Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Meant To Be Yours by Susan Mallery

Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to share this Feature Post and Book Review on the Blog Tour for Susan Mallery’s new contemporary romance MEANT TO BE YOURS (Happily Inc Book 5). This is another heartfelt addition to the Happily Inc series. It can easily be read as a standalone.

Below you will find a Q&A with Susan Mallery, an excerpt, my book review, the author’s bio and social media links. I hope you enjoy your time in Happily Inc as much as I did!


Q&A with Susan Mallery:

What was your favorite part about writing Meant to be Yours

Ohhh, that’s a hard question! I love everything about writing romance. The first kiss is still magical to me. The passion, the emotional intensity. It’s a moment that changes the course of a person’s life. When you fall in love, your life is bisected into before and after. Love is transformative, and the greatest pleasure of my life is to write about it.

Jasper and Renee in particular were a lot of fun to write because Renee is just such a mama bear when it comes to protecting her brides. She’s a wedding planner at Weddings Out of the Box, a theme wedding venue in the town of Happily Inc. Jasper is a bestselling thriller writer who wants to set his next book at a wedding. Renee’s response made me laugh so loud that I’m pretty sure I scared my pets.

Jasper continued. “I thought I could follow you around for a few weeks, learn about the business and—”

“No,” she said firmly, as all thoughts of them having another close encounter faded from her mind. “You’re not getting your serial killer cooties on my weddings. I’m a big believer in keeping the energy positive and flowing forward. Do you know what a serial killer would do at a wedding?”

He stared at her, his gaze intense. “That’s what I was thinking. I want the serial killer to be a wedding crasher.”

“No,” she said firmly. “Just no.”

When Jasper goes behind her back to get intimately involved with one of her weddings, Renee vows to keep him from bringing darkness to her bride’s special day.

I also adored the animals in this book. In the beginning, Jasper doesn’t trust himself to let a woman into his heart. His simple but profound act of kindness to a dog who needs a home leads to him finally being ready to fall in love. The dog, Koda, is based on a reader’s real-life dog. I gave Koda the same adorable quirks and characteristics that make him special—and I gave Renee the reader’s last name in her honor.

Did you find out any funny or interesting facts about wedding planning when writing this book?

I have learned that brides and wedding planners are some of the most creative people in the universe. I can’t tell you how much time I spent on Pinterest, looking at pictures from theme weddings. There are some really beautiful themes, and some that are charming and humorous. Every theme uniquely reflects the bride and the groom in the most beautiful way. In Meant to Be Yours, Renee designs several lovely theme weddings with beautiful touches I think readers will enjoy. Here’s a snippet from one:

Jim and Monica Martinez were a sweet couple with a fun firefighter theme for their big day. There was a long tradition of firefighters on both sides of the family and plenty of cute touches in the wedding and reception.

Monica’s dress laced up the back and instead of white ribbon to cinch her gown, she’d used bright red. The centerpieces were ceramic boot vases painted to look like firefighter boots, filled with red, orange and yellow flowers. There was even a walk-through fountain at one end of the reception area, created with fire hoses, a pump and a lot of engineering.

Pay attention to that last sentence because I also discovered that a lot can go wrong when you invite a few hundred people to a party. Imagine a room filled with people who aren’t used to dressing up, plus a fountain made with fire hoses, and a wedding planner who will do anything to protect her bride.

Did Renee or Jasper surprise you while you drafted this novel? 

They did! When I started this book, I thought Jasper was the more wounded of the two. But as I wrote, I discovered that Renee’s scars went deeper than I thought. She’s been keeping a secret from her friends in Happily Inc, a secret about her mother that has cost her jobs, friendships and romantic relationships. Just when she starts to feel safe and accepted in her new home, her mother comes for a visit. . .

Can you share about what you’re working on right now? 

I’m working on revisions on the next Happily Inc book, a Christmas book that will be out next year. No title yet. It has all of the humor and heartfelt emotion readers love in my books—plus Christmas! I invited members of the Susan Mallery All Access group on Facebook ( to suggest random items for me to incorporate into the story. When the book comes out next year, I’ll share a scavenger hunt list with my readers so they can find the objects as they read. It’s just a fun way for me to stay connected to my readers as I write. 

Who is an author you draw inspiration from?

Years ago, the fabulous Debbie Macomber suggested to me that I stop writing series about families, and start writing series about people who live in the same town. That advice was the inspiration for my Fool’s Gold series, which led to my Happily Inc series, as well. I’ll always be grateful to Debbie for that.

Who is a book character you’d be best friends with?

Each of my heroines is someone I’d be friends with—after all, I spend months with them, so I want them to be people I enjoy hanging out with. As for best friends, I’ll go with Ellen Fox, heroine of The Friendship List, which will come out next year. Ellen had me laughing all the way through the book. She’s blunt and smart and would drop everything to help someone she loves.

She’s a single mom who got pregnant in high school. She had sex one time, got pregnant, and then… nothing. She’s basically a virgin with a kid. But when she discovers what she’s been missing, she has no inhibitions. Her lack of filter was a source of constant amusement for me. Every day, I was excited to get back to work so I could spend time with her again. Such a fun book to write!

What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading Meant to Be Yours?

I hope Meant to Be Yours will be a happy escape for them, an entertaining break from the stresses of their daily lives. This is a book for readers who like to feel the sharp pings of emotion—and the release of laughter with a guaranteed happy ending.

What inspired you to write Meant to Be Yours?

I loved the humor inherent in the idea of a thriller writer wanting to research weddings, and a wedding planner who wants to keep his darkness away from her bride’s special day. Jasper is the kind of writer who does his research in tangible ways. Before he writes a fight scene, he blocks it out with his buddies—weapons and all. He wants to get the details right.

So when he decides to set his next book against the backdrop of a wedding, he’s determined to get those details right, too. And the only way to do that is to be involved with a wedding from start to finish. But Renee is determined to keep any hint of darkness away from her bride’s special day. It’s not an intellectual exercise to her—it’s someone’s wedding day, and that means something.

It’s just a humorous conflict that I thought would be a ton of fun to write. And it was!

Oh, and by the way, Jasper also decides that his detective character needs a love interest…so he needs someone to block out the kissing scenes with him, too. (Full confession: I do occasionally ask my husband for help with my research. 😉 )

What social media site has been the most helpful in developing your readership?

I’m active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter—but mostly on Facebook. I share book news on my main page, In the Susan Mallery All Access group,, I share personal anecdotes and pictures, hold contests and play games. It’s a lot of fun, and everyone is welcome to join! (Unless you’re some weird spammer guy who wants me to marry you. Ew.)



“It might just be okay,” wedding coordinator Renee Grothen murmured softly to herself as she surveyed the wedding reception. She wouldn’t risk admitting everything had turned out as planned until the last guest had left, but four and a half hours in, things were going really well.

Jim and Monica Martinez were a sweet couple with a fun firefighter theme for their big day. There was a long tradition of firefighters on both sides of the family and plenty of cute touches in the wedding and reception.

Monica’s dress laced up the back and instead of white ribbon to cinch her gown, she’d used bright red. The centerpieces were ceramic boot vases painted to look like firefighter boots, filled with red, orange and yellow flowers. There was even a walk-through fountain at one end of the reception area, created with fire hoses, a pump and a lot of engineering.

Renee walked around the perimeter of the indoor reception space, looking for problems. So far, so good, she thought with cautious optimism. The cake had been cut, the bar service was about to end and the tone of the party had faded from raucous to comfortably tired—exactly as it should. With a little luck, things would wrap up on time and without a crisis. This was Monica and Jim’s day—Renee wanted it to be as perfect as possible. While she always took care of her clients, she tended to unleash her mother bear instincts for her special couples and Monica and Jim certainly qualified.

She spotted Pallas Mitchell, her boss, walking toward her. It was nearly ten on a Saturday night and Pallas, a pretty brunette only recently returned from maternity leave, yawned widely. When she spotted Renee she held up her hands, palms up.

“What can I say? I’ve been home with an infant. These wild late-night hours are going to take some getting used to.”

“No one’s judging,” Renee told her. “As I said at seven, at eight and again at nine, go home. I can handle this. You’re barely back and you need to give yourself time to adjust to the schedule.”

“You’ve been running things for nearly six months. You need a break.”

In truth, Renee was a little ragged around the edges, but she’d loved handling Weddings Out of the Box while Pallas had been gone. She’d enjoyed the challenges each unique wedding presented and watching all the details fall into place on the big day.

“I had lots of help,” Renee pointed out. “Hiring college students on summer break was a good idea.” And what they’d lacked in experience, they’d made up for in energy and enthusiasm.

“Now that I’m back, things can return to normal,” Pallas said, covering another yawn.

“Go home,” Renee urged. “Please. I can handle things here. I promise.”

“Okay. I will. Thanks. Don’t you dare come in tomorrow.” Pallas’s voice was firm. “For once, we don’t have a Sunday wedding. Enjoy the break.”

“I will.” Renee would probably pop in to do a little paperwork, but she wouldn’t stay long. “Are you coming to The Boardroom on Monday night?”

In a wedding destination town, the rhythms of the residents were determined by weekend weddings. Happily Inc’s workweek started on Wednesdays as the businesses geared up for the dozens of nuptials that occurred in multiple venues. Which meant the town’s Friday night was actually on Monday.

The Boardroom, a local bar, hosted game nights on Mondays. Board games ruled and tournaments were heated and fun as friends crushed each other at everything from Candy Land to Risk.

Pallas shook her head. “I’ll admit to being a bit of a worrier. When we went a couple of weeks ago, I couldn’t stop thinking about Ryan. He’s only five months old. It’s too soon to leave him at night.”

Renee held in a smile. “Sure. I get that.”

“I know you don’t, but thank you for pretending. Have fun for me, too. Oh, Jasper’s back, so tell him hi, if you think of it.”

Jasper was back? Renee hadn’t heard. She liked knowing he’d returned from his big book tour. Not for any reason in particular, she amended hastily. Sure, he was nice, but there were a lot of nice guys in the world. There was just something about Jasper. Maybe it was because in addition to being good-looking and just a little dangerous, he wasn’t a forever kind of guy.

“I saw that!” Pallas grinned. “I totally saw that. You did the predatory smile thing I was never good at. You want to use him for sex! Did I know this?” She stomped her foot. “Did this happen while I was on maternity leave? What else went on while I was off having a baby?”

Renee laughed. “You’re reading way too much into my smile. I’m happy he’s home from his book tour. That’s all.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Jasper and I are not involved. I doubt we’ve had more than a three-sentence conversation.”

Not that it took many sentences to ask Your place or mine? And while the description of predatory was nice, it gave her too much credit. Would she stalk him and pounce? Not even on her best day. Would she say yes if the man asked? She smiled again. Oh, yeah, she would. Definitely. Okay, probably. If she was feeling brave. Because while she worked her butt off to give her couples their perfect happily-ever-after day, she knew it was never going to happen for her. Those who could—did. Those who couldn’t became wedding planners.

Avoiding relationships might be the smart choice, but it was also a lonely one. She knew Jasper was into the long-term, monogamous, not-serious kind of thing and she was pretty sure she could handle that. Assuming she was his type and he was interested. They could have some laughs, lots of sex and walk away completely unscathed in the heart department. Where was the bad?

“There’s something going on and you can’t convince me otherwise,” Pallas said. “You have depths. I’m very impressed. Okay, use Jasper and then tell me the details because hey, he’s got to be great.” She yawned again. “I’m such a lightweight. I’m leaving now.”

“Good night. Hug Ryan for me.”

“You know I will.”

Pallas walked out of the reception hall. Renee continued to circle the space, looking for any forgotten handbags or phones, and noting how long it would take the cleaning service to return the huge room to order. Doing her job and not thinking about the fact that Jasper was back—that was her.

A loud whoop got her attention. She turned and saw three teenaged guys running through the fountain at the far end of the big, open room. Each of them jumped, trying to touch the arc of water dancing overhead.

The younger brother, she thought as she made her way toward them. And his friends. No doubt they were bored after so many hours with not very much to do. Regardless, she was not going to have them disrupt the reception when it was so close to being over.

As she approached the running, jumping teens, she saw both sets of parents, along with the bride and groom, still dancing. They swayed in time with the music, oblivious to the fountain and the idiots messing with it. Then several things happened at once.

The younger brother started an extra long run toward the fountain. Jim let go of Monica and spun her out the length of their arms. Monica bumped her mom, who stumbled a little. Dad grabbed Mom, moving all of them closer to the fountain and the younger brother running, who had to swerve suddenly to avoid them. As he swerved, he lost his balance and slipped, tumbling into the fountain mechanism. One of the hoses broke free, wiggling and spraying water everywhere.

Renee saw it all happening and knew there was no way she was going to allow her beautiful bride to get soaked. She lunged for the hose, caught it and held it tightly against her chest as the bride’s father rushed to turn off the water to the hose. It took only seconds, but by then the entire fountain had spilled over and Renee was drenched, shivering and had water up her nose even as she wondered if she looked half as ridiculous as she felt.

The new Mrs. Martinez hurried over. “Renee, are you all right?” She turned on her brother. “How could you? This is a wedding, not a water park.”

Aware that end-of-wedding exhaustion could easily lead to emotions spiraling out of control, Renee quickly faked a smile.

“Monica, it’s fine. Don’t worry. Keeping you and the rest of the wedding party dry was my only concern.” She glanced at the water draining onto the floor and realized part of the fountain was still pumping out water. That couldn’t be good. If she couldn’t get everything turned off, she was going to have to call in one of those companies that took care of disasters like flooding. “Really. It’s no problem.”

“You’re dripping and the water’s rising. My dad went to find the main shutoff.”

Renee wrung out her hair and hoped her makeup wasn’t too badly smudged. Then she realized the water level in the reception hall was indeed climbing and hoped Monica’s father found the shutoff soon.

She was just about to go help him when he returned.

“All turned off.” He glanced at the mini flood. “Sorry about this.”

“It’s fine,” Renee lied, her tone soothing, because that was part of her job. To pretend all was well even when they needed to be figuring out how to build an ark.

The rest of the guests were heading out. Nothing like the threat of an unexpected flood to get people moving, she thought, trying to find the humor in the situation.

“I’m so sorry,” Monica told her as she held her dress out of the water and slipped out of her shoes.

“Don’t be. You had a wonderful wedding and reception. Why don’t you and Jim start gathering your things? I have a spare set of clothes in my office. I’ll get changed, then help you make sure you have everything.”

As she spoke, she noticed the water seemed to have settled at about the six- or seven-inch level. Yup, she was going to have to call someone. No doubt she would be here all night. Oh, joy.

“I’m really sorry,” Jim said. “We thought we’d planned for every contingency.” He glared at his new brother-in-law. “Except for stupid.” He turned back to her. “Let us know the cost of cleanup. We’ll pay for it.”

“Thank you. I think the deposit should take care of it but I’ll let you know if there’s a problem. Now if you’ll let me go get changed, I’ll be back with you in ten minutes.”

Monica nodded.

Renee slipped out of her shoes and walked through the ankle-deep water. When she reached her office upstairs, she carefully closed the door behind her before undressing, then slipped on jeans and a T-shirt. Not exactly professional, but she wasn’t going to worry about that right now. Before she returned to her bride and groom, she looked up the local disaster cleaning service. The number was in her files, but wasn’t one she had had to use before.

They picked up on the first ring.

“Happily Inc CleanUp. This is Hilde. How can I help you?”

“Hi. I’m Renee Grothen at Weddings Out of the Box. We had a firefighter wedding tonight with a big fountain. There was an accident with one of the hoses and now our main reception hall is flooded.”

There was a pause. “Um, did you say firefighter wedding? Never mind. How much water?”

“About six inches.”

“That’s a lot.”

“It was a big fountain.”

“Give us thirty minutes and we’ll be there.”

“Thank you.”

Renee hung up, gave herself a second to catch her breath, then headed back to deal with the bride, the groom, the flood and anything else that might happen tonight. Because with a wedding, it was always something.


My Book Review:

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

MEANT TO BE YOURS (Happily Inc Book 5) by Susan Mallery is a contemporary romance set in the wedding destination town of Happily Inc. Even though this is the fifth book in the series, it can easily be read as a standalone romance with a complete HEA.

Renee Grothen is a wedding coordinator at Weddings Out of the Box. She works hard at making sure everything is as perfect as possible for such a memorable day for every couple. As happy as she is for each of the couples, she believes that marriage is never to be in her future.

Jasper Dembenski is a successful suspense novelist who has managed to make a comfortable life for himself in Happily Inc. Jasper had severe PTSD when he left the Army and still feels he is broken and unable to have any type of permanent relationship.

When the two are seated together on game night at The Boardroom, there is an attraction that surprises them both. Neither is looking for permanent, but can they have a no strings fling?

Renee soon becomes the inspiration for the female character that Jasper needs to add as a love interest in his book. As he writes and learns about his female character, he learns about relationships and his own life. Maybe he is not as broken as he believes. Renee may seem to have it all together, but she has a lot of secrets in her past that have shaped how she relates to her present. Is she willing to take a leap of faith and put her heart on the line one more time?

I read this book in one day. I was so engrossed in finding out how Ms. Mallery was going to take two people who believed they would never have a HEA for themselves and give them their HEA together. This romance has more H/h character development than most intertwined with realistic dialogue and sex scenes while also keeping you entertained with secondary characters and the weddings happening at Weddings Out of the Box. I felt empathy with Jasper right away, but it took finding out the secrets in Renee’s past for me to understand her and how she was emotionally damaged. Renee’s mom, Verity was a wonderful secondary character and I enjoyed how she interacted with all the people, pets and animals in Happily Inc.

I always know I will be engaged and entertained when I read a Susan Mallery romance. This is another heartfelt addition to the Happily Inc series.


Author Bio:

SUSAN MALLERY is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of novels about the relationships that define women’s lives—family, friendship, romance. Library Journal says, “Mallery is the master of blending emotionally believable characters in realistic situations,” and readers seem to agree—40 million copies of her books have sold worldwide. Her warm, humorous stories make the world a happier place to live.

Susan grew up in California and now lives in Seattle with her husband. She’s passionate about animal welfare, especially that of the two ragdoll cats and adorable poodle who think of her as mom.

Social Links:

Author Website

Twitter: @susanmallery

Facebook: @SusanMallery

Instagram: @susanmallery


Buy Links: 




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Book Review: Crossroads Corner by Brenda Margriet

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

CROSSROADS CORNER (Bendixon Sisters Book 3) by Brenda Margriet is the third book of the contemporary romance trilogy featuring the Bendixon sisters of Prince George and the men with whom they find their HEAs. I read the first two books in the series and was anxiously waiting for Camryn’s story. I was not disappointed. This romance can be read as a standalone, but the plotline overall arc of saving Bendixon and Sons starts in book one and is resolved in this third book.

Camryn Bendixon returns home to Prince George with no job, no self-esteem and under police suspicion. Her embezzling ex-boyfriend besides being the reason she had to leave her job, has run up all their credit cards, not paid rent on their expensive condo and refuses to clear her with the police of any knowledge of his crimes.

Camryn is determined to succeed at bring Bendixon and Sons back from the brink of closing. She wants to prove to her family she can help save the company, while getting back her own financial stability and self-esteem in the process.

Will Danson manages the Prince George division of the Kohlenburg Group. They are Bendixon and Sons major competitor and because of their size, they are able to win the majority of new construction jobs. Over the last year, since their move from Vancouver, Will and his young daughter have settled into Prince George and enjoy the city.

Camryn and Will meet as they are competing for a new, lucrative contract. Will is instantly attracted to the beautiful and smart Camryn Bendixon, but Camryn is not letting another good-looking man take advantage of her, no matter how nice he may seem. Can Camryn and Will keep their personal lives and hearts separate from their competitive business lives?

Camryn and Will are wonderful together, but it was definitely a bumpy road getting there. I loved how Ms. Margriet continually had the characters at a breaking point both personally and/or professionally and yet was able to find a compromise that was beneficial to both in the end. Will’s daughter was written realistically with empathy, not sympathy. Also, the ex-partner, Will’s daughter’s mother added a messy realism to the story which many deal with themselves in today’s society. The dialogue was realistic, the plot flowed smoothly right up to the climax and I finished the entire book in one sitting. As in the other books in this series, the sex scenes are explicit and steamy. I also enjoyed catching up with the other sisters, family and friends from the first two books.

I highly recommend this romance!

I can also recommend the whole trilogy for three entertaining and heartfelt contemporary romance reads.

Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Deadly Silence by OMJ Ryan

Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to share my Feature Post and Book Review on my turn for the Blog Tour for OMJ Ryan’s soon to be released new book DEADLY SILENCE (Detective Jane Phillips Book 1). I am racking up quite the number of amazing British police procedural thrillers and female DCI’s I follow and now I have another.

DCI Jane Phillips was first introduced in Deadly Secrets. She is now DI Jane Phillips and a lot has happened in the six months since the climax of Deadly Secrets, but you can read this book as a standalone and not be confused. Jane is now the main character in this new series.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review and the author’s bio. Enjoy!







Book Blurb:

Some sins can never be forgiven.

DI Jane Phillips was a star detective driven by a relentless quest for justice. But then she stepped outside the law. 

Now, demoted and suffering with PTSD, she finds herself facing the deadliest threat of her career — a serial killer who is preying on vulnerable women, murdering them in a shocking and bizarre ritual. 

A master of deception, he selects his victims at random. Or so it seems. But as Phillips investigates, she begins to see a method in the killer’s madness. Perhaps these victims aren’t random at all…  

As the pressure mounts, can Phillips find the link between these ritual murders before the killer strikes again — or will her dogged determination to solve the case bring his deadly silence to her door?


My Book Review:

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

DEADLY SILENCE: A gripping serial killer thriller (Detective Jane Phillips Book 1) by OMJ Ryan is the start of a new DCI/DI British police procedural thriller series now featuring DI Jane Phillips and the other detectives from the author’s first book, Deadly Secrets. This book can be easily read as a standalone without any confusion.

The consequences from previous decisions in the pursuit of justice have left DCI Jane Phillips just recuperated from a gunshot wound which almost took her life, demoted to DI, coping with PTSD and dealing with a DCI from her past in charge of her and her team.

A serial killer is preying on women in the quiet town of Cheadle. As Jane and her team investigate the similar gruesome ritual murders, they discover the women are not random, but connected through their Catholic Church.

As the pressure from their new DCI and superiors mount, Jane’s relentless pursuit of justice just may bring the killer to her own door.

I will be adding another engaging, intelligent, strong female British detective to follow on my reading list. I was very happy to see that Jane was given the main character role in this new series. I love her sense of right and wrong and her determination to discover the truth and not just solve a case. I will be looking forward to Mr. Ryan adding more backstory to Jane’s character in future books as well as the rest of her team. DCI Brown is the boss you “love to hate” and I enjoyed finding out why Jane and he are at such odds. The killer was sadistic in his method of murder, but you also felt a small amount of sympathy for him when his motive is revealed. I was not surprised by the killer or his motive for the murders, but the plot and characters are so engaging it did not matter.

This is a fast paced read with the perfect balance of thrills and chills vs. smart detective work. I highly recommend Deadly Silence and I am looking forward to many more books featuring DI Jane Phillips!


Author Bio:

For the last twenty years I’ve worked in radio and entertainment across the UK and Australia, collaborating with household names, celebrities and music icons, accumulating a host of international writing and radio awards.

And in 2018 I followed my lifelong passion to become a full-time novelist, writing stories for people who devour exciting, fast-paced thrillers by the pool, on their commute – or those rare moments of downtime before bed. My mission is to entertain from the first page to the last.

Hailing from Yorkshire, I’ve lived and worked across the UK in Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, Glasgow, Sydney and Melbourne before settling in the north east of England with my wife and young son.


Book Review: The Inheritance by Amy Briggs

RATING: 3 out of 5 Stars

THE INHERITANCE (A Port Henry Novel) by Amy Briggs is a contemporary women’s fiction with a mystery subplot. I do not agree with the romantic comedy description.

Riley Maxwell is a reasonably successful freelance writer and copywriter who does it all from her small New York City apartment. Riley prefers work over people. Her world is her writing and she only ventures out into the neighborhood for food.

She is offered the amazing opportunity to write the biography of the wealthy Jamison Prescott from Port Henry, who requires all of Riley’s time and he pays for the privilege. When she is notified that Jamison has died, she is devastated. They respected each other and were friends. What comes as the ultimate surprise is that Jamison has left everything to Riley in his will. He not only leaves Riley all of his wealth, but also his beach house in ritzy Port Henry and his young Great Dane, Scrappy.

Donovan Hunter has succeeded in moving up the social ladder in Port Henry. He has gone from being the son of the help to the successful veterinarian to the rich and famous in Port Henry. Good looking and single, he especially enjoys the summer crowd and the influx of females looking for a summer fling and nothing more.

When Scrappy gets sick, Riley takes him to Donovan. She is not interested in anyone or anything in Port Henry and cannot wait to leave it behind and return to her apartment in the city, but Donovan suddenly finds he is only interested in the new sassy heir.

Donovan wants Riley to stay and give their relationship a chance at least for the summer. Riley does not know what she wants to do about her all new found inheritance, but there is definitely a mystery involved in why Jamison left everything to her.

This is an O.K. romance read, but I really did not connect with Riley or Donovan. All the elements were there, but I felt like I was just reading about two characters, I did not really fall into the story. The author also left the main characters as boyfriend/girlfriend, not a HEA ending. I did love Scrappy though and he added some funny moments. As I was progressing through the story, I kept waiting to find out about Jamison and his connection to Riley, but you only get a partial answer at the end and then a cliff-hanger on the mystery. I was disappointed because the description had me believing this was a standalone, but it is not. Not what I was hoping for, but others might find it cute and want to continue on for the resolution of the mystery.

Release Blitz/Feature Post: The Inheritance by Amy Briggs

Title: The Inheritance (A Port Henry Novel, Book 1)

Author: Amy Briggs

Genre: Romantic Comedy/ Cozy Mystery

Release Date: October 15, 2019

Cover Designer: Kristen Hope Mazzola

Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.Release Date


Hi, everyone!

I am happy to be a part of this Release Blitz for Amy Briggs’ new book The Inheritance (A Port Henry Novel).

Below you will find a book description, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. I loved Scrappy, the Great Dane. As always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!


Book Description:

Riley Maxwell spends her days working from her New York City apartment, designing websites and copywriting for clients around the world. Most of her exposure to people outside of her home base is her visits to the local Chinese takeout place down the street. Satisfied with her life of solitude, Riley’s summer gets turned upside-down when a wealthy client passes away, leaving her a beach house in Port Henry, New York, one of the wealthiest shore towns on the East Coast.

When the Great Dane, Scrappy, who—surprise!—she also inherited, gets sick, she takes him to the nearest veterinarian, where she meets Donovan Hunter. A ridiculously good-looking playboy, Donovan immediately gets under Riley’s skin, and she can’t wait to be rid of the house, the dog, and Port Henry. Dr. Hunter, on the other hand, can’t get enough of Riley’s sass and how different she is from the usual summer crowd.

As the summer passes and Dr. Hunter runs out of made-up reasons to get Riley and Scrappy back into the office, he cooks up a new strategy to catch her attention, setting a plan in motion to get the girl, and the dog.

Goodreads book link:


(My book review will be posted separately.)


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About Amy:

Formerly a firefighter and EMT, Amy Briggs grew up next to a military base, which inspires many of her stories. Her love of fairy tales contrasted with suspense carries through each of her novels and she hopes to inspire readers to fall in love with love. Amy lives in Texas with her family where she spends her time at her family’s MMA gym and has more cats than she can handle.

Amy loves to hear from readers and can be found on all the social media here:, Instagram @amybriggs23 & on Twitter at @amybriggs23. You can also email her at

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Feature Post and Book Review: Enamored by J.S. Scott

Hi, everyone!

I am pleased to share this Feature Post and Book Review for J.S. Scott’s ENAMORED (The Accidental Billionaires Book 3). I loved the hero in this romance! This book is part of a series, but easily read as a standalone.

Below you will find an excerpt from the title, my book review, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card and a digital copy of the book. Enjoy and as always, good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!



“You said you’d trade for my services,” I prompted. “But I don’t have much to offer to a man like you.” 

He studied me for a moment, which made me uncomfortable. 

I didn’t want anyone to know me better. 

A man like Seth would never understand me. 

“You have a hell of a lot to offer any guy,” he considered. 

“Not exactly true,” I disagreed. “I was engaged once, but I was never enough for Nolan Easton,” I muttered, instantly wishing the name hadn’t left my mouth. 

For some odd reason, Seth was easy to talk to, but I needed to guard my words better. 

He whistled softly. “Nolan Easton? Head of Easton Investment Firms? The very wealthy Nolan Easton?” 

“Yes,” I said tightly. 

“Even so, I can’t believe he dumped you,” Seth answered. 

“He didn’t,” I admitted. “I finally broke it off. He didn’t know how to keep it in his pants, and I didn’t want to spend my entire life being who he wanted me to be.” I coughed nervously. “Now can we get back to the business at hand?” 

“Not yet,” he insisted. “I’m still trying to get why any guy would want to change a single thing about you. Not that I exactly love your line of work right now, but you’re passionate about it. You’re beautiful. You’re smart. You seem to know exactly what you want. Considering our circumstances, I can’t say I’ve seen your sense of humor, but I’m assuming you have one of those, too. What the hell else did he want?” 

I ignored his question. “I have three older brothers,” I shared. “I have to have a sense of humor or they’d drive me crazy.” 

He rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. “You didn’t answer my question, Riley. What else did he want?” His voice was low and persuasive. 

“It’s not important. My engagement has been over for a while, and I’m happy. I finally found my own home here in Citrus Beach, and I’m pretty content with being alone. It’s a lot nicer here than San Diego. Quieter.” 

It was a hell of a lot better than being with a man who made me feel like I was less than nothing. 

“When exactly did you move here? And where are you living now?” 

“Almost two years ago,” I ground out, growing impatient to get back to business. It wasn’t wise to dump a lot about my personal life to a defendant—no matter how good a listener he might be. “I had a condo, but I recently purchased your sister’s cottage. I’ve settled there now. She and Eli have the bigger home next door, so I already knew I’d have good neighbors.” 

“I’m right down the beach from there,” Seth said, sounding surprised. “I’ve never seen you.” 

“Like I said. It’s recent. I just moved in.” 

I was squirming in my chair. I didn’t care for the feeling of being interrogated. I was usually the one asking the questions. 

He shot me a playful grin that made my heart trip. “Welcome to the neighborhood,” he said jokingly. 

“Thanks,” I said uncomfortably. “Now tell me what you want from me to leave that piece of property alone.” 

He took his time answering, and the silence seemed to stretch out forever. 

I gulped down the last of my tea while I waited for him to answer. 

Was he playing with me? 

Or did he actually have some kind of proposition? 

Probably the former—since I really didn’t have much to offer him in the way of services. I could guarantee that Eli Stone had set Seth up with his gaggle of business attorneys. Why in the hell would he need an environmental attorney? 

“If you’re playing with me, this encounter ends right now,” I said tersely. 

“I’m not,” he said emphatically. “I’m just wondering how to explain what I want.” 

“If it’s acceptable, I’ll write up the contract today,” I offered. 

“It’s not exactly the contract I’m thinking about,” he said thoughtfully. 

God, I was jittery, and I wasn’t used to feeling that way. I was pretty certain that it wasn’t the extra-large chai I’d just consumed, either. 

It was him

Maybe it was the way he studied me. 

Or the way his steely gray eyes never left my face. 

I couldn’t read him, and that completely pissed me off. As an attorney, I’d gotten very good at judging exactly where a defendant’s mind might be, and what their motives were. 

“Just name your terms,” I said irritably. “I’ll work out the details.” 

I forced myself to meet his eyes in what I thought would be a battle of wills, and then was sorry that I had even glanced his direction. 

My breath hitched as I fell into a stormy gaze that wouldn’t let me go. 

I was stunned at the possessive way he eyed me. 

I was confused about the emotions I saw there. 

And I was mesmerized by the carnal desire that flared up in his steely irises like a bolt of lightning as he held me still with a single look, unable to rip myself away from his fixed stare that was holding me in place. 

I knew I was blushing like a damn teenage girl with her first major crush. My brain was begging my body not to react, but my stupid body wasn’t listening. 

His voice was hoarse and beguiling when he finally said, “I need a woman, Riley. And that woman has to be you.”


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

ENAMORED (The Accidental Billionaires Book 3) by J.S. Scott is the new contemporary romance in this series. It features an absolutely swoon worthy alpha male hero and a heroine who needs to learn she is worthy of unconditional love. The Accidental Billionaires series are all contemporary romances that follow a family of brothers and sisters who go from blue-collar to billionaire overnight. They have some family cross-over, but they can all be easily read as standalone HEA romances.

Seth Sinclair has taken his share of the family win-fall and invested in his own property and construction company. It has been quite a change to go from construction worker to head of his own company, but he has made it work and prosper. Just one problem, the beach front he wants to develop is a nesting site of an endangered bird and a beautiful and stubborn environmental attorney is fighting Seth every step of the way. Even as he considers giving in for his sister’s sake, he does not want to quit his sparring with Riley.

Riley Montgomery wants the beach front property for a wildlife sanctuary. She has been battling Seth for months and has suddenly received a proposition from Seth. If she will pretend to be his girlfriend and help him at society functions for two months, he will hand over the land. As apprehensive as she is, she wants that land and agrees with certain conditions and one of those is absolutely NO sex.

Seth is not happy with Riley’s conditions, but he is willing to play along for now. As the sexual tension builds, Seth wants nothing more than to prove to Riley he will always be there for her unconditionally. Riley has a secret from her past though that she feels makes her unworthy of Seth and his love.

This is such an emotionally charged romance. Seth is BBF swoon worthy. (I want one of those!) Riley is so strong to have survived her past, grown out of the need to be a part of her old social circle and be willing to allow Seth in and tell him the truth. Seth is absolutely perfect for Riley. The sex scenes are explicit, but not gratuitous. I felt they were well written and take into account Riley’s history. This is the type of billionaire romance I like. Rags to riches, but not letting the money change who and what you are. Family, true friends and love is still the core of the Sinclair family values.

Ms. Scott has written an entertaining, steamy and healing romance that I can highly recommend. I now need to catch up on the previous books as I wait for the next which I hope will be Noah’s story.

**Trigger Warning: The heroine has survived and discusses her childhood sexual abuse.


About the Book

Title: Enamored

Author: J.S. Scott

Release Date: October 15, 2019

Publisher: Montlake 


Like his brothers and sisters, Seth Sinclair went from blue-collar to billionaire overnight, and he’s decided to invest in what he knows best: construction. There’s only one thing in his way—the endangered birds nesting on a piece of prime beachfront real estate. And fighting for the birds is Riley Montgomery, a stubborn, pain-in-the-ass, drop-dead-gorgeous environmental lawyer. The worst part? Seth will do anything to keep her around—even if it means hiring her to be his fake girlfriend.

With a cause to fight for, Riley agrees to Seth’s scheme. If she keeps the superficial women away from Seth, then he’ll leave the wildlife sanctuary alone. But pretending to be his girlfriend comes with ground rules: No ass grabbing. And absolutely no sex. Ever. The problem? The sexual tension sizzles when they’re together.

Seth isn’t so keen on Riley’s rules, but he’ll keep his word, at least until she decides otherwise. But bringing Riley into his circle has brought her past back to haunt her in ways that neither of them expected. Now it’s less about broken rules and more about broken hearts, and Seth will do whatever it takes to protect the woman he loves.


Author Biography

J.S. “Jan” Scott is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of numerous contemporary and paranormal romances, including the Sinclairs and the Accidental Billionaires series. She’s an avid reader of all types of books and literature, but romance has always been her genre of choice—so she writes what she loves to read: stories that are almost always steamy, generally feature an alpha male, and have a happily ever after, because she just can’t seem to write them any other way! Jan loves to connect with readers. Visit her website at

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