Hi, everyone!
Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for WHERE NO ONE WILL SEE by Felicia Watson on this Virtual Author Book Tour.
Below you will find a book description, my book review, an excerpt from the book, an about the author section and the author’s social media links. Enjoy!
Book Description
Lucia Scafetti, a Philly private eye, has tried to move out of the shadow of her infamous crime family. She has her own business, her beloved dog Rocco, and she’s starting to date the cute lawyer down the hall. Her life is upended when her notorious hitman father disappears while in search of the diamond and gold coins he stole from his last victim. Lucia races to unravel the mystery of her father’s disappearance before a crooked and powerful cop beats her to it. Though Lucia’s allies are scanty and her enemies numerous, she tries to resist the questionable help on offer from her Mafiosi family. It looks like Lucia must finally decide on which side of the law she truly belongs, knowing the wrong choice could send her to prison – or an early grave.

My Book Review
RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars
WHERE NO ONE WILL SEE by Felicia Watson is an exceptional P.I. crime mystery/thriller with romantic elements that grabbed me immediately and I could not put it down. The female P.I. protagonist is hard-boiled and yet very empathetic and dealing with a unique family. I am very glad I signed up for this book tour and was introduced to this character, story, and author.
Lucia Scafetti works as a P.I. in Philadelphia. Lucia and her dog, Rocco live in her basement office as she saves to buy her own home. She is working hard to make her business profitable even as she tries to live down the fact that all her relatives work for or have ties to the Mafia. Unexpectedly her hitman father shows up after his release from prison. It is rumored he hid a large diamond and eleven gold coins after killing the courier, but he disappears while searching for them.
Lucia suddenly has plenty of enemies and few allies. A crooked cop has been waiting for Lucia’s father to recover the missing items for himself, a rival Mafia family wants them, and a mysterious hitman may be on the hunt also. Lucia works to unravel the mystery, decide which law enforcement officials and family members she can trust, and stay alive in the process.
This story has everything that makes me a happy reader. A protagonist with sarcastic wit, determination, intelligence, loyalty, and a dog she loves, a plot that is action packed and perfectly paced, and realistic romantic entanglements. Lucia’s investigation is filled with surprises, but the ultimate surprise at the climax I was not anticipating at all. I love it when that happens. The ending is believable with what you learn about Lucia throughout the story, but I still felt it was not what everyone might be expecting.
I highly recommend this P.I. crime mystery/thriller!
It was a rather dull surprise for Lucia when the next day, Detective Pike called her down to PPD Headquarters to make a statement about the death of Paul Lugano, found in his car, killed by a bullet to the left eye. She told Colona and Pike what she knew about the murder, which was nothing – except it was further proof that Carlo Scafetti was still alive. She learned nothing new during the interrogation except that both murders had employed the same weapon and surmised that her father had somewhere picked up a Sig Sauer P226.
Upon leaving the police station, she noticed a black BMW E38. It was a distinctive car, especially in that neighborhood. She went over to the driver’s side and tapped on the tinted-glass window. When it slid down slightly, she leaned in. “Hey there, looking for me?”
Her cousin Micky eyed her impassively. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. Please get in.”
She wanted to refuse but knew Dominic Vetere was a dangerous man – one only an idiot would trifle with. She wasn’t feeling particularly idiotic that morning, so slipped into the passenger’s seat, saying, “Good to see you, Mick.”
“I wish I could say the same.”
“You could if you lied, like I just did.” Okay, maybe she was feeling a little bit idiotic – but Micky’s pomposity was too tempting a target.
“You’re making jokes? Che cozz’?” He moved into her personal space, growling, “Don’t you realize you are in big trouble?” Lucia didn’t respond but started scanning the area to see if there were other cars of a suspicious nature in evidence. Micky took that as a sign to continue. “You know, if you had just stopped at Frankie, we could’ve looked the other way. That gavone was dragging the organization down and my Gabriella is better off without him. Which she will see in time. But Paulie.…” He shook his head, continuing, “He was a good soldier and D’Amico is not gonna’ let this go.”
“D’Amico thinks I killed Frankie and Lugano?”
“Yeah, he does. I’m warning you, do not try and play Salvatore D’Amico for a fool.” While Lucia was fighting the urge to roll her eyes at him, Micky continued, “Because you’re family, I might be able to make a bargain with him and get you out of this. I need to give him something though, so you have to hand over the diamond and coins to me right—” She couldn’t suppress a snort of laughter, causing Micky to snap, “You still think this is funny?”
“I shouldn’t but…I do think it’s funny how you all got your tongues hanging out for those damn things that are probably in some European collector’s vault. And that my old man has you all chasing your tails like this. He’s outsmarted everybody and is probably having a good laugh about me taking the heat for it.”
“Lucia – your father is dead.”
“No, he’s not. The proof is staring everyone in the face. He’s killing everyone they send for him.”
Micky gripped the steering wheel and threw his head back against the seat. He whispered to himself, “Managgia, Patsy was telling the truth.” He looked back at her and spoke very deliberately. “I know you don’t like me, I know you don’t trust me, but I think you know I am not a stupid man. You can believe me on this: Carlo Scafetti is dead. Hai capid?”
Doubt about her father’s status creeping into her mind for the first time, Lucia stared at Micky. She started shaking her head. “No. You’re wrong. These killings…it has to be him. My father isn’t a stupid man, either. He’s just hiding out.”
“He’s not. I’m sorry.” He reached over and clasped her briefly on the shoulder. “I’ll tell D’Amico it doesn’t look like it was you. He’ll trust me on this matter. I can do that for you, at least.” He stared at her for a moment before asking, “And you have no idea where the diamond and coins are?”
“How could I? My father never had them, Micky.” He shook his head in disgust whether at her supposed naiveté or subterfuge she wasn’t sure and didn’t care. She categorically refused his offer to drive her back to her office and exited the car in a hurry.
During the subway ride back home, Lucia ruminated on the situation. She still believed her father was responsible for the murders, but Micky was right about one thing – she knew he was no fool. What was going on? How had her father managed to convince so many people that he was dead? She knew what Bac would say: stop assuming and start looking. And the place she needed to look was at the piers, where Lugano tended to dispose of bodies. She didn’t believe she’d find much of anything. Colona and Pike had to have already been there, but it was time to see what they might have missed.
©Felicia Watson

About the Author
Felicia Watson started writing stories as soon as they handed her a pencil in first grade. She’s especially drawn to character driven tales, where we see people we recognize, people who struggle with their mistakes and shortcomings, acknowledge them, and use that knowledge to grow into wiser human beings.
When not writing, Felicia spends her time chasing after her not-so-brilliant, but darling and beloved dogs, is chased by her truly brilliant, darling and beloved husband, is known to friends and family as an amateur pastry chef, and still finds time for swimming and her day job as a scientist.
Social Media Links
Website: https://www.feliciawatsonwrites.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FeliciaWatsontheAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FeliciaTes?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/felicia-watson-aaf9819a-530d-4ff8-bbfe-8b7545a0a582