Book Description
He had it all planned…until she showed up.
Jedidiah Stephens came to the Colorado Rockies for one reason: to uncover the truth behind the fire that killed her family. She’s been chasing down clues, and everything has led her to an isolated campground. Her plan is to get a job there so she can investigate who comes and goes. Getting involved with her boss, Memphis Osborn, the ruggedly handsome groundskeeper, is definitely not part of the plan.
When Jedidiah arrives on the scene, Memphis just knows she’s up to something. He can see the desperation in her eyes and warily agrees to hire her. As they work side by side, Diah triggers his deepest protective instincts—and the chemistry between them ignites.
But the more Diah digs into her family’s past, the more secrets she unravels…and the more afraid she becomes. She lost everything once before. She’ll never forgive herself if now she loses Memphis, too.
Elise’s Thoughts
The Fearless One by Lori Foster is another home run. Per usual, readers will not be disappointed in this story. The plot has adventure, suspense, and great characters. A bonus is that some of the secondary characters will be familiar to those who have read the first Osborn book or the McKenzies of Ridge Trail series.
The plot begins with Memphis Osborne cleaning up after working on restoring the campground he bought. But to his surprise there is a woman, Jedidiah “Diah” Stephens, and her dog staring at him. He is shocked to discover that his brother and sister-in-law hired her to be his handyperson. What he discovers is that she has nothing but the backpack she carries yet a lot of secrets. She is there to uncover the truth behind the fire that killed her family. She’s been chasing down clues, and everything has led her to an isolated campground. Realizing she needs help; Memphis slowly breaks down her barriers and together they investigate. But it becomes more than that as the attraction between them becomes off the charts.
As with all her suspense books, this one is no different. Readers will find non-stop action, twists, and turns, within an emotional, gripping, and intense story.
Author Interview
Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for this story?
Lori Foster: When someone asks me where I got an idea, it can be an easy answer – or an impossible one. Sometimes I’m intrigued by a headline, or a social issue, or I just see something, like an RV, and my imagination takes off. For this one, it was pure imagination.
I wondered how difficult it would be to have a dangerous enemy, with no idea why. Or who. Or when they might strike. From there, I knew we needed a champion, someone to help out to keep others safe. The plot of the story evolved from that.
EC: What is the role of Tuff the dog, what characteristics does Tuff have, and how did Tuff and Diah come together?
LF: I’m a big believer that pets play a huge role in our lives. They’re often attuned to us, and they can be far more understanding and compassionate than some people. Diah, who is fearful for her life, needed something or someone that brought her a measure of peace. That turned out to be her rescue dog, Tuff.
For fun, I got the name, and the type of dog, from a reader on my Facebook page. I often ask readers for information on their pets.
Dogs don’t ask questions, which is a good thing because Diah keeps a lot of secrets. As it turns out, Tuff decides to not only trust Memphis, but very obviously like him. That helps Diah to trust him, too. In a way, the dog is her protector, best friend, confidante, and an encourager who leads her into safe adventures – like getting cozy with Memphis.
EC: How would you describe Diah?-what is with her stare?
LF: Diah has had to be wary for much of her life, starting when she was just a girl. She watches people closely to better gauge if they’re a threat. Her stare is so intense it can be intimidating. Thankfully, it doesn’t intimidate Memphis, and in fact intrigues him instead.
She’s also been traumatized a few times, so she can be jumpy in uncertain situations – which actually, makes her incredibly brave for facing her fears and pushing forward, regardless of how it unsettles her. She has strong convictions, a gentle heart, but for her trust is extremely hard won.
EC: Since Jodi was also in the story (YEA) what would you say are the differences and similarities between Jodi and Diah?
LF: Diah and Jodi, who will end up as sisters-in-law, are extremely different.
Diah has remained gentle, whereas Jodi is abrasive. Diah admits to her weaknesses – and in fact thinks she’s weaker than she is, but Jodi would deny having any weakness – even to herself.
Diah has to force herself to face her fear, but for Jodi, not facing it would be impossible. One woman tiptoes into danger and the other explodes into it.
However, they’re both extremely loyal, honorable in their own unique ways, and both would go the limits to protect others.
EC: How would you describe Memphis vs his brother Hunter?
LF: Memphis’s brother, Hunter, is a very intense type of person. Heroic to the extreme, which has been proven. He’s private, and humble, and protective of others.
Memphis, however, has always been easy-going, never really tested in any way because life and success came to him easily. He considers his brother a super-hero and has massive respect for him. Now he wants to do his part. He wants to stop playing it safe and instead use his tech skills to help people, combat crime, and do some good for society. When he made those plans, however, he hadn’t expected Diah to enter his life. She puts a dent in his plans, but it’s all good.
EC: What are the differences and similarities between the relationship of Hunter and Jodi, Memphis and Diah?
LF: There are two books in this set – The Dangerous One, and The Fearless One.
The Dangerous One has Hunter and Jodi, and The Fearless One has Memphis and Diah.
The brothers are close, but have very different personality types. There’s a fun play on the titles, because you don’t know who’s more dangerous: Hunter or Jodi.
And you don’t know who’s more fearless: Memphis or Diah.
They complement each other with their conflicting manners.
Jodi had a truly horrendous experience that naturally makes her extra guarded – but then, Hunter did, too. They each want different things from their experiences. Jodi wants to blend in and become like other people, whereas Hunter has retreated and wants solitude. Together though, they mesh perfectly.
Memphis wants to be as heroic as his brother, to be able to make substantial changes that will help others since his life has always been so blessed. Diah wants to face her fears and stiffen her backbone so she can avenge her family – a family she wasn’t close to, but she feels an obligation. Besides, if she can’t figure out what happened to them, the same could happen to her. For Memphis and Diah, each sees the best in the other. Diah knows Memphis is already incredibly heroic, and Memphis thinks she’s brave to the point of being foolhardy. Together, they’re the whole package, each boosting the other.
EC: What is the relationship between Memphis and Madison?
LF: Memphis and Madison are both scary-good at anything tech. They can hack like professionals, gaining access to other people’s privacy whenever they want, although Memphis knows Madison is ten times better than him.
For Madison, it’s great to be able to chat with someone who understands the working of her brain. She’s madly in love with someone else, and Memphis has shown no interest in a personal relationship, so they’re able to be very good friends without the complications of a romance.
If one needs the other, they’re there.
EC: Next book?
LF: My publisher wanted something all new, so I am considering my options.

BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.