Feature Post and Book Review: Echoes Of Memory by Sara Driscoll

Book Description

A thrilling standalone mystery featuring a San Diego florist grappling with post-traumatic amnesia. The only witness to a murder she can’t remember, her handwritten notes and razor-sharp wits are all she has to solve the crime—and save her life.

After surviving a terrible attack, Quinn Fleming has recovered in every way but one—her ability to retain new memories. Now, months later, it appears to the outside world as if the San Diego florist’s life is back to normal. But Quinn is barely holding on, relying on a notebook she carries with her at all times, a record of her entire existence since the assault. So when she witnesses a murder in the shadowy alley behind the florist shop, Quinn immediately writes down every terrifying detail of the incident before her amnesia wipes it away.

By the time the police arrive, there’s no body, no crime scene, and no clues. The killing seems as erased from reality as it is from Quinn’s mind . . . until the flashbacks begin. Suddenly, fragments of memories are surfacing—mere glimpses of that horrible night, but enough to convince Quinn that somewhere, locked in her subconscious, is the key to solving the case . . . and she’s not the only one who knows. Somebody else has realized Quinn is a threat that needs to be eliminated. Now, with her life on the line and only her notes to guide her, Quinn sets out to find a killer she doesn’t remember, but can’t forget . . .

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/200488144-echoes-of-memory?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=h0egDVW3Bf&rank=1


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

ECHOES OF MEMORY by Sara Driscoll is a fascinating suspense/crime thriller police procedural featuring a protagonist with a severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) who witnesses a murder, or did she? This standalone slow burn thriller has a sense of foreboding throughout that kept me turning the pages.

Quinn Fleming is a florist in San Diego who survived a horrific mugging. She is back to work, but her TBI has her finding ways to compensate for her inability to retain new memories. She relies on recording everything she must remember in a notebook she always carries with her. After work, as she is emptying the shop’s trash in the back alley, she witnesses a murder as she hides in the shadows.

Detective Nura Reyes knows about Quinn’s attack and challenges and believes her tale of witnessing a murder even though there is no proof. Bits and pieces of that night return in flashbacks, dreams, and Quinn’s art, so when she goes to find proof that what she saw was real, someone else realizes she is a threat. Det. Reyes is now in a race to uncover the truth with Quinn’s life on the line.

This is such an interesting plot twist with a protagonist that does not remember anything past approximately an hour unless it is reinforced by repetition or a traumatic incident. Her coping skills were amazing and yet she was embarrassed when anyone found out about them. The explanations of her TBI complications are well integrated throughout the story between Quinn’s actions and thoughts and her TBI therapy group instructor, Will. The plot does start out a little slow, but there is always a shadow of foreboding and as more clues come together, the plot pace increases exponentially. This is an all-around gripping story.

I highly recommend this intense crime thriller/police procedural.


About the Author

Sara Driscoll is the pen name of Jen J. Danna, coauthor of the Abbott and Lowell Forensic Mysteries and author of the FBI K-9s and the NYPD Negotiators. After over thirty years in infectious diseases research, Jen hung up her lab coat to concentrate on her real love—writing “exceptional” thrillers (Publishers Weekly). She is a member of the Crime Writers of Canada and lives with her husband and four rescued cats outside of Toronto, Ontario.

Social Media Links

Website: https://jenjdanna.com/

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Threads: https://www.threads.net/@jenjdanna

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/sara-driscoll

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