Book Review: Solving Cadence Moore by Gregory Sterner

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

SOLVING CADENCE MOORE by Gregory Sterner is a mystery written in the form of a radio podcast series intertwined with intervals of the background workings and relationships of the main character. The podcast scripts reveal the mystery and interviews in an attempt to solve a ten-year-old murder mystery.

Ten years ago, Cadence Moore, a talented but troubled young singer disappeared. After a drunken altercation with her college friends, she was left on the side of the road while returning from a party and was never seen again.

Charlie Marx is the host of a popular conspiracy radio show. After the huge popularity of a movie about the disappearance of Cadence reignites public interest, Charlie’s boss wants a special series of podcasts on the subject. He launches his own investigation into the disappearance and claims to have solved the mystery which he will reveal in a groundbreaking live radio special after the podcasts run.

But is it really solved? Is there finally closure for Cadence?

If Charlie has succeeded and truly solved this mystery, he will be acclaimed, but if he fails and everything he is promoting are lies, his entire career will be destroyed live on air.

I liked the mystery and the podcasts revealing the information, speculation and characters involved. It was a unique way to let each character reveal their versions of Cadence and the case. It was a fictional case, but the author made feel you feel as if you were following a true-crime case which pulled you into the mystery. Charlie Marx is a flawed character that has everything on the line and you feel equal parts empathy and revulsion for. I did find the sections of the book where Charlie interacts with others outside of the podcasts realistic, but drawn out and slow. I also found the lead section into the climax slow and unnecessary. That said, it was not enough to stop me from reading until the end to find out both the solution to the mystery and the resolution of Charlie’s career.

I would like to thank Kelsey Butts from for the copy of this book for review.

2 thoughts on “Book Review: Solving Cadence Moore by Gregory Sterner”

  1. I think these podcast mysteries are a good way to structure suspense novels. They appear to be very popular these days. 😊🌺🌻

    1. This is the second one I have read structured in a podcast format. I liked them, but I hope they are not over done.

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