Hi, everyone!
I am very excited to share this Feature Post and Book Review for Melissa Foster’s new release CALL HER MINE (Harmony Pointe Book One). This friends-to-lovers contemporary romance has a surprise baby, too. If you love Ms. Foster’s writing as much as I do, you know you are in for an emotional read full of laughter, angst, family, and a wonderful hero and heroine all tied together with LOVE.
Below you will find an interview with the author, an excerpt from the book, my book review, a summary of the book, the author’s bio and social media links, a link to a FREE preview and a Rafflecopter giveaway.
Curl up in your favorite reading spot and enjoy Ben and Aurelia’s story. As always good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway, too!
Melissa Foster Author Interview:
1) ”If a woman can’t find love in the quaint
town of Harmony Pointe, it’s sure to find them…” —this is the tagline for your
newest series Harmony Pointe. Tell us a bit about the town and these women who
are finding love.
I love writing about close-knit small towns, where gossip is ripe, and
embarrassing tales of youthful rascals abound. Harmony Pointe is nestled
between Sweetwater and Port Hudson, New York, not far from the city. It offers
grand views of mountains as far as the eye could see. Cobblestone streets,
brick-front eclectic shops, and old-fashioned street lights add to the small
town’s charm. Readers who are familiar with my Sugar Lake series will recognize
Harmony Pointe as Derek Grant’s hometown.
2) What was the idea that sparked the beginning of the series?
I have been itching to write Ben Dalton and Aurelia Stark’s story since I first
(Billionaires After Dark series) and THE REAL THING (Sugar Lake series).
Harmony Pointe is a Sugar Lake spin-off, and in the Sugar Lake series several
of Ben’s siblings find love. It was finally Ben’s turn.
3) For longtime fans, can you tell us what this series has in common with your
previous books? How is the series different from what you have written before?
Avid readers of my Love in Bloom series will have met Ben and Aurelia in
several previous books and series. Their story is filled with humor and sexy
times, and this one wallops the reader with an ugly-cry worthy punch. This
family is very female centric, which is different than most of my other series.
The exception is the Montgomerys, cousins to the Daltons, in which the males
are also outnumbered. #GirlPower (Bradens & Mongtomerys series).
4) Why was it important that Ben and Aurelia launched this series in Call
Her Mine?
Ben and Aurelia were too loud for me to ignore! They were finally ready to
5) There are friends-to-lovers romances and then there is Ben and Aurelia
who are closer-than-close. Seriously, these two just about live in each other’s
heads. What takes them so long to realize that they belong together?
Have you ever had a friend who you love so much that you can’t imagine life
without them? I have. It instills a certain level of fear—what if you risk that
friendship, lay your feelings on the line, and the other person doesn’t feel
the same? True friends, the ones who “get” you, who accept you at your worst,
bitchiest states, and at your best, are hard to come by. Risking the friendship
is terrifying. I think this was the case for Ben and Aurelia—Plus there’s Ben
and his damn planning…
That man made me crazy.
I love him so hard!
6) When romance finally (finally!) is in the cards for these two, they have
one very tiny situation that turns up—Ben’s previously unknown infant daughter.
What was it like to create an insta-family for this pair?
It was so frigging fun I wish I could do it again! I loved every second of
writing this book. I was able to strip Ben and Aurelia down to their most raw
selves and emotions, and then watch as they found their new footings together.
It was glorious.
7) While it is unfair to ask if you have a favorite hero, we’d love to know
what makes Ben so special to you.
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes—arrogant, funny, introverted, brilliant,
average, overly serious, etc. Ben is like the guy you see sitting at the end of
a bar in a fine suit and think he’s probably taken, or at the least too refined
to be fun. And then he opens his mouth and melts you, or makes you laugh, at
every turn. He’s protective, but not in a bullying way. Don’t even get me
started with that man holding a tiny baby, falling in love with her page after
page. I’ve got goosebumps just thinking about it.

“I’ve got to go.” She tried to pull away, but he dug his fingers into her knotted muscles, releasing tension and drawing a moan from her traitorous lungs.
“Don’t run off,” he coaxed. “I wasn’t kidding. You are my best friend. I trust you with my secrets, and I love who you are.”
Hope bubbled up inside her, and she closed her eyes, glad he couldn’t see her face. Had their time finally come? “Really?”
“Of course,” he said, and she heard the smile in his voice.
That made her feel all sorts of good, and the truth came easily. “I love who you are, too.”
He leaned his chin on her shoulder, his hard chest pressing against her back as he said, “I especially love who you are when you’re making me breakfast.”
“Ugh!” She pushed to her feet, but he snagged her wrist, giving her the puppy-dog eyes she’d never been able to resist. The ones that said, Please don’t leave me. “Ben,” she warned.
“Relsy,” he pleaded.
“I am not making you breakfast. I have to go.” She yanked her hand away and said, “And I’m busy for the next few weeks. Actually, for a lifetime, so . . .” She shoved her feet into her red Converse sneakers and grabbed her purse.
“I seriously have to make my own breakfast?” Ben pushed to his feet and stretched, six-plus feet of hotness towering over her five-two frame. “But you make waffles better than I do.”
“I do a lot of things better than you. Don’t forget to call Aiden back.” Aiden was his business partner. He’d called Ben last night while they were watching a movie and Ben had made her laugh, causing tequila to come out of her nose, which had sent him into hysterics and rendered him unable to answer the call.
“That’s right.” He grabbed his phone from the table. “He was supposed to set up a meeting with our legal team.”
“For the hotel chain you’re buying?”
“Yeah. Hey, take my sweatshirt. It’s early. You’ll be cold.”
He pulled his sweatshirt over his head and tossed it to her, revealing a dusting of chest hair over muscular pecs and a treasure trail that disappeared beneath the waist of his low-slung jeans. His sweatshirt hit her in the chest and landed at her feet, reminding her she was staring.
Ben laughed. “Nice catch, Rels. Remind me not to pick you for my baseball team.”
“I don’t want to be on your team. You run the bases too slow,” she mumbled as she picked up his sweatshirt and tugged it over her head, inhaling his masculine scent. “I’m out of here.”
“How about cereal?” he asked with a wink. “I’ll make it.”
“Since when did you become so needy?”
A coy grin slid across his face. “I know that once you’re in my kitchen, there’s no holding back. You won’t let me eat crap when you can make something delicious.”
“Yeah, you should see me in the bedroom.” She felt her eyes bug out. She slammed her mouth closed, unable to believe what she’d said. She stormed through the hallway and out the door, followed by Ben’s laughter—and almost tripped over a basket. She leaned back, holding the door open, and hollered, “I think Willow left you muffins. There’s a basket on your porch.”
“Way to go, Willow,” he said as he strode down the hall. “Let’s see the goods.”
She realized she was staring at his bare chest again and snapped, “I’m taking the biggest muffin,” as if it was his fault he had great pecs and abs she wanted to lick, and bite, and—
Down, girl.
He cocked a grin and said, “Take as many as you’d like, but you’ll pay for them later.”
In my dreams.

My Book Review:
RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars
CALL HER MINE (Harmony Pointe Book One) by Melissa Foster is a new friends-to-lovers contemporary romance with a secret baby, too. I have never been disappointed in a romance written by this author and this book was no exception.
Ben Dalton is an extremely successful businessman, but when it comes to his love life, he just never seems to get the timing right to get the girl he loves. It seems he has loved his sisters’ friend, Aurelia forever, but the planner in him has never found just the right time to tell her. Just as Ben decides to make the big move, Aurelia beats him to the punch by literally moving to the next town.
Aurelia Stark has decided to turn the page and start a new chapter in her life. She has moved to Harmony Pointe to open her new bookstore “Once Upon a Time”. She has a great apartment above the store and she is hopefully just far enough away to avoid constantly running into her commitment-phobic, unrequited love and best-friend, Ben.
Aurelia cannot believe she gave in and spent the night, as “friends”, at Ben’s once again. As she goes to leave, she opens the door and finds a baby on the porch. The attached note says it is Ben’s baby. Aurelia is there for Ben, though neither knows the first thing about the care of babies. What follows is a journey into nighttime feedings, lack of sleep, learning, laughter and love.
I am once again in love with a Melissa Foster romance. Ben, Aurelia and baby Bea feel like more than just characters in a book. I feel as if I should be able to meet them in Harmony Pointe. The laughter, tears, fears and love are all realistically portrayed in the dialogue and each characters actions. Ben is uber sexy and lovable. The perfect mix of take charge business man and lover mixed with the vulnerable best-friend and new dad. Aurelia works to open her dream bookstore even as she helps Ben. She deals with everything thrown at her and learns that it is not a bad thing to ask for help when she needs it. The love between Ben, Aurelia and Bea is beautiful to read. As in all of Ms. Foster’s romances the sex scenes are sexy, hot and explicit. Keep some tissues handy for the ending; it is emotional.
I absolutely loved this romance and highly recommend it.

About The Book:
Title: Call Her Mine
Author: Melissa Foster
Release Date: August 13, 2019
Series: Harmony Pointe, #1
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Ben Dalton has always been honest, except where his heart is concerned. He’s been in love with his best friend—saucy, smart-mouthed Aurelia Stark—forever. But Ben’s a planner, and timing has never been on his side. When he finally decides to make his move, Aurelia beats him to the punch with a move of her own—to a different town.
Aurelia loves her new life in the charming town of Harmony Pointe. She has a great apartment and her very own bookstore, and best of all, the sinfully hot, commitment-phobic friend she’s crushed on for years is no longer just around the corner. Maybe she’ll finally be able to leave her unrequited love behind and move on.
But when a baby is left on Ben’s front porch—a baby that is presumably his—Aurelia is there for him. Neither one knows the first thing about babies, but how hard can it be? Ben and Aurelia are catapulted into a world of love, laughter, and tracking down the baby mama, and it might even add up to a very happily ever after… just not one either of them expects.

Author Biography
Melissa Foster is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of more than eighty books, including The Real Thing and Only for You (from her Sugar Lake series). Melissa and her books have been featured in USA Today, Hagerstown magazine, The Patriot, and more. Her novel River of Love has been optioned for film by Passionflix. Melissa also writes sweet romance under the name Addison Cole. When Melissa isn’t writing up a storm, she’s living her own happily ever after with her husband and a gaggle of grown children. For more news, information about her books, and to chat with her, visit Melissa at www.MelissaFoster.com.
Buy Link
Social Media Links
Website: https://melissafoster.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelissaFosterAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/melissa_foster
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3023973.Melissa_Foster
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