Book Review: The Start of Something Good by Jennifer Probst

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

THE START OF SOMETHING GOOD (Stay Book 1) by Jennifer Probst is definitely a GOOD start to a new contemporary romance series. The H/h start as enemies, but Ms. Probst weaves a story that gradually brings out their backstories, insecurities and vulnerabilities and turns them into a sexy couple who find they fit and have to decide what they truly want to get to their HEA.

Ethan Bishop has returned to his family’s B&B and animal rescue farm in the Hudson Valley. His last mission with his Special Forces team left him seriously wounded physically and mentally. He wants to hide out at the farm, heal and try to find some peace.

Mia Thrush owns her own PR firm in Manhattan which is about to hit the big time. She is big city and designer clothes all the way. When her most prestigious client asks Mia to be a “guardian” to his daughter as she does community service at the farm over the summer, Mia cannot refuse.

Ethan hates high maintenance women. Mia hates everything country. City girl vs. country horse man. It is going to be a long, hot summer.

I absolutely loved this romance! Ethan is the wounded hero that you cheer for throughout to get a happy ending. At first, I did not like Mia at all, but Ms. Probst knows how to turn a character around with great writing. Their attraction and growing understanding of the other was well paced, realistic and heartwarming. There are several sex scenes that are explicit and I feel appropriate to the romance.  I loved everything about the B&B and animal rescue ranch. Hei Hei, the chicken was the funniest animal character I have read in a romance and that he fell for Mia was extremely entertaining.

I am looking forward to the continuation of this series. I am also looking forward to Ethan’s sisters’ stories and to continue to follow all the towns people introduced in this book. This story has everything I am looking for in a well written contemporary romance genre book.

Book Review: Indianapolis: The True Story… by Lynn Vincent and Sara Vladic

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

INDIANAPOLIS: The True Story of the Worst Sea Disaster in U.S. Naval History and the Fifty-Year-Fight to Exonerate an Innocent Man by Lynn Vincent and Sara Vladic is one of the most engrossing and riveting nonfiction books I have read. I enjoy reading nonfiction books set during WWII because I truly do believe they were written about an extraordinary generation. This book not only vividly describes the history of the Indianapolis’ war service, sinking and the five days of terror in the sea waiting for rescue, but continues with the survivors’ fight to clear their Captain’s record.

The Indianapolis was a historic ship that had seen major battles in the Pacific, survived to be repaired after a kamikaze attack, delivered the first atomic bomb to the Air Force to be dropped on Hiroshima and then was sunk by a Japanese submarine just after midnight on July 30, 1945. The night began with 1,195 men going about their duties or off-duty past-times. It is estimated that approximately 300 men went down with the ship with the remainder entering the sea. When the survivors were accidentally spotted from the air and rescued, only 316 men lived. The description of burns, dehydration, delirium, drowning and sharks had me in tears several times.

This was an extremely well documented and researched book. From the survivor’s firsthand accounts, naval documents, and previous historical books on this subject. The two authors interweave two timelines, one beginning in 1945 that takes you back to the ship and one that begins in the 1990’s that centers on the fight for justice for Captain McVay.  I could not put this book down and I could vividly mentally picture every paragraph past and present.

I HIGHLY recommend this book!

(After reading this book, I watched the documentary USS Indianapolis: The Legacy on Amazon Prime. It was made by the authors of this book and was told in the first person by the survivor’s. It brought faces to the names I read about in the book. Extremely emotional.)

Book Review: Seduced by a Scot by Julia London

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

SEDUCED BY A SCOT (The Highland Grooms #6) by Julie London is a historical romance set in 1758 Scotland. Even though this book is part of a series, it can be easily read as a standalone.

Nichol Bain is a “fixer” for the aristocracy. He prides himself on finding a solution for any problem or making it disappear for a price. When a prominent Scottish family is on the verge of having a lucrative business deal fall apart, which is also tied to the marriage of their children, Nichol is summoned to find a solution. To save the deal and the problem of the family’s ward, who has been accused of enticing the future groom, Nichol believes he can easily use the ward to solve another of his problems of a rich bachelor looking for a bride.

Maura Darby has been a ward for several years after the death of her father. As she has grown into her beauty, she has been increasingly detested by the mother and daughter of the house. She has done her best to fade into the background, but it is never enough. She desperately wants to be able to make her own choices for her future, but it is just not possible in her current situation. When Nichol arrives to escort her to her new situation, he is captivated by her spirit and beauty.

As their journey takes them closer to the solution Nichol has thought out, he finds he is not at all sure it is the right one for all involved. He is challenged by Maura at every turn to see her a person rather than a problem to be solved and to see things from a different point of view. When he discovers a secret from his past, it could be that he needs a problem solver himself. Could it be he needs Maura for himself?

I enjoyed Nichol and Maura’s story. They both had unique backstories which made the plot more entertaining. The story moves at a good pace with several plot twists that keep the couple reevaluating and adjusting to their situations. The sex scenes are well written and appropriate to the growth of the romance. The romance plot and the H/h make this story a little different than your normal historical romance read and I enjoyed it as I have enjoyed so many of Ms. London’s previous books.

Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.

Feature Post: Fall Into A Romantic Mystery

Hi, everyone! I have a fun Feature Post for you today.

Below you will find a guest crafted quiz to assist you in picking a great Fall romantic suspense read. After you have taken the quiz and picked your next read, you can enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance to win all three titles and a gift card.

Enjoy the quiz and good luck on the Rafflecopter giveaway!


Fall Into A Romantic Mystery

 With the temperature dropping and leaves turning colors, it’s time to get ready for the cool days of fall. And what better way to prepare for the long nights ahead than to download a great whodunit novel with a dash (or heaping helping) of romance. Below we have crafted a quiz to help you find your next great read, but be warned, the titles all have mysteries that need to be solved and villains that must be brought to justice. So grab a thick blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, and answer the following questions to discover which romantic mystery you will want to “fall” into next.


  1. Where is your perfect romantic mystery set?

a) In “small town USA”. The everyday setting makes the violent crimes all the more shocking.

b) The rolling hills of Texas where there are lots of places to hide.

c) In a historic mansion near the choppy waters of Virginia, giving the story a Gothic feel.


  1. I want to read about a heroine who is …

a) …one hundred percent devoted to her family yet balanced enough to find success in her chosen career.

b) … intelligent and diligent, with a pressing drive to help others.

c) … currently in mourning after losing a loved one, but strong enough to take on any challenge.


  1. Is your heroine in peril?

a) She may face down a bad guy (or two), but thankfully her significant other is always there to guard her with his life.

b) In my fictional world nobody is safe. NOBODY!

c) The heroine doesn’t face physical danger, but her emotions take a severe beating as she learns terrible secrets from the past.


  1. When your heroine needs backup, who is she going to call?

a) Her BF who just happens to be a private investigator that solves crimes for a living.

b) A steely-eyed Texas Ranger who is known for delivering justice.

c) The town leader who is a successful businessman and pillar of the community.


  1. My ideal hero is….

a) …totally and completely devoted to supporting his woman.

b) …dependable and incredibly strong, however, he has suffered a loss and every once in a while his vulnerability shows through.

c) …steadfast, principled, and dedicated to his community.


  1. When sitting down to read a mystery, the crimes should be… a) … studied in a clinical, professional manner.

b) … frequent and terrifying! I want something that keeps me up at night.

c) … in the past. I like trying to figure out who the bad guy is instead of focusing on violence.


  1. When the last page of the book is read, I want to feel…

 a) … that second chances are not only real, but they can be incredibly joyous.

b) … a sense of deep satisfaction that justice has been found and order restored.

c) … tremendous hope and optimism for the future.



If you choose mostly As … then get ready to follow dedicated defense attorney Morgan Dane as she takes on her next case in Melinda Leigh’s What I’ve Done.

Morgan has been hired to defend Haley Powell after the young woman wakes up in a pool of the victim’s blood. And while Haley has no memory of the night and no alibi, Morgan is sure that there is more to this crime than a simple case of murder. With the help of her private investigator boyfriend Lance Kruger, Morgan inches towards answers all the while dodging threats meant to keep her silent.

Purchase What I’ve Done by Melinda Leigh Here >>


If you choose mostly Bs … then the lightning fast twists and turns of Mary Burton’s romantic suspense novel Cut and Run is just right for you.

Medical examiner Faith McIntyre is used to investigating grizzly crime scenes, yet she is totally unprepared when faced with a barely-alive victim that looks EXACTLY like her. With no answers and nowhere else to turn, Faith teams up with her colleague-with-benefits Texas Ranger Mitchell Hayden. Together they discover decades old crime scenes, as well as new victims of a serial killer.

Preorder Cut and Run by Mary Burton Here >>


If you choose mostly Cs … then get ready to be transported to the windswept beaches where Mary Ellen Taylor sets her next release Winter Cottage.

When heroine Lucy Kincaid loses her mother, she receives an unexpected inheritance—a lonely old estate big enough to hold the secrets of Lucy’s family. Why did her mother never mention the mansion or the sea swept town of Cape Hudson? Who is Lucy’s father? And why is there a (literal) skeleton on Lucy’s property? With more questions than answers, Lucy turns to handsome local Hank Garrison only to find he has a motive for wanting the Winter Cottage all to himself…

Preorder Winter Cottage by Mary Ellen Taylor Here >>


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Book Review: Red War by Kyle Mills

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

RED WAR (Mitch Rapp #17) is the newest espionage thriller in the Mitch Rapp series started by author Vince Flynn and now carried forward by author Kyle Mills. This is Mr. Mills’ fourth installment in the series. Red War is another edge-of-you-seat thrill ride with a plausible world crisis and all of the geopolitical intrigue, blood, bombs and action I have come to expect in a Mitch Rapp book.

Maxim Krupin, the Russian president, has been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. It must be kept a secret as he receives treatment. He plans to eliminate any of his countrymen who could grab power from him if his condition is known and he plans a distraction with worldwide consequences to cover his absence. Two of the men he trusts to keep him in power are Andrei Sokolov a disgraced war criminal, who he places in charge of Russian armed forces and his young personal assassin, Nikita Pushkin, who he sends to eliminate his predecessor, Grisha Azarov.

No one in the U.S. government knows what to make of the new dangerous unpredictability of Krupin. CIA Director Irene Kennedy learns of Krupin’s illness and now understands the world is facing a man who has nothing to lose and psychopathic general, who believes Russia should rule the world.  Mitch and Grisha team up with Scott Coleman and his team to find Krupin and eliminate the threat of World War III and a nuclear holocaust.

I was so excited to be chosen as a Mitch Rapp Ambassador and receive the ARC of Red War from the publisher in advance of publication. I did not want it to end! Kyle Mills has done a great job of continuing the Mitch Rapp character and series. The action, world travel, political intrigue and plot twists just keep coming. I was also very happy to see the return of one of my series favorites in this book. This is a MUST READ thriller series for me. Each adventure can be read as a standalone, but the personal and professional relationships carry forward and add to the interesting backstory that makes the series narrative layered and keeps me coming back for more than just the individual current threat.

This is one of my favorite thriller series and I highly recommend it!

Book Review: Lone Star Christmas by Delores Fossen


RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

LONE STAR CHRISTMAS (A Coldwater Texas Novel #1) by Delores Fossen is a holiday contemporary romance that has the perfect blend of laughter, tears, family and romance. This is the start of a new series featuring the Laramie brothers and the small town of Coldwater, Texas.

Buck McCall has taken in difficult to place foster kids onto his ranch with the help of his housekeeper, Rosy for decades. They are going to finally marry and Buck wants nothing more than to have Callen return home for the wedding because he needs help because of secret he is keeping.

Callen Laramie left Coldwater at the age of eighteen and never looked back. Even though Buck gave him and his brothers a good home, he had too many bad memories he wanted to leave behind. He is now a rich cattleman in Dallas. He has no intention of going back to Coldwater, even for the wedding until Buck’s daughter, the one who was always off limits, shows up in his Dallas office personally asking him to come home because she is worried about Buck.

Shelby McCall has grown into a beautiful spitfire who trains and rehabs horses. She is excited for her father and Rosy’s wedding, but she also feels that her father is keeping a secret about his health. She wants Callen home, not only for her father, but for herself. She wants what she could not have when she was too young. Even if Callen will not stay, she plans on having, even if only for Christmas, the one who left her behind.

Callen and Shelby were wonderful main characters to start this series off. His dark and hurt to her light and love. Callen had so much to deal with, Buck’s secrets, reuniting with his brothers and dealing with the past. Shelby was always there and helping him even as it broke her own heart. The secondary characters in this book could have easily overshadowed the main romance, but Ms. Fossen did a great job of making them quirky and interesting without overshadowing Callen and Shelby’s story. This book has small town characters that made me laugh out loud and a swoon worthy HEA. There are well written sex scenes that have as much heart and laughter as heat. I am looking forward to the rest of the Laramie brothers’ stories.

This is a wonderful Christmas romance that I can highly recommend!