Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: The Deepest Kill by Lisa Black

Book Description

For software pioneer Martin Post, the third richest man in America, his private compound on the Florida coast is a sunny no-man’s-land separating his family from the rest of the world. Now, expert forensic analysts Ellie Carr and Rachael Davies of the renowned Locard Institute have been summoned to its dark side.

Martin’s pregnant daughter, Ashley, had ventured on a day trip in her motorboat into the Gulf, only to wash up dead on a nearby shore. Although the local coroner determined her death was an accident, Ellie and Rachael soon confirm Martin’s gravest fear: His daughter was murdered. Was it a kidnapping gone wrong? Or something even more brutal? Ashley and her husband, Greg, had been working working with Martin on a revolutionary new defense initiative for the US military – could espionage have played a part in her death?  Martin believes Greg is behind the murder, and the spoiled charmer does set off Rachel’s deception radar.  If the widower didn’t kill Ashley himself, why isn’t he more upset that she’s dead?

Drawn into the Posts’ increasingly dangerous family dynamic, Ellie and Rachael must work hard and fast to discover what secrets are buried at the heart of the crime. Because the churning waters of the Gulf are getting rougher. And soon, Ellie and Rachael  themselves will be in danger of getting crushed in their depths.


Elise’s Thoughts

The Deepest Kill by Lisa Black brings back forensic investigators Dr Ellie Carr and Dr Rachael Davies of the Locard Institute.  Once again readers get a glimpse into the forensic world as Black uses her own experiences as a forensic scientist to intertwine information within the riveting plot and readers will not be disappointed.

Carr and Davies are asked by billionaire Martin Post to investigate his pregnant daughter’s death.  Ashley had taken out her boat into the Florida Gulf, and just disappeared until her body washed ashore.  Both scientists determine that her death was not accidental but murder. Her husband, Greg, is considered the number one suspect. But because Greg, Ashley, and Post were working on a revolutionary defense initiative for the US military, some think that foreign agents might be involved. Thus, FBI agents Michael Tyler and Luis Alvarez are brought into the investigation.

Also adding to the storyline is the coast setting and the weather that appear as a character. Not to mention that Black gives more details of Ellie’s backstory whose mother died under suspicious circumstances and her death was also ruled drowning.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story?

Lisa Black: Throughout the series readers will discover more of Ellie’s history that is relevant to what is happening. This story popped into my head as I was thinking about defense contracting and the Laci Peterson case. I describe it as the Laci Peterson case if her father was Bill Gates, although I never worked on it.  I did watch a documentary about it.

EC:  Do you like switching off from featuring as the main character, Ellie, and Rachel?

LB:  I want both in the story.  It depends on what needs to be done because their expertise is in different areas. It depends on what they are investigating.  If it deals with pathology and anatomy Rachel will be featured more, but if it is about fingerprints then Ellie will be featured. It depends on what is called for with the investigation.

EC: Deception, detection, and body language are mentioned.  Does it play a role in forensic analysis?

LB:  Not really, it was what a detective does.  But a class was offered for the police officers in detection and deception.  I was allowed to attend it. It was a two-day class which I found interesting.  I got a lot of ideas for this story. For example, what was told about people’s feet.  I put a scene in about it.  People know that they should cover their faces, but a person’s feet can betray them. There must be a baseline that should be interpreted.

EC:  Did the setting play a role in the story? I laughed when I read what you said about your husband and moving to Florida.

LB: I live in Florida now. I have accepted the move he wanted to make, but still would rather have stayed where I was because I loved Cleveland where my job and family are.  I wanted to present how I felt when I first came here.  It was a shock. I hoped to have a little fun presenting an outsider’s view of Florida.  There are hurricanes, and in summer it is hotter than heck and very humid.  Florida has two seasons, raining season and not raining season.

EC: What about the boat scenes?

LB: When I was a child in Lake Erie, we had a boat, so I am comfortable around boats. I love boats. This was also inspired by the Laci Peterson case because they think the husband dumped her body in the water.

EC:  You put in the forensics about the water?

LB: Yes, being in the water changes a body. The way it decomposes and what happens to it after death. A body is affected greatly after being submerged.  This helped me to keep the mystery going.

EC:  Was the father’s dead wife presented like a hologram?

LB: No.  I was basing it on smart phones, Alexa, and Siri, all the artificial types.  He just gave it his wife’s name so when he asked a question he referred to her name.

EC:  How would you describe Ellie?

LB:  Someone who wants to fit in, committed, athletic, and does not handle change very well. She does have insomnia.  Having to move around a lot as a child has made her a little insecure. Having her adjust to new living situations made her crave stability. She was always raised by aunts, uncles, and cousins.

EC:  How would you describe the husband, Greg?

LB:  Energetic, amiable, rich, shallow, and arrogant. Picture a spoiled frat boy. He is used to women giving him what he wants because he is cute and the rest of the world giving him what he wants because he is rich. He was born rich.

EC:  What about your next book?

LB:  It is titled Not Who We Expected. The plot has this aging rock star trying to make a comeback.  He calls the Locard Institute because of his missing daughter and is very worried after the boyfriend turns up dead.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: The Chaos Agent by Mark Greaney

Book Description

A car accident in Japan.

A drowning in Seoul.

A home invasion in Boston.

Someone is killing the world’s leading experts on robotics and artificial intelligence. Is it a tech company trying to eliminate the competition or is it something even more sinister?

After all, artificial intelligence may be the deadliest battlefield gamechanger since the creation of gunpowder. The first nation to field weapons that can act at the speed of computer commands will rule the battlefield.

It’s an irresistible lure for most, but not for the Gray Man. His quest for a quiet life has led him to Central America where he and his lover, Zoya Zakharova, have assumed new identities. With a list of enemies that  includes billionaires, terrorists, and governments, they need to keep a low profile, but the world’s deadliest assassin can’t expect to hide out forever.

Eventually, they’re tracked down and offered a job by an old acquaintance of Zoya’s. He needs their help extracting a Russian scientist who is on the kill list. They reject the offer, but just being seen with him is enough to put assassins on their trail.

Now, they’re back on the run, but no matter which way they turn, it’s clear that whoever’s tracking them is always going to be one step ahead. Since flight’s no longer possible, fight is the only option left, and no one fights dirtier than the Gray Man.


Elise’s Thoughts

The Chaos Agent by Mark Greaney brings to life artificial intelligence, which takes center stage in this plot. Just as with other issues like biological weapons and cloning, Greaney talks about how AI can weaponize drones and robots.

The plot starts off quiet enough as Court and Zoya settle down together in Central America in hope of living a quiet life.  But that comes to a quick end after Zoya is approached by an old contact who needs her to extract a Russian scientist from a deadly situation.  To make matters worse, they are attacked by a team of professional assassins.

It seems that multibillionaire Anton Hinton is building a lethal autonomous weapon controlled by artificial intelligence.  His reasoning is that he wants to bring some sanity to the world where human wars could be a thing of the past. Putting the pieces together, Court and Zoya realize that someone is killing the world’s leading experts on robotics and computers.  Because he is afraid for his life, Hinton hires as his new chief of security, Court’s old teammate, Zack Hightower. Eventually, they all band together to stop this powerful AI computer, Cyrus for destroying the world.

The plot has nonstop action.  The best Gray Man books are ones with the supporting cast of characters, which includes this one. Readers should take the plot as a word of warning as to what happens after AI is weaponized.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story?

Mark Greaney: I was watching a lot of TV about developing artificial intelligence. Then I read a few books about AI run amok.  I was looking into the dark side of AI. Robotics, AI, and lethal autonomous weapons melted together. It was fascinating for me to write about. I am always looking for something different to write about.  The idea of the private sector creating something dangerous was interesting to me.  

EC:  What do you personally think of AI?

MG:  It can be used by the military or for cures to cancer. It depends on how it is used.  I am fatalistic about it, knowing it is coming whether we want it to or not. I am nervous as I write about in the book.  If the enemy does it and revolutionizes the way countries fight it will become a game changer. I read a line that said, ‘If a scenario cannot be anticipated, then we cannot test it.’ AI can act in ways they are not taught.

EC:  For example, Israel drops leaflets and warns the Gazans before they bomb, but I do not think AI will do it.

MG: Absolutely. AI does not have any judgement or morality. Now AI are basically large language models.  Once in the real world there is no telling what might happen. They clobbered US pilots in simulators with the human pilot never getting a shot off. In the book, Cyrus, the AI agent, is aggressive. War game simulations have AI on the attack, to fight, and attack.  This is also a vulnerability because it can make mistakes that will hurt it.

EC: Is it like biological weapons where all the countries say they are not pursuing them or use them?

MG: I do agree with that analogy.  Some years ago, a bunch of Google employees threatened to quit because the company was working with the US military on object recognition to process drone feeds.  All these employees got on their high horse and refused to work with the defense department.  This killed the whole project. At the same time Google had tons of projects with Chinese firms. All of these are dual use, can be operational in the military. 

EC: I was thinking of the debate over cloning to get the perfect person-are we for it or against it?

MG:  Yes.  In some ways it is good, to eliminate diseases, but it would also be possible to get a Master Race. This is very concerning to me. It is coming down the pike, AI, one way or another.  The US did put export controls on the chips that make high level AI and China cannot acquire them. Regulations will help. Everything I read is that the sophisticated AI are prone to making mistakes.

EC: Why the Albert Einstein quote in the beginning of the book?

MG: He was talking about the nuclear age.  The leaders of the AI industry, the gate keepers that told Congress, they are scared about what is behind their own gates. They asked for regulations. But they also fought against some regulations that were in England. People asked if they could do it, but no one asked if they should do it.

EC:  Did you want to show that Court, as with some in the military, miss the action and adrenaline rush?

MG:  A little bit of a version of it.  I played it up in other books more.  He sees himself as someone that should be used for good not evil. I think he feels a little bit listless when he is not doing what is right to make the world a better place. He has this moral compass with right and wrong incredibly important to him.

EC:  How would you describe the relationship between Zoya and Court?

MG: They have trust issues.  Sometimes they feel betrayed. Court has a vulnerability but has let his guard down for Zoya.  What is programmed into him is to go into flight if he senses any kind of deception from her.

EC: Would you kill off any of your main characters?

MG: I have not written the next book yet. I honestly do not know.  I can kill any of my characters at some point.

EC: Can you describe how you came about to write the two intense scenes with the autonomous robots and drones?

MG:  I watched a lot of videos.  Everything in this book is based on existing or emerging technology. There is no science fiction. The robot dogs with rifles on their backs exist. The drones that land on the roof is also real. The hexacopters that are remotely piloted and carry explosives we are seeing a ton of that in the Ukraine War. When building an action scene, I think of the enemy capabilities and the heroes’ capabilities.

EC:  This book had a cliff-hanger so can you tell anything about the next book?

MG: I don’t look on it as a cliff-hanger. The entire story played out is resolved but in the last twenty-five pages is something new that came about. I had the idea while writing the middle of this book. There will be a wild ride in the next book.

I also have a book coming out in June titled Sentinel. It is the second book in the Josh Duffy series. This book takes place in Africa. Duffy is a diplomatic security agent. The series is sold to TV.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: Murder at the Breakers by Alyssa Maxwell

Book Description

As the nineteenth century comes to a close, the illustrious Vanderbilt family dominates Newport, Rhode Island, high society. But when murder darkens a glittering affair at their summer home, reporter Emma Cross learns that sometimes the cream of the crop can curdle one’s blood . . .

Newport, Rhode Island, August 1895: She may be a less well-heeled relation, but as second cousin to millionaire patriarch Cornelius Vanderbilt, twenty-one-year-old Emma Cross is on the guest list for a grand ball at the Breakers, the Vanderbilts’ summer home. She also has a job to do—report on the event for the society page of the Newport Observer.
But Emma observes much more than glitz and gaiety when she witnesses a murder. The victim is Cornelius Vanderbilt’s financial secretary, who plunges off a balcony faster than falling stock prices. Emma’s black sheep brother Brady is found in Cornelius’s bedroom passed out next to a bottle of bourbon and stolen plans for a new railroad line. Brady has barely come to before the police have arrested him for the murder. But Emma is sure someone is trying to railroad her brother and resolves to find the real killer at any cost . .


Elise’s Thoughts

Murder at the Breakers by Alyssa Maxwell is now a Hallmark movie on the Hallmark Mystery Channel. It has just been released last week.  As with most books that have been made into movies there were changes made but the overall arc of the plot was still intact.

In 1895 a society page writer, Emma Vanderbilt Cross, witnesses a murder while attending a ball at a Vanderbilt mansion in Newport Rhode Island. She soon gets drawn into the investigation after her brother is arrested.

Whether watching the movie or reading the book readers will be enthralled with the characters and the riveting plot.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: This was made into a Hallmark movie.  Can you comment.

Alyssa Maxwell: One of the executive producers, James Walsh, toured the Breakers.  He thought of making a historical mystery set in Newport. As he walked through the bookshop, he saw my book.  After reading it he contacted my agent.  It met a need he had been looking for.

EC: Do you agree there were differences between the movie and the book?

AM:  Yes.  Emma’s romantic interest was different. Katie the maid was not in it.  Jack Parsons, a person of interest was not in it. Once the filming rights were sold, typical for most deals like this, the writer is no longer a part of the project. My creative input was writing the book, while the production company can interpret it however, they may see fit. It is a big project of the book to be condensed to a 1.5-hour movie.

I think Nanny was a combination of Nanny and Katie, the maid.  Nanny is not Irish in the book but was in the movie.  In the book she married someone named O’Neal, but she was not Irish herself.

Obviously, Emma was not romantically involved with the Detective Jesse. Maybe they felt bringing the romance in earlier it would be more appealing. They also made Jesse younger.

EC:  Were you happy with the way the characters were portrayed in the movie?

AM:  Yes, if more movies are made the characters will settle into their roles.  I thought that Emma’s personality was captured as being determined, strong-willed.  Derrick captured the teasing quality, and Jesse the steady, concerned detective who respects her insight into the crime. Brady was portrayed as the rash brother.

EC: Are they going to make future movies?

AM:  I do not think that decision has been made yet.

EC:  The idea for the book story?

AM: I am married to someone born and raised in Newport.  I fell in love with this place because it is so atmospheric and historical.  I knew in my mind I would set it here.  Then I decided on the period of the Gilded Age because it is so visible in Newport, especially the mansions. The Breakers Mansion is the biggest and most ornate, owned by the Vanderbilts. I chose that date because the first Breakers burnt down, and this was the night honoring it being re-built.  I put in the murder from my research with the rivalries in the railroad industry.

EC: Why did you choose to write about the Vanderbilts and not someone else?

AM: The Breakers is one of the very biggest mansions.  It is like the crown jewel in the preservation society of Newport’s County treasure chest of houses.  Plus, there is the familiarity that so many people have with the Vanderbilt family, with their connection to the railroad industry.  This was their vacation home that they went to every summer.

EC: How would you describe Emma?

AM: Protective, independent, stubborn, determined, and spirited.  She is focused, grounded, loyal, and head strong. She does belong to different worlds and sometimes that feels like she is being pulled in two different directions. On one side she is an ordinary Newporter and on the other side a distant cousin of the Vanderbilt family.  She leans to the ordinary Newport side which she sees as the ‘real people.’  She is a champion of the ordinary people of Newport.

EC: Do you think her parents deserted her?

AM:  In a way yes. Being in the art world they are oblivious. They went to Paris to pursue their dream. The did know they left Emma with her nanny who is more like a grandmother to her. She also has her stepbrother, Brady.

EC:  How would you describe Brady?

AM:  He is irresponsible, rash, reckless, and loyal.  He means well but is not disciplined.

EC:  How would you describe Derrick?

AM:  Charming, curious, and confident.

EC:  What about the relationship between Derrick and Emma?

AM:  He enjoys teasing her, which flusters her.  She finds him impertinent at times. At times he toys with her emotions because he is attracted to her.  He sees that independent side and does not want to push it down.

EC:  The younger generation in the book appears to do whatever they want.

AM:  The young aristocratic men are cavalier, arrogant, self-absorbed, and do not deal with life’s challenges. Being the sons of millionaires, they are spoiled and feel invincible as well as entitled.

EC:  Next book?

AM:  It will be out in August and is titled Murder in Vinland. There will be a member of the Vanderbilt family, Florence Vanderbilt Twombly involved.  Emma will be the sleuth and will still have the cast of characters surrounding her.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: The Fearless One by Lori Foster

Book Description

He had it all planned…until she showed up.

Jedidiah Stephens came to the Colorado Rockies for one reason: to uncover the truth behind the fire that killed her family. She’s been chasing down clues, and everything has led her to an isolated campground. Her plan is to get a job there so she can investigate who comes and goes. Getting involved with her boss, Memphis Osborn, the ruggedly handsome groundskeeper, is definitely not part of the plan.

When Jedidiah arrives on the scene, Memphis just knows she’s up to something. He can see the desperation in her eyes and warily agrees to hire her. As they work side by side, Diah triggers his deepest protective instincts—and the chemistry between them ignites.

But the more Diah digs into her family’s past, the more secrets she unravels…and the more afraid she becomes. She lost everything once before. She’ll never forgive herself if now she loses Memphis, too.


Elise’s Thoughts

The Fearless One by Lori Foster is another home run.  Per usual, readers will not be disappointed in this story.  The plot has adventure, suspense, and great characters. A bonus is that some of the secondary characters will be familiar to those who have read the first Osborn book or the McKenzies of Ridge Trail series.

The plot begins with Memphis Osborne cleaning up after working on restoring the campground he bought.  But to his surprise there is a woman, Jedidiah “Diah” Stephens, and her dog staring at him. He is shocked to discover that his brother and sister-in-law hired her to be his handyperson. What he discovers is that she has nothing but the backpack she carries yet a lot of secrets. She is there to uncover the truth behind the fire that killed her family. She’s been chasing down clues, and everything has led her to an isolated campground. Realizing she needs help; Memphis slowly breaks down her barriers and together they investigate.  But it becomes more than that as the attraction between them becomes off the charts.

As with all her suspense books, this one is no different.  Readers will find non-stop action, twists, and turns, within an emotional, gripping, and intense story.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for this story?

Lori Foster: When someone asks me where I got an idea, it can be an easy answer – or an impossible one. Sometimes I’m intrigued by a headline, or a social issue, or I just see something, like an RV, and my imagination takes off. For this one, it was pure imagination.

I wondered how difficult it would be to have a dangerous enemy, with no idea why. Or who. Or when they might strike. From there, I knew we needed a champion, someone to help out to keep others safe. The plot of the story evolved from that.

EC: What is the role of Tuff the dog, what characteristics does Tuff have, and how did Tuff and Diah come together?

LF: I’m a big believer that pets play a huge role in our lives. They’re often attuned to us, and they can be far more understanding and compassionate than some people. Diah, who is fearful for her life, needed something or someone that brought her a measure of peace. That turned out to be her rescue dog, Tuff.

For fun, I got the name, and the type of dog, from a reader on my Facebook page. I often ask readers for information on their pets.

Dogs don’t ask questions, which is a good thing because Diah keeps a lot of secrets. As it turns out, Tuff decides to not only trust Memphis, but very obviously like him. That helps Diah to trust him, too. In a way, the dog is her protector, best friend, confidante, and an encourager who leads her into safe adventures – like getting cozy with Memphis.

EC: How would you describe Diah?-what is with her stare?

LF: Diah has had to be wary for much of her life, starting when she was just a girl. She watches people closely to better gauge if they’re a threat. Her stare is so intense it can be intimidating. Thankfully, it doesn’t intimidate Memphis, and in fact intrigues him instead.

She’s also been traumatized a few times, so she can be jumpy in uncertain situations – which actually, makes her incredibly brave for facing her fears and pushing forward, regardless of how it unsettles her. She has strong convictions, a gentle heart, but for her trust is extremely hard won.

EC: Since Jodi was also in the story (YEA) what would you say are the differences and similarities between Jodi and Diah?

LF: Diah and Jodi, who will end up as sisters-in-law, are extremely different.

Diah has remained gentle, whereas Jodi is abrasive. Diah admits to her weaknesses – and in fact thinks she’s weaker than she is, but Jodi would deny having any weakness – even to herself.

Diah has to force herself to face her fear, but for Jodi, not facing it would be impossible. One woman tiptoes into danger and the other explodes into it.

However, they’re both extremely loyal, honorable in their own unique ways, and both would go the limits to protect others.

EC: How would you describe Memphis vs his brother Hunter?

LF: Memphis’s brother, Hunter, is a very intense type of person. Heroic to the extreme, which has been proven. He’s private, and humble, and protective of others.

Memphis, however, has always been easy-going, never really tested in any way because life and success came to him easily. He considers his brother a super-hero and has massive respect for him. Now he wants to do his part. He wants to stop playing it safe and instead use his tech skills to help people, combat crime, and do some good for society. When he made those plans, however, he hadn’t expected Diah to enter his life. She puts a dent in his plans, but it’s all good.

EC: What are the differences and similarities between the relationship of Hunter and Jodi, Memphis and Diah?

LF: There are two books in this set – The Dangerous One, and The Fearless One.

The Dangerous One has Hunter and Jodi, and The Fearless One has Memphis and Diah.

The brothers are close, but have very different personality types. There’s a fun play on the titles, because you don’t know who’s more dangerous: Hunter or Jodi.

And you don’t know who’s more fearless: Memphis or Diah.

They complement each other with their conflicting manners.

Jodi had a truly horrendous experience that naturally makes her extra guarded – but then, Hunter did, too. They each want different things from their experiences. Jodi wants to blend in and become like other people, whereas Hunter has retreated and wants solitude. Together though, they mesh perfectly.

Memphis wants to be as heroic as his brother, to be able to make substantial changes that will help others since his life has always been so blessed. Diah wants to face her fears and stiffen her backbone so she can avenge her family – a family she wasn’t close to, but she feels an obligation. Besides, if she can’t figure out what happened to them, the same could happen to her. For Memphis and Diah, each sees the best in the other. Diah knows Memphis is already incredibly heroic, and Memphis thinks she’s brave to the point of being foolhardy. Together, they’re the whole package, each boosting the other.

EC: What is the relationship between Memphis and Madison?

LF: Memphis and Madison are both scary-good at anything tech. They can hack like professionals, gaining access to other people’s privacy whenever they want, although Memphis knows Madison is ten times better than him.

For Madison, it’s great to be able to chat with someone who understands the working of her brain. She’s madly in love with someone else, and Memphis has shown no interest in a personal relationship, so they’re able to be very good friends without the complications of a romance.

If one needs the other, they’re there.

EC: Next book?

LF: My publisher wanted something all new, so I am considering my options.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: Their Road To Redemption and The Amish Midwife’s Bargain by Patrice Lewis

Book Description – Their Road to Redemption

To put their pasts behind them…

Can they find forgiveness together?

Moving to Montana is the chance Thomas Kemp needs to open his own business and seek a wife—while keeping his shameful past hidden. Except the beautiful Amish widow who catches his eye wants financial independence, not marriage. When Emma Fisher’s toddler bonds with the newcomer, she believes Thomas is everything she wants in a husband. But can she accept his past…for the chance at a future together? 


Book Description – The Amish Midwife’s Bargain

An accident on a stormy night

Will change the course of their lives…

Grieving after the loss of a patient, midwife Miriam Kemp returns to her Amish roots and vows to leave her nursing life behind. But when she accidentally hits Aaron Lapp on a rain-drenched road, she offers to help the scarred and handsome—if somewhat cranky—bachelor while he recovers. Could this arrangement allow them to heal…while finding a love they never expected?


Elise’s Thoughts

Their Road to Redemption and The Amish Midwife’s Bargain by Patrice Lewis continues the story of the Kemp siblings.  Both are books about forgiveness, hope, and how choices made can influence someone’s life.

Their Road to Redemption is the second book in the series. Thomas Kemp travels to the Amish community in Montana to redeem his life. He is ashamed of his criminal activities of the past.  Now working as a bookkeeper, he meets an Amish widow and single parent, Emma, who has vowed never to get married. But her toddler, Hannah, bonds with Thomas and they become attracted to each other. He questions if she will accept his past where the three can become a family.

The Amish Midwife’s Bargain has one of the Kemp siblings, a nurse, Miriam, grieving after losing a patient. She decides to visit her Amish brother, Thomas, after vowing to leave the nursing profession.  But when she accidentally hits Aaron Lapp on a rain-drenched road, she offers to help him recover.  He has his own scars literally, after having his face burned in a barn fire.  This story will remind readers of “Beauty and the Beast.”


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story, Their Road to Redemption?

Patrice Lewis: I had a three-book series of siblings, and this is the middle sibling.  This is a story of redemption and making better choices. Everything someone does from morning until sleep is a choice. I wanted to show how the hero, Thomas, had his bad choices catch up and then his good choices turned it around.


EC:  How would you describe Thomas?  

PL:  He was a juvenile delinquent when younger, but now he is redeemed.  He is broken, subdued, quiet, shy, scarred, and humble.


EC:  How would you describe Emma?


PL: High-spirited, outspoken, a go-getter, confident, independent, passionate about her skill of making soap, and determined.  

EC:  What about the relationship between the two?

PL:  Emma does not want to rely on a man for financial support. She is gun-shy since her late husband was emotionally abusive, selfish, and stubborn. Emma is determined to remain single. She and her late husband never wanted to be married, but after she became pregnant, they did marry. Both she and Thomas have secrets and hold each other at arm’s length.  Yet, they do admire each other. Thomas does not think he is worthy of her.  

EC:  What is the role of a secondary character, Jeremy?

PL:  He is another redemption. In Thomas’ backstory, he feels he must pay it forward. He sees in Jeremy himself and wants to help him to redeem his life.    

EC:  What about the role of Hannah, Emma’s young daughter?


PL:  She is instrumental in bringing Emma and Thomas together. Hannah sees Thomas as a father figure and becomes attached to him.  Emma starts thinking maybe her daughter sees something in Thomas that she doesn’t.  Hannah saw his kindness.


EC:  What about the second book, The Amish Midwife’s Bargain?


PL:  This is about the third sibling, Miriam, a nurse.  I saw this reference to a private nurse, which enabled me to have Miriam and Aaron get closer. She helped him after she accidentally hit him with her car.  This led me to a “Beauty and the Beast” theme. It became effortless to write.  Hands down it is the favorite story I have written so far. My mother used to be a nurse and I saw how some have painful journeys.


EC:  How would you describe Aaron, the hero?


PL:  He has been terribly disfigured in a barn fire. Now he wants to be left alone. His became bitter with a very scarred face. He can be stubborn, grumpy, with emotional pain, prickly, lonely, and likes animals more than people.


EC:  What was the role of the scar?


PL:  I wrote two ways that children responded to his disfigurement. Hannah accepted him and never saw his scars.  Then there was an “English” boy who runs away from him in terror. He realized with Hannah’s reaction that some could be accepting of him and not consider him a monster, a beast.


EC:  How would you describe Miriam?


PL:  Determined, patient, and a helper. She responds to those in pain, emotional and physical. She was devastated and doubted herself after she lost a patient.


EC:  What about the relationship between the two?


PL: Miriam feels she must get past Aaron wanting to live in solitude.  She wanted to show him that his outward scars did not diminish who he was as a person. Aaron helped her to realize she lost a patient because they were beyond help.  Both have scars, admire, and respect each other.  Both helped each other to get back on “their horse.”  

EC:  Next books?

PL:  A book will come out in March, titled The Amish Beekeeper’s Dilemma. It is about a woman who became a property keeper for an old man.  His nephew came to take over the farm. A conflict develops around it.  Another book that has no release date but is titled, Uncovering Her Amish Past. The main character, Penelope, is “English.” She is adopted and an only child.  She went to an Amish settlement, staying at a Bed & Breakfast.  It turns out she is a twin to an Amish woman.  THANK YOU!!

BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: Blaque Pearle by Tarris Marie

Book Description

Tarris Marie’s debut novel intertwines crime, romance, and the ‘90s era. A refreshing new voice for urban romance lovers and women’s crime thriller connoisseurs.

Before her Hollywood dreams were shattered, Pearle Monalise Brown was the tenacious aspiring actress from Compton’s unforgiving, scarred streets. Never broken, Pearle switches gears to a fallback plan—resorting to her beauty and acting skills to swindle money and expensive jewels. When she’s hired by the Colombian cartel to steal a priceless Basquiat from the debonair kingpin and art collector, Blaque, her talents might not be enough to keep her from falling into a trap she never saw coming. 
Blaque is sagacious and handsome—not to mention the legacy of two powerful organized crime families: the Laurent’s—known dons hailing from Kingston, Jamaica, and the Savage’s—a sophisticated syndicate with criminal enterprises across the U.S. As Blaque and Pearle become passionately entangled, Pearle falls prey to a darker underworld. Time is ticking. Lives are at stake. Will these love outlaws be able to outsmart their enemies, or will they wage an all-out war, leaving the bodies to fall wherever they may?


Elise’s Thoughts

Blaque Pearle by Tarris Marie intertwines crime, romance, and the ‘90s era. Much like her characters, the author also took a powerful journey, having to overcome Stargardt Disease, a genetic condition that caused her legal blindness and cost her a corporate job.

The plot has deeply flawed but relatable characters who risk everything for love and family.  The main female lead, Pearle Brown was an aspiring actress that got caught up in her brother’s scheme.  She decides to use her beauty and acting skills to swindle money and expensive jewels from unsuspecting people. When she and her brother are hired to steal a priceless Basquiat from the debonair kingpin and art collector, Blaque, her talents might not be enough to keep her from falling into a trap she never saw coming, falling in love with him. Although he is from two powerful crime families he also falls in love with Pearle and will do anything to keep her safe.  Together they use their skills to battle their enemies and help those in need.

The book has vivid descriptions, captivating characters, and a complex storyline. It is not only riveting but informative as well.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: Why become a writer?

Tarris Marie: I decided to write after I lost my central vision.  I had come from the corporate world and after losing some of my vision I became depressed and was on a downward spiral. When I was on the floor, I heard a voice telling me to get up.  I asked God what to do and heard, write a book. This was in 2020 when I decided to write a series, a total of four novels.

EC:  Do you want to talk about your disease?

TM:  Stargardt Disease is a hereditary disease of the retina, affecting the central sight.  It is a juvenile form of Macular Degeneration. For me, I got it my late thirties.  Now I am legally blind.  It does not affect my peripheral vision, but I could not see anything I directly look at. My support system is my husband, children, family, friends, and the best doctors. I use technology to help me become independent.

EC:  Is the story related to your life?

TM:  I wrote about the decade in which I grew up. I was trying to find myself, so I went back in time. This book is the first book to come out, taking place in the 1990s.  I grew up in an urban environment in Gary Indiana, America’s murder capitol.  I grew up in a loving home.  I lived the 1990s culture, the hip-hop music, and the hairstyles. I met a lot of people, learned a lot, and grew a lot.

EC:  Why did you make your hero and heroine “bad guys?”

TM:  They start off as “bad.”  But there was redemption, and the characters were relatable considering the decisions made was to survive. I was also able to relate to these characters because I do know what it feels like to be in a place where you must do what is necessary to survive.

EC:  Why not end the story with Part I?

  Part I was more about the drug aspect, while Part II concentrated on human trafficking. In the late 1990s it used the Internet, a lot of traps for young girls. 

EC:  How would you describe Pearle?

TM:  Low-key, greedy, quiet, protective, and loyal. I named her Pearle, symbolic because it has a lot of layers.  Like the gemstone, the character has a hard exterior, but has layers.

EC: How would you describe Blaque?

TM:  Gentle but could be rough and powerful.  A listener, honest, funny, open-minded, adventurous, mysterious, and serious. I named him Blaque to represent the black male that I knew. He loved the women in his life and respected them. The color black is mysterious and sexy. Putting his name along with Pearle, the gemstone Black Pearl is unique, created in a different type of oyster. It represents healing of broken hearts. Like me, I needed to heal because I was broken. I hope to take any reader on that journey as well.

EC: Next book?

TM:  The title is Empress Creed, out in February 2024.  It is a prequel with a hindsight into the family. It takes place in the 1930s in the Midwest and shows how the crime family got started.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.