Book Description
The Roaring Twenties–the Jazz Age–has been characterized as a time of Gatsby frivolity. But it was also the height of the uniquely American hate group, the Ku Klux Klan. Their domain was not the old Confederacy, but the Heartland and the West. They hated Blacks, Jews, Catholics and immigrants in equal measure, and took radical steps to keep these people from the American promise. And the man who set in motion their takeover of great swaths of America was a charismatic charlatan named D.C. Stephenson.
Stephenson was a magnetic presence whose life story changed with every telling. Within two years of his arrival in Indiana, he’d become the Grand Dragon of the state and the architect of the strategy that brought the group out of the shadows – their message endorsed from the pulpits of local churches, spread at family picnics and town celebrations. Judges, prosecutors, ministers, governors and senators across the country all proudly proclaimed their membership. But at the peak of his influence, it was a seemingly powerless woman – Madge Oberholtzer – who would reveal his secret cruelties, and whose deathbed testimony finally brought the Klan to their knees.

My Mini Book Review
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
A FEVER IN THE HEARTLAND: The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America and the Woman Who Stopped Them by Timothy Egan is a nonfiction book that is part true crime, part historical reference, and all-around terrifying tale of hate, fear, greed, and megalomania. This book is set primarily in Indiana in the 1920’s but hate and fear of the other was an infection throughout the Midwestern states. If you think the Klan was only a Southern phenomenon, think again.
D.C. Stephenson rose in four short years to become the Grand Dragon of the KKK in Indiana in a very short time in the 1920’s. With his charisma and slick tongue, he had a stranglehold on every aspect of politics, law enforcement, and business. His order of the Klan in Indiana at one time had a larger membership than many southern states. This included a women’s auxiliary and even a Ku Klux Kiddies branch. But like in most moral tales and warnings, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The law catches up with Stephenson eventually and he is held responsible for the death of Madge Oberholtzer, who he kidnapped, raped, and mutilated and her death becomes the turning point of the KKK fever in Indiana.
This book is difficult to read in its unrelenting reporting of the true horror and crimes committed by the KKK in the Midwest in the 1920’s. This book lays bare racial, religious and immigrant hatred and segregation, educational restrictions and book banning, and a group of people led by fear of the other and hate to follow a charismatic cult leader. This book shines a light on the terrifying parallels with current events.

About the Author
TIMOTHY EGAN is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and the author of ten books, including the forthcoming, A FEVER IN THE HEARTLAND, which will be released on April 4. His book on the Dust Bowl, THE WORST HARD TIME, won a National Book Award for nonfiction. His book on photographer Edward Curtis, SHORT NIGHTS OF THE SHADOW CATCHER, was awarded the Carnegie Medal for nonfiction. He’s also written several New York Times’ bestsellers, including THE IMMORTAL IRISHMAN and THE BIG BURN. He’s a third-generation Westerner.
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