Feature Post and Book Review: Jude’s Sweet Fire by Jessica McBrayer


Hi, everyone!

I am posting a Feature Blog and Book Review for Book One of a wonderful new romance series featuring sexy professional Savannah Heat hockey players and their HEA heroines.

JUDE’S SWEET FIRE (A Savannah Heat Hockey Romance Book One) by Jessica McBrayer brings the heat. This book features the gorgeous Norwegian team captain and star, Jude Christensen. He is sweet and smokin’ hot.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review, author info and social media. After reading Jude’s Sweet Fire there is a BONUS free novella download offer. Enjoy!


Book Blurb:

What starts as a routine run becomes anything but ordinary for sexy NHL player, Jude Christensen, when he stops to rescue a yowling kitten in distress. He rushes the mauled kitten to Dr. Megan James, the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen. Even though she seems reluctant to respond to their instant chemistry, Jude is used to working for what he wants. 

A new town, a new beginning, and a new life put Megan at a safe distance from the man that nearly killed her. But when her past returns to threaten her once again, the Savannah Heat captain walks a fine line; Megan is suspicious. She is hyper-alert to the dangerous difference between a man’s natural desire to protect his loved ones, and the need to own and dominate. Once fooled is more than enough for Megan. Will Jude be able to make her safe without interfering with Megan’s need to fight her own battles? 

Jude’s Sweet Fire is the first book in the Savannah Heat series. Boasting a real hero, a spunky heroine, fun and sassy friends, Southern charm and danger. The passion in this suspenseful romance will leave you breathless with satisfaction.

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45416250-jude-s-sweet-fire

Purchase Link (Amazon)


My Book Review:

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

JUDE’S SWEET FIRE (A Savannah Heat Hockey Romance Book One) by Jessica McBrayer is the first book in a new series of contemporary romances by a new to me author featuring Savannah Heat NHL hockey players.

Jude Christensen is the captain of the Savannah Heat NHL hockey team. On a morning run, he rescues a kitten being attacked by a feral dog. He runs all the way to the veterinary clinic he passes on his route to see if the kitten can be saved. He meets Dr. Megan James and asks her to save the kitten at any cost.

Dr. Megan James is intrigued by the gorgeous man who is willing to pay for the surgery of a kitten that does not even belong to him. She is able to save the Maine coon kitten which Jude names “Gordie Howe”. Even though Megan is not looking for a relationship, fate continues to bring them together.

As the press tries to identify the mystery woman with Jude, someone else is watching their growing relationship, also. Megan thought she was done with an abusive ex-boyfriend, but he is not happy that she has found someone new.

As the danger escalates, Megan refuses to be intimidated and hide from the life she has built for herself. Jude will do anything to find a way to protect and save her, but will it be enough?

I loved Jude and Megan together! Jude is so sweet with Gordie Howe and how can you not love a man who loves animals while also being considerate, hot and sexy. Megan is a combination of grit, determination and a loving heart so her father’s nickname of “Sweet Fire” is very appropriate. The sex scenes are smokin’ hot and explicit, but I never felt they were gratuitous. Their relationship does move quickly, but that is due to the danger posed by Megan’s ex.

Ms. McBrayer writes realistic dialogue that had me laughing out loud and blushing with the characters. The plot escalates in pace along with the increased suspense. I also, enjoyed that the suspense climax was resolved before the very end of the book, so the HEA is not quickly written into the ending.

This is an enjoyable romance read that left me satisfied, but also interested in reading the next book in the series.


Author Bio:

Jessica McBrayer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family. She enjoys reading voraciously as well as writing and is often daydreaming about her next book. A die-hard San Jose Sharks fan, you can find her during hockey season wearing her favorite player’s name on the back of her jersey and yelling at the TV. She never wants to find out what the world would be like without hockey in it.

Social Media:

Facebook: @JessicaMcBrayerAuthor

Jessica’s Bookinistas Group on Facebook:


Instagram: @jessica.mcbrayer

Be sure to visit www.jessicamcbrayer.com for info on new releases, bonus material and inside information on characters from Jessica’s books.

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Deserve To Die by Miranda Rijks

Deserve to Die by Miranda Rijks

#DeserveToDie @MirandaRijks #InkubatorBooks @damppebbles #damppebblesblogtours

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Blog Tour for DESERVE TO DIE by Miranda Rijks. This is a well written page turner and the second book by this author that I have read and enjoyed.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review, the author’s bio and social media information and purchasing links. Enjoy!


Book Blurb:

Dom and Stacey have the perfect life. Until they meet Tamara. Brilliant, beautiful, she hides a horrifying secret. One that may destroy them all.

Happily married with two beautiful children, Dom and Stacey have it all. He runs a successful design agency, she is finding fame as an author of children’s books.

Everything is perfect. Until they meet Tamara.

Because Tamara is a woman with a plan.  She executes it step by step – patient, systematic, methodical.

And as her plan unfolds, Dom and Stacey find their lives slipping out of control.  Taking them from heaven into the deepest, darkest hell.


My Book Review:

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

DESERVE TO DIE by Miranda Rijks is a new domestic psychological thriller. I read the mystery, “Fatal Fortune” by this author that I enjoyed so I was excited to give this book a read. I was not disappointed.

Dom and Stacey are happily married with two children. Dom is the head of a successful design agency and Stacey works from home writing and illustrating children’s books. They are very happy.

It is a complete shock when the account executive of Dom’s firm commits suicide and blames his unhappiness on his job. Conveniently, the perfect replacement shows up for his job. Tamara is beautiful, classy and highly motivated. She has a plan, not only for the company, but also for Dom and Stacey.

As Tamara’s plan begins to unfold, the seeds of mistrust between Dom and Stacey grow. Stacey is gas-lighted by Tamara as she moves to replace her at Dom’s side and in her home.

The story is told in alternating chapters between Stacey and Tamara. The pace increases as the story progresses and the tension escalates to the point of not wanting to put the book down. All of the steps Tamara takes really scared me because of how believable it was and how easily it was done. I did have some difficulties with Dom and Stacey though. Dom switched sides a little too quickly for me if they were as happy as it seemed and he even believed Tamara over his two children. I liked that Stacey went for help when needed, but she seemed completely incompetent when looking into Tamara’s background. She worked at Dom’s company before their children and she is an author, so I found it difficult to believe.

Overall this is an intense and well written domestic psychological thriller. It is not unique, but it kept me turning the pages and I was satisfied with the ending.


About Miranda Rijks:

Miranda Rijks is a writer of suspense novels.

Miranda has an eclectic background ranging from law to running a garden centre. She’s been writing all of her life and has a Masters in writing. A couple of years ago she decided to ditch the business plans and press releases and now she’s living the dream, writing suspense novels full time. She lives in Sussex, England with her Dutch husband, musician daughter and black Labrador.

Miranda loves connecting with her readers, so you can reach out to her at www.mirandarijks.com

Social Media:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MirandaRijks

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MirandaRijksAuthor/

Website: www.mirandarijks.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mirandarijksauthor/

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3AMiranda+Rijks&s=relevancerank&text=Miranda+Rijks&ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1


Purchase Links:

At the time of putting this media pack together the book isn’t available for pre-order but I will send the links as soon as I see them go live.

Publishing Information:

Published in paperback and ebook formats by Inkubator Books on 31st July 2019.

Blog Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: The Art of Murder by Rebecca Muddiman

Book Blurb:

How do you catch a killer who thinks murder is art?

Michael Fisher sees himself as an artist rather than a killer and poses his victims to resemble famous paintings.  

Detective Nick Kelly is called to attend the latest crime scene and finds himself at the centre of a media storm. But while the rest of the police department feels under pressure, Nick relishes the attention.

Karen Kelly, Nick’s soon to be ex-wife, watches in horror as this brutal game of cat and mouse plays out. But Karen has secrets of her own.

And when another body is found, Nick is disturbed to discover he knows the victim and things start to get a little too close to home.


My Book Review:

RATING: 3 out of 5 Stars

THE ART OF MURDER by Rebecca Muddiman is a suspense/thriller by a new to me author. Each chapter alternates between the perspectives of the three main characters.

Detective Nick Kelly is on an NYPD team working the case of an unknown serial killer who poses his victims to replicate famous paintings. As the number of victims increases, the pressure is on from the media for more information. Nick’s superior does not want the public to know how the victims have been displayed, but Nick enjoys the spotlight and wants to release more information.

Karen Kelly is cohabitating unharmoniously with Nick as they wait for the court to decide which one of them gets their NYC apartment in their divorce. Karen owns an independent bookstore which is struggling financially and is generally unhappy with her life at this point in time. She meets a nice man on her birthday while she is out on her own, but she had such poor taste in picking Nick, she does not know if she can trust this charming new man.

Michael Fisher wanted to be a famous artist. His father belittled him and he dropped out of art school. Now he works on his personal masterpieces to replicate famous master paintings to prove his talent to his father and the world. The backdrops are painted, but the main figure is not. If you are squandering your true talent, Michael will make a painting to feature you.

I felt this book was predictable for about the first third of the story, but then the author does manage to insert a few curve balls that increase the suspense and pace. I enjoyed the serial killer in this book more than Nick and Karen. Nick is a narcissist in every sense of the word. Karen was a whiny wimp until the very end and I find it surprising that she even came through then, which somewhat limited the believability for me. This was a group of characters that I did not like, but the plot does have a few unique twists that carried me through to the end.

Thank you to Bloodhound Books for allowing me to read this eARC in advance of release.


Rebecca Muddiman was born and raised in the North East and worked in the NHS for many years. She has published six crime novels – StolenGone, Tell Me LiesMurder in Slow Motion, No Place Like Home, and The Art of MurderStolen won a Northern Writers Award in 2010 and the Northern Crime Competition in 2012. She is also a screenwriter and was selected for the London Screenwriters Festival Talent Campus in 2016.

Most of her spare time is spent re-watching Game of Thrones, trying to learn Danish, and dealing with two unruly dogs. Sometimes all at the same time.



Feature Post and Book Review: Only Ever You by C.D. Reiss

Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to share this Feature Post and Book Review for C.D. Reiss’ new release ONLY EVER YOU. This romance is different than the steamier, darker stories from this author. This romance is lighter and all about a reunited friendship, family, hope and love.

Below you will find an interview with the author, an excerpt from the book, my book review, an author biography and social media links, book summary and a Rafflecopter giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card and a digital copy of the book. Enjoy and good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!


Author Interview: CD Reiss 

Please introduce your newest release. 

Only Ever You is about a girl who planned for everything but never got what she hoped for, and a dweeb who hoped he’d to marry the girl, but never planned for it.

Rachel and Sebastian have an interesting history. They were friends as kids, but have lost touch as adults… 

They’re really strangers when they reunite at 30, but they’re burdened by what they think they know about each other. Sebastian was supposed to be an artist and Rachel was supposed to be a screenwriter. They have to shake all that stuff loose before they can see each other. When they do, they’re strangers. 

I think attraction between strangers is real. Sexual heat is real. But “hearts and flowers” are earned. (I know that sounds like I’m your dad telling you to mow lawns, but that’s where the magic is. Not the lawns.) In the time just before you’re struck by lightning there’s a real electricity. It’s pure potential and anything can go wrong. It’s the best thing ever.

When they were kids they made up a ‘contract’ to get married at 30—which is pretty much panned when they do meet up and have the most awkward first kiss EVER. How do they overcome such an incredibly uncomfortable situation?

They overcome it by running away!

Sebastian is thinking “now or never” because he thinks Rachel’s never going to think he’s any cooler than when she sees him in the office of his own company. And she isn’t ready because her whole idea of herself is tied up in what a failure she is. Neither one of them is feeling good enough about themselves to have a really hot first kiss, which is the same reason they’re not ready to get married.


Excerpt: Only Ever You by CD Reiss

After I left her and CJ with Lucinda, I spent the weekly staff meeting wondering if Rachel was the same warrior I’d loved or if she was more the woman who’d held her laptop to her chest as if she needed protection.

I was obsessed.

I had to know.

Her text came in as I was leaving the meeting.

I need to check that we’re kidding

Before I could finish typing a response, I caught her coming out of the bathroom with her laptop under her arm.

Alone. Me and her. Nothing between us but the question of who we were and how we fit.

“Seb, I—”

She didn’t have a chance to finish. I crowded her back into the bathroom and locked the door behind us.

“Kidding about what?” I said.

“About getting married.”

“Why would that even be a question?”

“Our parents have been in negotiations about it.”

My mother couldn’t keep herself from talking if she tried, and I was her favorite subject. 

“It might be a little soon for marriage, but—”

“Soon? I don’t like you seeing what I do for a living while you’re in a glass-walled office overlooking the ocean. I mean, I’m not marriage material, and the odds are that’s never going to change.”

“I don’t see why a date’s off the table.”

“Do you know what’s going to happen if we date?”

The list of possibilities was as long as my arm. I could have counted them off, from “We decide we hate each other” to “We end up in bed.” But I didn’t, because I was still trying to figure her out.

What did she want to hear?

With her wide eyes and parted lips, what did she want? Did she have a fondest wish where I was concerned? Was she leaning forward? Was her expression soft and yielding?

My mind spent too long deciding what to say, so my body spoke for me.

I kissed her hard and was met with teeth and stiff resistance. It was a kiss I’d wanted since I’d had hairless armpits and a voice somewhere in the low soprano range. I’d dreamed about it. Fantasized about it. Thought about it so hard in the middle of the night I could practically feel it.

But never, ever in my fantasies did she push me away so hard I fell back against a towel dispenser, watching her face twist into surprised rage as the machine spit out a ragged rectangle of brown paper.

“That was—”

“Messed up. I know.”

“Then why? What is wrong with you?”

She was livid, just like she would have been. Just like she should have been.

The tiger within Rachel was in there, and my attempt to tease her out had probably alienated her. She’d be right to never speak to me again.

“I’m sorry,” I said with my hand on the door lock. “I misread you. It won’t happen again.”

I started to open the door, but she held it closed.

“If we date, my mother’s going to get her hopes up that I’m going to settle down. And I’m sorry, Seb, but if we break up while she’s in chemo, it’s going to crush her.”

“You don’t even know if she’s sick again.”

“You’re right.” She pointed a rigid finger at me as if I were her mother. “I’m going to make her tell me.”

“You’re really beautiful when you’re telling it like it is.”

She slid her hand off the door. Having been called out, the warrior was sent into hiding.

No. I wouldn’t accept that. I wouldn’t allow it.

“Let’s just go out and catch up,” I said. “Saturday.”

“Can’t. Saturday’s the soonest I can talk to Mom.”

I unlocked the door. “I’m sorry about . . . the thing.”

“Kissing me?”

“No, wasting paper towels. Of course kissing you.”

“Next time, give a girl a little warning.”

Next time? Her eyes darted to the door. Was she calculating the distance to her getaway? Or making sure it was closed?

“How about now?” I asked.

“Now what?”

“Fair warning. Now.”

I stepped a little closer and put my hands on her arms. Not right away. I let them hover an inch away before touching her to give her the chance to move away. A chance I was sure she’d take.

“Seb, really?”

But she didn’t move away.

Not this time. When I laid my hands on her biceps, she leaned in to me just a little. I smelled the floral lotion on her skin and a hint of cool water on her breath.

“Really.” I slid the laptop from her arms and placed it on the counter. “This is your warning.”

You’re doing this. I cannot believe you’re doing this.

“It doesn’t feel like a warning,” she said, and again—I noted—she didn’t move away.

“Flashing red lights.” My lips brushed her cheek, heading for her mouth. She felt better than I ever imagined. “A buzzer, maybe.”

“Just a kiss?” she asked, her lips moving against mine.

Before I could consummate what she was agreeing to, I was smacked by a swinging door.

“Oh!” CJ said. “I’m sorry! I was looking for you.”

Rachel snatched up her laptop and walked out. CJ raised an eyebrow with good reason, since I was in the ladies’ room. I left, and we all gathered in the hall.


“Well,” Rachel said. “Thanks for showing us your tedious financial-sector company.”

“Thank you for coming,” I said and let them walk away. I could have done or said much more, but not without getting her into trouble. She glanced back at me when they turned the corner, as if she wanted to make sure I was still there.


My Book Review:

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

ONLY EVER YOU by C.D. Reiss is a new contemporary romance not like any previous books I have read from this author. I think dark, erotic and intense usually when I see this author’s name, but this romance is different. Sebastian and Rachel’s story is lighter, full of family, hope and love. The angst and steamy is still there, but not as often and with a twist.

When Sebastian was in school, he was a stick thin, nerd who was bullied.

Then a beautiful girl named Rachel moved in across the lane. She became his best friend. She defended him and included him.

As they plan their futures, they decide on a back-up plan and write a marriage contract stating if both are single when they turn thirty years old, they will marry each other.

The future happens and it does not always go as planned. Rachel and Sebastian are both home for Christmas. Sebastian has become an extremely successful and gorgeous man. Rachel is still struggling in her career and has dated a string of losers. Nothing has gone as she planned, but she also would not have changed the time she put her career on hold to help her mother through her cancer.

Are they really going to go through with their marriage contract?

This is a very entertaining friends to lovers contemporary romance. Sebastian is a hero we all love to cheer for. The dweeb to heart-throb, smart to successful, but no matter the success, he is still very vulnerable. Rachel was strong as a young girl, but she let fear and the wrong men make her doubt herself to the point of losing her confidence in herself. As the two reunite, they learn how they are still alike, but also different. This is a cute couple with crazy family members and friends that love them and only want them to be happy. The sex scenes occur towards the end of the book and there is a very interesting twist involved, especially from this author.

This is one of those feel good, fun romances to enjoy curled up on your favorite chair.


About the Book:

Title: Only Ever You

Author: CD Reiss

Release Date: July 9, 2019

Publisher: Montlake Romance


Rachel knew exactly what turning thirty would be like. She had a plan, after all. First college, then a climb up the professional ladder. Love, marriage, children. All of it was on the schedule.

The cheap Hollywood apartment wasn’t on the list. Neither was the string of heartbreaks. Or the effect her mother’s cancer had on her career.

It’s hard to stay practical and on point when everything takes a left turn.

Enter Sebastian, the nerd across the street. The boy she defended when he couldn’t defend himself. The best friend she promised she’d marry if life didn’t go according to plan.

Not only is he successful, confident, and gorgeous, but he also still has their handwritten marriage contract.

No one goes through with childhood wedding pacts.

That’s crazy.

But their families might just be crazy enough to rent a hall and set a date. All Rachel and Sebastian have to do is fall in love.


Author Biography:

CD Reiss is a New York Times bestselling author. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God, but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn’t pick up, she’s at the well hauling buckets. Born in New York City, Reiss moved to Hollywood, California, to get her master’s degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere—but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.

Reiss is frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut, which is flattering but hasn’t ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood. If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine. Text cdreiss to 77948 to get a notification whenever she has a new release.

Social Media Links:

Website: https://cdreiss.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CDReiss.writer

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CDReisswriter

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6896405.C_D_Reiss


Rafflecopter Giveaway:

Direct Link


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Release Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: Nixon’s Promise by Riley Edwards

Title: Nixon’s Promise(Gemini Group Book 1)

Author: Riley Edwards

Genre: Military Romance/ Romantic Suspense

Release Date: June 25, 2019

Hosted by:Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

Buy links:

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2JZIYBB

Apple Books: https://apple.co/2Z8os5b

Nook: http://bit.ly/2Wfrtio

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2QQ2st3Google Play: http://bit.ly/2WkNMTQ


Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to be a part of this Release Blitz for Riley Edward’s new romantic suspense NIXON’S PROMISE (Gemini Group Book 1). This book had me completely immersed in the romance, the two suspense plot-lines and the formation of the Gemini Group. This book had everything I am looking for in a romantic suspense!

Below you will find the book description, my book review, the author’s information and social media links and a Goodreads giveaway. Good luck on the Goodreads giveaway and I highly recommend you start this series now!


Book Description:

Former Navy SEAL Nixon Swagger was home.

After twelve years of service and twice as many deployments, all Nix wanted was quiet. He’d sought the solace of the land he’d grown up on and found the peace he needed to silence the noise and figure out his next move. Nixon’s stay was supposed to be temporary. He wasn’t supposed to meet a feisty, head-strong woman who made his pulse race and set his body on fire. Falling in love hadn’t been part of his plan. Taking a government contract to stop a homegrown terrorist group hadn’t been either, but when the organization threatens to attack Philadelphia, he had no choice but to accept.

McKenna Wilson was living. Every day was the same. Raising her two teenage siblings didn’t leave time for much else. Most days, she was okay with that. Then she bumped into the sexy war hero and, in an instant, her world changed. She had no idea falling for Nixon would be so dangerous. Now she was going head-to-head with the small-town’s dirty sheriff who was hell-bent on ruining Nixon and avenging a fifteen-year-old grudge. She’d lost her heart, but losing her life wasn’t part of the plan.

Nixon Swagger had learned a few things as a Navy SEAL—adapt, improvise, and overcome were among the many. In the middle of an inferno, so ominous even Dante wouldn’t buy a ticket, Nixon must adapt to his new surroundings and overcome multiple threats before he loses the woman he loves.


My Book Review:

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

YEAH! Riley Edwards is writing a whole new series featuring more smokin’ hot former SEAL’s for us to fall in love and lust with.

NIXON’S PROMISE (Gemini Group Book 1) by Riley Edwards is a romantic suspense that not only gives you a feel good romance, a strong and drool-worthy alpha hero, an intelligent and loving heroine and a page turning suspense, but also sets you up with more men to follow into future books.

McKenna Wilson is trying her best to raise her two siblings after the death of their father and mother, her step-mother. McKenna was hoping small town life would be good for them all and give them time to slow down and grieve, but the teens are having problems adjusting. While in town picking up feed for their animals, McKenna is helped by the sexy war hero she heard was back in town.

Former SEAL Nixon Swagger has been back home for six months. He is looking for peace and quiet in his small hometown as he works to fix up his family’s farm his father left him while he decides what he wants to do with his future. Nixon has no plans to stay, but when he helps rescue a feisty brunette beauty’s feed bag his plans instantly change. Nixon knows the McKenna is the one woman for him and he will slowly work to intertwine their lives, but sometimes small town history can interfere.

Just as Nixon and McKenna begin to see a future together, Nixon is asked to get his old team together to help DHS with an anti-government group, but not everything is as it seems. Nixon and his team find themselves having to adapt on the fly with very little time to stop a plot that surprises them all only to come home to a life-or-death situation that has culminated from the past.

I could not put this book down! I love Nixon and McKenna. Nixon is the type of alpha hero that everyone dreams about. He is completely in charge and yet understanding and it is displayed in the way he helps McKenna with her siblings’ teenage angst and grief, the way he protects McKenna and the way he appreciates her intelligence and computer skills. McKenna always worried about everyone else, so when Nixon was able to help her it was done out of love and not control. Both of these characters are mature adults and respect each other. The sex in this book is explicit and smokin’ hot. Get your fans ready!

There are two suspense threads in this book. There is a story-line that revolves around corrupt local law enforcement that begins long before this story and carries over into Nixon and McKenna’s present. There is also a story-line that revolves around Nixon’s team of friends and the formation of the Gemini Group which will lead into more stories in this series. The pace of the suspense of both threads just keeps building and building into not one, but two climaxes.

I highly recommend this book and author! I am also anxiously waiting for the other Gemini team members’ stories. You will definitely want to start this series now with book 1.


Goodreads book link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45362354-nixon-s-promise


About Riley:

Riley Edwards is a bestselling multi-genre author, wife, and military mom. Riley was born and raised in Los Angeles but now resides on the east coast with her fantastic husband and children.

Riley writes heart-stopping romance with sexy alpha heroes and even stronger heroines. Riley’s favorite genres to write are romantic suspense and military romance.

Social Media:Facebook profile:  https://www.facebook.com/Novelist.Riley.Edwards/
Facebook Group—Riley’s Rebels: https://www.facebook.com/groups/882567735208878/
Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/rileyedwardsromance/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/rileyedwardsrom
Amazon: author.to/RileyEdwardsAmazon
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/riley-edwards
All Author: https://allauthor.com/profile/rileyedwards/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15080716.Riley_Edwards


Link to goodreads Giveaway http://bit.ly/2wKkR19

Release Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: 10-Code by Freya Barker

Title: 10- Code (Rock Point #4)

Author: Freya Barker

Genre: Romantic suspense

Release Date: June 17, 2019

Hosted by:Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

Buy links:


Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to once again be featuring a new Freya Barker romantic suspense book. This author’s heroes and heroines are always realistic portrayals, a little older and more seasoned by life, with an element of suspense that brings them together.

10-Code is the fourth book in the Rock Point/La Plata County FBI series. All of the books in this series are easily read as standalones, but believe me, you will want to read them all!


Book Description:

As a forty-one-year-old mother of three boys, working two jobs, Marya Berger doesn’t have the time or energy to consider a relationship. Especially after a lifetime of poor choices in the romance department. But when the disappearance of a young boy strikes a little too close to home, and a younger man she’s tried to ignore offers his help, she doesn’t stand in the way.

Single father, Dylan Barnes, the junior member of the La Plata County FBI team at thirty-three, has his focus firmly on his job and his son, Max. He’s certainly not looking to complicate his life, when he finds himself at his son’s soccer game, sitting beside the spirited brunette he can’t get out of his mind. Fate, however, appears to have different plans.

When an unspeakable crime draws the attention of the FBI, Dylan finds himself torn between his job and his instinctive need to protect Marya and her boys.


Goodreads book link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45158145-10-code?from_search=true


My Book Review:

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

10-Code Rock Point/La Plata County FBI Book 4 by Freya Barker is a new FBI romantic suspense which returns to Rock Point and is the fourth book in this series. While there is character crossover from the previous books in this series, it can be easily read as a standalone without confusion.

Marya Berger had her dead-beat husband walk out on her and their three boys five years ago. With the help of her mother and working two jobs, she has done her best. Between the boys, her jobs and her past poor dating choices, Marya does not have the time or energy for romance.

FBI agent Dylan Barnes is firmly focused on his career and his son. He is very lucky to have his mother and step-dad close to help with his son when his job interferes. At his son’s soccer game, Dylan is surprised when Marya shows up. He learns her middle son plays on the team and the two boys have a lot in common. This Marya is different than the buttoned up woman he buys coffee from at the book store. She is spirited and sarcastic and he finds he cannot quit thinking about her.

When a young boy the same age as both Marya and Dylan’s sons disappears, and Marya’s ex-husband shows up out of the blue demanding to see the boys, Dylan is torn between his job and his need to protect Marya and her boys.

This is a wonderful romance with two people who truly deserve each other and a HEA. The road had more than enough bumps in it between Marya’s ex-husband, Dylan’s ex-fling and the suspense plot surrounding the boys. The sex scenes are explicit and realistic as they try to just grab whatever time is available as they deal with everything going on in their jobs and lives. Ms. Barker has the characters dealing with what age to get children cell phones, on-line gaming, predator danger and codes for dangerous situations.

This is another home run from this author. Her characters are always flawed in ways everyone can relate to, the romance is hot and the suspense keeps you turning the pages to the end. Excellent book, excellent series and excellent author. I highly recommend you pick up a Freya Barker romantic suspense and get reading!



About Freya:

Freya Barker inspires with her stories about ‘real’ people, perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy. 

She is the author of the Cedar Tree and Portland, ME Series, the Northern Lights Collection and the Rock Point Series. She is also co-author of the SnapShot Series.

To see Freya’s complete backlist, or to find out what is coming down the pipe, visit freyabarker.com.  

Social Media:

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Twitter:  http://twitter.com/freya_barker

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freyabarker.writes/

Web: http://bit.ly/FreyaWeb

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/FreyaBarker

Newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/Freya_Newsletter

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/freya-barker



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