Hi, everyone!
Today I am sharing on the blog tour for an action-packed new technothriller in the Net Force series originally created and written by Tom Clancy and Steve Pierczenik and now being written by Jerome Preisler. This Feature Post and Book Review is for NET FORCE: ATTACK PROTOCOL by Jerome Preisler which is the third book he has written for the series.
Below you will find an author Q&A, a book summary, my book review, an excerpt from the book and the author’s bio and social media links. Enjoy!
Author Q&A
1. Would you tell us more about the main characters from NET FORCE: ATTACK PROTOCOL?
Well, after introducing a rather large ensemble cast of characters in the first novel of the NET FORCE reboot, I focus on four or five in this book, including grey hat hacker Kali Alcazar and manhunter Mike Carmody in one major storyline, and John Howard and Julio Fernandez in a second. I also introduce two of my favorite characters ever, Mario and Laura, my two lovebirds. My bad guys are … mysterious. There’s a lot of character development, and Mario Perez and Laura Cruz, who came to me in a dream—complete with their introductory scene—add some light and humor to a sometimes dark, almost Gothic tale.
2. What should those new to the series know?
This isn’t their father’s NET FORCE. It propels the original concept of a cyber-security force into a modern, gritty new era full of slam-bang action. Think John Wick meets NET FORCE. I’m universe-building here and riding with my foot off the brake pedal. This is a COOL, contemporary series. Also, one of my strengths as a writer is characterization, and the characters on this series are among the best I’ve ever created. They are human and diverse and representative of the real world. I work hard to develop heroes that aren’t recycled stereotypes. The same is true for my villains.
3. What have been some challenges and some rewards from taking over a series originally created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik?
The challenges and rewards are often one and the same. The original series was a perennial bestseller, so I know I have to deliver on a big way. I know I have to satisfy old fans and simultaneously bring in new ones. To elaborate on that … I’m deeply appreciative of having a built-in readership. As someone who has worked with Tom and the Clancy franchise for long stretches over two or three decades, I feel a great responsibility to them. But I also want to grow the franchise. I want to open it up to a whole new audience. It’s a tough job—but somebody’s gotta do it!
4. What part or aspect of this series do you love the most?
The concept and characters are so rich, I can tell virtually any kind of story I want.
5. What are three things you have on your writing desk?
My computer, a cup of coffee, and a cat.
6. What character in the book really spoke to you?
All of them!
7. What is your favorite type of character to write about?
I like writing about men and women who are complex and have in many instances overcome—or are in the process of overcoming—some tough situations in life. They’ve wrestled with or are wrestling with demons. My heroes and villains are real human beings to me. They’ve experienced certain things and made certain choices. Where those choices lead them fascinates and occasionally surprises me.
8. How did you get into writing?
I picked up a pen and started writing my first novel at age 10. By the time I was eleven, I was typing it all out. And I was doomed.
9. Who is your writing inspiration?
I have a whole lot. Tolkien, Hemingway, Edgar Allen Poe, Chandler, Ed McBain, Pete Hamill, Harper Lee, Robert E. Howard, Robert Heinlein (while we’re doing the “Roberts”) … the great thriller writer Charles Godey. Tom Clancy, of course! Barbara Tuchman, who made history readable. Stan Lee! Ian Fleming! Bob Dylan! Charles Bukowski! The list goes on and on. And on …
10. What theme or message do you hope readers will take away from your ex book?
There’s hope. With love and faith and courage, there is always hope.
11. What drew you into this particular genre?
I’ve written in almost every genre, maybe in part because I’ve enjoyed books in every genre. For me a story is a story. While I understand as a craftsman that every genre has its requirements, the main thing is that the writing has to be good.
12. If you could sit down with any character in your book, what would you ask them and why?
“Kali, may I have this dance?” ‘Nuff said! (Now I’m even SOUNDING like Stan Lee!)
13. What social media site has been the most helpful in developing your readership?
I think Goodreads is pretty good …
14. What advice would you give to aspiring or just starting authors out there?
You have to invest yourself. Write with commitment and discipline. Write hard. Don’t do it to get rich, because you probably won’t. Write to be good.
15. What does the future hold in store for you? Any new books/projects on the horizon?
My next Net Force novella, then my next NET FORCE novel, then the NET FORCE novella and novel after that… hopefully for a while to come. Also, GAME FACE, the autobiography I co-authored with Hall of Fame basketball great Bernard King was optioned for film a while back and just acquired an incredible producer … but I can’t say who that is till it’s officially announced. Finally my new historical nonfiction, CIVIL WAR COMMANDO: William Cushing and the Daring Raid to Sink the CSS Albemarle, was published in November and I’m hoping people will check it out. Oh—I want to sleep in. Someday. Just for a few hours.
Book Summary
The cutting-edge Net Force thriller series, created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik and written by Jerome Preisler reveals the invisible battlefield where the war for global dominance is fought.
In the wake of stunning terrorist attacks around the world, Net Force jumps into action. The president’s new cybersecurity agency homes in on a dangerous figure operating in the shadows of the Carpathian mountains. And he’s ready to strike again, using the digital space to advance his destructive goals.
But before Net Force can get boots on the ground, the master hacker and his cadre mount a devastating high tech assault against the agency’s military threat-response unit. Has a Net Force insider turned traitor? The stakes are suddenly ratcheted higher when a global syndicate of black hat hackers and a newly belligerent Russia hatch an ambitious scheme to plunge the United States into a crippling war—one that will leave Moscow and its Dark Web allies supreme.
Their attack protocol: to seize control of the Internet, and open the door for a modern, nuclear Pearl Harbor…unless the men and women of Net Force can stop them
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50353742-net-force?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=VwfXCk7uRH&rank=1
NET FORCE: Attack Protocol
Author: Jerome Preisler
ISBN: 9781335080783
Publication Date: December 1, 2020
Publisher: Hanover Square Press

My Book Review
RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars
NET FORCE: ATTACK PROTOCOL by Jerome Preisler is the latest book in the continuation of the technothiller series created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik. The series is set in 2023 and follows Net Force, a government cybersecurity agency established to fight against on-line terrorism and for internet control. This book can be read as a fast-paced standalone thriller.
Net Force is established and attacked simultaneously in New York City as the President of the United States is announcing their creation. The agents are now on the hunt for a dangerous cybercriminal deep in the Carpathian mountains. As one team is chasing this shadowy figure, he has mounted a high-tech attack against the agency’s military threat response base.
Unless the men and women of Net Force can stop this syndicate of terrorists, they will seize control of the internet and open the door for a modern nuclear Pearl Harbor.
This thriller starts off at a fast-pace and never lets up. The plot twists and danger to the main characters kept me turning the pages. I love all the high-tech gadgets and even though this series is set in 2023, I believe much of the tech is probably used now and is not as futuristic as when the original series began. The author does a good job of balancing exposition and dialogue. Even though the overall plot arc and characters are continued from book one, Net Force: Dark Web, this book can still pull you in and you never feel lost.
I recommend this new technothriller and I am looking forward to more books in this series.
Satu Mare District, Romania
The first snowfall of the season was dusting the banks of the Somes River when a catastrophic failure struck the power grid, plunging the western third of the country into darkness.
Nicu Borgos was just an hour into his midnight shift when things went wrong. An operator for Satu Mare District’s Electrica Power Distribution Center, he was tired from caring for his daughter, who was seven and sick with the flu. His wife, Balia, a sales clerk at a clothing store, was also miserably under the weather, and he had been doing his best to help her as well. But money was tight and, like him, Balia needed to work and bring in a paycheck.
The night before, she had come home from the shop, put chest rub on Angela, tucked her in, showered, and climbed into bed with her dinner untouched. Nicu normally slept until 9:00 p.m. or even a little later, but the sounds Angela was making in her room concerned him. He had lost his dear mother to the pandemic three years ago, and the outbreaks still could be vicious.
Taking no chances, he’d resolved to stay up to check on the child, poking his head through the doorway every fifteen or twenty minutes. It was a while before she settled in.
So Nicu was worn out and bleary, which might have been why he doubted his eyes when he saw the cursor suddenly drifting across his screen. The computer was networked into the energy grid, and the numbered blue buttons on its display controlled the circuit breakers for ten substations throughout the county—an area of almost seventeen hundred square miles, with some three hundred thousand residents.
The cursor landed on the switch for Substation One. Clicked. A dialogue window opened below the button:
Warning: Opening the breaker will result in
complete shutdown. Do you wish to proceed?
Reaching for his mouse, Nicu tried to drag the cursor out of the window, thinking its driver might have developed a minor glitch. But it remained there…and slid to Yes.
He quickly swiped the mouse across its pad, wanting to move the cursor to No.
It stayed on Yes. Clicked. The dialogue box vanished, and the button for Substation One changed from blue to red.
Nicu inhaled. He had been an operator at the distribution center for half a decade and did not need to bring up a map to see the region each substation covered. The map was already in his head.
Substation One was Lazuli, a rural commune of six villages to the extreme north, near the Ukrainian and Hungarian borders. Its six thousand residents had now gone off-line. Even as Nicu registered this, the on-screen cursor jumped to the Substation Two button.
He snatched up the mouse in desperation, lifting it above the pad. It made no difference. The cursor clicked. Opened another dialogue window requesting confirmation. Went to Yes again.
Blue turned to red, and Nicu Borgos watched Substation Two go down in an instant.
“Draga meu Domnezeu,” he rasped. “My dear God.”
Substation Two was the city of Satu Mare itself. With a population of one hundred thousand—a full third of the county’s inhabitants—it was now completely dark.
Nicu tried to think clearly. During the day, the operating station would have two people on shift. There was a second computer to his left, with a separate monitor. Possibly the problem was only with his machine. If he could log in to the system using the other computer, he might prevent more breakers from tripping open.
He rolled his chair in front of it, tapped the keyboard. The computer came out of idle showing the operator log-in screen. He entered his username and password.
A Wrong Password notification flashed on-screen.
He slowly retyped the password, thinking he might have entered a wrong character in his haste.
The notification appeared again. He was locked out of the system.
Nicu sat up straight, his spine a stiff rod of tension. His original machine showed that Substation Three, which provided power to Negresti Oas’s twelve thousand citizens, was down. He glanced at its screen just in time to see the cursor move to Substation Four…the distribution station for the commune Mediesu Aurit’s seven villages. The two stations combined served more than twenty thousand customers.
He remembered that tonight’s temperature was forecast to drop below freezing in the mountain areas, and felt suddenly helpless. Whatever was causing the shutdowns, he could not deal with the growing emergency himself.
His heart pounding, he reached for the hotline to call his supervisor.
The black BearCat G3 bore north on the unmarked strip of macadam that linked Satu Mare City to the tiny farming village of Rosalvea in the Carpathian foothills. Its windshield wipers beating off fat, wet flutters of snow, the vehicle moved smoothly and quietly for a big four-tonner armored with hardened ballistic steel panels.
At the wheel was Scott Dixon of the CIA’s elite manhunting Fox Team, recently placed under operational detachment to Net Force. Kali Alcazar sat beside him. In her late twenties, she had short silver-white hair and wore a black stealthsuit and lightweight plate vest. They were standard organizational issue. A Victorian English adventurer’s belt and a vintage film-canister pendant hanging from her neck were personal additions.
“How we doing timewise?” Dixon asked.
Kali looked at her dash screen. On it was the same controller’s interface Nicu Borgos was struggling with at the power distribution center. A moment ago she had seen the circuits trip in rapid succession.
“Pickles,” she said. Using the unfortunate name given to the vehicle’s AI by its architect, Sergeant Julio Fernandez.
“Yes, K?”
“Outlier,” she corrected. Using the dark web handle she had long ago created for herself.
“Yes, K.”
“Bring up the Satu Mare power grid.”
“Yes, K.”
She clicked her tongue. Fernandez had infused the AI with one too many of his stubbornly aggravating personality traits. But the upside was that, like Julio, it was also smart, nuanced, and intuitive. She could live with it.
In front of her now, the panel on-screen was replaced by a sector-by-sector map of the region, its cities and towns numbered according to the substations that supplied their electricity. The five already off-line were black, the rest red.
She watched as a sixth went dark.
“Over half the stations are down,” she said. “Total blackout in about five minutes.”
“Bitter cold out, a quarter million people without light or heat,” Dixon said. “Women, children, seniors. All for the sake of bagging one guy.”
She glanced over at him. “The hackers—the technologie vampiri—are the local economy. The government protects them. The polizei, the citizens, everyone.”
He shrugged with his hands on the wheel. She was right. Suspicions definitely would have been raised at the syndicate’s current headquarters— the Wolf’s Lair—if they only cut power to its surrounding village.
“I get it,” he said. “Still tough.”
“Tougher than it was on New York?”
Dixon didn’t answer. Four months ago the vampiri had launched a cyberattack that left the East Coast a shambles, killed hundreds, and almost took out the President. Now his team’s pursuit of the Wolf had led them out here to the Romanian boonies, making them key players in the first fully integrated operation conducted by the various elements of America’s new Department of Internet Security and Law Enforcement. Net Force, in bureaucratic government shorthand.
He really did get it.
The BearCat rolled between the gigantic evergreens standing sentinel on either side of the road. In the rear compartment, Gregg Long, Fox Team, sat with a small detachment on loan from Task Force Quickdraw—six men in tactical gear with Mark 18 CQBR carbines strapped over their shoulders and short-barreled Mossberg 590 combat shotguns racked to the sides of the passenger compartment.
“Distance to the target?” Dixon asked after a few minutes.
This time Kali skipped the AI, tapping her computer keyboard for the GPS sat map. “Thirty-two miles.”
Dixon nodded and checked the speedometer. He was doing about fifty. So a little over half an hour.
Taking his hand off the wheel, he adjusted his earpiece and hailed Carmody on the ground-to-air.
Excerpted from Net Force: Attack Protocol created by Tom Clancy & Steve Piecznik, written by Jerome Preisler. Copyright © 2020 by Netco Partners Published by Hanover Square Press

Author Bio
Jerome Preisler is the prolific author of almost forty books of fiction and narrative nonfiction, including all eight novels in the New York Times bestselling TOM CLANCY’S POWER PLAYS series. His latest book is DARK WEB, the first novel in a relaunch of the New York Times bestselling NET FORCE series co-created Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik. Forthcoming in November 2020 is his next NET FORCE novel, ATTACK PROTOCOL. Jerome lives in New York City and coastal Maine.
Social Media Links
Twitter: @JeromeAuthor
Facebook: @JeromePreislerBooks
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