Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Pets of Park Avenue by Stefanie London

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for PETS OF PARK AVENUE (Paws in the City Book #2) by Stefanie London on this HTP Books Fall 2022 Women’s Fiction Blog Tour.

Below you will find an author Q&A, a book summary, my book review, an excerpt from the book and the author’s bio and social media links. Enjoy!


Author Q&A

How do you come up with your themes?

I’m not sure that I consciously determine themes for my stories, but more that they tend to emerge as I’m writing the first draft. I’m an intuitive writer, which means the only way for me to really get to know the characters and the plot is to put my fingers on the keyboard and let the story flow. This means I don’t always know exactly how a story is going to turn out until it’s done, and I usually have an “aha!” moment about 75% through where I finally understand the core elements of the book. Then the rounds of revisions are often dedicated to make those themes and elements shine as much as possible.

What is the attraction to writing/reading about women’s friendships?

I’m blessed to have many amazing women in my own life, and I think female relationships of all kinds are super important. It saddened me for a long time to see women get pitted against one another in television and movies, and I’ve always wanted to write the kind of books that lift women up rather than tear them down. It’s not to say every woman I write is sunshine and roses, though! But I strongly believe in showing female relationships as honest, complex, and supportive. One of the best things about writing the Paws in the City series is all the different female friendships and sister relationships… after writing the adorable animal side characters, of course!

Which comes first: characters or plot?

It depends on the project. Sometimes I have an idea for a story concept that pops into my head and then I think about the characters who might end up in that situation. This was the case for The Dachshund Wears Prada, where I had the idea for a woman who ends up being an assistant to a very pampered pooch, and then Theo and Isla came to me later. 

But sometimes the characters come first, especially for later books in a series where I’ve “met” the characters in an earlier book but don’t always know what their story is yet. Those characters tend to become very real in my head and then I need to think about a story that would suit their personality and the kind of development arc I would like them to have.

Have you ever been writing a novel and realized the theme is very much like something you’ve experienced?

I write from the heart, so on some level I think all my books have a theming element that is close to some emotion or experience I’ve had myself. When it comes to writing fiction, I try to make those elements bigger and more interesting than real life, but at the core I have experienced a lot of the same doubts, fears and insecurities as all my characters.

For example, I’ve written about characters who’ve struggled for acceptance (whether internal or external), characters who’ve felt lonely or who’ve moved away from their families, who’ve been afraid to bet on themselves or to take risks. I’ve written about grief, about being a plus size woman, about the pressures of having a creative career, about learning to find your voice in the world… these are all things close to my heart and my own experience.


Book Summary

The perfect romcom for dog lovers! Pets of Park Avenue is the story of a self-confessed hot mess who learns that life is more fun when things don’t go according to plan.

What do you do when The One is also the one who broke your heart?

Self-proclaimed hot mess Scout Myers is determined to prove she’s finally got her act together. Raised by grandparents who saw her as her wayward mother’s wayward daughter, Scout’s used to being written off. So when the opportunity for a promotion arises at Paws in the City, the talent agency where she works, Scout is desperate to rise to the occasion. With shared custody of her little sister also on the line, Scout can’t afford a single mistake…like suddenly needing a canine stand-in for an important photoshoot. Luckily (or not) she knows the owner of the perfect pup replacement: the estranged husband she walked out on years ago.

On the surface, it appears Lane Halliday’s life has been blissfully drama free without Scout, but she suspects her handsome-as-ever not-quite-ex-husband doth protest too much. Working together even feels like old times—except for all that lingering, unresolved tension. But Scout’s not sure she’s ready to confront the reasons she left Lane, and when their plans to finalize the divorce become very real, Scout starts to wonder whether second chances might be worth a little hot mess.


Pets of Park Avenue

Author: Stefanie London

ISBN: 9781335498199

Paperback Original 

Publication Date: December 6, 2022

Publisher: HQN


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

PETS OF PARK AVENUE (Paws in the City Book #2) by Stefanie London is a heartwarming second chance romance/women’s fiction. This second book in the Paws in the City series starts where The Dachshund Wears Prada left off with the focus this time on Scout and her self-proclaimed hot mess life. The second chance romance in this book can be read as a standalone, but all the connections between characters and pets is more enjoyable if you read book #1 first.

Scout Myers is making the most of her chance to help her best friend, Isla, make Paws in the City a success. She and her baby sister were taken in by her grandparents, but her grandparents saw her as wayward as her mother had been and kicked her out to protect her sister. It has been a five-year separation with only monthly visitation, but she is determined to prove she is mature enough to have her sister move in with her now that her grandparents are moving to California.

At a pet photo shot Scout oversees one of Paws in the City’s stars, but when the dogs go wild, Scout is left in need of a temporary replacement for another engagement. She knows just where she can find an identical Bichon Frise. It happens to live with her not quite ex-husband, Lane Halliday.

Can the truth and forgiveness be the keys to a possible second chance with the person you could never forget?

I loved this second Paws in the City romance as much as the first. I at first found Scout to be the hot mess she believed herself to be, but the more you learn about her background and treatment from her mother and grandparents, it is amazing that she is as caring and loving as she is. The mistakes made when they first married were believable for the young couple and it was wonderful to see them come back together with a more mature and open understanding. Ms. London’s writing is funny, heartfelt, and emotional in all the right places. All the pets in the series are adorable and I love them, too.

I highly recommend this second chance romance, both Paws in the City books to date and I am looking forward to the next book in the series!



Scout Myers could think of several good reasons to be on all fours with her ass in the air, but pandering to the world’s most disagreeable cat was not one of them. Isaac Mewton—and yes, that was his real name—was a Scottish fold with the sweetest face you’d ever see. Unfortunately, despite the adorable camera-ready mug, the cat had the same disposition as those grumpy old Muppets who liked to sit on a balcony and heckle people for sport.

And Scout loved animals. One of the best things about her job at Paws in the City, New York’s premiere pet social media and talent agency, was getting to be around furry critters all day long.

Isaac Mewton, however, was officially on her shit list.

“I can see something shiny back there.” His owner pointed. “We can’t carry on without his favorite toy. He won’t sit still.”

Scout gritted her teeth and wedged her hand between the wall and a white IKEA bookcase. Cringing, she prayed none of New York’s finest creepy crawlies were hiding back there and wriggled her fingers.

“Come on,” she muttered. “Where are you?”

Eventually her fingertips brushed something hard and plastic. That had to be it. How the cat had managed to bat his toy so hard it lodged itself into such a small space was incomprehensible. Almost as incomprehensible as this client’s expectations. Seriously, how were they supposed to turn her precious kitty into a star if it wouldn’t even sit still for a headshot?

“Got it!” Her hand—and the toy—popped mercifully free.

“Great, now can we get on with it?” The client looked at Scout like this was all her fault. “I have an appointment to get to.”

Paws in the City wasn’t only Scout’s workplace; it was the brainchild of her best friend and the lifeline Scout had needed when her life couldn’t sink any lower. She came into work every day striving to do the best job possible, both for herself and her boss.

That meant pasting on a can-do smile, even when she wanted to launch a cat toy at someone’s head.

“Why don’t you get him to play with it?” Scout said, handing over the hard plastic ring, which was clear and suspended with glitter. “He might be more receptive if it comes from you.”

The woman crouched in front of the cat and attempted to engage him with the toy. But he immediately batted it across the room, where it slammed into the wall and bounced onto the floor.

The photographer, who had shown a level of patience that should make her a shoo-in for sainthood, raised an eyebrow. This was going nowhere. Isaac Mewton sat on a velvet pouf with an artfully arranged bookshelf behind him that Scout and the photographer had prepared for his portrait, staring down everyone in the room like an angry king.

It was time to try something new. Scout retrieved a feather toy from their stash in the office. She needed to get these photos done now. Isla was due back in less than five minutes and they hadn’t gotten a single decent shot of the cat.

Let’s be real, what client would want to work with such a demanding, fussy model anyway?

Still, Scout didn’t want it to look like she didn’t have things under control.

“He doesn’t like those.” The cat’s owner shook her head and pointed at the feather toy. “It won’t work.”

“Well, we’ve tried all the toys you brought with you, so maybe a Hail Mary is exactly what we need,” Scout replied tightly, her smile turning brittle. Lord give her strength to deal with this woman! The cat was a pain, sure, but animals were animals. They couldn’t be blamed for their behavior. Their human counterparts on the other hand…


Isaac Mewton had gone still, his eyes on the new toy, and the photographer seized the moment to start snapping. Scout moved the feather in gentle sweeping motions, and the cat’s eyes followed with intense focus. He raised one paw and batted at it, ignoring the steady click, click, click of the camera.

So much for him not liking it.

Scout shoved the snarky inner comment to one side and focused on getting the cat to engage so they could wrap up the meeting as quickly as possible. Next to her, the owner huffed in annoyance as though she couldn’t believe her darling Isaac had proven her wrong.

When they were done and the woman and her cat had left the Paws in the City office, Scout’s shoulders sagged in relief. She was a people—and an animal—person at heart, but she had a pet peeve, no pun intended, about entitlement. Call it a leftover from her childhood. Her mother’s legacy was little more than a collection of emotional scars and personal quirks, but she had taught Scout one very important lesson.

Nobody owed her anything. Whatever she wanted in life, she would have to earn it.

“Are all your clients like that?” the photographer asked as she packed up her equipment. “The woman seemed to think her cat was royalty.”

Scout shook her head. “Most clients are lovely and happy to have our assistance. But there’s always the rare few who think they’re superstar material, without being willing to put in the work.”

“How long have you been open now? Only a few months, right?”

“Six months.” Scout couldn’t help her beaming smile. It might not be her business, but she was damn proud to be part of it. “And we’ve already signed over twenty clients.”

“Including Miss Pain in the Rear and her angry feline overlord?”

“We’ve had several requests for cats lately, and he was by far the cutest we’ve seen.” Scout sighed. “Let’s hope he’s in a better mood when it comes time to front up for a paying job.”

Paws in the City represented clients with four (and six) legs. They provided social media coaching to the humans running the accounts, worked on brand strategy and generally acted as a go-between in brokering sponsorship deals and other types of opportunities. They also booked animal talent for commercial shoots, both of the print and television variety. Every day was different. Scout managed the operational parts of the 

job, like booking appointments, supervising headshots, fielding media enquiries and consulting with the freelancers, such as photographers and grooming specialists. Plus any other random bits and bobs, like making sure they hadn’t run out of dog treats or pods for their coffee machine.

Isla always said their mission was to make the internet a happier, furrier place, and Scout loved that sentiment.

A few minutes after Scout bid the photographer farewell, the front door swung open. Though cute, their office wasn’t much bigger than a postage stamp, so Scout’s desk was situated in the waiting area and therefore doubled as their reception desk.

Isla breezed in, a wool coat slung over one arm and her long dark hair bouncing around her shoulders in soft curls. She was dressed in a pale blue blouse, fitted black pants and a killer pair of silver stilettos—a much fancier outfit than what she usually wore in the office. Black, though it was one of Scout’s favorite colors, was not the best when working with their furry clients.

But Isla had been at an important networking event today, so there was no need to worry about dog fur.

“Those shoes,” Scout gasped. “Wow!”

“They’re gorgeous, but they’ve been killing me all day.” She dropped onto one of the pink velvet seats lining the far wall and kicked off the shoes, groaning in relief.

“That’s a rookie move,” Scout replied. “Now your feet are going to puff up and you won’t be able to get them back on.”

“I don’t care if I have to meet Theo barefoot tonight, there’s no way I was keeping them on a second longer than necessary.”

“Hmm, barefoot to a white-tablecloth restaurant. Classy.”

Isla grinned. “Theo loves me as I am, blisters and all.”

It was true. Scout wasn’t sure she’d ever seen a man so in love.

Not even on your own wedding day?

Scout shoved the unpleasant reminder to one side. The last thing she needed right now was for her mood to take a dive, thinking about inconvenient things like the fact that she was still married.

Or that she hadn’t seen her husband in five years.


Author Bio

 Stefanie London is a USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance. Her books have been called “genuinely entertaining and memorable” by Booklist, and her writing praised as “elegant, descriptive and delectable” by RT Magazine.

Originally from Australia, she now lives in Toronto with her very own hero and is doing her best to travel the world. She frequently indulges her passions for lipstick, good coffee, books and anything zombie related.

Social Media Links

Author Website 



Purchase Links

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Book Review: Christmas at the Amish Market by Shelley Shepard Gray

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

CHRISTMAS AT THE AMISH MARKET by Shelley Shepard Gray is a charming Christmas Amish romance which has a young Amish couple who have been courting for years finding love where they least expect it. This is a standalone sweet holiday story and women’s fiction with believable life twists that while predictable is an enjoyable read.

Wesley Raber’s father has had a heart attack and with his mother go to their eldest son’s home to rest and recuperate. Wesley has been running the family Amish market under his father’s watchful eye, but now at the busiest time of the year, he is in charge. He has always put the family market first in his life and now with the added time necessary to run the market his longtime girlfriend, Liesl feels abandoned. Liesl decides to help Wesley by asking her aunt to come to stay and help at the market during December.

Jenny Kurtz is nothing that Wesley was expecting. She is only twenty-six years old and attractive, but Jenny is recovering from a broken heart. Wesley soon discovers Jenny is hard working and very attentive to the customers who all adore her. With long hours working together, they both begin to be attracted to each other, but Wesley is supposed to be Liesl’s boyfriend and Jenny would never hurt her favorite niece for the world, but Liesl has been finding happiness and attention from another and has some major life decisions to make of her own.

I found this Christmas story to be part romance and part women’s fiction due to the realistic problems all the main characters face in this Amish setting. It is not a straight-line romance plot, but has plenty of romance, family traditions, love, and surprises that still leave you with a warm holiday feeling.

I really enjoyed this Amish holiday book!


About the Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is a NYT and USA Today bestselling author. She’s published over a hundred novels and has over a million books in print. She currently lives in northern Ohio and writes full time.

Shelley lives just an hour from Holmes County, where many of her Amish-themed novels are set. She currently writes contemporary romance and Amish fiction for a variety of publishers. When not spending time with her family or writing, she can usually be found walking her two dachshunds on one of the many trails in the Cleveland area.

She also bakes a lot, loves coconut cream pie, and will hardly ever pull weeds, mow the yard, or drive in the snow.

Social Media Links





Mini Book Reviews: Snowflakes and Starlight Anthology by Debbie Macomber, JoAnn Ross and Jennifer Snow

Story Descriptions

’Tis the season for cozy stories of falling in love

Here Comes Trouble by Debbie Macomber

After rival columnist Nolan Adams writes an unflattering piece about rookie journalist Maryanne Simpson, she decides to make some big life changes. She needs to show the tough, streetwise Nolan that she deserves his respect. When they end up as neighbors, Maryanne discovers that she can’t resist Nolan’s gruff charm, and although he doesn’t seem to be an appropriate match for a socialite, Maryanne has other ideas!

Once Upon a Wedding by JoAnn Ross

Desiree Marchand doesn’t have time for any complications ahead of her friend’s wedding—especially not her ex-boyfriend, rock star Bastien Broussard. Unfortunately, the wedding is down a singer…and whether Desiree likes it or not, Bastien is the perfect man for the job.

An Alaskan Christmas Homecoming by Jennifer Snow

The only thing Griffin Geller wants for Christmas is to reconcile with his family, which would take a real miracle. They haven’t spoken to him in the three months he’s been back in Wild River, Alaska. But when Jade Frazier walks into his tattoo shop, determined to decorate the front window, she helps remind Griffin that Christmas can be a season for second chances…in life as well as love.


Mini Book Reviews

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

SNOWFLAKES AND STARLIGHT is a holiday anthology with three charming romances by two authors I always enjoy and one new to me author. I like anthologies during the holidays because the novellas are easier to finish quickly for that holiday romance feeling when I may not have time for a full-length novel.

 Here Comes Trouble by Debbie Macomber was what I always expect and receive when I read a Debbie Macomber romance. Great characters and a romance plot that pulls me in and has me cheering for the couple to get it together and find their HEA. Maryanne and Nolan were so economically and socially different and yet their love triumphed. It was cute also, that their love story was told as a story for their daughters on Christmas Eve, so you knew it would all work out somehow.

Once Upon a Wedding by JoAnn Ross was a wonderful novella added to her Honeymoon Harbor series. It was a second chance holiday romance with all the feels. Desiree is a great heroine because she knew what she truly wanted and went for it, even at the cost of her young relationship with Bastien. And then for Bastien to know it was time for him to attempt to re-enter Desiree’s life was swoon worthy. The only problem with this novella was that there were a lot of characters from the series and if you are new to the series, it can be slightly confusing even though each relationship and character are explained.

An Alaskan Christmas Homecoming by Jennifer Snow is by a new to me author and it really packed a punch in a short number of pages. Forgiveness, love, and family. I am looking forward to checking out more of this author’s books.

I recommend this anthology of varying holiday romances. Enjoy!


About the Author

Debbie Macomber is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and one of today’s most popular writers with more than 200 million copies of her books in print worldwide. In her novels, Macomber brings to life compelling relationships that embrace family and enduring friendships, uplifting her readers with stories of connection and hope. Macomber’s novels have spent over 1,000 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Fifteen of these novels hit the number one spot.

In 2022, Macomber’s all-new hardcover publications include The Best Is Yet to Come (July) and The Christmas Spirit (October). In addition to fiction, Macomber has also published three bestselling cookbooks, two adult coloring books, numerous inspirational and nonfiction works, and two acclaimed children’s books.

Celebrated as “the official storyteller of Christmas”, Macomber’s annual Christmas books are beloved and six have been crafted into original Hallmark Channel movies. Macomber is also the author of the bestselling Cedar Cove Series which the Hallmark Channel chose as the basis for its first dramatic scripted television series. Debuting in 2013, Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove was a ratings favorite for three seasons.

She serves on the Guideposts National Advisory Cabinet, is a YFC National Ambassador, and is World Vision’s international spokesperson for their Knit for Kids charity initiative. A devoted grandmother, Debbie and Wayne live in Port Orchard, Washington, the town which inspired the Cedar Cove series.


About the Author

I wrote my first story — a tragic romance about two star-crossed Mallard ducks — as a second grade writing assignment. The paper earned a gold star. So I kept writing.

I’ve since written over a hundred novels and have been published in twenty-six countries. Two of my titles have been excerpted in Cosmopolitan magazine and as a New York Times, U.S. Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller, I’m also a member of the Romance Writers of America’s Honor Roll of best-selling authors.

I’m currently writing small town series for HQN set on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. Honeymoon Harbor is inspired by a Victorian seaport peninsula town my husband and I fell in love with over thirty years ago and visit often. Readers who enjoyed my Shelter Bay series will feel right at home in Honeymoon Harbor.

I’m also excited to have a women’s fiction novel coming out September 7th. The Inheritance is set in contemporary Oregon wine county and WWII France.

I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband—who proposed to me at the seawall where my Shelter Bay books are set when I was eighteen—and our still active, very vocal senior Siamese cat, Paws. Having joined our family when she was twelve years old, Paws pretty much runs the house.


About the Author

Jennifer Snow is a USA Today Bestselling Author writing contemporary romance fiction for Grand Central Publishing, Entangled and Harlequin. Her stories range in heat level from sweet to sexy and are set everywhere from big cities to small towns. Her books are light and humorous, but also full of heart, featuring families and communities readers love to visit over and over again.

Originally from Newfoundland, Canada, she now resides in Spain with her husband, son and three mischievous cats.

She currently publishes psychological thrillers under her pen name J.M. Winchester and writes screenplays and TV shows in her ‘spare’ time. Her holiday rom-com, Mistletoe and Molly airs Christmas 2021!

More information can be found on her website at

Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: Be Your Everything by Catherine Bybee

Book Description

With two protective older brothers and a traditional Catholic Italian mother, it’s surprising that Chloe D’Angelo can manage a date without someone in the family naysaying her romantic choice. And Dante Mancuso…oh, no. Her brother’s best friend is not a dating-app right swipe.

But when they are left unsupervised on a late night in Vegas, all of that changes. Add in a Vegas wedding chapel and a couple of “I dos” and Chloe wakes up with a ring on her finger and a hangover. Dating Dante was always a secret desire, but marriage? The rift that this news would cause in her family has the both of them keeping their nuptials to themselves as they scramble to undo their Vegas mistake.

Dante knew the rules: Chloe was off limits. Only he can’t stop once his mind starts to believe she might be his forever. Just as their attraction deepens, Chloe flees to Bali, desperate to clear her head.

All Dante has to do is keep her brothers from killing him and convince her that they are meant for each other. But first, Dante has to find her.


Elise’s Thoughts

Be Your Everything by Catherine Bybee is a romantic woman’s literature book.  Previously, she has written romantic suspense, and lucky for her readers there is plenty of romance and a little suspense, showing that suspense can never be taken out of this author. This story will also delve into family and cultural issues.

Most everyone has heard the saying “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” For Chloe D’Angelo, she so wants it to stay there until she can figure out why she married her long-time crush and her brothers’ best friend Dante Mancuso. In Vegas for her brother and sisters-in-law bachelorette/bachelor party she and Dante decide to go for a night on the town.  But they kiss, have way too much to drink, and end up at a wedding chapel where they marry. They must keep that a secret for now considering she has been labeled “off limits” by her older protective brothers.

Chloe is conflicted and scared, and desires to dissolve the marriage, even if she did have a crush on him for a long time.  Dante wants to make a go of the marriage realizing how much he loves and respects her. They secretly begin to spend time together and realize that there is a major attraction between them.  Yet, Chloe decides to flee to Bali for some Yoga meditation and to clear her head.  Dante realizes he must find her and convince her they were always meant for each other. They must come up with a solution on how to tell their families they were married in secret without a priest, a church, and their family’s approval. 

Readers will want to turn the pages to find out how Chloe and Dante resolve their problem.  But there are also other issues of the day including the dangers of on-line dating and how the expectations of the Italian culture can affect a relationship.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: There is some suspense?

Catherine Bybee:  You cannot take suspense out of this author. I do want to write more suspense. I will find a way to put something in the story. This series I had opportunities to put it in.  For this book there was on-line dating, trolling, and catfishing which led to something bad.  With romance books readers know at the end of the day the characters will be happy even if they have a rough journey. I enjoy writing books where part of the tension/conflict is something completely out of their control. I enjoy writing romantic suspense and espionage books, that has external conflict.

EC:  Why the wedding and bachelor/bachelorette party?

CB:  I wanted to start out the story with an accidental marriage.  What better place than Las Vegas? I had the opportunity of getting them to Vegas with this scenario. I had some fun because I threw in what I experienced in Vegas. I looked for the Chapels on the Strip and went on-line to see their interiors. The last time I went to Vegas I was at a romance conference, and we went to a strip club.  Some of my other stories had marriages in Vegas including Wife by Wednesday.

EC:  How would you describe Chole?

CB:  She is very secure but is naïve. Chloe did have some freedom in her life.  She is passionate, family oriented, direct, boisterous, and funny.

EC:  How would you describe Dante?

CB:  His relationship with his father has influenced him. He took over his role, having the responsibility of his mother. I wanted to write the story of how the mother and father have been separated for a decade but do not live together.  I know people like that for whatever reason: financial, societal, religious, or denial.  Overall, Dante is driven, a player, a woman magnet, caring, protective, and charming.  He is gorgeous, tall, dark, and a sexy Italian.

EC:  What about their relationship?

CB:  They were connected from the very beginning.  In their heads they are worlds apart where he sees her as his wife, and she thinks she wants an annulment. They are sneaking around, trying to hide their relationship from their families. Their relationship becomes complicated. They were childhood friends and now there is an attraction. Being married gives Dante the permission slip to date her.

EC: What about the brothers’ relationship to their younger sister, Chloe?

CB:  The attitude is that their best friend better not have sex with their sister. They look out for their younger sister. It is fun to put the brothers in a fatherly role.  They do mean well but she looks for ways to get past their protectiveness.  Chloe also confided in Brooke, her future sister-in-law, who is older and treats her like a sister. The older sibling plays the parent role.  Dante’s sister Anna is older, and she gives advice to him.

EC:  What was the influence of the Italian family?

CB:  There seems to be always a matriarch mother, Mari. With Italian culture the children do not move out until married. There are certain things that are not open to arguments. They can talk about everything and anything. I did spend quite a bit of time in Italy. Mari’s children are her world. The Hispanic mother, the Italian mother, and the Jewish mother all play the same role, what they say is final.

EC:  Being Catholic there was still talk about divorce between Rosa, Dante’s mom, and Chloe/Dante?

CB:  My father is Catholic and has been married five times although I do not consider myself Catholic. I hope there would be approval for Rosa, Dante’s mom, if she wanted a divorce. I did run some scenes by my stepsister who is Catholic.  There is a morality conflict.

EC:  Why Yoga and meditation?

CB:  I was doing a lot of that before I wrote the book. I did a lot during Covid.  By doing this I became more accepting of other people and cultures. When someone is into the “Zen,” things become clearer. I can say that firsthand.

EC:  There is also how the Internet can destroy someone?

CB:  It is a small part in the book, but very big in the lifeline of someone living in the 21st Century. Catfishing comes in many ways including people pretending they are a different sex, an obsolete picture put out there, or saying things about someone’s personality that is false. Someone’s persona gets damaged very quickly. People love to bully on their phones.

EC:  Your next book?

CB:  It will be Giovanni’s story. Because I did spend some time in Tuscany and Florence, I set the beginning of the book there on a wine tour. He meets someone named Emma, the daughter of a very fluent Napa and Temecula wine operation.  She wants to be able to participate in the business, but her father wants nothing to do with it. There is a big plot twist in the middle of the book, which happens to be personal to me. The title is Beginning of Forever, out in June 2023.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Coming Home by Shelley Shepard Gray

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review on this blog tour for COMING HOME (A Woodland Park Firefighters Romance Book #1) by Shelley Shepard Gray. This is one of my favorite inspirational/Amish series authors, but this book series is a sweet contemporary romance series and yet just as wonderful as all her other inspirational/Amish books.

Below you will find a book description, my book review, an excerpt from the book, an about the author section and the author’s social media links. Enjoy!


Book Description

When three army veterans become volunteer firefighters in small-town Colorado, one’s high school romance is rekindled in this sweet romance by bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray

In Woodland Park, a small town nestled in the foothills of Pikes Peak, Anderson Kelly and Chelsea Davis were once the high school “it” couple—the star quarterback & prom king and the valedictorian & cheerleader. They broke up when Anderson joined the army and one poor decision at a fraternity party changed Chelsea’s life. Now, she works long shifts in a senior center to support her eight-year-old son, Jack.
After multiple tours in Afghanistan, Anderson has changed, too—he is physically scarred but mentally strong and eager to remain of service, he decides to move back to Woodland Park and become a firefighter.
Anderson and Chelsea steer clear of each other to avoid reopening old wounds, until they are forced to reconnect through the senior center and the embers of their love start to flare once more.
When Chelsea and Jack are involved in a dangerous collision on Ute Pass, Anderson realizes that he’s ready to risk everything—even his heart—for one more chance with Chelsea.



My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

COMING HOME (A Woodland Park Firefighters Romance Book #1) by Shelley Shepard Gray is the first book in a wonderful new sweet contemporary romance series featuring a heartwarming second chance romance. Ms. Gray is one of my favorite inspirational/Amish authors, but this series is straight sweet contemporary romance, and I loved this story as much as all her other books.

Chelsea Davis is a small-town single mom and works at the local senior center as an assistant activities’ director. She attended college after high school after a bad break-up with her high school sweetheart who left for the service. Young, inexperienced, and trying to fit in she made a drunken mistake at a frat party, but she would never call what came from that night a mistake, but a blessing, her son, Jack. Now, nine years later, Jack is getting older, and her friends want her to start dating again.

Anderson Kelly left for the service right after high school and wanted to fit in, so he listened to male friends and broke it off with Chelsea before he left. After several tours in Afghanistan, he is back as a firefighter/paramedic working for Woodland Park’s fire department, but he is scarred inside and out.

Chelsea and Anderson have steered clear of each other since Anderson’s return, but when they begin to bump into each other around town, they both realize those old feelings at not as dead as they believed or wished. With the help of a little boy, some meddling seniors and family, Anderson and Chelsea begin to see they future they are now ready for this second time around.

I loved these characters! They are portrayed realistically with all the fears and mistakes many of us make and Ms. Gray takes the reader through their emotional journey of maturing, understanding, forgiveness, and reuniting. This romance is what I call a cozy romance because there are no sex scenes, just plenty of emotion. The story not only has the H/h going through emotional upheaval, but the elderly neighbor’s problems with her adult children is a believable subplot also. Every character in this small town was fully fleshed and could walk right off the page.

This is a lovely second chance romance and I am happy that the author plans to return to the Firefighters of Woodland Park for more stories.



Chelsea’s back was to the main entrance of Granger’s but it didn’t stop the fresh burst of cold air from sinking into her skin. She was starting to wish she’d chosen a thicker sweater for her night out with Mallory and Kaylee.

Granger’s Last Stand wasn’t the only option in Woodland Park for burgers, wings, and beer, but it was hands down everyone’s favorite spot. Located on the main drag through town, the restaurant had been expanded multiple times over the last twenty years. Now it boasted indoor, patio, and rooftop dining. Local bands played all summer and from time to time in the winter high school and college kids played acoustic guitar near the fireplace.

Tonight, since there was still a chill in the air, most everyone was inside. A couple of people were keeping the old jukebox playing and the buzz from the crowd provided the rest of the noise.

After eight hours of working at the Woodland Park Senior Center, Chelsea was ready to relax and catch up with her two best friends. “Mal, you never finished telling us about the couple who came into the boutique today,” she said.

The petite brunette shrugged. “It wasn’t all that notable . . . beyond the fact that the husband sat on the pink velvet chair by the door while his wife spent almost a thousand dollars on end-of-season fleece!”

“To be fair, that stuff adds up,” Kaylee said. “Last time I bought a Patagonia jacket, I paid three hundred.”

“Are you still wearing it, Kay?”

Kaylee picked up the sleeve of her jacket that was draped over her chair. “Obviously.”

“Well, there you go.”

Chelsea hid her smile by taking another sip of wine. The conversation was nothing new. Kaylee liked to carp about the prices at Mallory’s store but always managed to stop by to drool over every new shipment of high-end ski, apres-ski, and mountain gear. Since Chelsea couldn’t afford any of it, she enjoyed simply listening and being supportive. “Well, that’s great. I’m glad they stopped in.”

“Me, too,” Mallory said with a smile. “They were on their way to Cripple Creek to gamble. I hope they come in again before they head back to Kansas City.”

“I’m really happy for you. Congrats.” Chelsea knew that sales like that kept Mallory’s spirits up, especially in the spring. A lot of folks were still paying off Christmas bills in March, so the shop suffered a lot of slow days until the weather warmed up and she began selling biking and hiking gear.

“Thanks.” Mallory smiled again, but she kept glancing past Chelsea’s shoulder.

“What’s going on behind me? Am I boring you?” she teased.

“I think she’s having a hard time concentrating because the hotties from the fire station just blew in,” Kaylee said. “Who can blame her though? It’s hardly fair that five guys can look so good.”

Chelsea’s stomach sank. Of course the firefighters had to show up. It was the first night in ages that she’d gone out instead of hurrying home to Jack.

Not even pretending to look anywhere else, Mallory murmured, “That Mark Oldum is dreamy.”

“So is Chip,” Kaylee said. “I met him at the gas station a couple of weeks ago.”

Oh brother. “How do you know those guys’ names?” Chelsea asked her friends. “I didn’t know you hung out with firefighters.”

“I don’t, which is the problem,” Kaylee joked. “And, just for the record, I don’t know all of their names. Just one or two. And I know because I asked Wendy up at the bar.” Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she asked, “Why all the questions? I didn’t think you were interested in dating. Or have you finally changed your mind?”

“It would be great if you did start going out,” Mallory said. “All you do is work and go home.”

“No, that’s not all I do. I have Jack, remember? He keeps me plenty busy.”

“I get that, but I think it’s time you started doing more for yourself. Jack’s almost nine, you know,” Mallory added.

“Ha-ha, I know.”

“Then you also know that he’s going to want to start doing more things with his friends instead of just his mom, right?”

“I know that, too.” But she also hated to think about it. When had he gotten so big, anyway?

Kaylee sighed. “If you know all that . . . isn’t it time you started dating?”

“I’ve dated,” she protested. Though, to be fair, she hadn’t dated very much. She’d promised herself years ago to always put her little boy’s needs ahead of her own. And, though he probably wouldn’t mind if she dated occasionally, she never wanted to risk hurting him.

Or maybe she was simply afraid to risk hurting her heart again.

Anxious to push the attention elsewhere, she smiled at Mallory. “Who are you looking at now?”

“I’m trying to find where Mark went. I lost him in the crowd. I tell you what, half the station must be here.”

Chelsea tried not to tense but it was next to impossible. Whenever she was someplace there was a chance of seeing Anderson Kelly, she couldn’t help it. “What do the other guys look like?”

Excerpted from Coming Home by Shelley Shepard Gray Copyright © 2022 by Shelley Shepard Gray. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.


About the Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is a NYT and USA Today bestselling author. She’s published over a hundred novels and has over a million books in print. She currently lives in northern Ohio and writes full time.

Shelley lives just an hour from Holmes County, where many of her Amish-themed novels are set. She currently writes contemporary romance and Amish fiction for a variety of publishers. When not spending time with her family or writing, she can usually be found walking her two dachshunds on one of the many trails in the Cleveland area.

She also bakes a lot, loves coconut cream pie, and will hardly ever pull weeds, mow the yard, or drive in the snow.

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Feature Post and Book Review: Be Your Everything by Catherine Bybee

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for BE YOUR EVERYTHING (The D’Angelos Book #2) by Catherine Bybee.

Below you will find a book description, my book review, an excerpt from the book, an about the author section and the author’s social media links. Enjoy!


Book Description

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee comes a romance about childhood friends who marry in Vegas and embark on a wild ride to find their happily ever after.

With two protective older brothers and a traditional Catholic Italian mother, it’s surprising that Chloe D’Angelo can manage a date without someone in the family naysaying her romantic choice. And Dante Mancuso…oh, no. Her brother’s best friend is not a dating-app right swipe.

But when they are left unsupervised on a late night in Vegas, all of that changes. Add in a Vegas wedding chapel and a couple of “I dos” and Chloe wakes up with a ring on her finger and a hangover. Dating Dante was always a secret desire, but marriage? The rift that this news would cause in her family has the both of them keeping their nuptials to themselves as they scramble to undo their Vegas mistake.

Dante knew the rules: Chloe was off limits. Only he can’t stop once his mind starts to believe she might be his forever. Just as their attraction deepens, Chloe flees to Bali, desperate to clear her head.

All Dante has to do is keep her brothers from killing him and convince her that they are meant for each other. But first, Dante has to find her.



by Catherine Bybee

Montlake Romance

On sale November 15, 2022


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

BE YOUR EVERYTHING (The D’Angelos Book #2) by Catherine Bybee is another wonderful contemporary romance about members of the D’Angelo family who are a traditional Italian family. This story features Chloe who is the baby of the family and her brother’s best-friend, Dante. While this is the second book in the series, you can easily read it as a standalone, but you will love this family so much, I know you will want to go back and read the first book When It Falls Apart.

Chloe D’Angelo loves working at her family’s restaurant, but she has bigger dreams. Her dream trip to Bali must wait until after her oldest brother’s wedding. The entire bridal party is off for a Las Vegas weekend to celebrate before the wedding. Chloe has always had a crush on her middle brother’s best friend and now in Vegas, she is ready to show Dante what he has been missing by avoiding her as they grew up together.

Dante Mancuso is like a third brother to the D’Angelo brothers. While growing up, he was known as a player, and he has kept the reputation even as he works in Italy and only returns to visit his family and the D’Angelo’s. Now, home for the wedding and looking to set up a branch of his business at home, Dante is finding Chloe difficult to resist even as he knows he is breaking the brothers’ code of not dating their sister.

But crazy things happen in Las Vegas and Dante goes all in and he and Chloe run into a Vegas wedding chapel. The next morning, they know they are going to cause family upheaval, so they decide to keep the marriage a secret. As their attraction grows, Chloe flees to Bali and Dante is going to have to prove to her they are meant to be together.

I loved this story and the entire series to-date is entertaining and fun. I lived in an Italian neighborhood for many years and the traditions and family bonds are very accurately portrayed in this series. From the nonnas keeping an eye on everyone and the close-knit families and Sunday mass, these stories take me back to this neighborhood. Chloe and Dante are fully drawn characters and their relationship is believable and the sex scenes were not gratuitous. All the characters are realistic and make me want to be a member of their family and community. This book has everything I am looking for in a contemporary romance and I did not want it to end.

I highly recommend this contemporary romance, this series, and this author!



“Go! I don’t want to see any of you back here until Monday.”

Chloe stood outside the back door of their home in Little Italy, surrounded by both her brothers and her soon-to-be sister-in-law. They all had small suitcases at their feet as the Uber van pulled up to take them to the airport.

Mari, their mother, had a hand on Francesca’s shoulder as they saw the bachelor/bachelorette party off.

“Mama, are you absolutely certain?” Luca, the husband-to-be, her over-worried oldest brother, couldn’t stop the concern that crossed his face anymore than he could the love he had in his eyes for the woman at his side.

He and Brooke were the real deal. Head over heels, all in . . . completely lost in each other.

Chloe couldn’t be happier for them.

They needed Vega. Boy, did they need two nights in Vegas.

“I ran this restaurant before you were born and after with all three of you jumping around. I have it, Luca. Go. Just don’t get married. Wait until you come back for that.”

“What about babies?” Gio, the middle child and smart-ass in the family, asked.

“That you can do,” Mari said with a wink.

Brooke knelt to Franny’s level and gave the eight-year-old a kiss. “Listen to your nonna.”

There were hugs and waves as Giovanni, or Gio, as he was more often called, shoved all the suitcases into the back of the van. 

Gio took the front seat as the rest of them climbed into the back.

“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Luca said to his brother. “Busiest time of the year.”

“It is not. That’s in the summer,” Chloe argued. It was the last week of November. The family restaurant was fully staffed and ran like a well-oiled machine, even with three of their employees out at the same time. “It’s going to be nothing but family and friends, celebrations and ceremonies from here on out. This is the last chance for you two to let loose until it’s all over.” Chloe reminded them.

“You mean until after Christmas,” Gio said.

“Right.” They weren’t taking their honeymoon until after Christmas. After they returned a week into the new year, then it would be Chloe’s turn to get out of town. Her long-awaited tickets to Bali were burning a hole in her pocket.

This was her last opportunity to cut loose until it was all over as well.

Chloe watched their family home disappear from sight. It was a four-story building with the family restaurant on the bottom floor. The second story was the family home where they’d all grown up, and the third floor was where LUca, Brooke, and Franny now lived. On the very top was what used to be guest quarters but now was the bachelor pad that Gio took over. Secretly, Chloe was hoping Gio would find Mrs. Right and move on himself so she could occupy the upstairs apartment as her own space. She loved her mother, but living with her was getting old. As an Italian, Chloe wasn’t going anywhere until she married, that’s just the way things were done in her culture.

“Franny is going to be okay, right?” Brooke asked Luca as they settled in for the short ride to the airport.

Chloe rolled her eyes.

Francesca, Luca’s daughter from his first unfortunate marriage, was probably already elbow-deep in gelato and milking Mari for all the attention and goodies a nonna could give her.

“She’ll be fine,” Luca said, kissing Brooke’s forehead.

The ride to the airport took less than ten minutes, a perk when you lived in San Diego and everything was close. 

Getting through security and waiting in the airport would take longer than the actual flight to Vegas, but it beats a long drive across the California desert any day of the week.

“Thanks again for inviting Mayson to join you guys,” Brooke said to Gio and Luca.

“He’s a friend of yours. He’s a friend of ours.”

“Besides, we need even numbers,” Chloe added. As she said that, she saw Salena waving them over to her side before they entered the TSA line.

“Vegas, baby!” Salena all but yelled for everyone to heard. 

Chloe tossed her arms around one of her dearest friends for a hug. They’d known each other before braces and periods. As ride-and-die friends went, Salena was someone Chloe could count on to be there.

“We could have picked you up,” Gio said.

Salena, who lived in Little Italy as well, shrugged. “It’s okay. I had JOey take me.”

“Joey? Do I know Joey?”

She waved a hand. “Flavor of the month.”

Gio narrowed his eyes. “You’re worse than me.”

“No one is worse than you,” Chloe and Salena said in unison.

The three of them fell in line behind Luca and Brooke, who were arm in arm and whispering in each other’s ears.

“They do know that we have separate rooms, right?” Chloe asked her brother.


“I don’t think that’s going to matter,” Salena added.

“Divide and conquer. Once everyone arrives, we have dinner, pull straws on who is in charge for the night, and go to our separate clubs.” Gio lowered his voice. “We’ll give them tomorrow afternoon to knock it out.”

Chloe laughed. “We may never see them again.”

Salena nudged Chloe’s shoulder as they inched their way up the line. “Is Dante flying directly from Italy?’

Just hearing Dante’s name had Chloe standing taller. Gio’s best friend, and the one boy that had always been “off-limits” for oh so many reasons, was the cause of many sleepless nights.

The man only grew more beautiful with every year that passed. 

And he knew it.

And the women knew it.

All the women!

“He’s already in the States. New York, He’ll be in Vegas about an hour after we land.”

Salena nudged Chloe again with a grin once Gio turned around.

Stop. Chloe mouthed the word without sound.

Once they moved through security, they found their gate for the forty-five-minutes wait to board the plane.

Salena and Chloe sat with their luggage while the others went to find coffee and water for the flight.

“Are you prepared for a weekend with Dante?” Salena asked once they were alone.

Chloe shook her head. “Listen to you. It was a high school crush.”

Salena laughed. “I’m pretty sure it started in fifth grade and never ended.”

“He’s lived in Italy for the better part of five years.”

“And every time he comes home, you forget how to speak.”

“That’s not true.”

Salena glared. 

Okay, it was a little bit true. “I did better last year.” It helped that she stayed out of his orbit that time around and he was only home for a month.

“How long is he staying this time?”

“No idea,” Chloe said. Her cell phone pinged, grabbing her attention.

She opened her messages inside a dating app she’d been on for a few weeks.

“Who is that?” Salena asked, looking over her shoulder.

Chloe glanced at the image on her screen, the one she’d swiped right on. He was thirty, no kids. Worked somewhere in La Jolla. “His name is Eric. We’ve been texting for a few days.”

“He’s cute.”

“I thought so.”

His text came through, asking what she was doing. She started typing.

“Have you met him yet?”

Chloe shook her head, finished her message about the bachelorette party in Vegas.

“Are you going to?”

Three dots indicated he was typing.

:Only if he asks.” As progressive as she was, she found it necessary for the man to take the first steps.

“You know . . . if you stack the desk with dates while Dante is in town, it might be easier to be around the man.”

Salena had a point.

Chloe’s phone buzzed.

How about meeting for coffee when you get back? Wednesday enough time for you to sleep off the hangover?

Chloe showed the message to Salena.

“Say yes.”

Her friend was right. Chloe needed all the help she could get when Dante was home. If her attention was elsewhere, maybe he’d lose his appeal.

She agreed to coffee with Eric on Wednesday and told him she’d get in touch when she returned.

“I have a feeling this weekend is going to be one for the record books,” Salena said as she watched more passengers arrive for their flight.

“It’s likely the one and only time I’ll be in Vegas with both my brothers.”

“Considering how they’ve helicoptered you since your papa passed, that’s not a bad thing.”

She’d been seventeen when their father died. Luca became the head of the family while he had a one-year-old and a failing marriage. What a crappy couple of years that had been. Now, things are looking up. For all of them.

She’d finished her college classes and earned her business degree. But instead of working for someone else, she wanted to do something on her own. She blamed her family for that. Yes, she waited tables at their restaurant and, honestly, liked the job. But what she loved more than anything was teaching yoga. Her trip to Bali was supposed to happen the year the world shut down, and it was only now that time and the world’s health were giving her the opportunity to go. She knew, somehow, that the trip was going to guide her to whatever her path was going to be. Maybe she’d start her own studio or her own online channel. Brooke had a boatload of knowledge about marketing and was on board with helping her start up. Financially, Chloe had banked nearly everything she’d earned from the first day she started working and was more ready than most to begin her future.

Her father, in all his wisdom, had taken out a life insurance policy that their mother had divided and put into investment plans for each of them. Luca immediately put everything in his name to his daughter. Giovanni was itching to invest in a vineyard. The resident sommelier wanted to spend time in Tuscany as much as she wanted to spend time in Bali. So, while they did pull shifts waiting tables, doing what had to be done to make the family restaurant run, it wasn’t their lifelong ambition. Well, Luca was the chef, and that was his life’s choice . . . and she and Gio were thankful for it.

“They promised not to act like big brothers in Vegas,” Chloe said.

“Yeah, well, they aren’t going to the same strip clubs we are.”

The image of her brothers holding a hand over her eyes made her smile. “Thank God for that.


About the Author

Catherine is a #1 Wall Street Journal, Amazon, and Indie Reader bestselling author. In addition, her books have also graced The New York Times and USA Today bestsellers lists. In total she has written thirty-six beloved books that have collectively sold more than 10 million copies and have been translated into more than twenty languages.

Raised in Washington State, Bybee moved to Southern California in the hope of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban
emergency rooms. She now writes full time and has penned the Not Quite series, The Weekday Brides series, the Most Likely To series, and the First Wives series. Learn more about Catherine and her books at

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