Book Review: Undercover: City of Seduction by Vivien Clark

RATING: 3 out of 5 Stars

UNDERCOVER: CITY OF SEDUCTION by Vivien Clark is the beginning of a romantic suspense series, I assume, because it is not described as such, but it leaves you on a huge cliff-hanger.

FBI Agent Tess Flynn is on an undercover assignment in her hometown of San Francisco. Working as a special assistant to the mayor, her focus is to uncover the political corruption that is currently plaguing the city she loves. Tess is bright, fearless and driven in all areas of her life. None of her friends know of her FBI connection, which proves to be a problem when she runs into the brother of her childhood best-friend on the San Francisco police force.

Jack McGrath is back from serving his country and is on the SF police force. He received a Congressional Medal of Honor, but is still having severe nightmares and emotional difficulties. None of that matters, as he has the longtime love of his life home again. He has loved and tried to watch out for Tess since she was a little girl of eleven. Now that she is home, he won’t let anything get in his way of finally claiming Tess as his own.

Tess is surprised by her feelings for Jack. He is no longer the goofy older brother of her best-friend, but a hot man she is intensely attracted to. Jack wants to protect Tess, but Tess has her secret life and an investigation that at no cost can be compromised.

This is a short read at only a little over 230 pages with the romance growing at a steady pace and the political corruption beginning to come into focus. There is a shadowy figure that is still unknown, but gives you a look into his evil deeds at the beginning of each chapter. Tess is also being followed for some unknown reason by a person she knows, but does not know the reason why. I was interested in Tess and Jack, but never really believed in their relationship because of the secrets Tess kept. Though it was an intriguing read, there were more than a few times it felt more like a soap opera than a true romantic suspense. What also did not work for me was the huge cliff-hanger at the end. I will not be continuing on in this series.

Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.

2 thoughts on “Book Review: Undercover: City of Seduction by Vivien Clark”

  1. I like when the main character aims to expose political corruption. I wish real life was more like that. LOL 😎

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