Book Review: Seduced by a Scot by Julia London

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

SEDUCED BY A SCOT (The Highland Grooms #6) by Julie London is a historical romance set in 1758 Scotland. Even though this book is part of a series, it can be easily read as a standalone.

Nichol Bain is a “fixer” for the aristocracy. He prides himself on finding a solution for any problem or making it disappear for a price. When a prominent Scottish family is on the verge of having a lucrative business deal fall apart, which is also tied to the marriage of their children, Nichol is summoned to find a solution. To save the deal and the problem of the family’s ward, who has been accused of enticing the future groom, Nichol believes he can easily use the ward to solve another of his problems of a rich bachelor looking for a bride.

Maura Darby has been a ward for several years after the death of her father. As she has grown into her beauty, she has been increasingly detested by the mother and daughter of the house. She has done her best to fade into the background, but it is never enough. She desperately wants to be able to make her own choices for her future, but it is just not possible in her current situation. When Nichol arrives to escort her to her new situation, he is captivated by her spirit and beauty.

As their journey takes them closer to the solution Nichol has thought out, he finds he is not at all sure it is the right one for all involved. He is challenged by Maura at every turn to see her a person rather than a problem to be solved and to see things from a different point of view. When he discovers a secret from his past, it could be that he needs a problem solver himself. Could it be he needs Maura for himself?

I enjoyed Nichol and Maura’s story. They both had unique backstories which made the plot more entertaining. The story moves at a good pace with several plot twists that keep the couple reevaluating and adjusting to their situations. The sex scenes are well written and appropriate to the growth of the romance. The romance plot and the H/h make this story a little different than your normal historical romance read and I enjoyed it as I have enjoyed so many of Ms. London’s previous books.

Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.