Book Review: Girl In The Water by Dana Marton

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

When I was asked if I would like to review Dana Marton’s latest book, GIRL IN THE WATER, I agreed right away because she has always given me an all-around enjoyable and entertaining romantic suspense read. What a surprise I was in for! This story is more intense, dark, intricate and emotional than any of her previous works.

In the beginning of this story you are introduced to a man who only lives to drink and fight since his discharge from the Army. Ian Slaney blames himself for the death of his wife and twins while he was in Afghanistan. A world away in the Amazon rain forest, Daniela has grown up dirt poor, but happy with the dream of becoming a teacher. One day, a logger stops at her hut and Daniela is raped and becomes a prostitute like her mother. She is then trafficked to a whore house up the river when her mother drowns in a flood.

Their lives intersect with the murder of Ian’s friend and Army buddy, Finch. Finch had bought Daniela from the whore house to cook and clean for him. When she returns to find a dead body, she stays and pretends nothing has changed so she won’t have to return to her old life. But Finch has sent an S.O.S. out to Ian that he needs help and by the time Ian arrives he is dead. Ian must now deal with the mystery of Finch’s murder and what to do with Daniela.

They return to the U.S. and four years of growth and major changes occur. Ian is sober and working for the Civilian Personnel Recovery Unit of the DOD. Daniela has graduated from college. The secondary plot then pulls them back to Brazil to the area of Daniela’s youth for the recovery of a missing 7 month old baby of U.S. charity workers. The book takes off from here at a rapid pace revolving around stolen diamonds, helping trafficked children, and a romance that can no longer be denied.

Ms. Marton has written a romantic suspense novel that delivers a unique couple that both had to forgive themselves of their pasts to get to their HEA futures. It is also a unique and strong suspense novel filled with exotic locales, intrigue and danger. This is the third book in The Civilian Personnel Recovery Series, but is easily read as a standalone. This is a read that satisfied me on every level. This story is a banquet, not fast food. I recommend this book highly!

Book Review: The Dead Key by D.M. Pulley

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

The Dead Key is D.M. Pulley’s first book and the winner of the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award-Grand Prize and Mystery Thriller Fiction Winner. After reading and being immersed in this mystery, I can understand the awards. I lived and worked in Downtown Cleveland during both protagonists’ time periods and find this to be an intriguing fictional history and mystery of what happened to the old bank in 1978 and 1998 at 9th and Euclid.

Two timelines and protagonists come together to solve the mystery of the bank’s safe deposit boxes. In 1978, Beatrice Baker takes a secretarial job at 16 and begins to find that there are secrets to kill for at the First Bank of Cleveland. In 1998, Iris Latch is an engineer sent to the bank to do a floor to floor survey for buyers interested in the old bank building. She finds many rooms, offices and files exactly as they were the day the bank locked its doors in 1978. Even though there is a twenty year time span, both young women become endangered as they try to understand the importance of the keys to the safe deposit boxes in the vault.

I really enjoyed the two intertwining timelines and protagonists. Beatrice was a much more sympathetic and strong character. She faces extremely difficult personal problems and dangerous situations for her young age. Iris hates her job, parties too much and is not very responsible. I feel many of us at that age can relate to boring first office jobs, wanting to get away from home and few friends which can lead to bad judgement at times. Plot twists, spooky atmosphere and an interesting mystery makes for a very happy reader. I recommend this book highly.

Book Review: Snow & Secrets by Rozenn Scott

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

SNOW & SECRETS (Stanford Creek, #3) by R.J. Scott writing as Rozenn Scott is a fast to read, short, classic style contemporary romance, but with a hero and a hero. I love these two characters coming together for their HEA! This is the third book in this series, but it can be easily read as a standalone.

Tyler ‘Ty’ Hart, boy band star is all over the internet, but not for a good reason. Threatened with blackmail, chased by the paparazzi and having anxiety attacks he takes off for an isolated cabin in the snow in Stanford Creek, VT. Two of his former bandmates have settled and found happiness there, so he is hoping it will work for him.

Garrett Campbell is back in his hometown for Christmas to regroup and heal after an assignment goes FUBAR. The death of his friend, his own near death and the unknown source of the danger have him wanting to stay alone in his brother’s cabin, but be close for his sister’s delivery. His unexpected arrival means he has to share the cabin with Ty, who just happens to be a secret fantasy.

Isolated cabin, snow, hot tub and fantasies become reality. The romance is quick and yet it doesn’t feel rushed. Both men realize that they not only have each other, but a cast of secondary characters that all love and care about both of them very much. A little suspense is thrown in to the mix and you have a really entertaining read.

I recommend this book and author to any lovers of M/M romance. Ms. Scott also writes M/F romance, as in Books 1 and 2 of this series. The sex is very sweet and hot in this book. There are explicit scenes of M/M sex, but it is never gratuitous. Excellent romance read!

Written for and posted first on The Romance

Book Review: Lone Wolf by Sara Driscoll

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

If I see a book contains a suspense plot and a dog, I am definitely grabbing it! LONE WOLF (FBI K-9 #1) did not disappoint. The first in a new series by Sara Driscoll takes you inside the FBI K-9 unit and focuses on Meg Jennings and her dog, Hawk.

The action in this book takes off at the beginning with a bombing via drone of a government building by the National Mall in Washington, DC. Meg and her black Lab, Hawk, are sent into the aftermath for search and rescue. (The author gives a very realistic description of the scene and the work this team would do together.) This is just the start of this bomber’s agenda of revenge on government agencies he feels have destroyed his life. It is a race to find out who is behind this devastation and stop him before more innocents die.

The book is an easy to read thriller/suspense with a few graphic scenes of violence from the bombings. It is a page turner that will keep you engaged. Meg lives with her sister, Cara, who is a professional dog trainer and their dogs Hawk, Blink, a red brindle retired racing greyhound and Saki, a blue pit bull therapy dog. I especially loved this author’s take on pit bull bans, because I live with two pit bull rescues that I love dearly.  

With Clay McCord, a reporter from the Washington Post and Todd Webb, a firefighter and EMT, you have a bit of possible romance in future books. There are also two other teams of FBI K-9s, Brian with his German shepard, Lacie, and Lauren with her border collie, Rocco. There is a lot of information besides plot in this first book. I would like to see future books in this series have more attention given to character depth, but besides that, I felt this was a great start to a new series I will definitely be following!

Thanks very much to Kensington Books and Net Galley for allowing me to read the eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Book Review: Strike Back by Beth Rhodes


RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

I absolutely love reading a new to me author and the first book in her romantic suspense series blows me away! Beth Rhodes writes like a much more seasoned author with a perfect balance of romance and suspense. STRIKE BACK (A Hawk Elite Security Novel-Book One) features a couple who have been married for 20 years, which makes the romance unique. The suspense is fast paced and well plotted throughout.

Nathan Hawkins is a former Marine and co-owner with his wife, Stacy Hawkins, of Hawk Elite Security. When the story starts Nathan and Stacy are trying to vacation and reconnect in their favorite resort in Belize. Both are dealing privately with things they should be sharing. Hawk is going blind from an old brain injury and thinks Stacy would be better off without him and Stacy has been working hard to get back in-shape after raising their kids and wants to return to some field work.

As their personal lives are in turmoil, and Hawk has to leave for a short side trip, Stacy is befriended by Michael Richards. He is charming and attentive to the lonely Stacy, but he is not who or what he seems. A haunting case from Hawk’s past is coming back for revenge. Hawk is dealing with his loss of sight, Stacy is trying to prove her competence and they both need to have each other’s backs for what lies ahead.

These characters are so realistic. Hawk has always been a leader and protector and the sight issue makes him go through all possible emotions. Stacy loves being a mom and wife, but she wants to be out from behind a desk and in the field with Hawk. All the highs and lows are covered and these two work on their relationship. They both realize they are better together than apart. All the secondary characters in Hawk Security are just as interesting and hopefully will find their own matches in books to come.

Strike Back gives you a great realistic mature romance, exotic locales and a revenge suspense plot that keeps you turning the pages. I am really looking forward to reading more in this series!

Written for and posted first on The Romance

Book Review: Kill Without Shame by Alexandra Ivy


RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

I got book two of the ARES Security series, KILL WITHOUT SHAME by Alexandra Ivy! Love these alpha friends who survived and escaped a Taliban prison and reading the romantic suspense each is featured in. Yes, there are a lot of these types of books out there right now, but Ms. Ivy gives you a fast paced read, entertaining mystery and a heroine who can stand up to and hold her own against her hero as they work out their relationship. Oh yeah, and hot sex!

Lucas St. Clair was born into a prestigious Shreveport family and was expected to excel and follow his father into a successful political career. His family had everything planned, but that future did not include Lucas’ girlfriend, the family’s gardener’s daughter, Mia. Rather than have his family mold Mia into their version of acceptable, he drove away and left her behind.

Mia Ramon has never forgiven Lucas for leaving without a word and breaking her heart, but in the intervening 15 years she has built her father’s lawn care business into a thriving high-end landscaping business. Lucas has kept track of her, but doesn’t believe he deserves a second chance with her until a detective interviews him in Houston about their mutual high school friend found dead outside the ARES office building clutching Mia’s picture. Lucas returns home to protect Mia at any cost and hopefully get her back into his life.

The men of ARES Security are all hot and sexy in their own way. Lucas being a born diplomat, but also well aware of his place in society and he will use it to his advantage. He can seem overbearing or arrogant at times, but Mia stands right up to him and goes toe-to-toe for what she wants. This is the difference between their relationship now and Mia trying to change for his parents approval before. I really enjoyed Ms. Ivy bringing Matt and Teagan in to help with this case. I can’t wait for their stories and Hauk’s mystery stalker continues from the first book.

Thanks very much to Kensington Books, Zebra and Net Galley for the free eARC in exchange for an honest review. Love this series!