Book Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: The Queen of Second Chances by D.M. Barr

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for THE QUEEN OF SECOND CHANCES by D.M. Barr on the Providence Book Promotions Tour.

Below you will find a book description, my book review, an excerpt from the book, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. Enjoy!


Book Description

A tale of a young woman who champions seniors’ hopes and dreams while challenging their worst enemies: regret and abuse.

Carraway (Carra) Quinn is a free-spirited English major confronting an unreceptive job market. Desperate for cash, she reluctantly agrees to her realtor stepmother’s marketing scheme: infiltrate a local senior center as a recreational aide, ingratiate herself with the members, and convince them to sell their homes.

Jay Prentiss is a straitlaced, overprotective elder attorney whose beloved but mentally fragile Nana attends that center.

More creative than mercenary, Carra convinces Jay to finance innovations to the Center’s antiquated programming. Her ingenuity injects new enthusiasm among the seniors, inspiring them to confront and reverse the regrets of their past. An unlikely romance develops.

But when Carra’s memoir-writing class prompts Jay’s Nana to skip town in search of a lost love, the two take off on a cross-country, soul-searching chase that will either deepen their relationship or tear them apart forever.


The Queen of Second Chances

Genre: Contemporary Sweet Romance, Romcom, Chicklit
Published by: Champagne Book Group
Publication Date: June 7th 2021
Number of Pages: 204
ISBN: 2940165375545 (ASIN B094GFWG3K)


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

THE QUEEN OF SECOND CHANCES by D.M Barr is a heartwarming standalone contemporary romance/comedy love story packed with memorable characters and humorous dialog. Besides the lovable hero and heroine, there are several seniors to fall in love with as well as canine companions.

Carraway “Carra” Quinn graduated as an English major who wants to write novels and is having difficulty paying her share of the bills where she lives with her best-friend. Her stepmother has pulled her and her sister into a scheme to infiltrate senior facilities to convince them to sell their homes for the equity and downsize. Cara is working at the local senior center as a recreational assistant. She starts a memoir writing class and as she comes to know the seniors and their stories, she refuses to use them to pull herself out of her financial straits.

Jay Prentiss is a successful attorney dealing with the elderly who has political aspirations. Jay’s beloved nana attends the senior center where Carra is working. While Jay is a major contributor, Carra wants to show him it is not the facilities that need his money, but the individual seniors that could use their help and attention.

Carra and Jay both have personal traumas from their childhoods which effect their present lives. Can the two work together to overcome their pasts and get a second chance at love?

This story is a perfectly balanced mix of romance, love, empathy, humor, crazy situations and heart. The romance is realistically paced as Carra and Jay come to know each other and the differences in their styles in helping the seniors. Their past traumas in their childhoods also are dealt with in believable ways. The seniors in the story are people you would find at any senior center. They are not overly quirky or strange, but real people who still have so much to live for and offer. I wanted to adopt them all. Last, but not least there are two canines in this story and having adopted my own AmStaff, I was so happy to see how the author depicted this one. The sex scenes are behind closed doors and not until later in the story at an appropriate time. This is an all-around enjoyable read!

I highly recommend this contemporary romance/comedy!



Chapter One

I couldn’t take my eyes off the man. He came barreling into the recreational center at SALAD—Seniors Awaiting Lunch and Dinner, Rock Canyon’s answer to Meals on Wheels—as I sat in the outer office, awaiting my job interview. He was tall, but not too tall. His expensive suit barely concealed an athletic physique that fell just shy of a slavish devotion to muscle mass. Early thirties, I estimated, and monied. Honey-blond curly hair, blue eyes, high cheekbones, chiseled features, gold-rimmed glasses, and of course, dimples. Why did there always have to be dimples? They were my kryptonite, rendering me powerless to resist.

I nicknamed him Adonis, Donny for short, lest anyone accuse me of being pretentious. He was the stuff of every girl’s dreams, especially if that girl was as masochistic as yours truly. Men like that didn’t fall for ordinary girls like me, gals more Cocoa Puff than Coco Chanel, more likely to run their pantyhose than strut the runway. I leaned back on the leather couch, laid down my half-completed application, and prepared to enjoy the view. Then he opened his mouth, and the attraction withered like a popped balloon.

“I want to speak to Judith. Now. Is she here?” The sharpness of his voice put Ginsu knives to shame. It was jagged enough to slash open memories of my mother’s own barely contained temper when refereeing sibling disputes between Nikki and me. Well, at least until she prematurely retired her whistle and skipped town for good.

The attendant working the main desk looked fresh out of nursing school and had obviously missed the lecture on dealing with difficult clients. She sputtered, held up both hands in surrender, and retreated into the administration office, reemerging with an older woman whose guff-be-gone demeanor softened as she got closer. Her name tag read, “Judith Ferester,” the woman scheduled to conduct my interview. She took one look at Donny, sighed as if to say, Here we go again, and plastered on her requisite customer service smile.

“Mr. Prentiss, to what do we owe the honor of this visit?” she asked in a tone sweet enough to make my teeth hurt.

“Judith, I thought we had this discussion before. I trust you to take care of my nana, but day after day, I discover goings-on that are utterly unacceptable. Maybe we shouldn’t have added the senior center, just limited SALAD to meal delivery. Last week you served chips and a roll at lunch? That’s too many carbs. This week, I find someone is duping her out of her pocket change. No one is going to take advantage of her good nature, not under my watch.”

I half-expected him to spit on the ground. Was such venom contagious? I didn’t want my prospective employer in a foul mood when she reviewed my application. I really, really needed this job.

“Mr. Prentiss,” Judith answered, her patronizing smile frozen in place, “I assure you that your championing of our senior center was well founded. The reason your nana isn’t complaining is that she receives the utmost care. She is one of our dearest visitors. Everyone loves her.”

“Tell me then, what is this?” Donny—scratch that, Mr. Prentiss—drew a scrap of paper from his pocket and flung it onto the counter. I leaned forward to make out the object of his disdain. Then, thinking better of it, I relaxed and watched as this melodrama played itself out.

Judith glanced down at the paper. “This? It’s a scoresheet. They play gin for ten cents a hand. We monitor everything that goes on here; your grandmother is not being conned out of her life savings. You have my word.”

Prentiss shook his head so vigorously his gold-rimmed glasses worked their way down to the tip of his perfect nose. He pushed them back with obvious annoyance. Even when he was acting like a jerk, his dimples were captivating. Would they be even more alluring if he smiled? Did he smile…like, ever?

“It’s not the amount that worries me. It’s the act itself. Many seniors here are memory impaired. How can you condone gambling between people who aren’t coherent? Could you please keep a closer eye on things? Otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll have to take my nana—and my support—to the center I’ve heard about across the river.”

Without waiting for Judith’s response, Prentiss departed as brusquely as he’d arrived. Ah, the entitlement of the rich. Walk over everyone, then storm off. He never even noticed my presence. Just as well, considering my purpose for being there. Even if I wasn’t sorry to see the back end of his temper, his rear end was pleasant enough to watch as he exited, I noted with a guilty shudder.

Judith shook her head, rolled her eyes, and let out a huff. Then she noticed me. “I’m so sorry you had to overhear that. I’m the director here. How can I help you?”

“I’m Carraway Quinn. Everyone calls me Carra. I have an appointment for the recreational aide position.”

Judith typed a few keystrokes into the main desk’s computer. “Ah yes, Ms. Quinn. Carraway, like the seed?”

“Something like that,” I said with a smile.

They always guessed, but no one got it right. Some man would, one day. That’s what my mother said a million years ago, when she still lived within earshot. One man would figure it out, and that’s how I’d know he was the one for me. Not that it mattered right now. I had bigger problems than finding a new boyfriend.

“Tell me, would I have to deal with people like that all day?” I tilted my head in the direction of Prentiss’s contrail.

“What can I say? He loves his nana.” Judith shrugged, staring at the door. “Though I’ve never seen him lash out like that before. He’s usually so calm.” She quickly shifted into public relations mode. “Jay Prentiss is one of our biggest contributors. It’s only because of his generosity that we have this senior center and can afford to hire a recreational aide.” She beckoned me into the inner office. “Shall we proceed?”

I followed, but I had my doubts. I belonged in the editorial office of a magazine or on a book tour for my perennially unfinished novel, not at a senior center. This job was my stepmother’s idea, not mine. Calling it an idea was being generous; it was more like a scheme, and the elderly deserved better than someone sent here to deceive them. I was the embodiment of what Jay Prentiss worried about most.

The interview lasted less than ten minutes, as if Judith was going through the formalities but had already decided to hire me. I was to start my orientation the following day. I shook her hand and thanked her, all the while wishing I were anywhere else.

Afterward, I wandered into the recreation area, where I’d be spending most of my time. The room was dingy, teeming with doleful seniors watching television, playing cards, or staring off into space. A few complained among themselves about a jigsaw puzzle they were unable to finish because the last pieces were missing. I wondered how many had lost their spouses and came to the center out of loneliness, their children too busy with their own lives to visit. It was a heartbreaking thought.

Jay Prentiss was complaining about carbs and gambling when he should have been concentrating on ennui. The seniors’ dismal expressions told me they were visiting SALAD more out of desperation than opportunity. It was clear they needed an injection of enthusiasm, not some aide looking to unsettle their lives. It came down to my conscience. Could it triumph against my stepmother’s directives and my plummeting bank account?


Author Bio

By day, a mild-mannered salesperson, wife, mother, rescuer of senior shelter dogs, competitive trivia player and author groupie, happily living just north of New York City. By night, an author of sex, suspense and satire. My background includes stints in travel marketing, travel journalism, meeting planning, public relations and real estate. I was, for a long and happy time, an award-winning magazine writer and editor. Then kids happened. And I needed to actually make money. Now they’re off doing whatever it is they do (of which I have no idea since they won’t friend me on Facebook) and I can spend my spare time weaving tales of debauchery and whatever else tickles my fancy. The main thing to remember about my work is that I am NOT one of my characters. For example, as a real estate broker, I’ve never played Bondage Bingo in one of my empty listings or offed anyone at my local diet clinic. And I haven’t run away from home in fear that my husband was planning to off me. But that’s not to say that I haven’t wanted to…

Social Media Links

Instagram – @AuthorDMBarr

Purchase Links

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads



Book Review: The Bookworm’s Guide to Dating by Emma Hart

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

THE BOOKWORM’S GUIDE TO DATING (The Bookworm’s Guide Book #1) by Emma Hart is the first book in a new contemporary rom/com series. The main heroines are three friends who own a bookstore in a small town in Montana and their long-time friends. The secondary humor comes from the retirement home where all their grandparents live.

Kinsley Lane is a bookworm and proud of it. She loves analyzing relationships in romance novels and is afraid she will never find a real-life man who will understand and love her for her awkward introverted self. For her birthday, she decides to start dating. She lets her friends convince her to sign up for dating apps on-line and has her brother’s best-friend volunteer to play matchmaker. She is not sure why he is helping, but if he can find one who meets her very specific guidelines and helps her with her awkwardness, she is in.

Josh Carter offers to help Kinsley find a boyfriend. He helps set Kinsley up and even takes her on a practice date, but there is something important he is not telling her. He is hoping by finding Kinsley a boyfriend, he will quit obsessing over her. He made a pact with her brother years ago that neither of them would date the other’s sisters, but Josh finds the bookish Kinsley is the one he wants.

This is a quick read full of laughter, love and quirky realistic characters. Kinsley and Josh’s banter and texting felt pitch perfect and their relationship developed at a realistic pace. The sex scenes were explicit, but not gratuitous. I loved the scenes in the bookshop between the three friends and all the bookish references. The secondary characters are all part of the three girls lives and add to the small town feel of everyone knowing everyone else. The secondary comedy plotline of the retirement home where all the grandparents live and have their own dramas had me laughing out loud.

I can highly recommend this first in the series rom/com and I am looking forward to the next!


Author Bio and Social Media

Emma Hart is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels and has been translated into several different languages. She first put fingers to keys at the age of eighteen after her husband told her she read too much and should write her own.
Four years later, she’s still figuring out what he meant when he said she ‘read too much.’

She prides herself on writing smart smut that’s filled with dry wit, snappy, sarcastic comebacks, but lots of heart… And sex. Sometimes, she kills people. (Disclaimer: In books. But if you bug her, she’ll use your name for the victims.)

You can find her online at, or join her reader group at

Book Review: Blind Date by Debbie Ioanna

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

BLIND DATE by Debbie Ioanna is a new romcom by a new to me author that kept surprising me and making me laugh out loud even in public. This is a lighthearted delight of a story for a short and easy-to-read escape especially in these difficult times.

Jenny is thirty years old and has everything a girl could want. She owns her home has a good job and the best BF ever, Sarah. She even at time likes her rescue cat, Bing Clawsby, who makes it his life’s duty to destroy and surprise.

But Jenny can never find “The One”. Sarah sets her up on a disastrous blind date and then encourages Jenny to try a dating app. Delete. Her mother even attempts to play matchmaker. Escape. Jenny is even finding her sometimes hook-up buddy, not really working out.

Jenny wants the perfect man from work, Zach. When the stars align and Zach finally asks Jenny out, not once, but twice the dates are aborted. Will Jenny get the man of her dreams, or is she destined to be single for the rest of her life?

I did not want this book to end! Jenny is relatable, realistic and I would love to be her friend. Ms. Ioanna has created a lovable main character and a fun set of secondary characters that completely whisked me away from my own life and had me laughing, unlady like snorting and completely entertained.

I highly recommend this romcon and dare you not to laugh!


About the Author

            Debbie is a multi-genre indie author and blogger who was born in Bradford and lives there with her husband, two-year-old daughter and anti-social cat Cleo. When she isn’t busy being a Mum, working for her local council or studying towards her Open University degree, she is busy focusing on her writing career.

            Debbie doesn’t write to just one genre as she likes to write about anything. She is currently working on a romantic-comedy series but who knows what she will be working on in the future. As well as writing novels, short stories and blogs for her website, she is also reviewing other works by indie authors. She is passionate about helping other indie authors as she knows it is a hard world to master and getting reviews is a challenge on its own.

            Debbie has been a regular attending author at the UK Indie Lit Fest in Bradford for the last few years and will be returning in 2020, as well as attending events in Shipley and Liverpool for the first time.

            Debbie began studying with the Open University in 2015, aiming towards a BA Honours in Humanities, focusing on History and Creative Writing which are her two greatest passions. It is a part-time course, due to end in 2021 which Debbie is hoping means she will have more time to write.

Social Media





Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Sugarcoated by Erin Nicholas

Hi, everyone!

I am excited to be sharing my Feature Post and Book Review on this Blog Tour for SUGARCOATED (Hot Cakes Book #1) by Erin Nicholas.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review, an excerpt from the book, author info and social media links. Enjoy!


Book Blurb

She’s his best friend’s little sister. He’s known her all his life. He’s practically part of the family. There is nothing either of them could do to surprise the other at this point.

Then she showed up in his bedroom in lingerie and asked him to take her V-card.

Now, that was a surprise.

Aiden is pretty sure Zoe was equally surprised when he told her no.

To say that he didn’t handle it well would be a massive understatement. Almost as massive as the amount of work he’s going to have to do now to convince her that he wants her. Forever.

Right after he tells her that he’s bought the company that’s her bakery’s biggest competitor.

Maybe if he tells her he’s in love with her first, that will help sugarcoat the whole we’re-rivals-in-business-now thing.

So, first “I’m in love with you”, then “take off your clothes”, then “I’m now your business adversary”.

Piece of cake.


“You can always count on Erin Nicholas for fun, sexy contemporary romance.”―Melissa Foster, New York Times bestselling author

Sugarcoated, an all-new sexy and laugh-out-loud standalone romance from New York Times bestselling author Erin Nicholas, is out now!

Download your copy today!

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My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

SUGARCOATED (Hot Cakes Book #1) by Erin Nicholas is the first book in a new contemporary romance/romantic comedy series. This story is a best friend’s little sister/friends-to-lovers mash-up with all the emotion, humor and sexual chemistry I expect in a romance by Erin Nicholas.

Fluke, Inc. is a highly successful company started by five college friends who sold their highly popular, original video game for millions. Aiden and Camden grew up in a small town in Iowa, which is where they all become involved in the purchase and rescue of the town’s largest employer – Hot Cakes.

Aiden is looking for an investment project so that he can return home and claim his best friend’s sister and live happily ever after. The opportunity to buy and save Hot Cakes to keep three hundred people employed in his hometown pops up and he feels it is the perfect opportunity for Fluke, Inc. and him. How can he tell Zoe he loves her, but he also bought her hated rival and competition?

Zoe has been dreading Aiden’s return to town ever since he turned down her surprise offering of her virginity on Christmas Eve. He is back and shaking up everything she believes in and Zoe does not like change. As Zoe begins to open up and believe in Aiden’s love, he is still hiding his other reason for his return.

This is such a sweet and tasty treat of a romance. When I started this book, I thought Aiden and Zoe were so different, but they both ended up having the same fear. Ms. Nicholas’ dialogue is witty and her sexual tension and inuendo continue to ramp up the heat to a sexy and hot scene in Zoe’s bakery. The sexual banter and sex scenes are explicit, but not gratuitous. The introduction of Zoe’s friends and all the other men in Fluke, Inc. has you anticipating even more fun and sexy romance to come.

I recommend this first book in the Hot Cakes series and I will definitely be waiting for more.



 “Yes!” It was the wrong answer, he knew, even as he said it. But it was true.

“You are so full of yourself!” She frowned. “You actually thought I’d be waiting around, pining for you, didn’t you?”

Maybe not crying herself to sleep every night, but thinking about him? Yeah. Fuck. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind for more than a few hours at a time. “It’s only been five months,” he said. “Is it really crazy for me to think that you didn’t get your virginity ‘taken care of’ yet?”

“Exactly! It’s been five months!” she said.

“You went twenty-five years without sex, and you couldn’t go five more months?”

“Well, it’s not like you gave me an IOU!” she shot back. “I had no idea when you were coming back, and I assumed your answer would have still been no. So yeah, I moved on, Aiden.”

“Who was it?” he asked, noting his tone was suddenly a little ominous.

“I’m not telling you that.” She looked at him like he was insane.

“Tell me, Zoe.”


“I’ll find out. This is Appleby. I’ll probably know by the end of tonight.”

“You won’t.” She lifted her chin. “I can promise you that.”

“Bet I do.”

“Why do you really even care? Now you don’t have to do it.”

“Because you’re mine.”

Yeah, shit. See, he’d known that was the wrong answer to give. Guys didn’t go around claiming women like they were property or possessions. He knew that. He’d never had that urge before. This woman was strong and independent and confident and certainly didn’t need him for anything.

But the idea of another man touching her, seeing her naked, making her feel the ultimate pleasure, made his blood boil.

She stood, just staring at him. Then she picked up a cake ball. And threw it at him. It hit him square in the red tie and bounced back onto the table.

“You’re a jerk.”

Yeah, maybe he was. A nice guy would probably just take all her explanations and excuses about why they shouldn’t be together and admit his idea was crazy.

He didn’t say anything. He didn’t wipe away the sticky crumbs the cake ball left on his tie. He picked up the ball and rounded the worktable.

Her eyes widened, and she backed up as he came closer. He kept going. Until her back was against the front of the fridge.

He didn’t say a word as he stopped right in front of her, lifted his hand to cup her face, and leaned in.

Aiden ignored her hands on his chest. She wasn’t pushing. She wasn’t pulling him closer either, but she wasn’t trying to get away. She wasn’t lifting her knee to his balls. She wasn’t saying no.

He stared into her eyes for a long moment. She could stop this. He knew she knew that.

She didn’t.

So he kissed her.


About Erin Nicholas

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Erin Nicholas has been writing romances almost as long as she’s been reading them. To date, she’s written over thirty sexy, contemporary novels that have been described as “toe-curling,” “enchanting,” “steamy,” and “fun.” She adores reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines, and happily ever afters.

Erin lives in the Midwest, where she enjoys spending time with her husband (who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books), her kids (who will never read the sex scenes in her books), and her family and friends (who claim to be “shocked” by the sex scenes in her books).

Social Media Links







Stay up to date with Erin Nicholas by joining her mailing list:

Feature Post and Book Review: Anyone But Rich by Penelope Bloom

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing with you the Feature Post and Book Review for Penelope Bloom’s new release ANYONE BUT RICH (Anyone But…Book 1). This romantic comedy/contemporary romance that had me laughing out-loud. This is the first of a trilogy featuring three billionaire brothers who return to their small hometown to claim the women they could never forget, but the girls made a promise seven years ago to never date one of the King brothers again.

Below you will find a guest post from the author, an excerpt from the book, my book review, a book summary, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway.

This was an entertaining escape read that will make you laugh and leave you anxiously waiting for the other brothers’ stories. And as always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!


Guest Post: Meet the Kings of North Carolina with Author Penelope Bloom

Anyone But Rich is the first book of my new, three book “Anyone But…” series. Every book is a true romantic comedy and is full of moments that I hope will have you laughing out loud, if not at least breathing out a little puff of air from your nose.

Anyone But Rich follows the oldest King brother, Richard King, and his love interest, Kira Summerland. Seven years ago, the King brothers left behind a trail of scorched earth as far as Kira and her best friends, Iris and Miranda were concerned. The three women swore an oath that they’d never date the King brothers again, even if they wound up becoming mega-famous billionaires and came back on their knees, begging for forgiveness. 

But that’s exactly what happened. Now, Kira isn’t so sure she’ll be able to hold herself to a vow she made seven years ago, even if breaking it could drive a rift between her and her best friends.

Rich and the King brothers are global phenomenons. Each of them takes their own, unique approach to melting hearts. Rich is the kind of guy who puts business first and relentlessly pursues his goals, even if it means ruffling feathers along the way. That’s what makes Kira so special for him. She’s the one person who can bring out a softer side of Rich, and at times, even a funny side. But Kira or not, he’s generally seen as the face of the company, and he’s easily the biggest name to ever land in a place like West Valley.

Cade is Rich’s twin brother, but the two men couldn’t be more different. Cade is a somewhat strange blend of intelligence, goofiness, and unbearable cockiness. He can turn any situation into a joke, but behind the laughs and crude comments, he still wonders if his high school crush, Iris, would ever look beyond their past. 

Nick is the youngest of the trio and generally thought of as the quiet genius of the group. He’s not as in-your-face as Rich can appear, but Nick commands respect in his own way. He also has the closest relationship with Cade, partly because Nick is the only one who ever seemed up to the task of keeping his wild, older brother alive. 

All in all, the three brothers are like the riders of the apocalypse, if apocalypses were caused by melted panties and broken hearts, at least.

But the King brothers all share one thing in common. Whether they’ll ever admit it or not, they all came back to West Valley for the girls they left behind. Anyone But Rich is the story of Richard King and his attempts to win the forgiveness of Kira Summerland, his old high school flame. The question for Rich is how long he can pretend forgiveness is all he wants. For Kira, it’s a question of whether she can look past the mountain’s worth of warning signs telling her to stay as far away from Rich as possible.

There are endless obstacles between the King brothers and their West Valley girls, but the King brothers aren’t the type to shy away from a challenge. They’ve just never faced one this great.



 Principal Lockett. 

He was shorter than most of the freshmen, but the shiny patch of bald skin on his crown and the drooping bags under his eyes meant there was no mistaking him for a student. “Just wanted to say good luck on your first day, Kira.” 

“Thank you,” I said. I hoped my smile looked genuine. I’d expected to need to try very hard to make a good impression on my new boss, but from the first day of preplanning two weeks ago, it seemed like he was the one sucking up. It wasn’t the first time being the mayor’s daughter had given me some unwanted advantage. No matter how much I protested, some people in West Valley were dead set on the idea that getting in my good graces was the same as getting in my father’s good graces. Unfortunately, my objections went unnoticed, and people had never been quick to believe that favoritism wasn’t something I secretly encouraged. 

So I did what I always did. I pretended I still needed to bust my ass to make a good impression. I refused to sit back and let my father be an easy pass, and I hoped for the best. 

“Is everything okay?” I asked when he was still standing there with a smile plastered on his face. From the corner of my eye, I saw students start pouring into my room from the back door. 

“There is just one thing. A slight hiccup, really. Nothing that you would need to worry your father about,” he said. “There’s a very influential businessman in town. He got on the phone with the right people a few minutes ago, made some very interesting promises, and . . . well . . .” 

“Well, what?” My eyes were darting between Principal Lockett and my rapidly filling classroom. 

“He’s apparently an old friend of yours. Said he’d like to be able to stop by today and say hello. He promised it would be quick.” 

“It’s my first day,” I said slowly, hoping I wouldn’t need to explain any further. 

“And you’ll do great!” Principal Lockett seemed to sense my inevitable eruption, so he ducked back into the hallway and flashed me a quick thumbs-up before the door snicked closed. 

I turned my eyes toward my students and made a weak attempt to mentally rally. I can do this. They’re just children in bodies that have grown faster than their brains. They aren’t as mature as they look. 

“Do you see how red her face is?” whispered a girl in the front row. I wasn’t sure if it was intentional, but I was pretty sure I would’ve been able to make out every word of the “whisper” from the parking lot. 

The boy beside her smiled cruelly. “Maybe she’s PMSing.” 

The girl frowned at him and slapped his arm. “That’s not how it works, you idiot.” 

“What do you mean? There’s all the blood issues. Some of it must end up in their heads.” 

The girl rolled her eyes, crossed her arms, and gave up on him. 

I cleared my throat. “I’m Miss Summerland.” I paused, swallowed, and willed my windpipe to grow a little bigger. “This is—” 

The bell signaling the start of first period rang deafeningly, cutting me off and making me realize I was already showing what a rookie I was. 

I cleared my throat again. “This is—” 

The announcements began, instructing the students to stand for the Pledge and the anthem. 

I turned my back to face the flag and pretended I didn’t hear the snickering students behind me. I also pretended I didn’t remember being a high schooler not so long ago, and how quickly I would’ve decided a teacher like me was the kind students were going to eat for breakfast. 

A few minutes later, the announcements ended, and I finally turned to face the students again. “Okay. This is—” 

The door to my room opened. I spun, hands balled into fists. All the frustration of the last few minutes boiled over into an embarrassingly squeaky outburst. “I would love to finish my sentence!” 

And that was when I saw my visitor. 

Richard King. 

Distantly, I heard the excited whispers of every girl in my classroom. 

“Is that him?” 

“Oh my God, is my hair okay?” 

“This is going on my Snapchat!” 

Their voices faded into background noise as I looked at him in person for the first time in so many years. 

“Please,” he said. His voice was so deep and rich I could feel it rumble through my chest. “Finish your sentence. I’ll wait.” 

He knew damn well there was no way I could think about anything else with him standing there. The corner of his mouth had twitched up into the suggestion of a smirk, and his eyes were locked predatorily on me. He knew exactly what was happening to me, and he was enjoying it. 

I tried to picture a normal human being in his place. I tried and failed to unsee the broad, powerful shoulders and long legs, to unmake every cruel and perfect line of his face, from the sharp jaw to the dark eyebrows and burning green eyes. His nearly black hair was cut short and neat. He wore a suit that would’ve made most men look overdressed, but he seemed perfectly at ease. Here I was with my legs spread out like I was trying not to step in a puddle, pretending I was in control. Meanwhile, Rich’s pinkie toe projected more confidence than my entire body.

I wanted him and his obnoxiously cocky pinkie toe out of my classroom and out of my life. I was perfectly happy seeing him in a dirty dream every few weeks, where he couldn’t screw up my reality any more, thank you very much. 

“Out,” I said. 

“That was the end of your sentence? ‘This is . . . out’?” 

The students acted like his sitcom laugh track, and I already wanted to give them all detentions for being traitors. 

I turned, annoyed, and gestured to my students. “This is English Four Honors.” I looked back at Richard. “Out.”


My Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

ANYONE BUT RICH (Anyone But…Book 1) by Penelope Bloom is a new release romantic comedy/contemporary romance that had me laughing out-loud. This is the first of a trilogy featuring three billionaire brothers who return to their small hometown to claim the women they could never forget, but the girls made a promise seven years ago to never date one of the King brothers again.

Kira Summerland is starting her first year of teaching at her hometown high school. Seven years ago, Kira, Iris and Miranda made a promise when they were students at this very high school to never date a King brother again. When Richard King shows up at Kira’s classroom door on the first day of school, she is as angry at herself as she is at him.

Richard King has returned to town with his brothers. Cade and Nathan to set up their company’s headquarters in their hometown. The beautiful woman on his arm is just a ruse to keep both sets of their parents from matchmaking. He has his heart set on Kira. He knows it will be hard work to get Kira to forgive him and get her friends approval, but Rich has always worked hard to obtain his goals.

Kira must deal with her promise to her friends as she begins to let Rich back into her life. Can she have both? Will Rich be able to get Kira to forgive him and get the girl he has always wanted?

I love Rich and Kira together. Kira is the perfect lovable heroine to bring out serious Rich’s softer side. The dialogue between the friends and the brothers is laugh-out-loud funny and at times raunchy which made it more realistic. The sex scenes are explicit but not gratuitous. Each character’s unique personality adds to the fun of reading this book. For me, this is not a new plot or storyline, but the author’s voice makes it very entertaining. This is an easy-to-read romance that has me anxiously waiting for the other brothers’ stories.


About the Book

Title: Anyone But Rich

Author: Penelope Bloom

Release Date: September 3, 2019

Series: Anyone But…, #1

Publisher: Montlake 


Seven years ago, my best friends and I made a promise: No matter what, we would never date one of the King brothers. Even if they grew up to become megafamous, gorgeous, heart-stopping billionaires. Even if they crawled on their knees and begged for forgiveness.

But guess who just flew back into our lives in a private jet? And guess who just showed up to my job on my first day? Richard. King. Fortunately, it takes two seconds for Richard to reveal he hasn’t changed. Conceited. Cocky. Rude. Unfortunately, he’s also the kind of gorgeous that’s borderline offensive—with a jawline to make statues self-conscious and a grin that short-circuits my brain.

He’s spent years taking what he wants. I doubt he’s hungry for anything else—except me, apparently. There’s no way I’ll let him maneuver his way back into my life. My friends would never forgive me. I would never forgive me. But did I mention his jawline?


Author Biography

Penelope Bloom is a USA Today, Amazon, and Washington Post bestselling author whose books have been translated into seven languages. Her popular romances include His Banana, Her Cherry, Savage, and Punished.

Her writing career started when she left her job as a high school teacher to pursue her dream. She loves taking her imagination for a spin and writing romances she’d want to live. She likes a man with a mind as dirty as sin and a heart of gold he keeps hidden away. Her favorite things include getting to wear socks all day—pants optional—and being a positive example for her girls. Showing her daughters that no dream is too big, no matter what anyone tells them, is worth all the late nights, doubts, and fears that come with being a writer.

Stay connected! For giveaways, goodies, updates, and extras, join the mailing list at Follow her on Facebook at PenelopeBloomRomance, and check out her website at

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Release Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: About Face by D.E. Haggerty

Title: About Face (Love in the Suburbs #1)

Author: D.E. Haggerty

Genre:Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance

Release Date: August 29, 2019

Cover Designer: Jeroen E. Spaan – Geared Training

Hosted by:Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

Hi, everyone!

Today I am happy to be a part of the Release Blitz for D.E. Haggerty’s new romantic comedy/contemporary romance ABOUT FACE (Love in the Suburbs Book 1). I love all the characters in this book and especially Grandma who is an absolute hoot!

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. This romance is definitely one to add to your TBR list. You will be laughing long after you are done reading. As always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!



My grandma is trying to hook me up. 

To be painfully specific, my seventy-five-year-old grandmother thinks a little hanky-panky would cheer me up. Direct quote. Since I’m currently living with her, I can’t escape the endless line of grandchildren of friends who keep ‘dropping by’ for dinner. Literally, I can’t escape. I can barely manage the trek to the dining room at this point. 

While Grandma’s determined to find me a husband, I’m determined to learn how to walk again so I can walk away from her matchmaking skills. Spoiler alert: She has no matchmaking skills. 

But then I get a brilliant idea. I can fake date my physical therapist. Only he wants a real date. Gulp. A real date with me? Is he for real? I’m no longer the stylish girl with the glamorous job. Now, I’m a woman with a shattered leg and a scarred face. 

If I’m going to learn to live with my new reality and give love a chance, my attitude needs to do an about face. Easier said than done.


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

ABOUT FACE (Love in the Suburbs Book 1) by D.E. Haggertyis a new romantic comedy/contemporary romance by a new to me author that is also the start of a new series. I love all the characters in this book and cannot wait for more!

Francis “Frankie” McMillan is living it up in the big city. At 35, she is the top event planner in the firm she works for. Life is long hours of work, checking out hip venues while dancing and drinking with her three girlfriends.  She is beautiful with designer clothes, stiletto heels and a third floor walk-up.

And then…. she wakes up in the hospital after a horrible car accident with a leg that was barely saved and a two inch scar on her cheek. Upon release, she moves in with her Grandpa and Grandma in the suburbs. Now, she is facing physical therapy and going out in public. She does not want to do either, but she has to learn to walk again to get her job back. Facing the world with her scars has her terrified, but she can hide the scars on her leg with clothes and she always wears a bandage on her face.

She is surprised when her physical therapist is a burly Viking with a beard named Brodie. She also cannot believe that she is very interested in him, but what man wants to be with someone as ugly and scarred as she is now? With laugh-out-loud help from her Grandma, her new best-friend Shelby and Brodie, Frankie learns things about her old life and self she is not very happy with and maybe with the help of some real friends, she just may live happily-ever-after after all.

This is a laugh-out-loud entertaining romance that also has some very poignant scenes. Frankie is on a very sharp learning curve, not just physically but also emotionally. Brodie has his job cut out for him trying to convince this “city girl” that she is still beautiful inside and out. The sex scenes are appropriate to the story and realistic. Shelby, who Frankie meets in physical therapy is a true friend and I love her snark. Almost every time I laughed-out-loud while reading this book is when Grandma makes an appearance. She is “THE BEST”!

I highly recommend this romantic comedy/contemporary romance! You will laugh-out-loud and be cheering Frankie on throughout. I am anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.


About D.E. Haggarty:

I grew up reading everything I could get my grubby hands on, from my mom’s Harlequin romances to Nancy Drew, to Little Women. When I wasn’t flipping pages in a library book, I was penning horrendous poems, writing songs no one should ever sing, or drafting stories which have thankfully been destroyed. College and a stint in the U.S. Army came along, robbing me of free time to write and read, although on the odd occasion I did manage to sneak a book into my rucksack between rolled up socks, MRIs, t-shirts, and cold weather gear. After surviving the army experience, I went back to school and got my law degree. I jumped ship and joined the hubby in the Netherlands before the graduation ceremony could even begin.

A few years into my legal career, I was exhausted, fed up, and just plain done. I quit my job and sat down to write a manuscript, which I promptly hid in the attic after returning to the law. But being a lawyer really wasn’t my thing, so I quit (again!) and went off to Germany to start a B&B. Turns out being a B&B owner wasn’t my thing either. I polished off that manuscript languishing in the attic before following the husband to Istanbul where I decided to give the whole writer-thing a go. But ten years was too many to stay away from my adopted home. I packed up again and moved to The Hague where I’m currently working on my next book. I hope I’ll always be working on my next book.

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