Book Tour/Feature Post and Mini Book Review: The Last Bird of Paradise by Clifford Garstang

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Mini Book Review for THE LAST BIRD OF PARADISE by Clifford Garstang on this Black Coffee Book Tour.

Below you will find a book description, my mini book review, an about the author section, and the author’s social media links. Enjoy!


Book Description

Two women, nearly a century apart, seek to rebuild their lives when they reluctantly leave their homelands. Arriving in Singapore, they find romance in a tropical paradise, but also find they haven’t left behind the dangers that caused them to flee.

In the aftermath of 9/11 and haunted by the specter of terrorism, Aislinn Givens leaves her New York law practice and joins her husband in Southeast Asia when he takes a job there. Seeking to establish herself in a local law firm, Aislinn begins to understand the historic resentment of foreigners who have exploited the region for centuries. Learning about the turmoil of Singapore’s colonial period, she acquires several paintings done by an English artist during World War I that she believes are a warning to her. The artist, Elizabeth Pennington, tells her own tumultuous story through diary entries that come to an end when the war reaches the colony with catastrophic results. In the present, Aislinn and her husband learn tragically that terrorism takes many shapes when they are ensnared by local political upheaval and corruption.

In a lyrical blend of historical and contemporary drama, The Last Bird of Paradise explores the consequences of power imbalances-both domestic and geopolitical, against a lush, tropical backdrop. Clifford Garstang, author of the award-winning novel Oliver’s Travels, once again draws on his decades of experience in Asia to tell an unforgettable story of romantic intrigue.


Universal link for the book on Amazon


My Mini Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

THE LAST BIRD OF PARADISE by Clifford Garstang is a captivating dual timeline mash-up of mystery, suspense, romance, and political thriller featuring two expat women, a century apart who end up in the tropical paradise of Singapore linked by compelling paintings produced by one of the women that appear to come to life. The story intricately weaves together the historical timelines of an artist, Elizabeth Pennington leaving 1915 England behind and a present-day corporate lawyer, Aislinn Givens leaving post 9/11 New York with her husband.

This is a sweeping, beautifully written book that kept me entranced from beginning to end. Both protagonists could walk right off the page, they are so fully developed and believable. Singapore comes to life in both past and present with not only its cultural history and lush beauty, but also its colonization and political upheavals. This story covers many difficult issues; personal, social, and political with a narrative prose that is both thought-provoking and riveting.

I highly recommend this spellbinding story.


About the Author

Clifford Garstang, a former international lawyer, is the author of two previous novels, The Shaman of Turtle Valley and Oliver’s Travels, and three short story collections, House of the Ancients and Other Stories, In an Uncharted Country, and What the Zhang Boys Know, winner of the Library of Virginia Literary Award for Fiction. He is the editor of the anthology series Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet, and the co-founder and former editor of Prime Number Magazine. He is the recipient of a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and an Indiana Emerging Author Award from the Indianapolis Public Library Foundation. His work has appeared in numerous literary magazines and has received distinguish mention in the Best American series.

Social Media Links

Book Review: Roll the Dice by Wayne Avrashow

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

ROLL THE DICE by Wayne Avrashow is a political novel that is entertaining and intriguing. A fictional story of an aging rock star who throws himself into the knockdown, drag-out political race for a U.S. Senate seat from Nevada.

Tyler Sloan is a rock and roll celebrity who has decided to run for office. He has led a rock and roll life full of sex, drugs, rehab and privilege, but he has also matured and runs a multi-million dollar fund.  He is no stranger to politics. His father was the governor of California and just barely lost in his bid for President of the United States.

Tyler funds his campaign himself and will only accept the help of small, personal contributions. He refuses the campaign contributions of special interest groups and lobbyists. He runs as an independent and campaigns outside of the two major political machines. As past indiscretions come back to haunt him and his campaign, new intrigues can also threaten his run for office.

This was a great look behind the scenes of a major political campaign. Even written as a fictional account of a campaign, you get the feeling that all of these situations could happen today in real life. Tyler was a believable main character, strengths and flaws included, with secondary characters that were perfectly placed. This is a great fictional read for a political junkie like me, but it is advertised as a thriller. Not so much. A fast paced read, campaign and some political intrigue behind the scenes, but not what I would personally call a thriller.

Thanks very much to Fiery Seas and Net Galley for allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review.