Book Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Silence in the Library by Katharine Schellman

Hi, everyone!

Today I am on the Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tour and sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for SILENCE IN THE LIBRARY (A Lily Adler Mystery Book #2) by Katharine Schellman.

Below you will find a book description, my book review, an excerpt from the book, the author’s bio and social media links and a Rafflecopter giveaway. Enjoy!


Book Description

Regency widow Lily Adler didn’t expect to find a corpse when visiting a family friend. Now it’s up to her to discover the killer in the charming second installment in the Lily Adler mysteries.

Regency widow Lily Adler has finally settled into her new London life when her semi-estranged father arrives unexpectedly, intending to stay with her while he recovers from an illness. Hounded by his disapproval, Lily is drawn into spending time with Lady Wyatt, the new wife of an old family friend. Lily barely knows Lady Wyatt. But she and her husband, Sir Charles, seem as happy as any newly married couple until the morning Lily arrives to find the house in an uproar and Sir Charles dead.

All signs indicate that he tripped and struck his head late at night. But when Bow Street constable Simon Page is called to the scene, he suspects foul play. And it isn’t long before Lily stumbles on evidence that Sir Charles was, indeed, murdered.

Mr. Page was there when Lily caught her first murderer, and he trusts her insight into the world of London’s upper class. With the help of Captain Jack Hartley, they piece together the reasons that Sir Charles’s family might have wanted him dead. But anyone who might have profited from the old man’s death seems to have an alibi… until Lily receives a mysterious summons to speak with one of the Wyatts’ maids, only to find the young woman dead when she arrives.

Mr. Page believes the surviving family members are hiding the key to the death of both Sir Charles and the maid. To uncover the truth, Lily must convince the father who doesn’t trust or respect her to help catch his friend’s killer before anyone else in the Wyatt household dies.


A Silence in the Library

Genre: Historical Mystery
Published by: Crooked Lane Books
Publication Date: July 13th 2021
Number of Pages: 352
ISBN: 1643857045 (ISBN13: 9781643857046)
Series: Lily Adler Mystery  #2 | The Lily Adler series are stand alone mysteries but even more fabulous if read in sequence


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

SILENCE IN THE LIBRARY (A Lily Adler Mystery Book #2) by Katharine Schellman is the second amateur sleuth historical mystery featuring the intelligent and independent Regency era young widow, Lily Adler. This is a strong addition to this new series. It is an intricately plotted mystery with Regency era characters that are believable to their time in history. The mystery can be read as a standalone, but it continues with character interactions that began in the first book of the series.

Lily Adler returns home from an outing to find her father, George Pierce has moved into her London home for his stay in town for a visit to a physician. Lily and her father have always been critical of Lily and his stay is not welcome, but she cannot send him away. Her father tells Lily his old friend and neighbor has remarried and so Lily volunteers to pay a congratulatory call on the new couple to get out of her home and away from their arguments.

Lily and her friend Captain Jack Hatley pay a visit to Sir Charles Wyatt and his new wife. The visit becomes uncomfortable when they witness the eldest son’s rudeness to his father’s new wife and the cousin is caught stealing money from Sir Charles office drawer. The next morning Sir Charles is found dead and Simon Page, the Bow Street constable determines the man was murdered.

Once again, Lily refuses to stay out of Mr. Page’s case when she knows she can be of assistance. Soon there is another murder. Can Lily, Jack and Simon sort through all the stories told by the family members and servants to discover a killer?

This is such an enjoyable and engaging mystery read. I love Lily, Jack and Simon and the way their personal interactions are evolving in this series as you learn more about each. All the characters are realistically portrayed for the Regency era and the descriptions of social interactions, clothing and settings add depth and richness to the story. The mystery plot moves at a good pace and has many red herrings and twists that kept me changing my mind about the guilty party right up until the climax. I am looking forward to more mysteries with Lily and I am also looking forward to how the author handles her private life now that she is out of mourning.

I highly recommend this historical mystery, the series and the author!



Given the way she hadn’t hesitated to interfere in the Wyatt family’s affairs, Lily expected Lady Wyatt to politely rescind her invitation to ride the next morning. But she had insisted, saying her arm was sure to be better by morning. So after breakfast, Lily instructed Anna to lay out her riding habit. 

Though she had forgone her usual routine of breakfasting in her own room and instructed Mrs. Carstairs to lay breakfast in the parlor, Lily hadn’t seen any sign of her father. She didn’t mind. If she couldn’t be cozy while she dined, she was at least happy to be alone. And it gave her the opportunity to go over the week’s menus with her housekeeper and offer several suggestions for managing her father’s requests while he was with them. 

“And do you know how long might that be, Mrs. Adler?” Mrs. Carstairs asked carefully. “Mr. Branson was unable to say when I spoke to him last night.” 

Lily pursed her lips. “For as long as he needs, Mrs. Carstairs. Or as long as I can bear his company. My record on that score is fifteen years, however, so let us hope it will not come to that.” 

The housekeeper wisely didn’t say anything else. 

Lily’s pleasant solitude lasted until she was making her way back upstairs to change, when she found her path blocked by her father’s belligerent frame. Unwell he might be, but George Pierce was still a solid, imposing man, and Lily had to remind herself to square her shoulders and meet his scowl with a smile as he did his best to tower over her from the step above. 

“Good morning, Father.” 

He didn’t return the greeting. “I am going to breakfast,” he announced, eyebrows raised. 

Lily waited for a moment and then, when no more information was forthcoming, nodded. “I hope you enjoy it. Mrs. Carstairs is an excellent cook.” 

He sniffed. “And I assume your excessively early rising is an attempt to avoid my company?” 

“It is past nine o’clock, father,” Lily said. “Hardly excessive. And I have an appointment this morning, so if you will excuse me—” 

“What is your appointment?” 

He couldn’t curtail or dictate what she did with her time, Lily reminded herself. Even if having him in her home left her feeling as if her independence were being slowly stripped away once more, in practical terms he had no say in her life anymore. Answering his question was only polite. “An engagement with a friend—” 

“That sailor again, I assume?” 

Lily took a deep breath. “Captain Hartley was also invited, but no, the engagement is to ride with Lady Wyatt this morning. Which I assume you would approve of?” Seeing that she had momentarily surprised him into silence, she took the opportunity to push past her father. “You would like her, I think. She is charming and elegant.” 

“And her husband’s a fool for marrying again,” Mr. Pierce grumbled, but Lily was already heading down the hall and didn’t answer. 

Jack was coming just before ten to escort her to the Wyatts’ house, and Lily was in a hurry to dress and escape her father once again. Her room was empty when she walked in, but Anna had laid out her riding habit on the bed, pressed and ready, its military-style buttons glinting in the morning light amid folds of emerald-green fabric. 

Lily stared at it without moving. She had forgotten that her habit wasn’t suitable to wear when she was in mourning. 

She was still staring when Anna returned, the freshly brushed riding hat in her hands. When she saw Lily’s posture, Anna paused. 

“You don’t have another, I’m afraid,” she said gently. 

Lily nodded, unable to speak. One hand reached out to brush the heavy fabric of the habit; the other clenched a fold of the gray dress she wore. She had stopped wearing colors even before Freddy died—in those last months of his illness, she had traded all her pretty dresses for drab gowns more suited to nursing an invalid who would never recover. And even after full mourning was complete, she had lingered in the muted shades of half mourning long past when anyone would have required it of her, even Freddy’s own family. Laying aside the visual reminders of her grief felt too much like leaving behind her marriage. 

But that had meant more than two years of sorrow. And in the last few months, since she had come to London and taken control of her life once more, something had shifted inside her. 

“Yes, thank you, Anna,” Lily said quietly, her voice catching a little. She cleared her throat and said, more firmly, “I will wear this one.” 


She managed to leave the house without encountering her father again. When her butler, Carstairs, sent word that Captain Hartley was waiting in the front hall, Lily felt a pang of anxiety. Jack had loved Freddy like a brother. And he had never given any indication that he thought her mourning had gone on long enough. 

Jack was in the middle of removing his hat, and his hand stilled at the brim as he caught sight of her. Even Carstairs fell still as they watched her come down the stairs, the heavy folds of her green skirts buttoned up on one side to allow her to walk freely and a single dyed- green feather curling over the brim of her hat and flirting with her brown curls. 

Lily felt exposed as she descended the final few steps, though she was bolstered by the approval that softened Carstairs’s smile. She had never considered herself a shy person, but she could barely meet Jack’s eyes as she crossed the hall to give him her hand. 

For a moment neither of them spoke, and when she raised her gaze at last, Lily thought she saw the captain blinking something from the corner of his eye. “That was Freddy’s favorite color,” he said at last, his voice catching. 

Lily nodded. “I know.” 

Jack’s jaw tightened for a moment as he swallowed. But he smiled. “Well done, Lily,” he said quietly. “Good for you.” 


There was a lightness between them as they made the quick journey to Wimpole Street. As Jack waved down a hack carriage and handed her in, Lily found herself laughing at all of his quips or droll pieces of gossip, even the ones she normally would have chastised him for repeating. And Jack kept glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. 

“Do I look that dreadful?” Lily asked at last as he handed her down from the carriage in front of the Wyatts’ home. 

“Quite the opposite,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he released her hand. “Did you know, you are actually quite pretty?” 

“You mean you did not find me pretty before?” 

“I think I had forgotten to consider it one way or another,” Jack admitted, grinning. “What a shame everyone has left London already; you would cause quite a sensation.” 

Lily shook her head. “I know full well I am not handsome enough for that.” 

“Surprise can cause as much of a sensation as admiration,” Jack pointed out. 

“Captain!” Lily exclaimed in mock indignation. “You were supposed to argue with me!” 

They continued bantering as they mounted the steps to Sir Charles’s townhouse, only to fall silent and exchange a puzzled glance as they realized that the door was half-open, the sounds of raised voices echoing from within. 

Lily glanced at Jack, an uneasy sensation beginning to curl in the pit of her stomach. “Should we knock?” 

He shrugged and did so, rapping firmly on the wood of the door. There was no response, but it swung open a little more. After hesitating a moment, Lily bit her lip and said, “Well, we ought to at least make sure Lady Wyatt knows we’ve come. If it is no longer convenient to ride, she can certainly tell us to leave.” 

“And you were already happy to interfere yesterday,” Jack pointed out, though she could hear the unease lurking beneath his playful tone. “We might as well do it again.” 

“Very true.” Lily pushed the door the rest of the way open and strode in, Jack following close behind. 

The front hall was empty, but they could still hear voices not far away, now low and urgent, and the sound of quiet crying from somewhere just out of sight. The uneasy feeling began to spread through Lily’s chest and arms, and she reached out her hand in blind anxiety. She was relieved to feel Jack take it and press it reassuringly into the crook of his arm. 

She had just decided that they should leave after all when quick steps echoed down the stairs. A moment later Frank Wyatt came rushing down, checking himself at the bottom as he stared at them in surprise. 

His face was pale and his eyes red as he gaped at them, his easy manner vanished. “Lily? And Captain . . . I’ve quite forgot your name. You must excuse . . . what are you doing here?” 

“The door was open, and no one answered our knock,” Lily said, feeling a little ashamed of their hastiness in entering. “I apologize, Frank; we did not mean to intrude, but we had an appointment to ride with Lady Wyatt this morning. Is everyone well?” 

“Is everyone . . . No. No.” Frank gripped the banister with one hand, his knuckles white. “I am afraid that Lady Wyatt will not be able to ride today. My father . . .” He swallowed. “My father has died.” 

Lily stared at him, unable to make sense of his words. They had seen Sir Charles just the day before. If he had seemed a little older and weaker than she remembered, he had still been utterly vital and alive. “Died? But . . . how?” 

“In point of fact,” a new voice said quietly from behind them. “It seems Sir Charles Wyatt has been killed.”


Author Bio

Katharine Schellman is a former actor, one-time political consultant, and currently the author of the Lily Adler Mysteries. A graduate of the College of William & Mary, Katharine currently lives and writes in the mountains of Virginia in the company of her family and the many houseplants she keeps accidentally murdering.

Social Media Links
BookBub – @KatharineSchellman
Instagram – @katharinewrites
Twitter – @katharinewrites
Facebook – @katharineschellman

Purchase Links

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookShop | Goodreads



Feature Post and Book Review: Tears of Fire by Gordon Bickerstaff

Hi, everyone!

Today I am very excited to be sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for TEARS OF FIRE (A Lambeth Group Thriller Book #6) by Gordon Bickerstaff.

Below you will find an author Q&A, a book description, my book review, an excerpt from the book and the author’s bio and social media links. Enjoy!


Author Q&A

Q. It is book 6 in a series. Do I need to read the previous books?

A. No. All the books are standalone stories. The series has recurring characters and in each book there is enough background to allow the reader to understand them.

Q. In a sentence. What type of thriller is it?

A. It take inspiration from James Bond & Jason Bourne action & adventure stories but with an awesome woman leading the way.

Q. Why do you write about crime, spies and international espionage?’

A. I love to read them. Many characters in crime novels are larger-than-life dangerous. As a reader, I like to be drawn into their threatening spheres. It’s like being up really close to the flame knowing you won’t be burned.

Q. Have childhood or other experiences contributed to the story?

A. Every book contains a piece of the writer and or family. For example in the Tears of Fire, some scenes take place on a paddle steamer Wensley. I have childhood memories of being on the ocean-sailing paddle steamer Waverley, which still sails today on the route depicted in the book.

Q. Is Tears of Fire, different from the other books?

No. Tears of Fire sticks to the same formula of scientist Gavin and special forces operative Zoe risking their necks to bring down determined and ruthless criminals and terrorists.

Q. Where do the core ideas come from?

A. Stories in the Press. Investigative journalists dig into a lot of murky and dangerous activities. Often taking great personal risks to expose the truth about incidents and events. I am constantly amazed by the inhumanity they uncover.


Book Description

Two serial killers have been getting away with murder for years. For them, it’s a well-paid hobby while they bide their time. It’s about to stop when everything slots into place for them to leap to the next level. Payback for the people who killed their parents.

Lambeth Group investigator, Gavin Shawlens, is on their trail. But all is not as it seems and he is pushed way out of his depth when the killers turn on his family. Gavin’s Lambeth Group partner, Zoe Tampsin, is cut off from him and fighting her own battle to stay alive.

They need to connect but Zoe will face an impossible choice. Stop the killers before they pull off the most audacious murder that will shock the world and change it forever. Or, rescue Gavin’s family from the jaws of evil.



My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

TEARS OF FIRE (A Lambeth Group Thriller Book #6) by Gordon Bickerstaff is another edge-of-your-seat, compelling, fast-paced Lambeth Group thriller. Mr. Bickerstaff continually surprises me with his ability to make me cringe at the methods used by his antagonists to kill people and the excitement as Gavin and Zoe work together to defeat them. These books can be read as standalones with each espionage/crime plot being unique, but the main characters continually build their relationships with each new story. I believe they should be read in order of publication.

British Special Forces Captain Zoe Tampsin is fighting to stay alive and not protecting biochemist Gavin Shawlens of the secretive Lambeth Group as this book opens. While Gavin is pulled into an insurance investigation through the Lambeth Group because of his special studies in enzymes, but his simple investigation is not what it appears to be.

Government corruption, sanctioned revenge, twin Korean psychotic killers who want to start a war on the Korean peninsula and a nursing home with an illegal side hustle all come together in a race against time in which Zoe must uncover an intricate plot, stop the use of a dirty bomb in Scotland and once again race to save Gavin’s life.

I was not able to put this book down! Once again Mr. Bickerstaff had me hooked from page one. The fast-paced plot does not let up as Zoe is fighting one obstacle after another when she could have walked away. Zoe is an extremely strong protagonist that I enjoy cheering on. Gavin is once again brilliant in his professional field, but not so smart or brave when in the field for the Lambeth Group, but I like the added insight into Gavin’s past that influences his present behavior and it helps to make him more relatable. The secondary characters who aid Zoe and Gavin are fully fleshed, strong and came through when needed. The evil characters are truly despicable and scary. The plot will keep you turning the pages with plenty of twists and surprises right up to a very close call of a climax.

I highly recommend this Lambeth Group thriller and all the books in this series!



Zoe pushed onto her knees, reached for the hoe, drew back, and threw it like a spear. It crashed into the back of his neck, ramming his head into the thin glass panel on the door, which shattered. He squealed, turned around, and jerked a glass shard out of his neck. Blood spurted in every direction as he fell to the floor.

Brooke ran to his body and repeatedly rammed the heel of her bare foot into his groin.

Zoe pushed onto her feet, steadied her stance, and stumbled before she pulled on Brooke’s arm. ‘Brooke! Brooke! He’s dead.’

‘I don’t care. He did this!’

She lifted her nightie to her chest to reveal her body marked with rows of small round burn marks, too many to count.

Zoe gasped. During her service, she witnessed a lot of horrible sights, but rows of cigarette burns turned her stomach.

‘He burned me each time he raped me!’ She stamped her heel one more time into his groin. Then, as she accepted her ordeal would soon be over, her sobs escalated into a choleric wail.

Zoe grabbed her forearm and pulled her around to get eye contact. She put her hand on the side of Brooke’s face. ‘I need you to hold it together for a while longer.’

The wail faded when Zoe drew Brooke into a hug. She clung tightly, trembling, while sobbing on Zoe’s shoulder.

Zoe stroked the back of Brooke’s head to comfort her, urging her to think of herself back home in her family’s arms.

Behind them, while they hugged, Muscle Man regained consciousness. He sprang up, reached forward, grabbed the garden fork, and rushed toward them.

Before he plunged the fork into Zoe’s back, Joss aimed through the broken window and shot him in the head. He catapulted back and landed flat on his back on the floor.

Joss spotted the broken glass panel when she came through the hole in the fence and drew her Glock. Joss shoved the door against the dead man to squeeze through the gap.

She surveyed the bodies, trying to work out what happened. She inspected Zoe’s face. ‘Are you all right?’

Zoe smirked with an unapologetic look. ‘They started it. Check the woman on the pool table. She’s still alive. Drugged, I think.’

In the past, Joss and Zoe argued about violence and killing. Joss preferred negotiation to resolve conflict. Zoe did what she had to do when violence came her way. Meet it with a superior force.

Brooke said to Zoe, ‘She’s not dead. She’s not alive.’

Joss lifted the woman’s wrist to check for a pulse. Cold and clammy like a corpse.

The woman’s thick, black eyelashes snapped open to reveal doe-like eyes.

She shouted. ‘Please don’t do that! Please. I don’t like it. I’m begging you. Please don’t do that!’

Joss dropped the wrist and faced Zoe. ‘She is a sex robot. A sexbot. High quality, realistic-looking latex.’ Joss knelt and dragged three brown boxes from underneath the pool table. She reached into the first box and pulled out a few tubes of lubrication jelly to show Zoe.


Author Bio

I was born and brought up in Glasgow, Scotland. I studied biochemistry, and I’ve worked in several Scottish Universities where I did research on enzymes and taught biochemistry. After thirty years of teaching and research I retired my academic pen and took of a fiction pen.

I live in central Scotland with my wife and we enjoy reading, writing, and walking in the hills.

The Lambeth Group books are a series of the secret government investigations led by undercover agent Zoe Tampsin. A strong female protagonist with courage, determination, and guile. She is assisted by specialist science consultant, Dr Gavin Shawlens.

Social Media Links



Twitter: @GFBickerstaff

Goodreads Author Page:


Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: Fallen and A Simple Murder by Linda Castillo

Fallen Book Description

When a young woman is found murdered in a Painters Mill motel, Chief of Police Kate Burkholder is shocked to discover she once knew the victim. Rachael Schwartz was a charming but troubled Amish girl who left the fold years ago and fled Painters Mill. Why was she back in town? And who would kill her so brutally?

Kate remembers Rachael as the only girl who was as bad at being Amish as Kate was—and those parallels dog her. But the more Kate learns about Rachael’s life, the more she’s convinced that her dubious reputation was deserved. As a child, Rachael was a rowdy rulebreaker whose decision to leave devastated her parents and best friend. As an adult, she was charismatic and beautiful, a rabble-rouser with a keen eye for opportunity no matter who got in her way. Her no-holds-barred lifestyle earned her a lot of love and enemies aplenty—both English and Amish.

As the case heats to a fever pitch and long-buried secrets resurface, a killer haunts Painters Mill. Someone doesn’t want Rachael’s past—or the mysteries she took with her to the grave—coming to light. As Kate digs deeper, violence strikes again, this time hitting close to home. Will Kate uncover the truth and bring a murderer to justice? Or will a killer bent on protecting a terrible past stop her once and for all—and let the fallen be forgotten?


A Simple Murder Book Description

Together for the first time in print, A Simple Murder features six original short stories starring whip-smart chief of police, Kate Burkholder.

While on vacation with her partner John Tomasetti in LONG LOST, Kate discovers that the old house where they’re staying is haunted by a girl who disappeared decades before…

An abandoned baby is discovered on the Amish bishop’s front porch in A HIDDEN SECRET, and Kate is called in to investigate.

SEEDS OF DECEPTION unearths the secrets of Kate Burkholder’s own Amish past―and lays the groundwork for her future career in law enforcement.

In the midst of a power outage in Painters Mill, a teenage girl is attacked at an Amish party in ONLY THE LUCKY.

IN DARK COMPANY is the story of an injured woman with amnesia who seeks Kate’s help in trying to remember her attacker’s identity…and her own.

In IN PLAIN SIGHT, Kate investigates what she believes is a straightforward hit-and-run accident―but soon uncovers a story of teenage passion that may have led to attempted murder.


Elise’s Thoughts

Fallen by Linda Castillo brings back the wonderful character, Chief of Police Kate Burkholder. Fans of this series are never disappointed with these amazing stories, and this novel is no different. 

The plot begins with a young woman brutally murdered at a Painter’s Mill motel. Called to investigate, Police Chief Kate Burkholder realizes she knew the victim, Rachel Schwartz. She and Kate had some things in common, not really fitting into the Amish community when they were young women.

This story allows readers to get a further glimpse into Kate’s life before she left the Amish community. There is a mixture of old Amish traditions with the changing values of some. People are led to understand why Kate and Rachel felt the need to join the “English community.” As a child, Rachael was a rowdy rulebreaker whose decision to leave devastated her parents and best friend, Loretta. As an adult, she continued to be a rabble-rouser, not caring who she hurt to succeed in life. Her no-holds-barred lifestyle earned her a lot of enemies, both English and Amish.

Through Kate’s investigations people learn of frequent explanations for why officers think and act in a certain way. Kate realizes someone doesn’t want Rachael’s past, or the mysteries she took with her to the grave, coming to light. As Kate digs deeper, violence strikes again, this time literally hitting close to home as Kate is put through the ringer, having to fight for her own life.


With A Simple Murder, readers are treated to another Linda Castillo book, out this year. These six short stories feature Kate Burkholder and her partner in crime (and the bedroom) John Tomasetti. The stories are not as complex, dark, or gritty as the novels. There are crimes of greed, jealousy and passion. Even with short stories, Castillo has a knack for pulling readers into the story by weaving in a fascinating plot line with interesting characters, highlighting Kate Burkholder’s abilities as the police chief of Painters Hill.

The stories’ plots:

Long Lost has Kate and her lover John Tomasetti on vacation when they are asked to investigate a girl who just disappeared years ago.

A Hidden Secret has a baby abandoned on a Bishop’s doorstep. The infant was left with some items which led Kate to believe that the mother might be Amish. Kate and John are determined to find the mother.

Seeds of Deception explores Kate’s Amish past. She wonders who burnt a barn, and were her friends involved.

Only The Lucky delves into the rager parties with drugs, alcohol, and music.  When one of the Amish girls attending the rager is attacked and left for dead, Kate has to find out who wanted to hurt this young woman.

In Dark Company Kate must find the person who tried to kill a woman.  The problem is the victim has amnesia and Kate wonders if she is hiding anything or is truly a victim.

In Plain Sight a teenage Amish boy, Noah Kline, is seriously injured by what appeared to be a hit and run. But Kate discovers there were some who had motives to injure Noah because he was dating an English girl.


Elise’s Author Interview

Elise Cooper: With both Fallen and A Simple Murder you have twists and turns.

Linda Castillo: It is satisfying as a mystery writer to lead the reader down a slightly wrong path whether in the short stories or the novel. But I also leave subtle clues to be fair. 

EC:  In Fallen, there are more glimpses of Kate’s past?

LC: I am always thinking of Kate’s past.  Last year’s book, Outsider, delved into her years before she became Police Chief in Ohio.  This book gives glimpses of Kate shortly before she left the Amish community. 

EC:  How would you describe the victim, Rachel?

LC:  Kate knew Rachel as a child since she sometimes babysat her.  Rachel was a rebel rouser from the time she was two years old, and it got worse from there.  Kate realizes as a child Rachel was a ‘pistol” type personality. In some ways she could be loveable, while in other ways she was maddening and disrespectful.  As she became an adult Rachel did really bad things.  She had aspects of a sociopath without much of a conscience.  She was a rule breaker, risk taker, could not identify boundaries, and stepped over the line.  But even with all that, Kate felt Rachel deserved justice and did not deserve to be bludgeoned to death.

EC:  How would you describe Rachel’s friend Loretta?

LC:  She was always Rachel’s best friend.  A rule follower, the polar opposite of Rachel, because she always wanted to do the right thing. She was very protective of Rachel and never abandoned her even when Rachel had “Fallen” from the graces of the Amish community. She always knew there was some good buried inside Rachel. 

EC:  Rachel wrote a tell all book about the Amish community. Did that ever really happen?

LC:  There were actual books, which I have read.  The authors were disgruntled so they wrote a book. Rachel made a lot of enemies with her book, because there were people in Painters Mill who did not want things to come to light, including Kate’s brother. 

EC:  What is the Amish rager?

LC:  A rager was a huge outdoor party, held in a barn or field, without adults.  There was music, alcohol, and sometimes the English showed up.  The gathering had a lot of rule breaking before the Amish were baptized, many on rumspringa. I wrote about it in one of the short stories and in this novel.  I knew about it because I was sent an article that said the sheriff had to arrest 74 Amish teenagers. Because Amish teens are pretty well behaved and had led protective lives some act out during rumspringa.

EC:  Did you base anything on the Killbuck clan, considered to be Hutterites?

LC:  It is loosely based on a clan in Ohio.  In 2013, there was an incident in which Amish religious symbols were violated.  Once a woman gets married, she no longer cuts her hair, and the husband does not shave his beard.  A bishop directed his followers to forcibly cut the hair and beards of other members of the Amish faith. Prosecutors actually charged sixteen with a hate crime.  In this novel, I just took it a step further, fictionalized it, and made them cult-like. 

EC:  Kate had some similar qualities to young Rachel?

LC:  Both did not follow the rules although Kate knew boundaries. Kate did see parallels between the two of them.  They got in trouble and did not respect many of the Amish norms.  In some way they were kindred spirits with spunk since both drank and smoked.

EC:  In A Simple Murder readers get an understanding of the Kate and John relationship?

LC:  Kate’s biological clock is ticking since she is in her mid-thirties.  The wonderful thing about fiction is that the characters do not have to age. It has been satisfying as a writer to see John Tomesetti heal.  After he bought the farm and barn and fixed it up, he knew he was going to spend the rest of his life with Kate.  They are going to stay together and at some point, will get married. 

EC:  A Simple Murder is a compilation of short stories?

LC: Yes.  They were previously released in e-format. These stories are not as dark, a little lighter, more fun, and not quite so heavy.  My goal was to try to capture the setting, characters, and keep the mystery straight forward. 

EC:  When will your next short story be released?

LC: It will be probably released before my next book Hidden.

EC:  What about your next book?

LC: Hidden will be out this time next year.  The setting is in Kish Valley in the middle part of Pennsylvania. Kate was asked by three elders from that area to investigate a Cold Case where a Bishop’s remains are found after eighteen years.


BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: A Thin Disguise by Catherine Bybee

Book Description

A former gun for hire and a federal agent find themselves on the right side of love but the wrong end of a bullet in this Richter installment from New York Times bestselling author Catherine Bybee.

On a fateful night in Las Vegas, FBI agent Leo Grant is working on a critical detail in a high-profile child prostitution trial when a beautiful woman jumps into the path of a bullet meant for him. Little does Leo know that the woman is Olivia, an ex-assassin who is seeking redemption one good deed at a time.

One minute, Olivia is lunging in front of Leo on the Vegas Strip. The next, she’s waking up in the hospital in a haze of pain with no memory of her past, her enemies, or even her own name.

With Olivia suffering from memory loss and completely unaware of the danger she is in, it’s up to Leo and Neil MacBain’s team of operatives to keep her safe. With Olivia and Leo both unaware of her past crimes, the two have little reason to avoid their growing attraction. Slowly her past seeps in through the cracks as she struggles to find the answers of who she is. When the veil is lifted and her dark past is staring her down, Olivia must turn her back on Leo and the love she can never allow herself to have, and race to find her would-be killer.


Elise’s Thoughts

A Thin Disguise by Catherine Bybee delves into forgiveness, love, and redemption. There are very few authors that can write a riveting mystery with gripping characters. Bybee does both along with humorous dialogue, a lot of action, and romance.

The story has FBI Agent Leo Grant working a protective detail for a child witness against a Russian mob boss engaging in sex trafficking. Olivia Naught, a former assassin and Richter student, is working the same detail for MacBain Security, keeping her eye on the witness and the people protecting her. Although Olivia knows about Leo, he knows nothing about her. They meet on the Las Vegas Strip where Olivia takes a bullet meant for Leo.  Following this incident, she suffers amnesia. To protect her and to make Olivia a permanent part of the team, MacBain Security seizes upon the opportunity of her memory loss to show her, with help from the smitten Leo, the new life she could have if she no longer worked alone. As Olivia’s memories return, she feels guilt and unworthy of love because of her past. The team, Leo, and Olivia try to figure out who is responsible for the shooting, while the unlikely pairing of Leo, an FBI Agent and Olivia, a former assassin, navigate their personal feelings and chemistry for each other.

Olivia realizes how much she cares for the team and decides to disappear, fearful if she stays, she will jeopardize their lives. She has wit, strength, and intelligence. Bybee does an excellent job is peeling away all the layers of this female protagonist.

The Bybee readers are once again treated to another wonderful story.  The team of Claire Kelly, Cooper Lockman, Jax Simon, Sasha and A.J. Hoffman and Neil and Gwen McBain joined by Olivia and Leo are riveting characters. They are not only a team but a pseudo family who care, protect, and do anything for each other. It is a story of characters who survive in spite of the circumstances of their pasts. Hopefully, this series will continue with a lot of future books that have this team of characters.  It is one of those series that should have a book out every year.


Elise’s Author Interview

Elise Cooper: This series has characters from previous books?

Catherine Bybee:  If someone is a Bybee reader they know there will be glimpses of character crossovers between series.  I hope to continue writing with this team. It comes down to the publisher asking for more books from the Richter Series.  I would love to write a Richter espionage book every year.

EC:  Olivia is from previous books?

CB:  She showed up in Sasha’s book, Say It Again, and briefly in the first book of this series, Changing The Rules, along with Leo.  Each book can be read on their own.

EC:  You definitely redeemed Olivia in this book?

CB:  She was an assassin, but I wanted her to be sympathetic.  The only way I could do that is to have her get Transient Amnesia.  Once she could not remember anything she became the person who was a student at Richter. She felt connected to the team and knows she can count on them.  She allowed herself to feel for others.

EC:  How would you describe assassin Olivia?

CB:  She was afraid to love because she did not want anything to happen to those she cared about.  After she had graduated from Richter, she thought she was being a spy who was good and altruistic.  She did not see the sinister side because she was young and naïve. She wanted to connect but would not allow herself to.  Both Olivia’s are bold, stubborn, and independent.

EC:  How would you describe the relationship between Leo and Olivia?

CB:  A tug of war.  In the beginning she was in charge, but after she is shot, he gets some control until she gets her memory back.  Once that happens, she has an internal battle. Overall, they are two peas in a pot that are attracted to each other.  She would not have fallen for him if he was not an FBI Agent. I think she was more of a teaser than Leo.

EC:  Do you think Sasha, the lead of the book Say It Again, is similar to Olivia?

CB:  No, they are different.  Sasha is not as damaged or jaded as Olivia.  If Sasha put a bullet in somebody, she knew why she was doing it.  Olivia is the alias character who never got a say in who she killed.  Sasha had people who loved her as well as freedoms in her life whereas Olivia is always on the run. Sasha did care for Olivia and made sure she got what she needed to survive. Sasha and the team were a pseudo-family. In all my books the family is not blood relatives because of my own personal life. 

EC:  Who do you identify more with, Sasha or Olivia?

CB:  Sasha is the hero to my own heart.  She is the best operative. I could see Sasha as a heroine on the big screen.  Sasha can be clandestine and lethal, but she is also someone who supports other women.  Olivia knew if the chips would fall, Sasha would have her back. 

EC:  How would you describe Leo?

CB:  He gave Olivia humanity and heart.  He is outgoing, loyal, and assertive, helping Olivia make choices in her life.

EC:  Claire and Jax, the younger generation, are not the same personality types as Sasha and Olivia?

CB:  They have more of a sense of humor, are spunkier, and more demonstrative.  I think that is because they were never faced with the sinister side of Richter. Sasha actually helped Claire get out, so she did not turn into Olivia.  Claire and Jax are huggers and more happy- go- lucky.  What I wanted to show is how different people from the same place have different home lives with different families. 

EC:  How were you able to write about the details of a sniper?

CB:  I own certain weapons.  Since I am a successful single female, I am not afraid of having weapons to protect me.  I have used many of the guns I describe.  What is interesting and ironic is that I found out the teams I made up exist and I got it right.  If I think about it, then it probably has been done professionally.

EC:  What about your next books?

CB: The next Richter book will be Jax’s story. The title is An Unexpected Distraction, out in November of this year.  This book will come full circle, but I am hoping there is a clamoring for more in the series.  I love writing these characters and want to write them for some time. 

I am currently working on a non-espionage book, but more women’s fiction, set in San Diego.  It is family driven and inspired by my own life.  I have to deal with putting my elderly father in an assisted living residence.  It is hard to try to create, while taking care of someone else.


BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Release Blitz/Feature Post and Book Review: Lost & Found by Freya Barker

Hi, everyone!

I am very excited to share my Feature Post and Book Review on the Buoni Amici Press Release Blitz for LOST & FOUND (PASS Series Book #4) by Freya Barker.

Below you will find a book description, my book review and the author’s bio and social media links. Enjoy!


Book Description

Even with a degree in psychology and a keen ability to read people, security specialist Bree Graves can’t seem to get a bead on her boss. There was a time she thought she had him figured out but she’d been wrong. Still, she loves her job with PASS and her team has become her family. However, she doesn’t realize how much she needs them until her latest assignment puts her on the radar of a dangerous stalker.

For Yanis Mazur the safety of his PASS team is paramount. Even if that means sacrificing his personal life. Not only did he spend years building his security firm, but also the shield protecting his emotions. Yet when the one person who could breach his walls goes missing during an assignment he sent her on, he’s willing to risk both his business and his heart to get her back.

A victim of obsession, betrayal, and violence, Bree has no choice but to put her faith in the man who almost broke her.

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Title: Lost&Found (PASS, #4)

Author: Freya Barker 

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: July 12, 2021

Photographer: Jean Maureen Woodfin—JW Photography

Models: Hayley Stavenger and Charles Smith


My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

LOST & FOUND (PASS Series Book #4) by Freya Barker is an action and romance filled thrill ride romantic suspense. This is the couple I have been waiting for and it was worth it. This book can be read as a standalone for the crime and suspense plot, but the PASS characters work together and have evolved as characters over the four books.

Briane “Bree” Graves loves working at PASS. She is a five-foot two spitfire who can hang with all the big boys. She has an emotional past with her boss, Yanis, but she loves her job more and buries any personal feelings between the two. Her latest assignment puts her in the path of dangerous stalker and after she is injured, she finds that she may have been wrong about her and Yanis’ past relationship. Yanis wants her back, but he is the one person who could destroy her.

Yanis Mazur has given up a lot as he has built up PASS Security including a personal life. He has shielded his emotions since a he broke off his relationship with Bree. When Bree is targeted, it wakes him up to what he has been missing and what he wants back. Can he protect Bree and get her to trust him again?

I LOVE Bree and Yanis! They have so much past baggage to overcome and all while just trying to stay alive. The romance works well since they are both 15 years older since their breakup and more mature. They are more willing to talk through their problems and misunderstandings. The build up to their reuniting and the sex scenes progresses at a realistic pace with everything else that is happening in the suspense plot. The sex scenes are perfectly hot and never gratuitous. The suspense plot has many surprises and keeps the characters and readers on their toes right up to the climax. I enjoyed catching up with all that is happening with the other men of PASS and their significant others.

I highly recommend Bree and Yanis’ story, the entire series and all of Ms. Barker’s romantic suspense books!


Author Bio

USA Today bestselling author Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories. 

Driven to make her books about ‘real’ people; she creates characters who are perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills in their lives.

Recipient of the 2019 Best Book We’ve Read All Year Award for “Covering Ollie, the 2015 RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for Best First Book, “Slim To None”, Finalist for the 2017 Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, and Finalist for the 2020 Kindle Book Award with “When Hope Ends”, Freya continues to add to her rapidly growing collection of published novels as she spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

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Blog Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Wishbone by Stuart Giles

Hi, everyone!

Today is my turn on the Books n All Promotions Blog Tour and I am excited to be sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for WISHBONE (A DS Jason Smith Thriller Book #15) by Stuart Giles.

Below you will find a book blurb, my book review and the author’s bio and social media links. Enjoy!


Book Blurb


These seemingly innocent song lyrics are about to send Detective Jason Smith over the edge.

Still traumatised after a harrowing trip back home, Smith is sent headlong into the stuff of nightmares when he returns to work. When a woman is found dead with her spinal cord severed Smith and his team are thrown into the most disturbing investigation ever.

Then another body is found and when Smith realizes what this woman was subjected to he knows he’s on the trail of the most sadistic killer he’s ever come across.

All clues point to a death metal band.

Wishbone are in town for a few shows and when Smith realizes all the murders bear striking similarities to their song lyrics he starts to wonder if there is something more to this band than meets the eye.

This is the most horrifying case of Smith’s career and one the people of York will never forget.



My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

WISHBONE (A DS Jason Smith Thriller Book #15) by Stuart Giles is the latest thriller/British police procedural with DS Jason Smith and his family back in York from their trip to Australia and trying to return to normal. Five-year-old Laura is still traumatized, DC Erica Whitton is not yet ready to return to work, but Jason cannot stand another minute of leave. All the books in this series can be read as standalones, but I know you will want to read many more.

DS Jason Smith is on the hunt for a sadist killer. He comes back to work with his team and is called to the scene of a woman found in her bedroom with her spine severed in two places. Then a second mutilated body is found. As Jason is at the new murder scene, he is called back to the station to hear a story from two members of a death metal band called Wishbone. At first, it does not seem connected to his present case.

Then a USB is anonymously left for Smith at the police station which seems to connect the sadistic murders to the disturbing lyrics of Wishbone’s songs. Smith and his team work to uncover the clues to lead them to a sadist killer who could be a fan, roadie or even a member of the band.

I read through this DS Jason Smith thriller at warp speed! I was glad that Mr. Giles exposed Laura’s continuing problems which are from her time in “Australia” and did not just gloss over the realistic expected trauma. Smith is his usual workaholic self, and this case throws some very gruesome crime scenes his way. The violence in this book is graphic and not for the faint of heart, but it does not feel exploitive due to the subject matter. This story, like all the other DS Jason Smith thrillers, is fast paced, well plotted and gives a thoroughly satisfying conclusion.

I highly recommend this new thriller in the series and the entire DS Jason Smith series!


Author Bio

After reading English at 3 Universities and graduating from none of them, I set off travelling around the world with my wife, Ann, finally settling in South Africa, where we still live.

In 2014 Ann dropped a rather large speaker on my head and I came up with the idea for a detective series. DS Jason Smith was born. Smith, the first in the series was finished a few months later.

3 years and 8 DS Smith books later, Joffe Books wondered if I would be interested in working with them. As a self-published author, I agreed. However, we decided on a new series – the DC Harriet Taylor: Cornwall series.

The Beekeeper was published and soon hit the number one spot in Australia. The second in the series, The Perfect Murder did just as well.

I continued to self-publish the Smith series and Unworthy hit the shelves in 2018 with amazing results.  I therefore made the decision to self-publish The Backpacker which is book 3 in the Detective Harriet Taylor series which was published in July 2018.

After The Backpacker I had an idea for a totally new start to a series – a collaboration between the Smith and Harriet thrillers and The Enigma was born. It brought together the broody, enigmatic Jason Smith and the more level-headed Harriet Taylor.

The Miranda trilogy is something totally different. A psychological thriller trilogy. It is a real departure from anything else I’ve written before.

The Detective Jason Smith series continues to grow with book 16 coming soon. In addition I have an new series featuring an Irish detective who relocated to Guernsey. The first 4 books in the Detective Liam O’Reilly series are now available.

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Twitter: @stewartgiles
