Feature Post and Book Review: Yours in Scandal by Lauren Layne

Hi, everyone!

Today I am happy to be sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for YOURS IN SCANDAL (Man of the Year Book #1) by Lauren Layne. This is an entertaining start to a new series by a new-to-me author.

Below you will find an author interview, a book summary, my book review, an excerpt from the book, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. Enjoy!


Author Interview

Tell us about your new series.

The series features three men who are named “Man of the Year” (think: People’s Sexiest Man Alive) and the unexpected ramifications that come with that! Yours in Scandal kicks off the series with a young, wealthy mayor of NYC who falls for his political rival’s daughter.

Why was it important for you to start your series with Addie and Robert?

The real answer? There’s is the book listed first in the contract 😉 In truth I’m equally excited about all three books in the series, and could have happily jumped in anywhere! That said, writing a politician was a unique and fun challenge for me (I tend to write a lot of businessmen!) so a new take on my “hot guy in a suit” was a fun creative challenge!

Even though she is still young, your heroine Addie has lived quite a life. Where did her teenage rebellious streak come from?

The first thing I always do when I get a new story idea is to figure out where the conflict is—I have to make sure these two people, however attracted, can’t get together (easily) by chapter three. When I decided to take on a hero who’s a mayor, I took a step back to think which woman would be most off-limits to him. One with a bit of scandal was the obvious answer, since the spouses of politicians are usually held to the same exacting standards (if not more so) than the politician him/herself! From there, I dug into Addie’s character and her scandal-laden past.

Do you have anything in common with your heroine?

Honestly? No 🙂 Other than being a little mouthy during puberty, I was a pretty easy kid and teenager, and skipped the rebellious phase, at least according to my parents! I sort of skipped the whole rebellious phase growing up no underage drinking, no missed curfews, I’ve never even gotten a ticket. Though, I think perhaps I was saving up all my rebellious urges for my mid-twenties, where I seemed to chafe really hard at being managed in the corporate world, and quit my practical, well-paying job rather spontaneously and irresponsibly with almost no safety net, and dove headfirst into being a full-time writer. And I suppose, for that matter, I’ve made some rebellious choices as an author (quitting Facebook, not doing ARCs on my self-pub title, etc). So, I guess I change my answer! Yeah, I have a little in common with Addie after all!

Your hero Robert is fantastic! He is smart, successful and just earned the title ‘Man of the Year’. What made you fall in love with him?

He really is great, isn’t he? 🙂  I actually knew from the start that Robert was going to be a pretty stand-up guy. I wanted to steer as away from the cliche, corrupt politician as possible, and show that it’s absolutely possible for people to be in public office simply because they want to do good, not because they’re power hungry. I think what I love most about him is how he never wavers in wanting best for Addie and the people around him, even if it hurts him personally. He’s a really unselfish guy, and that is so, so appealing to me!

Would you say that there are similarities that all of your heroes share?

I’d say they’re all pretty quick with a comeback. Whether they’re the charming playboys or the more reserved, Mr. Darcy types they’ve got a bit of a sharp, clever tongue! Also, the vast majority tend to be wealthy and suit-wearing. I’ve got a few exceptions, but I think there’s something so sexy about a buttoned-up guy in a suit coming undone over a woman, so I tend to come back to that again and again!

Some of the best moments in Yours In Scandal happen when your heroine and hero are around their trusted friends. Are any of the secondary characters we meet destined to get their own happily-ever-afters?

No plans for any spinoffs with those characters! Not because I don’t love them, but because the writing schedule’s pretty jam-packed!



Fresh off being named Citizen magazine’s Man of the Year, New York City’s youngest mayor, Robert Davenport, decides it’s time to strategize. Next move: a bid for the governor’s seat. In his way: an incumbent with a flawless reputation. He also has an Achilles’ heel: an estranged wild-child daughter with a past so scandalous it could be Robert’s ticket to victory. And a charm so irresistible it could be Robert’s downfall.

Rebellion is a thing of the past for Adeline Blake. As New York’s premier event planner, she’s all about reform and respectability. Then she’s approached by Robert to organize the party of the season. Curious, considering he’s her father’s most formidable opponent. And alarming, too. Because Addie can’t help but fall for the righteously popular candidate with the movie-star smile.

Now it’s Robert’s choice. Does he pursue a future that holds his legacy? Or the woman who holds his heart?

About the Book

Title: Yours In Scandal

Author: Lauren Layne

Release Date: March 10, 2020

Publisher: Montlake


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

YOURS IN SCANDAL (Man of the Year Book #1) by Lauren Layne is the first book of a new contemporary romance series by a new to me author. This is a fun and sexy, feel-good romantic comedy.

Robert Davenport is almost at the end of his two terms as the youngest man ever elected as the mayor of New York City. Just named Citizen magazine’s Man of the Year, Robert’s campaign manager decides it is time for him to use the publicity and work towards his next goal as governor. His main competition is an incumbent with a flawless reputation who also happens to have an estranged wild-child daughter.

Adeline Blake has a scandalous past, but she is now working hard to reform. She is New York City’s premier event planner. She is curious why she is approached by her father’s most formidable opponent to organize the party of the season.

Robert feels a strong, immediate attraction to Adeline that is not part of the plan and Adeline has many reasons she should not get involved with Robert. Can Robert follow his heart over his head?

I really enjoyed this story. It was predictable, but so well written with funny banter and witty dialogue that it did not matter that I could predict the HEA. I loved Robert and Adeline’s chemistry. I felt they handled the obstacles placed in their way as mature adults which made the characters seem more realistic to me. The secondary characters are all entertaining and fully fleshed to support both main characters.

This is a very entertaining and heartfelt start to this new series and I am looking forward to reading more.



“I just need to be sure . . . am I going crazy? I am, right? Our girl’s not seriously telling us she had dinner with the mayor,” Rosalie said, turning to Jane. 

“You’re not the crazy one—she is,” Jane said, emphatically pointing at Adeline. 

Adeline nibbled on the corner of a chip. “It’s really not the big deal you two are making it out to be. It was just dinner. Pizza.” 

“That’s even worse!” Jane said shrilly. “It’s so intimate.” 

Adeline glanced over at her calmer friend. “Please tell her there’s nothing intimate about Italian sausage.” She winced as she caught herself. “Yeah, I heard it.” 

“It is a little out of character,” Rosalie said slowly. “You haven’t exactly made it a secret how you feel about men these days. To say nothing of your thoughts on elected officials.” 

“I didn’t sleep with the guy, we just had pizza.” 

“I’d actually be less concerned if you’d slept with him,” Rosalie admitted. 

Agreed,” Jane said, smacking the table. “A sexy fling with the Man of the Year is one thing. A cozy dinner at his place is just . . .” She threw her hands up. “I can’t. I literally can’t process it.” 

“You don’t have to process anything,” Adeline said, dunking the chip into the salsa and stuffing the whole thing in her mouth. “It was a one-time thing. The party’s next weekend, and then I’ll probably never see him again.” 

“What if he wants you to be his forever event planner?” 

“He won’t. His regular planner’s one of the best in the city, and I’m sure she’ll be back from maternity leave by the time he needs to hire someone again.” 

“Is his regular event planner hot and single?” Jane pointed out. 

“She’s married.” 

“Exactly. Much less susceptible to his sexy face than single you.” 

Adeline sighed and looked again to the perpetually calm Rosalie. “Make it stop.” 

“Just promise you’ll warn us if you start to fall for the guy,” her friend said, fiddling with her chip. “Much as I love the idea of you landing the hottest guy in the city, I also know just how tricky that would be for you.” 

“Tricky is an understatement given he’s likely running against The Bastard in the next election,” she said, knowing that both of her lifelong friends knew she was referring to the father she’d all but disowned. 

Adeline hadn’t known Rosalie as long as she’d known Jane, but they still went all the way back to high school. Adeline had been the loose cannon, Jane the genius, and Rosalie had been, well . . . perfect

“You know,” Adeline said, looking thoughtfully at Rosalie over the top of her margarita. “I actually thought about setting you and the mayor up.” 

“Wait, what?” Rosalie’s eyes went wide. 

“You said yourself he was hot,” Adeline pointed out. “You’re also beautiful, well spoken, polished. You never look bad in a photograph, and you never say the wrong thing. I literally can’t think of a more perfect future First Lady of New York.” 

“Oooh, I see that!” Jane said, pivoting in her chair to stare at Rosalie. 

Adeline gave Jane an exasperated expression. “You were just warning me off of the guy.” 

“Warning you off, yes. But Rosalie . . .” 

Adeline tried to ignore the sting. It wasn’t as if Jane were saying anything Adeline herself hadn’t thought. Even if she were inclined to pursue the mayor, and she wasn’t, she knew that she was the last thing someone like him needed. Her past alone made her an inconceivable choice for him, and even if she could keep her past mistakes under wraps, she would never be the right woman for him. She may have mastered the bun and the blazers, but she was still the woman who collected adventurous lingerie and loved tequila. 

“The guy’s definitely attractive,” Rosalie said. “But I don’t know that I want one of Adeline’s rejects,” she said with a smile intended to annoy Adeline. 

“I wouldn’t let that stop me,” Jane said, fanning herself. “If it weren’t for Dan . . . . Too bad I love that man so damn much. Seriously, Rosalie, let Adeline fix you up, so I can live vicariously.” 

“Hello,” Rosalie said, staring at the admittedly, occasionally tone-deaf Jane. “Are you not seeing what I’m seeing?” She pointed at Adeline. 

Jane glanced over and narrowed her eyes. 

“Ever since she came back from New Mexico with her hair brown, she’s been like this buttoned-up ice woman. But when she talks about him . . .” Rosalie made an unrecognizable hissing, clicking noise. 

“What was that?” Jane asked. 

“Fire igniting,” Rosalie explained. “Whatever, so sound effects and act-outs aren’t my strong suit. The point is—” 

“If I sound fiery when I talk about the mayor, it’s only because he’s a control freak and pain in the ass,” Adeline interjected. “The man doesn’t know how to delegate, is hell-bent on carrying on his father’s legacy without ever checking in with himself, and . . .” 

Adeline’s thoughts scattered a little as she realized she wasn’t being entirety fair to the mayor. Yes, he was obsessed with his image, as a man in his position had to be. But he could also be funny and irreverent. He could also be spontaneous and casual. 

He’d proven that yesterday, first with the tour of his home, then the invitation of dinner. Even the way he ate pizza was appealing, somehow both buttoned-up precise and outright relishing, all at the same time. 

“We need more margaritas.”


Author Biography

Lauren Layne is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than two dozen novels, including Hot Asset, Hard Sell, and Huge Deal in her 21 Wall Street series, as well as her Central Park Pact series. Her books have sold more than a million copies in nine languages. Lauren’s work has been featured in Publishers Weekly, Glamour, the Wall Street Journal, and Inside Edition. She is based in New York City. For the latest updates, be sure to check out her website at www.laurenlayne.com.

Social Media Links

Website: https://laurenlayne.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaurenLayneAuthor/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurenlayneauthor/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6969772.Lauren_Layne


Rafflecopter Giveaway


Release Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: Absolving Blue by Freya Barker

Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to be posting for the Release Blitz for Freya Barker’s new Police and Fire Operation Alpha Book – ABSOLVING BLUE (On Call Book #4). This is another great addition to the series and it can be read as a standalone, but there is crossover of characters from other books in the Police and Fire Operation Alpha Books.

Below you will find a book description, an excerpt from the book, my book review, an about the author section with social media links. Enjoy!


Book Description

For long-time Durango Fire Department EMT, Ava ‘Blue’ Navarro, her teammates at Station 3 represent a family more loyal than her own.

However, when patients start dying on her watch, she draws the attention of local law enforcement. In particular the smooth-talking detective she’s successfully evaded for years, fearing he might stir up her quiet existence.

Detective Tony Ramirez considers himself a likable guy, which is why the perpetual cold shoulder from the athletic blonde first responder is confusing.

Now he finds himself in charge of a murder investigation that threatens to shake his world both personally and professionally. A situation that won’t earn him any brownie points. 

When medical examiner, Calder Stonewall, is called in to assist, it only seems to throw more suspicion Blue’s way, and Tony has to pull out all the stops to prove her innocence while securing her heart.


Title: Absolving Blue (On Call, #4) 

Author: Freya Barker

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release date: March 10th

Amazon: https://amzn.to/30wen47Grab the rest of the series: https://amzn.to/377sOhv



“I really hate this,” she says when I lift my head. 

“I must be losing my touch, then,” I joke, and she slaps my chest.

“Not that, you idiot. I hate being weak.” 

“Now who’s being an idiot?” I lightly shake her. “If you sprained your ankle, would you think it weak to see a doctor? Do you think the people you tend to on a daily basis are weak?” When she reluctantly shakes her head, I push my point home. “So how’s this any different? We’re just talking about another part of you that needs some healing. Shit, if you think that makes you weak, you’re calling every cop in Durango a pussy. Wait ‘til I tell the guys.”

“You wouldn’t,” she snaps, her eyes spitting fire.

“If you keep spouting that nonsense, I might.” 

Goodreads book link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50286724-absolving-blue


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

ABSOLVING BLUE (Police and Fire Operation Alpha Series, On Call Book #4) by Freya Barker is another great romantic suspense addition to this series. This book can be read as a standalone, but there are several crossover characters from previous books in this series and others from Susan Stoker’s Operation Alpha world. I have enjoyed reading all the “On Call” books in order.

Durango Fire Department EMT, Ava “Blue” Navarro holds her own with all her teammates at Station 3. She considers them her family, but no one knows anything about her biological family. Blue works hard and volunteers at the humane society, but she does not get close to anyone to date.

Detective Tony Ramirez has had his eye on the tiny, athletic first responder, but he receives nothing but the cold shoulder from that direction. Tony finally gets a way into Blue’s life by offering to share responsibility for her new rescue dog. As the two begin to see each other, Blue opens up to the handsome detective, but it could all be derailed when Tony’s new investigation involves patients dying after emergencies that Blue has ties to.

As Tony works to prove Blue’s innocence, her past returns to threaten her new life. And even as the growing evidence is incriminating Blue, Tony and all of his colleagues work to prove her innocence. Her life will depend on what they discover.

I love this series and this book was another great read from this author! I have been waiting for Tony to meet the woman who was right for him and Blue is perfect even with all of the past and present drama she brings with her. The romance moves at a realistic pace as Blue opens up and begins to share with Tony who is being very supportive. The sex scenes are explicit, but not gratuitous. I love how Ms. Barker gives me mature characters to read about; both Tony and Blue are in their forties. The suspense story kept me on the edge of my seat even knowing who they were looking for it was still a page turner.

I loved this book as I have all the books in this series. Ms. Barker never fails to give me realistic, genuine, mature and likable characters. She is a must buy author for me.


About Freya:

USA Today bestselling author Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories. 

Driven to make her books about ‘real’ people; she creates characters who are perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills in their lives.

Recipient of the ReadFREE.ly 2019 Best Book We’ve Read All Year Award for “Covering Ollie, the 2015 RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for Best First Book, “Slim To None”, and Finalist for the 2017 Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, Freya continues to add to her rapidly growing collection of published novels as she spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

Social Media

Facebook: http://bit.ly/FreyaFacebookTwitter: http://bit.ly/FreyaTwitter
Instagram: http://bit.ly/FreyaInstagram
Web: http://bit.ly/FreyaWeb
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/FreyaGoodreads
Newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/Freya_Newsletter Bookbub: http://bit.ly/FreyaBookBub

Book Review: Anyone But Nick by Penelope Bloom

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

ANYONE BUT NICK (Anyone But… Book #3) by Penelope Bloom is the third book in the King Brothers contemporary romance trilogy. This one is an enemies-to-lovers romance that can be read as a standalone, but I preferred to read them in order to see each of the brothers fall and keep all of the connections and timelines straight between characters.

In high school. Miranda always felt a special connection to Nick King. When she finally built up the courage to slip a poem into his locker to let him know, she does not sign it and it is the cause of a seven-year misunderstanding and her hatred of Nick King.

Miranda has her life all planned out in steps to get her to the top of the corporate ladder with the perfect mate. But it has all fallen apart. She broke up with her perfect boyfriend and was fired from her perfect job. When she goes to apply for a new VP position, she can not believe Nick King just bought the business.

Nick is impressed by Miranda’s resume, but he wants more. He never understood what happened to their friendship in high school and he has never been truly satisfied with any other woman. Nick gives Miranda the job. Will he be able to work with Miranda on a strictly professional level or will they be able to give their friendship a second chance and turn it into more?

I enjoyed Nick trying to find the right way to deal with Miranda, while not treading all over her feelings, but I had a difficult time warming up to Miranda. I did not understand why she was so set on her professional persona when her best friends and family were all fine with the real Miranda. It took her too long to figure that out. Once Cade got involved, I enjoyed the story more and Miranda started to loosen up. The sex scenes are explicit, but not gratuitous.

This is a good close to the trilogy, but not my favorite of the three books. I loved reading the epilogue that showed the families all happy in the near future. This is a fun and entertaining trilogy to read.


Author Biography

Penelope Bloom is a USA Today, Amazon, and Washington Post bestselling author whose books have been translated into seven languages. Her popular romances include His Banana, Her Cherry, Savage, and Punished.

Her writing career started when she left her job as a high school teacher to pursue her dream. She loves taking her imagination for a spin and writing romances she’d want to live. She likes a man with a mind as dirty as sin and a heart of gold he keeps hidden away. Her favorite things include getting to wear socks all day—pants optional—and being a positive example for her girls. Showing her daughters that no dream is too big, no matter what anyone tells them, is worth all the late nights, doubts, and fears that come with being a writer.

Stay connected! For giveaways, goodies, updates, and extras, join the mailing list at https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/a0y7m1. Follow her on Facebook at PenelopeBloomRomance, and check out her website at www.penelope-bloom.com.

Book Review: Anyone But Cade by Penelope Bloom

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

ANYONE BUT CADE (Anyone But… Book #2) by Penelope Bloom is the second contemporary romance in the King Brothers trilogy. These books are an enjoyable mix of romance, laughter and smokin’ hot sex.

Cade King is the other twin, who is never serious unless it comes to negotiations for work. Seven years ago, he cost his girlfriend her soccer scholarship with a stupid prank that went wrong. Since then he has never been in a serious relationship and hides behind his money and success. He can’t be hurt, if no one really knows him, right?

Iris swore seven years ago with her two best friends to never again date a King brother. But they are back in town and already one of her friends has fallen. Iris values the success she worked hard for to become a law enforcement officer, but something is missing. Cade is still a temptation hard to resist.

Cade receives the news that he is the father of a five-year-old son that he never knew was out there. He asks Iris for her help and even though she knows she shouldn’t, she cannot resist Bear. Can Iris forgive Cade and can the two work together for Bear?

I really enjoyed this book. The dialogue was laugh out loud funny at times and ridiculously funny at others. As much as Cade and Iris were great for each other, Bear made them even better. I loved when Bear would be a mini-Cade and the action between the two throughout shows the difference, I felt realistically between how a man or a woman play with a child. Even when it seemed as though all the secondary characters were against them, Iris and Cade stayed positive and worked things out. The sex scenes were explicit, but not gratuitous. I love when I finish a romance and have a smile on my face.

I love all the brothers and I am looking forward to Nick and Miranda’s story!


Author Biography

Penelope Bloom is a USA Today, Amazon, and Washington Post bestselling author whose books have been translated into seven languages. Her popular romances include His Banana, Her Cherry, Savage, and Punished.

Her writing career started when she left her job as a high school teacher to pursue her dream. She loves taking her imagination for a spin and writing romances she’d want to live. She likes a man with a mind as dirty as sin and a heart of gold he keeps hidden away. Her favorite things include getting to wear socks all day—pants optional—and being a positive example for her girls. Showing her daughters that no dream is too big, no matter what anyone tells them, is worth all the late nights, doubts, and fears that come with being a writer.

Stay connected! For giveaways, goodies, updates, and extras, join the mailing list at https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/a0y7m1. Follow her on Facebook at PenelopeBloomRomance, and check out her website at www.penelope-bloom.com.

Feature Post and Book Reviews: Brothers in Blue Trilogy by Jeanne St. James

Hi, everyone!

Today I am giving everyone another look at the Brothers In Blue Trilogy by Jeanne St. James. I previously reviewed all of these books separately as they were released.

Below you will find my book reviews for Max, Marc and Matt and author info. Enjoy and give these books a read and/or listen on audiobook if you missed them the first time around. You will not be disappointed.


RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

BROTHERS IN BLUE: MAX (Brothers in Blue #1) by Jeanne St. James is a HOT contemporary romance read that introduces the reader to a rich, immature party girl that has her whole life turned upside down and a small town cop, who is an ex-Marine and all Alpha.

Amanda Barber is a young, rich girl partying all over Miami with her friends and no responsibilities. Suddenly, she has to move to small town PA to live in her dead father and stepmother’s home to care for her 22 year old special needs half-brother and his dog. She has never met Greg and Chaos due the messy divorce of her parents and has no idea how to deal with him or his needs.

I did not like Amanda at first, but as the story progresses and you see how she is trying to learn to help Greg and stand on her own two feet for a change, she pulled me to her side. You learn her backstory slowly, and like me, the small town folk did not care for Amanda at first either. She makes mistakes, but you also watch her mature quickly. She wants to go back to her old life at first, but things conspire to make her want to stay more and more as the story progresses.

Max Bryson is a third generation police officer in his hometown and the oldest of three Bryson boys. When he first runs into Amanda, he has trouble believing such an immature girl has been assigned the care of Greg, but even as her attitude chafes, he finds her extremely hot. The back and forth between these two was extremely well written. You can see in each encounter the strength in Amanda continues to grow as she stands up to him and takes control her own life and Greg’s. How much Max’s attitude changes towards Amanda is also realistically written. The emotional growth of both Amanda and Max is what makes this an engaging romance.

It was great getting to know all the secondary characters in this story, also. Max’s loving and stable parents and his teasing younger brothers. Not so nice, but necessary to understand Amanda were her mother and ex-boyfriend from Miami. I am looking forward to reading Marc’s story next.

Please Note: Although this is a small town love story it does contain many explicit sex scenes throughout the story. They are well written, integrated into the story and very, very hot!


RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

Another HOT book about a Bryson brother from Manning Grove!

BROTHERS IN BLUE: MARC (Brothers in Blue #2) by Jeanne St. James has the second Bryson brother having to train the new police recruit who just happens to be female. For an alpha male like Marc, who also happens to still believe there should not be any female officers, being made her FTO (field training officer) by his brother the chief seems like a sick joke.

Leah Grant is determined to be a police officer just like her deceased father. She has fought all the stereotypes and risen to the top of her training class to have no one, but Max offer her a job. Manning Grove is very small town to her old home of Philly, but she is determined to make it, even with the chauvinist beliefs of her FTO.

As Marc and Leah train and ride together, their chemistry starts to override their common sense. They try to keep their work life separate from their increasing attraction, but Marc wants her in his bed as much as Leah wants to prove she is as capable as any male officer. The taboo of trainer and trainee does not stop these two, but they do keep it out of work hours.

These two have explosive chemistry in bed and are so perfect for each other. There are explicit sex scenes that are well written and have a surprising appearance of nipple rings and other sex toys. I also loved that Leah stayed at Marc’s parents’ house when she moved to town so that we continue to be involved with the whole family from Max’s story in Book #1. This romance can be read as a standalone because of its own HEA, but the family ties and small town life carry over.

I love that Ms. St. James has made each of these books in this series unique so far. I appreciate that they are not both the same premise with new names inserted. I am looking forward to what happens with the last Bryson boy, if he ever comes home!


RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

What a great addition and emotionally charged finale to the Bryson brother trilogy of books!

BROTHERS IN BLUE: MATT (Brothers In Blue #3) by Jeanne St. James has the youngest Bryson finally returning home after several deployments overseas to a job and extended family that he is finding very difficult to deal with due to PTSD.

Matt Bryson believes his mind is broken. He is not ready to accept help except what is forced on him by his brother to keep his job as a police office in their small town. He has buried his emotions and is barely making it day to day.

Dr. Carly Stephens is Amanda’s obstetrician at the local hospital. She is tall, calm and extremely professional working hard to help her elderly parents and save money to adopt a baby of her own one day that she cannot have herself. When Matt ends up being the brother to rush Amanda to the hospital to deliver, he is attracted to Carly’s calm and leadership. Carly is attracted to the hot police office.

They start out as landlord and tenant, but soon agree to a sexual, no commitment relationship. They are just too different and want different things out of life. Matt with his OCD and PTSD believes he will never be able to love and he never wants children. Carly is too busy earning and saving money for her future home and adoption and just wants the hot sex. But can they truly keep to this arrangement? Hot, steamy sex is great, but soon emotions become entangled and they will have to find a way to compromise or break.

Matt had me all tied up in knots emotionally. There are many forms and degrees of PTSD and I feel Ms. St. James handled Matt’s character responses in a realistic way. I especially agree with the way that Matt had to handle a lot of his decisions on his own and in his own time. Carly was an equally strong character because even though she is a doctor, she knows she can’t heal Matt, she can only love and help him. The plot was a delicate back and forth written with empathy and compassion.

It was great reading about all the characters from the previous two books, also. I am going to miss these brothers, the loves they found and the entire extended family. This is an excellent contemporary romance series with plenty of hot and steamy sex scenes. They can all be read as standalones, but is much more fun to read them all in order and get three HEAs.


Author Info

JEANNE ST. JAMES is a USA Today bestselling romance author who loves an alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing. Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009.

She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages. Want to read a sample of her work? Download a sampler book here: BookHip.com/MTQQKK

To keep up with her busy release schedule check her website at www.jeannestjames.com or sign up for her newsletter: http://www.jeannestjames.com/newslett…

Book Review: Starting Over at Blueberry Creek by Annie Rains

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

STARTING OVER AT BLUEBERRY CREEK (Sweetwater Springs Book #4) by Annie Rains is another wonderful addition to the Sweetwater Springs contemporary romance series. Ms. Rains has written a friends-to-lovers story that pulled at every one of my heartstrings.

Brenna McConnell put her college education to become a teacher on hold to finish raising her younger sister, Eve when their parents are killed in an accident. Brenna takes over her mother’s catering business with her aunt and when her sister graduates from high school she fears her sister’s desire to become a firefighter like their father. Eve is headstrong and difficult with Brenna acting like a mother instead of the sister she misses which causes a rift between them.

Firefighter Luke Marini moves next door to the sisters to start over in a new town. He immediately notices the beautiful brunette next door, but one of the reasons he moved was to get away from his previous neighbor and have people not know about his past. Brenna welcomes her new neighbor even as he seems cold to her neighborly advances, but Luke is finding he cannot stay away from the temptation of the sweet Brenna.

Luke helps Brenna realize that her sister is an adult, even though she may not act like one at times and it is time for Brenna to work on realizing her own dreams. Brenna is used to sacrificing for others and she is finding it difficult to only think of herself, especially when wonderful firefighter may be her chance at a future that may be slightly different than what she always dreamed of.

I love Ms. Rain’s storytelling! It pulls me in to her small-town characters and lives effortlessly. Brenna and Luke both had so much going on emotionally, past and present and yet Ms. Rain’s writing makes you feel empathy and not sympathy. The growth and changes flow throughout the story, including Brenna and Eve’s relationship. Sometimes what we believe will make us happy, is not necessarily so and both of the main characters learn that and grow. All the secondary characters are fully fleshed out and the sex is all behind closed doors.

I love this book and all the Sweetwater Springs books and recommend them all! I want to thank Forever Books and Net Galley for allowing me to read this eARC. It was very much my pleasure.