Feature Post and Book Review: Be Your Everything by Catherine Bybee

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for BE YOUR EVERYTHING (The D’Angelos Book #2) by Catherine Bybee.

Below you will find a book description, my book review, an excerpt from the book, an about the author section and the author’s social media links. Enjoy!


Book Description

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee comes a romance about childhood friends who marry in Vegas and embark on a wild ride to find their happily ever after.

With two protective older brothers and a traditional Catholic Italian mother, it’s surprising that Chloe D’Angelo can manage a date without someone in the family naysaying her romantic choice. And Dante Mancuso…oh, no. Her brother’s best friend is not a dating-app right swipe.

But when they are left unsupervised on a late night in Vegas, all of that changes. Add in a Vegas wedding chapel and a couple of “I dos” and Chloe wakes up with a ring on her finger and a hangover. Dating Dante was always a secret desire, but marriage? The rift that this news would cause in her family has the both of them keeping their nuptials to themselves as they scramble to undo their Vegas mistake.

Dante knew the rules: Chloe was off limits. Only he can’t stop once his mind starts to believe she might be his forever. Just as their attraction deepens, Chloe flees to Bali, desperate to clear her head.

All Dante has to do is keep her brothers from killing him and convince her that they are meant for each other. But first, Dante has to find her.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61021730-be-your-everything?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_18


by Catherine Bybee

Montlake Romance

On sale November 15, 2022


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

BE YOUR EVERYTHING (The D’Angelos Book #2) by Catherine Bybee is another wonderful contemporary romance about members of the D’Angelo family who are a traditional Italian family. This story features Chloe who is the baby of the family and her brother’s best-friend, Dante. While this is the second book in the series, you can easily read it as a standalone, but you will love this family so much, I know you will want to go back and read the first book When It Falls Apart.

Chloe D’Angelo loves working at her family’s restaurant, but she has bigger dreams. Her dream trip to Bali must wait until after her oldest brother’s wedding. The entire bridal party is off for a Las Vegas weekend to celebrate before the wedding. Chloe has always had a crush on her middle brother’s best friend and now in Vegas, she is ready to show Dante what he has been missing by avoiding her as they grew up together.

Dante Mancuso is like a third brother to the D’Angelo brothers. While growing up, he was known as a player, and he has kept the reputation even as he works in Italy and only returns to visit his family and the D’Angelo’s. Now, home for the wedding and looking to set up a branch of his business at home, Dante is finding Chloe difficult to resist even as he knows he is breaking the brothers’ code of not dating their sister.

But crazy things happen in Las Vegas and Dante goes all in and he and Chloe run into a Vegas wedding chapel. The next morning, they know they are going to cause family upheaval, so they decide to keep the marriage a secret. As their attraction grows, Chloe flees to Bali and Dante is going to have to prove to her they are meant to be together.

I loved this story and the entire series to-date is entertaining and fun. I lived in an Italian neighborhood for many years and the traditions and family bonds are very accurately portrayed in this series. From the nonnas keeping an eye on everyone and the close-knit families and Sunday mass, these stories take me back to this neighborhood. Chloe and Dante are fully drawn characters and their relationship is believable and the sex scenes were not gratuitous. All the characters are realistic and make me want to be a member of their family and community. This book has everything I am looking for in a contemporary romance and I did not want it to end.

I highly recommend this contemporary romance, this series, and this author!



“Go! I don’t want to see any of you back here until Monday.”

Chloe stood outside the back door of their home in Little Italy, surrounded by both her brothers and her soon-to-be sister-in-law. They all had small suitcases at their feet as the Uber van pulled up to take them to the airport.

Mari, their mother, had a hand on Francesca’s shoulder as they saw the bachelor/bachelorette party off.

“Mama, are you absolutely certain?” Luca, the husband-to-be, her over-worried oldest brother, couldn’t stop the concern that crossed his face anymore than he could the love he had in his eyes for the woman at his side.

He and Brooke were the real deal. Head over heels, all in . . . completely lost in each other.

Chloe couldn’t be happier for them.

They needed Vega. Boy, did they need two nights in Vegas.

“I ran this restaurant before you were born and after with all three of you jumping around. I have it, Luca. Go. Just don’t get married. Wait until you come back for that.”

“What about babies?” Gio, the middle child and smart-ass in the family, asked.

“That you can do,” Mari said with a wink.

Brooke knelt to Franny’s level and gave the eight-year-old a kiss. “Listen to your nonna.”

There were hugs and waves as Giovanni, or Gio, as he was more often called, shoved all the suitcases into the back of the van. 

Gio took the front seat as the rest of them climbed into the back.

“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Luca said to his brother. “Busiest time of the year.”

“It is not. That’s in the summer,” Chloe argued. It was the last week of November. The family restaurant was fully staffed and ran like a well-oiled machine, even with three of their employees out at the same time. “It’s going to be nothing but family and friends, celebrations and ceremonies from here on out. This is the last chance for you two to let loose until it’s all over.” Chloe reminded them.

“You mean until after Christmas,” Gio said.

“Right.” They weren’t taking their honeymoon until after Christmas. After they returned a week into the new year, then it would be Chloe’s turn to get out of town. Her long-awaited tickets to Bali were burning a hole in her pocket.

This was her last opportunity to cut loose until it was all over as well.

Chloe watched their family home disappear from sight. It was a four-story building with the family restaurant on the bottom floor. The second story was the family home where they’d all grown up, and the third floor was where LUca, Brooke, and Franny now lived. On the very top was what used to be guest quarters but now was the bachelor pad that Gio took over. Secretly, Chloe was hoping Gio would find Mrs. Right and move on himself so she could occupy the upstairs apartment as her own space. She loved her mother, but living with her was getting old. As an Italian, Chloe wasn’t going anywhere until she married, that’s just the way things were done in her culture.

“Franny is going to be okay, right?” Brooke asked Luca as they settled in for the short ride to the airport.

Chloe rolled her eyes.

Francesca, Luca’s daughter from his first unfortunate marriage, was probably already elbow-deep in gelato and milking Mari for all the attention and goodies a nonna could give her.

“She’ll be fine,” Luca said, kissing Brooke’s forehead.

The ride to the airport took less than ten minutes, a perk when you lived in San Diego and everything was close. 

Getting through security and waiting in the airport would take longer than the actual flight to Vegas, but it beats a long drive across the California desert any day of the week.

“Thanks again for inviting Mayson to join you guys,” Brooke said to Gio and Luca.

“He’s a friend of yours. He’s a friend of ours.”

“Besides, we need even numbers,” Chloe added. As she said that, she saw Salena waving them over to her side before they entered the TSA line.

“Vegas, baby!” Salena all but yelled for everyone to heard. 

Chloe tossed her arms around one of her dearest friends for a hug. They’d known each other before braces and periods. As ride-and-die friends went, Salena was someone Chloe could count on to be there.

“We could have picked you up,” Gio said.

Salena, who lived in Little Italy as well, shrugged. “It’s okay. I had JOey take me.”

“Joey? Do I know Joey?”

She waved a hand. “Flavor of the month.”

Gio narrowed his eyes. “You’re worse than me.”

“No one is worse than you,” Chloe and Salena said in unison.

The three of them fell in line behind Luca and Brooke, who were arm in arm and whispering in each other’s ears.

“They do know that we have separate rooms, right?” Chloe asked her brother.


“I don’t think that’s going to matter,” Salena added.

“Divide and conquer. Once everyone arrives, we have dinner, pull straws on who is in charge for the night, and go to our separate clubs.” Gio lowered his voice. “We’ll give them tomorrow afternoon to knock it out.”

Chloe laughed. “We may never see them again.”

Salena nudged Chloe’s shoulder as they inched their way up the line. “Is Dante flying directly from Italy?’

Just hearing Dante’s name had Chloe standing taller. Gio’s best friend, and the one boy that had always been “off-limits” for oh so many reasons, was the cause of many sleepless nights.

The man only grew more beautiful with every year that passed. 

And he knew it.

And the women knew it.

All the women!

“He’s already in the States. New York, He’ll be in Vegas about an hour after we land.”

Salena nudged Chloe again with a grin once Gio turned around.

Stop. Chloe mouthed the word without sound.

Once they moved through security, they found their gate for the forty-five-minutes wait to board the plane.

Salena and Chloe sat with their luggage while the others went to find coffee and water for the flight.

“Are you prepared for a weekend with Dante?” Salena asked once they were alone.

Chloe shook her head. “Listen to you. It was a high school crush.”

Salena laughed. “I’m pretty sure it started in fifth grade and never ended.”

“He’s lived in Italy for the better part of five years.”

“And every time he comes home, you forget how to speak.”

“That’s not true.”

Salena glared. 

Okay, it was a little bit true. “I did better last year.” It helped that she stayed out of his orbit that time around and he was only home for a month.

“How long is he staying this time?”

“No idea,” Chloe said. Her cell phone pinged, grabbing her attention.

She opened her messages inside a dating app she’d been on for a few weeks.

“Who is that?” Salena asked, looking over her shoulder.

Chloe glanced at the image on her screen, the one she’d swiped right on. He was thirty, no kids. Worked somewhere in La Jolla. “His name is Eric. We’ve been texting for a few days.”

“He’s cute.”

“I thought so.”

His text came through, asking what she was doing. She started typing.

“Have you met him yet?”

Chloe shook her head, finished her message about the bachelorette party in Vegas.

“Are you going to?”

Three dots indicated he was typing.

:Only if he asks.” As progressive as she was, she found it necessary for the man to take the first steps.

“You know . . . if you stack the desk with dates while Dante is in town, it might be easier to be around the man.”

Salena had a point.

Chloe’s phone buzzed.

How about meeting for coffee when you get back? Wednesday enough time for you to sleep off the hangover?

Chloe showed the message to Salena.

“Say yes.”

Her friend was right. Chloe needed all the help she could get when Dante was home. If her attention was elsewhere, maybe he’d lose his appeal.

She agreed to coffee with Eric on Wednesday and told him she’d get in touch when she returned.

“I have a feeling this weekend is going to be one for the record books,” Salena said as she watched more passengers arrive for their flight.

“It’s likely the one and only time I’ll be in Vegas with both my brothers.”

“Considering how they’ve helicoptered you since your papa passed, that’s not a bad thing.”

She’d been seventeen when their father died. Luca became the head of the family while he had a one-year-old and a failing marriage. What a crappy couple of years that had been. Now, things are looking up. For all of them.

She’d finished her college classes and earned her business degree. But instead of working for someone else, she wanted to do something on her own. She blamed her family for that. Yes, she waited tables at their restaurant and, honestly, liked the job. But what she loved more than anything was teaching yoga. Her trip to Bali was supposed to happen the year the world shut down, and it was only now that time and the world’s health were giving her the opportunity to go. She knew, somehow, that the trip was going to guide her to whatever her path was going to be. Maybe she’d start her own studio or her own online channel. Brooke had a boatload of knowledge about marketing and was on board with helping her start up. Financially, Chloe had banked nearly everything she’d earned from the first day she started working and was more ready than most to begin her future.

Her father, in all his wisdom, had taken out a life insurance policy that their mother had divided and put into investment plans for each of them. Luca immediately put everything in his name to his daughter. Giovanni was itching to invest in a vineyard. The resident sommelier wanted to spend time in Tuscany as much as she wanted to spend time in Bali. So, while they did pull shifts waiting tables, doing what had to be done to make the family restaurant run, it wasn’t their lifelong ambition. Well, Luca was the chef, and that was his life’s choice . . . and she and Gio were thankful for it.

“They promised not to act like big brothers in Vegas,” Chloe said.

“Yeah, well, they aren’t going to the same strip clubs we are.”

The image of her brothers holding a hand over her eyes made her smile. “Thank God for that.


About the Author

Catherine is a #1 Wall Street Journal, Amazon, and Indie Reader bestselling author. In addition, her books have also graced The New York Times and USA Today bestsellers lists. In total she has written thirty-six beloved books that have collectively sold more than 10 million copies and have been translated into more than twenty languages.

Raised in Washington State, Bybee moved to Southern California in the hope of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban
emergency rooms. She now writes full time and has penned the Not Quite series, The Weekday Brides series, the Most Likely To series, and the First Wives series. Learn more about Catherine and her books at www.catherinebybee.com

Social Media Links

Website: http://www.catherinebybee.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCatherineBybee 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/catherinebybee 

Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@catherinebybee1 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2905789.Catherine_Bybee  

Purchase Links

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09Y5FV1LR?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_1&storeType=ebooks

BN:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/be-your-everything-catherine-bybee/1141400366?ean=9781542034883

BAM:  https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Be-Your-Everything/Catherine-Bybee/9781542034883?id=7850591409347

Book Depo:  https://www.bookdepository.com/Be-Your-Everything-Catherine-Bybee/9781542034883?ref=grid-view&qid=1657911772466&sr=1-2

Friday Feature Author Interview #2 with Elise Cooper: Wyoming Rodeo Rescue by Carol Ross

Book Description

Will a Wyoming cowboy…

Rescue her heart?

Famous equestrian Summer Davies travels to Wyoming to escape a scandal…and rescue Levi Blackwell’s rodeo. When she arrives early, the only place to stay is with the ornery—and gorgeous—cowboy. Their commitment to making the rodeo a success, and Summer’s affection for his young daughter, draws them together. When he learns about her past, will he still want her help? Or will he end up chasing her away?


Elise’s Thoughts

Wyoming Rodeo Rescue by Carol Ross is the third book in this third series about the Blackwell family. The plot is centered around family and misconceptions.  Halloween plays a role in the story and readers definitely get a treat not a trick.

The hero and heroine both are struggling to find themselves.  Summer Davies decides to lay low to avoid a major scandal. She is a famous equestrian who learns her boyfriend has cheated on her on the same night that he proposed marriage. Unfortunately, her reaction had been filmed and everyone can see her tossing the ring into a lake and storming out. To avoid the potential scandal that can derail her career, her trainer convinces her to fill in as headliner and MC for a rodeo in Wyoming.

There she meets Levi Blackwell, who used to be a rodeo rider, but quit due to an injury. Now, back at home, he decides to start up his own rodeo. He is going to use the money to help pay off his grandmother’s debts and be able to keep the Flying Spur Ranch. When they first meet, both butt heads.  She appears to be a diva, and he appears to be hardheaded. But due to housing problems, she, her horse, and her trainer, stay at Levi’s ranch. What they realize is that they came to a wrong conclusion about each other and that they have an attraction to one another. They also both realize that Levi’s ten-year-old daughter is drawing them together since they want to protect her.

If someone wants to put a smile on their face this is the book to read.  The story will at times make readers laugh with the banter.  The plot is very touching.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: How are you doing after the loss of your husband?

Carol Ross:  It’s been rough as you can imagine. Maybe, in the future I will write about my journey because I have a lot to say about it. I might write a non-fiction about my experience, since these books are more light-hearted. It has been hard. I have been devouring books and articles on grief. If I do write something, maybe someone who has gone through something similar can be helped.

EC:  Halloween was brought into the story?

CR:  They had a Zombie hayride, with each dressed in costume. Plenty of pumpkins and games. My chosen month was October.  It flavored the whole book. I love this holiday if it’s not too scary.  Just the cute stuff, no horror.

EC:  How did you get the idea for the story?

CR:  We have a collaborative process, throwing ideas out there and not overlapping. I liked the idea of opposites attract.  My heroine started out different than she really was.  The hero and heroine thought they were opposites but ended up finding out how similar they really were.  They had a horse connection. They both had expectations that were not accurate.

EC:  How did you get all the information about horses?

CR:  I have a friend who has been showing horses for a while. She knows about the horse world. I would not say that the heroine is based on her, but there is a lot of her in that character.  Just as with Summer, my friend, is also someone who should not be underestimated or that people should not assume things about her.

EC:  How would you describe Summer?

CR:  Impatient at times, career motivated, intense, hard worker, devoted, and anxious.  I know readers thought at times she can be a diva. I think that scene did not come across as I wanted it.  I wanted her to be a diva by circumstance, not an actual diva. The town took her by surprise, yet she was able to acclimate quickly. Reluctant diva is a good term. She never faced her problems unless it dealt with her horse.  She needed to realize what she really wanted.

EC:  Braden the ex-fiancé versus Levi?

CR:  I did not want any heart break but wanted a complication.  Levi was a rodeo horse guy and Braden was a stereotypic equestrian, a snobby rich horse guy. Braden thinks a lot of himself, wants eye candy for a partner, charming, reckless, publicity hound, and confidant. Readers should not be enamored with him.

EC:  How would you describe Levi?

CR:  He is kind, caring, can jump to wrong conclusions, might have tunnel vision about people, and his daughter means everything to him.  He was wounded deeply by his ex and is stressed by the new family situation.  He has a little bit of a temper.

EC:  What about the relationship?

CR:  Levi was shocked that he had strong feelings for Summer.  Initially he thought she was not his type, looking on her as condescending and spoiled. They goad each other and are sarcastic.  They misjudged each other.  Neither was looking for love but realized there was a major attraction. An opposite attraction.

EC:  What about Isla, Levi’s ten-year-old daughter?

CR:  Cute, polite, smart, curious, determined, funny, and brought Summer and Levi together.  Summer saw a lot of herself in Isla. She helped Summer because Summer was brave for the little girl when she could not be brave for herself.

EC:  What role did divorce play?

CR:  Passive-aggressive relationship between Levi and his ex.  They liked to snipe and argue, even in front of Isla, almost putting her in the middle. Isla was hurt by their arguments. Levi could not see what he was doing wrong because he was too focused on what his ex-wife was doing wrong. In the end, they both saw the light.

EC:  Next book?

CR:  I have been on a hiatus because of my husband’s illness and death. Thankfully, my publisher and editor are amazing.  I am under contract for a five book western series. It might be a little while until I write the story.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: A Wyoming Secret Proposal by Amy Vastine

Book Description

Can a secret Vegas wedding…
Survive in Wyoming?

Social media influencer Harper Hayes never wanted to marry. So how did drop-dead gorgeous cowboy Wyatt Blackwell end up as her husband in Vegas? Now Harper’s in Wyoming, trying to convince her gun-shy groom to stay married for at least a month so she can save face. But marrying a Wyoming Blackwell comes with a whole lot of complications. Especially when Harper falls for her handsome new husband…for real.


Elise’s Thoughts

A Wyoming Secret Proposal by Amy Vastine is the second book in the The Blackwells of Eagle Springs compilation series. This is a sweet, enjoyable love story with a little bit of drama.

The story centers around Wyatt Blackwell, the youngest of five children. He was restless so he decides to find work in different parts of the US, to be a cowboy-for-hire working at different ranches throughout the western United States. After finishing his latest job before returning home, Wyatt and his buddies decide to stop in Las Vegas. There he meets Harper Hayes, a social media influencer. They meet, they get drunk, and get married. Unfortunately, neither one realizes they are married after sobering up.

To save face on her social media platforms, they’ve agreed to remain married for a month, but without telling each other’s family. She puts her trust in her stepfather and tells him about the marriage.  From there everything blows up and readers wonder if Wyatt and Harper can maintain their relationship. There is also the continued story arc of how the Blackwells can save the ranch.  Making appearances from the first book are Corliss, Wyatt’s older sister, their grandmother, Denny, and her brother, Big E.

This is a fun story with likeable and relatable characters.  The plot is engaging and the banter between the characters will put a smile on reader’s faces.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper:  Idea for the story?

Amy Vastine: Since there are five of us writing the Blackwell books we work as a team. There is an over-arching story that goes across all five.  We each pick a character and then figure out a way to put it into the overall story. I had the baby of the family as the one who never was tied down to the ranch. I wanted to write an accidental marriage for the romance.  I also have adult children who helped guide me in how to write the twenty-something characters. This is where the whole social media influencer came from.

EC:  How do you keep character continuity since other authors characters are in this story?

AV: It is super hard.  We write the other characters ourselves because we all write the stories at the same time. We do email and text each other questions to make sure we get it right. I feel a lot of pressure to get the characters written correctly when they are not my babies. Once we finish our manuscript, we send it to each other.  We encourage each other to search through it to find the names and make sure the scene and banter fits. Our editorial team is awesome because they will tell us, “I don’t think this is how the character would respond.” They will help guide us. We get good feedback because they are part of the whole big story.  I enjoy how the other authors will help with scenes and banter at times.

EC:  Why Vegas?

AV:  It made it easy to have the accidental marriage because they give marriage licenses very quickly. I had them meet at a Blackjack table.  It is the easiest card game for me to understand. My dad taught me the tricks to this card game.

EC:  How would you describe Harper?

AV:  Flamboyant, relentless, feisty, independent, and strong.  But she tries to hide her insecurity because she never had anything permanent in her life.  She comes off that she has everything together, but she still seeks approval.

EC:  How would you describe Wyatt?

AV: Gentleman, responsible, kind, funny, a hard worker, and a wanderer.  Basically, a cool guy with a quiet charm. He felt pigeon-holed in the small town, having lived there his entire life. He wanted to experience something new. He felt he was not his own person because he is known through his family.

EC:  What about the relationship?

AV:  They decide to stay in the marriage temporarily and pretend to help her out with her social media posts.  This fits her old way of doing things. They are from opposite worlds.  She is a fish out of water in the small town, much different than the fast-paced city she is used to. They discovered what they needed through each other. She helped him appreciate what he had in the small town, something he took for granted.  He cared about her even after the first impression.

EC: What was the role of Brock and Serena?

AV:  They are part of the larger plot, Harper’s stepfather, and mother. Brock is the first, most obvious bad guy in the story who wants to take the ranch away from the grandmother.  He is our red herring. Serena is that mom who does not always do things correct but wants to be a good mother.  She redeems herself and encourages Brock to redeem himself. 

EC:  Your next book?

AV:  My first Christmas heartwarming comes out in late November. It is titled Christmas Wedding Crashers.  There are two rival families.  The senior most members of the family decide to get married.  The younger generation, the hero and the heroine join forces to stop this marriage. In that process, they begin to fall for each other.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Home Sweet Christmas by Susan Mallory

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for HOME SWEET CHRISTMAS (Wishing Tree Book #2) by Susan Mallory on this HTP Books 2022 Holiday Romance Blog Tour.

Below you will find an author Q&A, a book summary, my book review, an excerpt from the book and the author’s bio and social media links. Enjoy!


Author Q&A

What inspired Home Sweet Christmas?

Inspiration is interesting—it can come from anywhere, or from seemingly nowhere. In the case of Home Sweet Christmas, the season itself inspired the story. The town of Wishing Tree, Washington, is all about Christmas, so every book set in Wishing Tree has a Christmas theme. (The first book in the series, The Christmas Wedding Guest, came out last year. Each book can be read as a standalone .

A table full of food

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So that was my starting point, knowing that this book would have a holiday theme. To me, it’s important for a Christmas book to be intrinsically Christmas-themed, not just a story that could happen at any time of year. I brainstormed lots of possibilities.

I landed on ideas for the two heroines (Home Sweet Christmas is two romances in one). In one storyline, Camryn’s mother passed away last year, so Camryn gave up everything—her career, her condo, her fiancé, and her big-city life in Chicago—to move home to care for her sisters and run the family business, a gift-wrapping specialty store called Wrap Around the Clock. She plans to get back to her “real life” as soon as her sisters graduate high school, so the last thing she wants to do is to fall in love. Still, a little temporary romance with Jake, her teenage crush, sounds like a welcome distraction.

In the second storyline, River is new in town and very shy. To coax her out of her shell, her new friends nominate her for Snow Queen, a crown that River is reluctant to accept—until she meets the very handsome Snow King, Dylan. But River has been burned before by a man with too many secrets, and Dylan is hiding something big.

You’re so wonderful at writing emotional scenes. Do you have any tips for writers who want to portray difficult issues like betrayal or loss of a loved one in their books?

The emotion springs from character. Every person will react differently to betrayal or loss, so it’s important that you fully develop your characters so that they essentially take over. Emotions are nuanced and infinitely complex, and our reactions are colored by everything we have experienced and observed throughout our lives. Put yourself inside your character’s mind and heart fully before you start writing the scene.

If I’m not feeling something as I write the scene, readers won’t feel it as they read. Writing these scenes is not an intellectual exercise—it’s visceral, emotional. If the feeling isn’t there for me, I stop writing and take a few minutes to get myself there. I have to be fully immersed in a character’s point-of-view in order to write these pivotal scenes.

Your novels are always gripping, realistic and romantic. How do you come up with your plots? 

In the world of fiction-writing, there’s a spectrum of plotters versus those who write “from the seat of their pants,” or pantsers. I am on the extreme plotter end of this spectrum, meaning that I write a very detailed plot for a book before I begin writing it. Far from limiting me, this roadmap frees me to immerse myself in the emotions of the characters because I’ve already untangled any snags in the story.


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I start to develop a story idea in my head, jotting down notes but mostly just giving my mind the freedom to roam. At this stage, it’s mostly about thinking about the characters and their backstory.

Then I write one scene for each point-of-view character. In the case of Home Sweet Christmas, this meant that I wrote one scene each for Camryn, Jake, River and Dylan. I write until that character clicks in my head and feels like a real person with thoughts and feelings of her or his own. Then I stop writing and plot that character’s storyline onto index cards. I do that for each character, and then I sit down with the index cards and weave the storylines together. Then I number the cards and start writing.

My plotting is essentially the world’s shortest first draft. There are bits of dialogue, but mostly it’s a scene-by-scene synopsis of what’s going to happen in the book.

In case you’re curious, here are the first few paragraphs from Home Sweet Christmas:

“Your teeth are lovely, Camryn. Did you wear braces as a child?”

Camryn Neff reminded herself that not only was the woman sitting across from her a very wealthy potential client, but also that her mother had raised her to be polite to her elders. Still, it took serious effort to keep from falling out of her chair at the weirdness of the question.

“No. This is how they grew.”

Hmm, that didn’t sound right, although to be honest, she didn’t have a lot of experience when a conversation turned dental.

Is it difficult to come up with a specific Holiday themed novel every year?

It’s definitely a challenge! Not only because the story needs to be holiday-centric but feel different from all the other Christmas books I’ve written, but because of the very tight timeline. Home Sweet Christmas starts a couple weeks before Thanksgiving, so that gave me a little breathing room, but for all intents and purposes, when you write a Christmas book the characters have to fall in love in about four weeks. And it needs to happen in such a way as to feel completely genuine, so readers feel confident that the love will last forever.

Do you decorate your writing room when you are writing a holiday book?

No, but I do pull out my Grinch ornament, which helps me get in the spirit.


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What’s your favorite holiday tradition?

I love to adopt a family through a local program. Mr. Mallery and I take great joy in finding special gifts that are unique to every family member—some from their wish list, and some surprises that we hope they’ll enjoy.

Rumor has it that you’ve created a cookie cookbook that you’re giving away for free. True?

True! The Wishing Tree Cookie Cookbook is available for free in the Members area at SusanMallery.com to anyone who wants it. It includes 160 recipes submitted by readers, with lots of pictures. It’s a PDF file, but I will also be giving away a printed copy of the cookbook every Tuesday from October 4 through December 20 on my Facebook page. I’ll also give away three as door prizes at my virtual event with Debbie Macomber on November 9. Details and registration at https://bit.ly/debbieandsusan 

What’s next for you?

The Sister Effect will be coming in March. It’s both one of the most emotional stories I’ve ever written and one of the funniest. Finley and Sloane were really tight when they were growing up. Their mom kept leaving them with their grandpa while she went on the road with theatre troupes, so they had to watch out for each other. But as they grew up, they made different choices that drove a wedge between them. The Sister Effect is a beautiful, uplifting story of forgiveness and reconciliation and the importance of family.


Book Summary

#1 New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery’s second book set in the small town of Wishing Tree, Washington is the witty and heartfelt story of two friends who expectedly find the person–and the place in which–they belong this Christmas, for fans of Elin Hildebrand, Robyn Carr, and Susan Wiggs.

This small-town life wasn’t supposed to be for Camryn Neff. But after her mother died, Camryn moved home to Wishing Tree, Washington to care for her teenaged twin sisters and run the family wrapping paper business, Wrap Around the Clock. She loves her sisters and would do anything for them but, when they head off to college, she’s excited to move back to Chicago and restart her real life, completely attachment-free. So when a prospective client schedules a meeting and announces Project: Jake’s Bride, a plot to find a wife for her son, Camryn is completely disinterested. And when this client announces that Camryn is a candidate, she’s horrified. Being tied down is the last thing Camryn needs right now. She has no choice but to tell Jake what his mom is planning. But Camryn never expected to genuinely like him so much…

River Best knows all about the danger of keeping secrets. After all, she’s had her heart broken and her world rocked by secrets a few times now and she won’t ever let it happen again. New to Wishing Tree and a little shy, River is looking to get involved in the community so she lets her friends talk her into running for Snow Queen, one of the town’s honorary hosts of all Christmas events. She never expected to be drawn to Dylan Tucker, her Snow King. As the season progresses, River starts to trust him more and more and wonders if he’s the one. But little does River know that Dylan is keeping a secret from her, one that threatens everything between them.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60651450-home-sweet-christmas


Author: Susan Mallery

ISBN: 9781335934000

Publication Date: October 4, 2022

Publisher: HQN


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

HOME SWEET CHRISTMAS (Wishing Tree Book #2) by Susan Mallery is a contemporary holiday romance that returns readers to the charming small town of Wishing Tree and features two couples and their journey to their holiday romance HEAs. While this is the second book in the series, it is easily read as a standalone, but I can recommend the first book, The Christmas Wedding is also a wonderful read.

Camryn Neff returned to Wishing Tree last October to takeover the family business and care for her young twin sisters and their terminally ill mother. After the death of their mother, the holidays were ignored, so Camryn is hoping for a much happier season for her and her sister this year. She is putting her future on hold, but wealthy hotelier, Jake Crane just may have other plans for her. Is Camryn willing to reach out for what she wants or will fear destroy her future?

River Best is new in town. She has always had difficulty connecting with people and is more comfortable with her computer, but the small-town traditions and friendly people of Wishing Tree have her wanting to be more connected. When she is crowned Snow Queen for the holiday season, she is wary, but the Snow King, Dylan Tucker puts her at ease. Dylan’s good humor draws her in, but River lacks trust from being hurt in the past and she knows Dylan is hiding something. Could the secret tear them apart?

I want to move to Wishing Tree! This is the second time I have opened a book and fallen into the story of Wishing Tree with all its Christmas themed stores and special inhabitants and not wanted to leave. Ms. Mallery gives the reader two memorable HEAs in each book in this series. The sex scenes are all behind closed doors. The secondary characters are all special and as believable as the heroes and heroines. I love each dog featured in the books, too. This book has heartwarming characters that make you feel good about falling in love and the holidays even though you must go through a bit of heartache to get there.

I highly recommend this book, the first book in the series, and this author!




“Your teeth are lovely, Camryn. Did you wear braces as a child?”

Camryn Neff reminded herself that not only was the woman sitting across from her a very wealthy potential client, but also that her mother had raised her to be polite to her elders. Still, it took serious effort to keep from falling out of her chair at the weirdness of the question.

“No. This is how they grew.”

Hmm, that didn’t sound right, although to be honest, she didn’t have a lot of experience when a conversation turned dental.

She refocused her mind to the meeting at hand. Not that she knew for sure why Helen Crane, leader of Wishing Tree society, such as it was, and sole owner of the very impressive Crane hotel empire, wanted to meet with her. The summons had come in the form of a handwritten note, inviting her to the large, sprawling estate on Grey Wolf Lake. Today at two.

So here Camryn was, wearing a business suit that had been hanging in her closet for over a year. The dress code for Wishing Tree retail and the dress code for the job in finance she’d left back in Chicago were very different. While it had been fun to dust off her gorgeous boots and a silk blouse, and discover her skirts still fit, she was ready to get to the point of the invitation.

“How can I help you, Mrs. Crane?” she asked.

“Helen, please.”

Camryn smiled. “Helen. I’m happy to host a wrapping party, either here or at the store. Or if you’d prefer, I can simply collect all your holiday gifts and wrap them for you.”

She casually glanced around at the high ceilings of the sitting room. There was a massive fireplace, intricate molding and a view of the lake that, even with two feet of snow on the ground, was spectacular. And while there were lovely fall floral displays on several surfaces, there wasn’t a hint of Christmas to be found. Not in Wishing Tree, eight days before Thanksgiving. Those decorations didn’t appear until the Friday after.

“I have some samples for custom wrapping paper,” she said, pulling out several sheets of paper from her leather briefcase. “The designs can be adjusted and the colors coordinated with what you have planned for this holiday season. Wrapped presents under a tree are such an elegant touch.”

“You’re very thorough,” Helen murmured. “Impressive.” She made a note on a pad. “Are you married, dear?”

“What?” Camryn clutched the wrapping paper samples. “No.”

Helen nodded. “Your mother passed away last year, didn’t she?”

A fist wrapped around Camryn’s heart. “Yes. In late October.”

“I remember her. She was a lovely woman. You and your sisters must have been devastated.”

That was one word for it, Camryn thought grimly, remembering how her life had been shattered by the loss. In the space of a few weeks, she’d gone from being a relatively carefree, engaged, happy junior executive in Chicago to the sole guardian for her twin sisters, all the while dealing with trying to keep Wrap Around the Clock, the family business, afloat. The first few months after her mother’s death were still a blur. She barely remembered anything about the holidays last year, save an unrelenting sadness.

“This year the season will be so much happier,” Helen said firmly. “Victoria and Lily are thriving at school. Of course they still miss their mother, but they’re happy, healthy young adults.” The older woman smiled. “I know the teen years can be trying but I confess I quite enjoyed them with Jake.”

Camryn frowned slightly. “How do you know about the twins?” she asked.

Helen’s smile never faded. “It’s Wishing Tree, my dear. Everyone knows more than everyone else thinks. Now, you’re probably wondering why I invited you over today.”

“To discuss wrapping paper?” Although even as Camryn voiced the question, she knew instinctively that was not the real reason.

Helen Crane was close to sixty, with perfect posture and short, dark hair. Her gaze was direct, her clothes stylish. She looked as if she’d never wanted for anything and was very used to getting her way.

“Of course you’ll take care of all my wrapping needs,” Helen said easily. “And I do like your idea of custom paper for faux presents under the tree. I’ll have my holiday decorator get in touch with you so you two can coordinate the design. But the real reason I asked you here is to talk about Jake.”

Camryn was having a little trouble keeping up. The order for wrapping and the custom paper was great news, but why would Helen want to discuss her son?

She knew who Jake was—everyone in town did. He was the handsome, successful heir to the Crane hotel fortune. He’d been the football captain in high school, had gone to Stanford. After learning the hotel business at the smaller Crane hotels, he was back in Wishing Tree, promoted to general manager of the largest, most luxurious of the properties.

They’d never run in the same circles back when they’d been kids, in part because she was a few years younger. She’d been a lowly freshman while he’d been a popular senior. Her only real connection with Jake was the fact that he’d once been engaged to her friend Reggie.

Helen sighed. “I’ve come to the conclusion that left to his own devices, Jake is never going to give me grandchildren. I lost my husband eighteen months ago, which has been very hard for me. It’s time for my son to get on with finding someone, getting married and having the grandchildren I deserve.”

Well, that put the whole “did you wear braces” conversational gambit in perspective, Camryn thought, not sure if she should laugh or just plain feel sorry for Jake. His mother was a powerful woman. Camryn sure wouldn’t want to cross her.

“I’m not sure what that has to do with me,” she admitted.

Helen tapped her pad of paper. “I’ve come up with a plan. I’m calling it Project: Jake’s Bride. I’m going to find my son a wife and you’re a potential candidate.”

Camryn heard all the words. Taken individually, she knew what Helen was saying. But when put together, in that exact way, the meaning completely escaped her.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“You’re pretty, you’re smart. You’ve done well at Wrap Around the Clock. You’re nurturing—look how you’ve cared for your baby sisters.” Helen smiled again. “I confess I do like the idea of instant grandchildren, so that’s a plus for you. There are other candidates, of course, but you’re definitely near the top of the list. All I need is confirmation from your gynecologist that you’re likely to be fertile and then we can get on with the business of you and Jake falling in love.”

“You want to know if I’m fertile?”

Camryn shoved the samples back in her briefcase and stood. “Mrs. Crane, I don’t know what century you think we’re living in, but this isn’t a conversation I’m going to have with you. My fertility is none of your business. Nor is my love life. If your plan is genuine, you need to rethink it. And while you’re doing that, you might want to make an appointment with your own doctor, because there’s absolutely something wrong with you.”

Helen looked surprisingly unconcerned. “You’re right, Camryn. I apologize. Mentioning fertility was going a bit too far. You’re the first candidate I’ve spoken to, so I’m still finding my way through all this.” She wrote on her pad. “I won’t bring that up again. But as to the rest of it, seriously, what are your thoughts?”

Camryn sank back on her chair. “Don’t do it. Meddling is one thing, but you’re talking about an actual campaign to find your son a bride. No. Just no. It’s likely to annoy him, and any woman who would participate in something like this isn’t anyone you want in your family.”

Helen nodded slowly. “An interesting point. It’s just they make it look so easy on those reality shows.”

“Nothing is real on those shows. The relationships don’t last. Jake’s going to find someone. Give him time.”

“I’ve given him two years. I’m not getting younger, you know.” Her expression turned wistful. “And I do want grandchildren.”

“Ask me on the right day and you can have the twins.”

Helen laughed. “I wish that were true.” Her humor faded. “Do you know my son?”

“Not really.”

“We could start with a coffee date.”

Camryn sighed. “Helen, seriously. This isn’t going to work. Let him get his own girl.”

“He’s not. That’s the problem. All right, I can see I’m not going to convince you to be a willing participant. I appreciate your time.” She rose. “I meant what I said about the wrapping. I’ll arrange to have all my gifts taken to your store. And my holiday decorator will be in touch about the custom paper.”

“Is the holiday decorator different from the regular decorator?” Camryn asked before she could stop herself.

Helen chuckled. “Yes, she is. My regular decorator is temperamental and shudders at the thought of all that cheer and tradition. He came over close to Christmas a few years ago and nearly fainted when he saw the tree in the family room.”

She leaned close and her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s devoted to all the ornaments Jake made for me when he was little. There are plaster handprints and little stars made out of Popsicle sticks. My favorite is a tuna can with a tiny baby Jesus in the manger tucked inside. There’s bits of straw and a star.” She pressed both hands to her heart. “I tear up thinking about it.”

Baby Jesus in a tuna can? Helen was one strange woman.

Camryn collected her briefcase and followed Helen to the front door. Helen opened it, then looked at her.

“You’re sure about not being a part of Project: Jake’s Bride?”

“Yes. Very.” Camryn kept her tone firm, so there would be no misunderstanding.

“A pity, but I respect your honesty.”

Camryn walked to her SUV and put her briefcase in the backseat. Once she was behind the wheel, she glanced at the three-story house rising tall and proud against the snow and gray sky.

The rich really were different, she told herself as she circled the driveway and headed for the main road. Different in a cray-cray kind of way.

She turned left on North Ribbon Road. When she reached Cypress Highway, she started to turn right—the shortest way back to town. At the last minute, she went straight. Even as she drove north, she told herself it wasn’t her business. Maybe Jake knew about his mother’s plans. Maybe he supported them.

Okay, not that, she thought, passing the outlet mall, then turning on Red Cedar Highway and heading up the mountain. She might not know Jake very well, but Reggie had dated him for months. Reggie was a sweetie who would never go out with a jerk. So Jake had to be a regular kind of guy, and regular guys didn’t approve of their mothers finding them wives.

Besides, she doubted Jake needed any help in that department. He was tall, good-looking and really fit. She’d caught sight of him jogging past her store more than once and was willing to admit she’d stopped what she was doing to admire the view. He was also wealthy. Men like that didn’t need help getting dates.

The sign for the resort came into view. She slowed for a second, then groaned as she drove up to the valet. Maybe she was making a mistake, but there was no way she couldn’t tell Jake what had just happened. It felt too much like not mentioning toilet paper stuck to someone’s shoe.

If he already knew, then it would be a short conversation. If he didn’t care, then she would quietly think less of him and leave. If he was as horrified as she thought he might be, then she’d done her good deed for the week and yay her. Whatever the outcome, she would have done the right thing, which meant she would be able to sleep that night. Some days that was as good as it was going to get.

Excerpted from Home Sweet Christmas by Susan Mallery. Copyright © 2022 by Susan Mallery. Published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.


Author Bio

SUSAN MALLERY is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of novels about the relationships that define women’s lives—family, friendship, romance. Library Journal says, “Mallery is the master of blending emotionally believable characters in realistic situations,” and readers seem to agree—40 million copies of her books have sold worldwide. Her warm, humorous stories make the world a happier place to live.

Susan grew up in California and now lives in Seattle with her husband. She’s passionate about animal welfare, especially that of the ragdoll cat and adorable poodle who think of her as mom. Visit Susan online at www.susanmallery.com.

Social Media Links

Author Website: https://www.susanmallery.com/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SusanMallery

Twitter: https://twitter.com/susanmallery 

Instagram: https://instagram.com/susanmallery 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/susanmallery

Purchase Links

BookShop: https://bookshop.org/books/home-sweet-christmas-9781335449986/9781335449986 

Harlequin: https://www.harlequin.com/shop/books/9781335934000_home-sweet-christmas.html    

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/home-sweet-christmas-susan-mallery/1140803095?ean=9781335934000 

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Home-Sweet-Christmas-Susan-Mallery/dp/1335934006/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2OROAW8YH5DNX&keywords=home+sweet+christmas&qid=1664471578&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjM5IiwicXNhIjoiMS4yMSIsInFzcCI6IjEuMTUifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=home+sweet+christmas%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-1 

Books-A-Million: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Home-Sweet-Christmas/Susan-Mallery/9781335934000?id=8292090795540

Book Review: Three Cowboys and a Baby by Kate Pearce

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

THREE COWBOYS AND A BABY by Kate Pearce is a heartfelt contemporary western romance full of misunderstandings, tension, humor, and love. This is the first book in a new trilogy featuring three sexy former Marines now cowboys on the Nilsen family ranch at the northern end of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range.

When Luke Nilsen left the service, he returned home to run his family’s ranch with two of his Marine brothers, Noah and Max. An old teammate shows up at the ranch out of the blue with his infant son, Sky, looking for the baby’s mother who supposedly lives in town. When he doesn’t find her, he sneaks out overnight and leaves the baby behind.

Noah Harding had to raise his three sisters while his mother worked to support them and he swears he will never have a child of his own, but until the baby’s mother turns up to claim him, he will do his best to take care of him. When Sky’s mother shows up at the ranch relieved to find her son safe, they become snowed in, and Noah learns there is more to the story and there may be more to his own feelings.

Jen Rossi knows her son’s father is unreliable and when she is delayed getting back from deployment, she never expected he would abandon their son with three men she doesn’t even know. Snowed in, Jen is especially helpful with her nursing skills after an accident. While she really appreciates the handsome, but taciturn Noah, she must consider her future with her son and the ever-present problems her ex can cause for her custody.

I like the author’s set up for this trilogy, the setting and the three friends. Their military service made them all close, but they also came back with some difficulties adjusting and the isolated, large ranch in the mountains is a perfect place to heal. Noah is gruff and has to have everything organized in a logical way which does not always line-up with emotions. Jen has grown up in foster care until her service and now whether she has found a man she can learn to trust and love; she must put hers and her son’s futures first. While I enjoyed all the back and forth while Noah and Jen are getting to know each other, there were times it went on too long for me when some things could have been taken care of by just some honest conversation. The sex scenes are smokin’ hot and explicit, but not gratuitous. All of the secondary characters are fully fleshed and realistic and I cannot wait to see who is going to meet their HEA match next.

I enjoyed this contemporary western romance and am looking forward to the other two books to come in the trilogy.


Author Bio

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kate Pearce was born in England in the middle of a large family of girls and quickly found that her imagination was far more interesting than real life. After acquiring a degree in history and barely escaping from the British Civil Service alive, she moved to California and then to Hawaii with her kids and her husband and set about reinventing herself as a romance writer.

She is known for both her unconventional heroes and her joy at subverting romance clichés. In her spare time she self publishes science fiction erotic romance, historical romance, and whatever else she can imagine.

Social Media Links

Website: https://www.katepearce.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kate4queen

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/688826.Kate_Pearce

Feature Post and Mini Book Reviews: High Stakes and High Ground by Freya Barker

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Mini Book Reviews for book #2 High Stakes and Book #3 High Ground in the High Mountain Trackers series. These books not only feature two hot alpha heroes but also the two Freling sisters who captured their hearts.

Below you will find the book descriptions, the mini book reviews, the author’s bio and the author’s social media links. Enjoy!


Book #2 Description

When her sister, Pippa, goes missing, Nella Freling tells her boss she’s taking time off from her job as a research librarian, hops in her sensible van, and heads south of the border to Montana. However, local police don’t seem too concerned about a missing woman living in her motorhome. So Nella will have to look for Pippa by herself, unless she can convince a highly recommended tracker to help her, but sadly the rude and angry cowboy won’t even listen to her at first.
But Nella can be persuasive.

The first time High Mountain Tracker, Fletch Boone, laid eyes on Nella, her ass was stuck in his grocery cart. The next time was at the ranch; she was wearing mud, head to toe. But when he catches sight of her a third time, hanging off a cliff, he can’t turn his back again. What Nella lacks in survival skills she makes up for in sheer determination. Unfortunately, neither of those is enough protection when bullets start flying.

Fletch has no choice but to jump in before the woman gets herself killed.
And that would be a damn shame. 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60036895-high-stakes?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=THQRIq9rva&rank=2


My Mini Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

As Nella and Fletch search for the missing sister, Fletch has his hands full with the head-strong Nella who will do anything to find her sister even as she places herself in danger.

This book is another exciting romantic suspense in the High Mountain Trackers series. Nella and Fletch have a slow burn romance intertwined in a search and rescue and crime suspense plot that is full of twists. I found Nella and Fletch to be believable in their dance from self-protection to trust and love. All the characters from book one are back to watch Mr. Grumpy fall and provide some entertaining dialogue. This is a cast of characters that pull you right into their stories and I cannot wait for more.


Book #3 Description

Not much has gone according to plan for mechanic, Pippa Freling, recently. With lots of bridges burned behind her, she decides to stick close to her sister and give Montana a try.

Things are looking up when she joins a local group of animal activists, buys an auto shop for a steal, and even tries her luck with the opposite sex. But it doesn’t take long before her hopeful new future is derailed once again.
This time permanently.

Maintaining tight control is the stronghold in Sully Eckhart’s life. It served him well during his years in special forces and has kept him out of trouble since. But his self-restraint stretches only so far whenever he finds himself faced with the one woman who has the ability to shake his determination. A woman he’s tried to avoid for months—since the first time she shook his resolve—but who now finds herself in the middle of a serial murder case.

However, when she not only ends up a person of interest to the FBI, but firmly in the crosshairs of a killer, he has no other option but to stick close.
And give up all control.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60056449-high-ground?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=lYXH7PNhjW&rank=2


My Mini Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

Pippa finds herself being investigated as a person of interest by the FBI in a serial murder case. She has more on her plate than she can handle by herself and when the solitary Sully finds out about the news she has yet to share, he refuses to leave her side. As Pippa and Sully learn to share all aspects of their lives, their future life together is being endangered.

The High Mountain Trackers series of romantic suspense books never disappoint. Pippa and Sully are both so independent and I enjoyed their journey to becoming a couple. I loved the way both had to learn to give and take and how they did what was right for them without worrying what others felt about their choices. There is always crossover between the books in the series, but there is even more in this book due to Nella, Pippa’s sister’s pregnancy and delivery and the entire team assisting in the serial murder case. There are several plotlines in this story, but all are answered by the HEA. The sex scenes are steamy and explicit, but not gratuitous. This series has mature heroes and heroines, and the author deals with their personal problems in an adult manner and does not hesitate to give them mature love lives, also.


Author Bio

USA Today bestselling author Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories. 

Driven to make her books about ‘real’ people; she creates characters who are perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills in their lives.

Recipient of the ReadFREE.ly 2019 Best Book We’ve Read All Year Award for “Covering Ollie, the 2015 RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for Best First Book, “Slim To None”, Finalist for the 2017 Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, and Finalist for the 2020 Kindle Book Award with “When Hope Ends”, Freya continues to add to her rapidly growing collection of published novels as she spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

Social Media Links

Facebook: http://bit.ly/FreyaFacebookTwitter: http://bit.ly/FreyaTwitter
Instagram: http://bit.ly/FreyaInstagram
Web: http://bit.ly/FreyaWeb
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/FreyaGoodreads
Newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/Freya_Newsletter Bookbub: http://bit.ly/FreyaBookBub