their light and playful conversation had turned so intense, but she turned slightly in her seat to better look at Lowell. His teeth were clenched, and the hand on the steering wheel was holding on so tightly, she could see his knuckles turning white. He obviously felt deeply about the topic and his job, and Harlow couldn’t be more proud of him.

“I’m proud to know you, Lowell Lockard.”

He looked at her in surprise. “What?”

“The world needs more men like you and your friends. I don’t know why men like the ones harassing the shelter are the way they are. Why they feel the need to exert their power over those they deem weaker than them. But I’m glad you’re there to help tip the scales. Other than the high-speed-chase guy, generally I haven’t been afraid of my bad dates, I’ve just been disgusted by or disappointed in them. But I know there are a lot of women out there who’re in bad marriages and relationships, and it helps knowing there are people who care. People who will put their own lives on the line to help get others out of those situations, if asked.”

Lowell pulled into a parking lot of a dark and seedy-looking building, and Harlow wasn’t surprised to see the neon sign above the door that said The Pit. This was exactly the kind of place where she imagined Lowell and his fellow badasses would meet.

He stopped the engine, brought the hand he was still holding up to his mouth, and kissed the back of it. “Stay put. I’ll come around.”

He went to let go of her, but Harlow held on to his hand. “This isn’t a date,” she said, not sure if she was reminding him or herself. “It’s a work meeting. I let you pick me up, but I should’ve driven myself. And I can open my own door and pay my own way.”

Lowell leaned into her, and Harlow forced herself not to pull back.

“I know this isn’t a date. You don’t date. I heard that loud and clear, Harl. But in my world—and make no mistake; when you’re with me, you’re in my world—a man opens a door for a lady. He walks on the outside of the sidewalk, he picks her up whenever possible, and he pays for drinks and meals. If it makes you feel better, you can think of this as a business expense I can write off on my taxes.”

Harlow stared at him for a beat, then nodded. What else could she do? She didn’t want to like Lowell’s world, but she had to admit it felt good being there. She’d had doors shut in her face when men had entered ahead of her and hadn’t held them open. She’d had to pay for her own meals on dates. And she’d even had an experience when she’d literally almost been run over by a bus in Seattle because she’d been forced to walk on the outside of the sidewalk near the curb.

“Okay,” she said.

“Okay,” Lowell said with a small smile. Then he squeezed her hand once more and climbed out.

“Not a date, not a date,” Harlow chanted to herself quietly as Lowell walked around his car to come to her side. He opened her door and held out a hand. Taking a deep breath, Harlow put her hand back in his and allowed him to help her up and out of the low seat.

He didn’t let go of her hand once she was standing next to him, though. He simply shut the car door with his free hand and led her toward the door of the bar.

Not a date, she told herself once more as Lowell smiled at her and pulled open the heavy wooden door.


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

DEFENDING HARLOW (Mountain Mercenaries Book 4) by Susan Stoker is a romantic suspense that has the men of Mountain Mercenaries working a case in their own hometown. When a women’s and children’s shelter is threatened, these dedicated men work to discover who is responsible and why. All of the books in this series can be read as standalones, but there is more character crossover in this book than in the previous books.

Ex-Navy SEAL Lowell “Black” Lockard has watched his teammates find their forever matches one by one and even though he is not ready for forever, he would like to find someone to share his time with. When Black shows up for his turn to teach self-defense at the women’s shelter, he is surprised to see that the new chef is an acquaintance from high school. Harlow is a beautiful person, inside and out, and Black wants to see more of her, but Harlow does not date.

Harlow Reese loves her job and all of the women and children in the shelter. She is surprised when the boy she had a crush on in high school walks in to teach self-defense to the women. Recently a group of young thugs has started harassing the women and children and Harlow asks Black for his help. With Harlow’s “No Dating” rule, Black has to find a way to do things with Harlow without calling it a date. He starts by being available at all times to keep her safe and he begins to find that Harlow means more to him than he planned.

The threats escalate and Black pulls in all of the Mountain Mercenaries to help find who is responsible. Can Black and the Mountain Mercenaries keep the shelter and its’ occupants safe as they work to uncover the threat?

I really enjoyed the mix of romance and suspense in this book in the series. Harlow’s list of bad dates had me laughing out loud. She had bad things happening around her at the shelter, but she was not abused as the previous heroines. Lowell was an interesting mix of understanding and caring for Harlow, but he has a dark side that is revealed in this story. These two were perfect for each other and I cheered on every step Lowell took to get Harlow. The suspense plot was well written to keep the story fast paced and interesting. The sex scenes were explicit, but not gratuitous when they did occur.

I can highly recommend this book and the entire series! I am looking forward to Ball’s story next.


About the Book

Title: Defending Harlow

Author: Susan Stoker

Release Date: June 4, 2019

Publisher: Montlake Romance


Lowell “Black” Lockard, former Navy SEAL, has watched his fellow Mountain Mercenaries settle down with the women of their dreams, but he’s convinced he doesn’t need love. Then he gets a call from Harlow Reese—a chef at a local women’s shelter—and begins to reconsider his decision.

After being continually harassed by a local band of punks, Harlow asks Lowell to give the women of the shelter lessons in self-defense. She doesn’t expect him to take such a special interest in her safety, but he insists on escorting her to and from work, never taking no for an answer. Not that Harlow minds the personal touch…especially when it’s coming from her former teenage crush.

Despite her long history of bad dating luck, seeing Black again makes Harlow rethink her self-imposed celibacy. Easy on the eyes and hard to forget, the man has morphed into an alpha stud. And Harlow may be exactly the type of woman Black is looking for. Making her feel safe isn’t only a duty; it’s a pleasure. But the threats are escalating. The motives are a mystery. And as the danger burns almost as hot as their passion, there’s much more at risk than their hearts.

Author Biography

Susan Stoker is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her series include Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes, SEAL of Protection, Delta Force Heroes, and Mountain Mercenaries. Married to a retired Army noncommissioned officer, Stoker has lived all over the country—from Missouri and California to Colorado and Texas—and currently lives under the big skies of Tennessee. A true believer in happily ever after, Stoker enjoys writing novels in which romance turns to love. To learn more about the author and her work, visit her website,, or find her on Facebook at

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Book Review: Defending Morgan by Susan Stoker

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

DEFENDING MORGAN (Mountain Mercenaries Book 3) by Susan Stoker is another exciting romantic suspense addition to the Mountain Mercenaries series. All of these books can be read as standalones, but there is character crossover with each book adding another HEA to the group of friends.

Ex-Navy SEAL Archer “Arrow” Kane is part of a team sent by Rex, the leader of the Mountain Mercenaries to the Dominican Republic to rescue a kidnapped child. The team is surprised when they find the child, they also find an American woman who has been missing from Atlanta for over a year.

Morgan Byrd was abducted and disappeared while out with friends. Her father kept her story in the news and never gave up hope of finding her. Arrow recognizes her and has an instant need to protect this strong and brave woman. He wants to know how and why she ended up in Santa Domingo and so does Morgan.

Arrow offers Morgan a safe place to stay until the Mountain Mercenaries can find out who wanted Morgan gone, but not dead.

This book is not what I was expecting, although I should have. While Morgan was abducted, she was sexually abused and tortured. The descriptions are not graphic and mainly handled behind a psychologist’s closed door, but as you can imagine there is a very slow build up to any type of intimacy. I cheered every step forward Morgan made. Arrow is amazing in his respect and patience. The talks the couple shared displayed their intimacy. Their relationship builds at a realistic pace with the inclusion of professional help. I was shocked at the end when the villain of this story was revealed and I had a hard time accepting it. It was a surprise that left me unsatisfied.

I still find this series to be entertaining and I love watching each mercenary meet his perfect match. These books all have strong, alpha male heroes and heroines who have been through terrible circumstances, but remain resilient and loving. I am looking forward to reading many more HEAs in this series!

Thanks very much to Net Galley and Montlake Romance for allowing me to read this ARC.

Book Review: Gateway Crescent by Brenda Margriet

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

GATEWAY CRESCENT (Bendixon Sisters Book 2) by Brenda Margriet is a contemporary romance set in British Columbia. This romance is the second in the trilogy and features the youngest of the three Bendixon sisters. It can easily be read as a standalone, but it does give you glimpses of book 1 as the timelines run simultaneously.

Josephine “Jo” Bendixon loves bright colors, singing and life in general. Her two older sisters believe she is flighty and never finishes projects she starts and this is hurtful to Jo. She does not share that she is teaching herself computer coding and she is working toward combining all of her interests into a career. When her volunteer job at the library is taken away, she gets the opportunity to work at Gateway Crescent teaching disabled children computer skills. At the same time she volunteers to work with Luke on the end of school year music concert in the park.

Luke Donwell is the music teacher at the local high school. He loves working with teenagers, but he has always had a deep faith and contemplated becoming a Catholic priest. He has set up a weekend away at the seminary to decide if the priesthood is what he truly wants to do with his life. When his friend’s younger sister, Jo volunteers to help with the end of the year concert and a new music therapy program at Gateway Crescent, he is glad for the help, but being with Jo makes him begin to question many of his long-held beliefs.

Jo and Luke work well together and both are surprised by the attraction each feels for the other. Luke is up front about his possible vocational change and Jo encourages him to keep his weekend obligation even as both have feelings of more than friendship. Luke has a major decision to make for himself, but it will effect all who love him.

I must admit that I do not usually read romances with religion as a major focus, but I loved the first book in this series and all of the Bendixon sisters. Luke is a complex character who pulled me in with his faith and beliefs and is an extremely caring and giving person, but also at times he demonstrated the intolerance of others’ beliefs that makes me dislike religious doctrines. Jo is a loving, free spirit who may not have found her true calling yet, but is open and searching. Jo and Luke’s story was a heartwarming romance with many realistic bumps in the road. The secondary characters all added depth to the storyline. There is one sex scene and I felt the author handled the emotions and dialogue in a realistic way that was true to the story.

I enjoyed Luke and Jo’s romance. I also enjoyed the glimpses of book one that remind you of that sister’s story. I am looking forward to reading the oldest Bendixon sister’s romance next.

Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.

Feature Post and Book Review: The Dark Bones by Loreth Anne White

Hi, everyone!

Today’s Feature Post and Book Review is for Loreth Anne White’s upcoming release THE DARK BONES (Dark Lure Book 2). Below you will find a guest post from the author, an excerpt from the book, my book review and a Rafflecopter giveaway.

This author always gives me mystery, suspense, increasing threat (both physical and environmental) and a bit of romance all rolled into one intense story. Even though this is book 2 in the Dark Lure series, it can easily be read as a standalone, but believe me, you will want to go back and read the first book in this series.

I highly recommend this book and series! As always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway.


Hunting For Betrayal with Author Loreth Anne White

My newest novel, THE DARK BONES, is about a cop, Rebecca North, who learns that her father—a retired police officer—has killed himself. She can’t believe it. But in order to prove it was murder she must return to her small, rural home town and face a lot of dark things she’s been running from including the man she left behind long ago, and a cold case thought long buried.

At the core, THE DARK BONES examines the lies people tell each other and themselves—the false narratives they construct in order to hide mistakes, or bad deeds, or hurtful truths, or realities that shame and burden them. And as Rebecca North, my detective, digs deep to find the truth of what really happened to her dad, she begins to crack open a carapace of old lies that wraps around a cold case—a  heinous deed that occurred in her small community twenty years in the past, a crime from which people are still hiding.

Rebecca fast learns that the secrets she is beginning to unearth are secrets people will still kill to keep. However, opening up this vault of lies and betrayals in the small town also reveals to Rebecca truths about herself, and about the man she once loved, Ash Haugen. A man who betrayed her. And in confronting those betrayals and old lies, and the reasons that underpinned them, Rebecca and Ash can finally heal, and open themselves to a love that was always meant to be. At the heart THE DARK BONES is also about second chances, and getting that opportunity to try and set right the collateral damages around betrayal.

Although THE DARK BONES stands alone, it also revisits the setting and some of the characters from an earlier book, A DARK LURE. Those earlier characters were left with a hard road to travel toward their happy end, and as some of them play a key role

in Rebecca and Ash’s story, we see them also confronting outfalls around betrayal, and getting chance to continue their journey towards a good life.


The Dark Bones Excerpt

Rebecca felt warmth. She was enveloped by it. She heard the crackle and pop of dry logs burning and, in the distance, dogs barking. The smell of … fire—

Her eyes shot open, her heart thumping.

He sat there. Ash. In a chair by the fire, watching her with his ice-blue eyes. She was in his living room, and the lighting had been dimmed. The flickering glow of the flames in the hearth behind him cast his rugged features into sharp relief. The scar down the side of his face looked harsh. An old brown dog with a white muzzle slept on a rug in front of the hearth.

Rebecca’s brain slotted puzzle pieces into place as she struggled through a mental haze to backtrack and figure out how she’d gotten here: The lights following her. The razed cabin and the clues that someone had been inside the shed and maybe fled the scene. Ash shooting at her. No gas in her truck. Fear of dying. Coming here to Haugen Ranch. Shucking her dad’s gear in Ash’s mudroom. Him helping her into the living room of his old family home—a great big log house built by his grandfather. Seating her on the sofa.

She sat up slowly, trying to pull her brain into sharper focus. A down duvet was wrapped around her, a heated blanket beneath that. The duvet smelled of fresh laundry. Yes, she recalled, the fire had already been going in the hearth when he’d brought her in—she’d noticed that. Next had come hot tea with honey, warm clothes handed to her—fleece, oversize. More tea.

He’d told her not to talk. Discussion could wait.

She met his eyes now and felt a visceral connection across the darkened room. This was her first proper look at him after all these years.

Her teen lover had aged. As she had. But he’d matured in a way she found attractive. He was neither sweet nor handsome. Rugged rather. A brooding look. Sun bronzed and weathered. Her attention returned to his scar. So prominent, cutting down the left side of his face from eye to jaw. He could have had plastic surgery over the past decades, but clearly hadn’t. Her memory slipped back to the day she’d tried to patch him up with the help of a small medical kit and knowledge she’d gleaned during her part-time job as a veterinary assistant.

He lied…

Her attention shifted to his hands. His knuckles were scarred.

What were you protecting him from that day?

She recalled the blood she’d seen on those ragged and bruised knuckles that day. Why had she not told her father she didn’t know for certain he’d fallen off his horse and been dragged across sharp terrain?

Why had she not questioned more firmly, at age sixteen, Ash’s refusal to go to the ER facility on that particular day? What deep psychology had driven her to possibly blind herself to search for a darker truth?

In that tempestuous, hormone-filled year she was sixteen, had she conveniently compartmentalized something that had created cognitive dissonance, because she’d just recently started sleeping with Ash, and needed to believe him? Needed to trust him again?

How had her actions that day shaped this present? Could it—she—have possibly played a role in her father’s death?

And why, oh dear God why, did Ash still make her feel things? This—this—was why she’d stayed away. He held an animal kind of magnetism over her. She felt it now, her gaze locked with his arctic eyes. Her attraction had blinded her to the fact he was not good for her. He was a liar.

She cleared her throat. “What time is it?”

“Almost midnight. You going to be okay? Do I need to drive you to Clinton?”

From his ranch it would take almost an hour, in the dark, on bad roads. And the ER would be closed. They’d have to call 911 for emergency to open up with an on-call physician. It reminded Rebecca that out here, one looked after one’s own.

“I … I must have passed out.”

A half smile. “Slept like a baby. You must have been tired.”

A desire to tell him all rose in Rebecca: How rough her journey home had been with the storms. How seeing her father’s body had gutted her. How exhausted she felt, emotionally. But she held back as her mind sharpened and the immediacy of why she was here, with him, in this house, was pulled into clear focus.

“What made you return to my father’s place when you did, Ash? How did you come to find me?”

“I go up to the Broken Bar mesa sometimes. The view of the valley on a clear, cold night is surreal.” A pause. “I needed to think.” After seeing you. The unspoken words seemed to simmer between them. “Someplace above it all. Then as the moon rose, I caught light glinting off metal where your father’s place was. I thought it might be a vehicle, so I went to check before heading home.” He paused. “You could have died out there.”

Rebecca swallowed as this fact sank like a stone through her gut.

“Have you been sitting there watching me like that all night?”

“You worried me,” he said. Then, very quietly, he added, “And I like to look at you.” He paused. “It’s been so long.”


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

THE DARK BONES (Dark Lure Book 2) by Loreth Anne White is a mix of romantic suspense, mystery and thrills with ever increasing physical, emotional and environmental threats. This is the second book in this series, but it can easily be read as a standalone.

Detective Rebecca North is notified that her father, a retired Mounty has committed suicide. Rebecca has been away from her hometown in rural Western Canada for twenty years and even though she knows her father had problems, she refuses to believe he would take his own life. He called her just that day to tell her he is revisiting a cold case from their hometown and that he believes he is being followed and has had papers stolen from his home.

One of the last people to see Rebecca’s father alive was her ex-high school boyfriend, Ash Haugen. Ash always dreamed of one day marrying Rebecca, but he broke her heart and trust. The investigation is stirring up old feelings and lies. Even as they work together, old friends and relations may once again pull them apart.

While regathering the evidence for the case her father was working on and trying to prove he did not commit suicide, Rebecca and Ash are under increasing threat by someone who is trying to keep the old case cold.

I loved this book! The murder mystery and the cold case keep you guessing, turning the pages and they keep the overall pace continually increasing to the climax. The flashbacks to Rebecca and Ash’s pasts did not detract or slow down the story in any way. I liked the tie in to the first book, but it does not interfere with your understanding of this mystery plot or romance. Rebecca and Ash were complex characters with actions and emotions that were believable. The romance grows at a realistic pace. The secondary characters are fully fleshed out and added depth to the small town, good and bad.

I highly recommend this book and series! Ms. White is an author that I now automatically go to when looking for an intense suspenseful read.


About a Book

Title: The Dark Bones

Author: Loreth Anne White

Release Date: May 21, 2019

Publisher: Montlake Romance


When Detective Rebecca North left her rural hometown, she vowed never to return. Her father’s apparent suicide has changed that. The official report is that retired cop Noah North shot himself, knocked over a lantern, and set his isolated cabin ablaze. But Rebecca cannot believe he killed himself.

To prove it, she needs the help of Ash Haugen, the man she left behind. But Rebecca and Ash share more than broken hearts. Something darker lies between them, and the investigation is stirring it back to life. Clues lead them to the home of Olivia West and her deeply troubled twelve-year-old daughter, Tori. The child knows more about the murder than anyone can imagine, but she’s too terrified to say a word.

And as a cold-blooded killer resurfaces from the past, Rebecca and Ash begin to fear that their own secrets may be even harder to survive.


Author Biography

Loreth Anne White is an internationally bestselling author of thrillers, mysteries, and romantic suspense. A three-time RITA finalist, she is also the 2017 Overall Daphne du Maurier Award winner, and she has won the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the Romantic Crown for Best Romantic Suspense and Best Book Overall, in addition to being a Booksellers’ Best finalist and a multiple CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Award winner. A former journalist and newspaper editor who has worked in both South Africa and Canada, she now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her family. Visit her at

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