Book Tour/Feature Post and Mini Book Review: The Colour of Mystery by Joy Ellis

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for THE COLOUR OF MYSTERY (Ellie McEwan Mysteries Book #2) by Joy Ellis on this Books ‘n’ All Promotions Book Tour.

Below you will find a book summary, my book review, an about the author section and the author’s social media links. Enjoy!


Book Summary


It’s the night shift worker who finds them. Huddled in a hospital store cupboard is elderly Edith Higgins. Knifed to death. Sitting behind her is Staff Nurse Lily Frampton, a scalpel clasped in her blood-soaked hand.

No one can understand why this kind-hearted, dedicated nurse would brutally murder a frail patient she’s spent months caring for.

That same day, mild-mannered schoolteacher Rod Black is found surrounded by the battered bodies of his pupils. Why would a well-respected teacher beat five schoolboys to death?

Then a third shocking — and equally inexplicable — incident takes place in a London homeless shelter.

What could turn three honest, upright citizens into cold-blooded killers?

Once again, DCI Bob Foreman calls on Ellie McEwan for help. Can Ellie use her extraordinary psychic gift to uncover the truth?





My Mini Book Review

RATING: 4 out of 5 Stars

THE COLOUR OF MYSTERY (Ellie McEwan Mysteries Book #2) by Joy Ellis is the second of two mysteries with paranormal elements written by Ms. Ellis at the beginning of her career and just recently published. This book can be read as a standalone because the reader is brought up to date on important elements from The Aura of Mystery and it is set two years after the first, but I feel it is best to read them in order.

Ellie McEwan and Michael Seale are still deciding on what to do with the immense inheritance left to them by their friend Carol two years ago. They have started a Healing Center for specialty care with a variety of specialists and healers. After three respected and loved people commit unimaginable murders and then go into a catatonic-like state, DCI Forman asks for Ellie’s help on this case using her psychic gift once again.

This is an engaging mix of paranormal anomalies and police procedural. The characters are well developed and interesting. The mystery plot is suspenseful with help from friends from beyond and law enforcement friends, but at times, especially in the beginning of the story, the pace feels a bit slow. Overall, an intriguing genre mash-up.


About the Author

Joy Ellis grew up in Kent but moved to London when she won an apprenticeship with the prestigious Mayfair florist, Constance Spry Ltd. Having run her own flower shop in Weybridge for many years, Ellis then worked as a bookseller until a trip to the Greek island of Skyros, where she took part in a writer’s workshop with Sue Townsend, encouraged her to write her own books. Joy soon after moved to the Lincolnshire Fens, where she has spent many of years living among the countryside accompanied by her partner, Jacqueline, and her variety of springer spaniels.

After many years of writing, Jasper Joffe, from Joffe Books, discovered Joy’s work and approached her with the offer of becoming her new publisher. This new relationship introduced Joy’s work to the fascinating world of ebooks and audible listening. Since their partnership, Joy’s success has grown further than she could have ever imagined. She has recently celebrated her 10th UK No.1 book on the Amazon ‘Best Sellers’ chart, with her 9th instalment in the Jackman & Evans series, Solace House. Joy boasts a staggering estimated total over 3.4 million copies sold worldwide, and became a short-listed nominee at the British Book Awards, 2021.

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Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: The Fearless One by Lori Foster

Book Description

He had it all planned…until she showed up.

Jedidiah Stephens came to the Colorado Rockies for one reason: to uncover the truth behind the fire that killed her family. She’s been chasing down clues, and everything has led her to an isolated campground. Her plan is to get a job there so she can investigate who comes and goes. Getting involved with her boss, Memphis Osborn, the ruggedly handsome groundskeeper, is definitely not part of the plan.

When Jedidiah arrives on the scene, Memphis just knows she’s up to something. He can see the desperation in her eyes and warily agrees to hire her. As they work side by side, Diah triggers his deepest protective instincts—and the chemistry between them ignites.

But the more Diah digs into her family’s past, the more secrets she unravels…and the more afraid she becomes. She lost everything once before. She’ll never forgive herself if now she loses Memphis, too.


Elise’s Thoughts

The Fearless One by Lori Foster is another home run.  Per usual, readers will not be disappointed in this story.  The plot has adventure, suspense, and great characters. A bonus is that some of the secondary characters will be familiar to those who have read the first Osborn book or the McKenzies of Ridge Trail series.

The plot begins with Memphis Osborne cleaning up after working on restoring the campground he bought.  But to his surprise there is a woman, Jedidiah “Diah” Stephens, and her dog staring at him. He is shocked to discover that his brother and sister-in-law hired her to be his handyperson. What he discovers is that she has nothing but the backpack she carries yet a lot of secrets. She is there to uncover the truth behind the fire that killed her family. She’s been chasing down clues, and everything has led her to an isolated campground. Realizing she needs help; Memphis slowly breaks down her barriers and together they investigate.  But it becomes more than that as the attraction between them becomes off the charts.

As with all her suspense books, this one is no different.  Readers will find non-stop action, twists, and turns, within an emotional, gripping, and intense story.


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for this story?

Lori Foster: When someone asks me where I got an idea, it can be an easy answer – or an impossible one. Sometimes I’m intrigued by a headline, or a social issue, or I just see something, like an RV, and my imagination takes off. For this one, it was pure imagination.

I wondered how difficult it would be to have a dangerous enemy, with no idea why. Or who. Or when they might strike. From there, I knew we needed a champion, someone to help out to keep others safe. The plot of the story evolved from that.

EC: What is the role of Tuff the dog, what characteristics does Tuff have, and how did Tuff and Diah come together?

LF: I’m a big believer that pets play a huge role in our lives. They’re often attuned to us, and they can be far more understanding and compassionate than some people. Diah, who is fearful for her life, needed something or someone that brought her a measure of peace. That turned out to be her rescue dog, Tuff.

For fun, I got the name, and the type of dog, from a reader on my Facebook page. I often ask readers for information on their pets.

Dogs don’t ask questions, which is a good thing because Diah keeps a lot of secrets. As it turns out, Tuff decides to not only trust Memphis, but very obviously like him. That helps Diah to trust him, too. In a way, the dog is her protector, best friend, confidante, and an encourager who leads her into safe adventures – like getting cozy with Memphis.

EC: How would you describe Diah?-what is with her stare?

LF: Diah has had to be wary for much of her life, starting when she was just a girl. She watches people closely to better gauge if they’re a threat. Her stare is so intense it can be intimidating. Thankfully, it doesn’t intimidate Memphis, and in fact intrigues him instead.

She’s also been traumatized a few times, so she can be jumpy in uncertain situations – which actually, makes her incredibly brave for facing her fears and pushing forward, regardless of how it unsettles her. She has strong convictions, a gentle heart, but for her trust is extremely hard won.

EC: Since Jodi was also in the story (YEA) what would you say are the differences and similarities between Jodi and Diah?

LF: Diah and Jodi, who will end up as sisters-in-law, are extremely different.

Diah has remained gentle, whereas Jodi is abrasive. Diah admits to her weaknesses – and in fact thinks she’s weaker than she is, but Jodi would deny having any weakness – even to herself.

Diah has to force herself to face her fear, but for Jodi, not facing it would be impossible. One woman tiptoes into danger and the other explodes into it.

However, they’re both extremely loyal, honorable in their own unique ways, and both would go the limits to protect others.

EC: How would you describe Memphis vs his brother Hunter?

LF: Memphis’s brother, Hunter, is a very intense type of person. Heroic to the extreme, which has been proven. He’s private, and humble, and protective of others.

Memphis, however, has always been easy-going, never really tested in any way because life and success came to him easily. He considers his brother a super-hero and has massive respect for him. Now he wants to do his part. He wants to stop playing it safe and instead use his tech skills to help people, combat crime, and do some good for society. When he made those plans, however, he hadn’t expected Diah to enter his life. She puts a dent in his plans, but it’s all good.

EC: What are the differences and similarities between the relationship of Hunter and Jodi, Memphis and Diah?

LF: There are two books in this set – The Dangerous One, and The Fearless One.

The Dangerous One has Hunter and Jodi, and The Fearless One has Memphis and Diah.

The brothers are close, but have very different personality types. There’s a fun play on the titles, because you don’t know who’s more dangerous: Hunter or Jodi.

And you don’t know who’s more fearless: Memphis or Diah.

They complement each other with their conflicting manners.

Jodi had a truly horrendous experience that naturally makes her extra guarded – but then, Hunter did, too. They each want different things from their experiences. Jodi wants to blend in and become like other people, whereas Hunter has retreated and wants solitude. Together though, they mesh perfectly.

Memphis wants to be as heroic as his brother, to be able to make substantial changes that will help others since his life has always been so blessed. Diah wants to face her fears and stiffen her backbone so she can avenge her family – a family she wasn’t close to, but she feels an obligation. Besides, if she can’t figure out what happened to them, the same could happen to her. For Memphis and Diah, each sees the best in the other. Diah knows Memphis is already incredibly heroic, and Memphis thinks she’s brave to the point of being foolhardy. Together, they’re the whole package, each boosting the other.

EC: What is the relationship between Memphis and Madison?

LF: Memphis and Madison are both scary-good at anything tech. They can hack like professionals, gaining access to other people’s privacy whenever they want, although Memphis knows Madison is ten times better than him.

For Madison, it’s great to be able to chat with someone who understands the working of her brain. She’s madly in love with someone else, and Memphis has shown no interest in a personal relationship, so they’re able to be very good friends without the complications of a romance.

If one needs the other, they’re there.

EC: Next book?

LF: My publisher wanted something all new, so I am considering my options.



BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.

Book Tour/Feature Post and Book Review: Midnight Climax by Peter Kageyama

Hi, everyone!

Today I am sharing my Feature Post and Book Review for MIDNIGHT CLIMAX (A Kats Takemoto Novel Book #2) by Peter Kageyama on this Virtual Book Tour arranged by Stephanie Barko Literary Publicist.

Below you will find a message from the author, a book description, my book review, an about the author section and the author’s social media links. Enjoy!


A Message from the Author

Lest you think I have started writing erotica, I should explain that the title comes from an actual CIA operation of the same name. Operation Midnight Climax was a subset of the better-known MK Ultra project that tried to use psychedelic drugs as a form of mind control. Midnight Climax involved two CIA-run brothels, one in New York City and the other in San Francisco, from the mid-1950s into the 1960s that used prostitutes to lure unsuspecting ‘clients’ in and then dosed them with psychedelic drugs to study their effects. I first learned about this strange tidbit of San Francisco history from a column my friend, Gary Kamiya, wrote several years ago in the San Francisco Chronicle. When I first read it, I thought oh my god, there is a story here! You can find Gary’s original piece here!


Book Description

Kats Takemoto, the nisei private detective from Hunters Point, returns to investigate the murder of a young Chinese girl, killed in a covert CIA brothel in the heart of San Francisco. Her family, members of a Tong, a powerful Chinatown gang, demand vengeance that threatens to start an all-out war in Chinatown unless Kats can discover the truth behind the slaying. Along the way he will discover a personal connection to the suspected killer, a fellow veteran who was tortured and experimented on, turning him into a lethal weapon and a ticking bomb. Kats and his friends race to find this soldier before the government and the rival Tong gangs spiral into more bloodshed.



My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

MIDNIGHT CLIMAX (A Kats Takemoto Novel Book #2) by Peter Kageyama is a thrilling immersive historical suspense/mystery trip back to 1959 San Francisco. This is the second book featuring the nisei P.I. Kats Takemoto and it can be read as a standalone novel, but the first book in the series was so great that I feel you should read them both.

A young Chinese girl is killed in a brothel and her family members in one of the Chinese Tongs in Chinatown want revenge. The head of this group is friend of Kats from college and hires him to find the man responsible. As Kats begins to ask questions, he discovers the brothel was a cover for a CIA drug testing operation and the accused man is a veteran asset the government wants back.

Kats and his friends race to find the accused veteran before a government black ops group can find him and Chinatown explodes into a war between rival Tongs.

I could not stop turning the pages in this exciting historical suspense/mystery. Mr. Kageyama’s writing pulls you back in time effortlessly and you feel like you are in the middle of the action. The CIA operation plotline is based on a true story and since I love history, I can point out the sad fact that it is far from the only time the military and/or CIA experimented on the unsuspecting. I love Kats and, in this book, we learn even more about his personal history while in WWII. The empathy between Kats and the veteran they are trying to find and save is palpable. I also enjoyed reconnecting with Molly and Shig. This story has so many interesting little side tidbits also, with historical San Francisco’s intolerance for gays and drag, having to find a payphone or landline to communicate, the literary bans and the city’s avant-garde beatniks.

I highly recommend this exciting, action-packed P.I. historical suspense/mystery addition to the series and I am anxiously waiting for more cases with Kats.


About the Author

Peter Kageyama is an author and urbanist who writes and speaks about emotional engagement with our places. For over a decade now he has been making the case for why it is a good thing for more people to fall in love with their places. Since publication of the first book, For the Love of Cities in 2011, Peter has given hundreds of presentations and has traveled all over the US and around the world as the so-called “Pied Piper of City Love.” He has since authored three more non-fiction books, Love Where You Live: Creating Emotionally Engaging Places (2015), The Emotional Infrastructure of Places (2019) and For the Love of Cities REVISITED (2021).

In 2022 he launched a new project, writing fiction. The first book in the planned series, Hunters Point, harkens back to the experiences his own family had during and after World War 2. The book draws upon real events and real people from the Cold War era and weaves them together in San Francisco in 1958.

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Book Review: Deadly Mountain Escape by Mary Alford

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

DEADLY MOUNTAIN ESCAPE by Mary Alford is an exciting Christian suspense/mystery/Christian romantic suspense that drops the reader into action and danger right away and continues to escalate the peril until the climax of the story. This is a book that I sat down with and read from start to finish because I could not stop turning the pages.

K-9 Deputy Charlotte Walker and her K=9 partner, Annie, are notified by her elderly neighbor that her granddaughter never came home from work the night before. As Charlotte looks for Lainey, she is attacked and becomes trapped in a deadly situation.

Jonas Knowles walked away from his Amish religion after a tragedy. He notices the deputy go to the local home of a known troublemaker but when he sees her Jeep make the return trip, it is not Charlotte driving. He goes to look for her and hears noise coming from a car beginning to sink in the river…and the ever-escalating danger begins from there.

Charlotte and Jonas both carry personal guilt that has left them unable to move forward. As they run from the danger of a human trafficking ring who want to silence them, they both share their burdens and look to their faith and each other to help them with their guilt, protect them, and stop the trafficking ring in the mountains.

This is a wonderful action-adventure suspense with memorable characters and a plot that has several twists and surprises throughout. There is more suspense and mystery in this story than romance because it is set over a very short two-day period, but the epilogue gave me all the warm and happy vibes I hoped for at the end. Both Charlotte and Jonas are believable characters that are fully developed. They both carry guilt from their pasts but show empathy and understanding to each other. They both also have strong Christian faith backgrounds and beliefs that are woven seamlessly throughout the story in a realistic way. K- 9 Annie is a great addition to my dog-loving heart. Her loyalty and bravery play a pivotal role in several scenes.  All the secondary characters were well written, both good and bad. The suspense/mystery kept me engaged and I did not guess the leader of the ring until almost the end.

I highly recommend this Christian suspense/mystery/Christian romantic suspense. Ms. Alford is fast becoming a must-read author of Amish and Christian fiction for me.


About the Author

Mary Alford is the USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of more than fifty novels. Her books have been finalists in the Selah Award, the Daphne du Maurier Award, and the HOLT Medallion Contest. As a writer, Mary is an avid reader. She loves to cook and can’t face the day with-out coffee. She and her husband live in the heart of Texas in the middle of 70 acres with two very spoiled cats and one adorable rescue dog. Mary is very active online and would love to connect with readers.

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Feature Post and Book Review: Decoy Training by Caridad Pineiro

Book Description

His fresh start is about to be interrupted by a threatening foe.

Former marine Shane Adler’s used to perilous situations. But he’s stunned to find danger in the peaceful Idaho mountains—especially swirling around his beautiful dog trainer. After tragically losing her hero husband, Piper Lambert’s rebuilt her life. Now it’s up to Shane—and his loyal K-9 in training, Decoy—to make sure a mysterious enemy won’t derail her new beginning…or his.



My Book Review

RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars

DECOY TRAINING (K-9’s on Patrol Book #1) by Caridad Pineiro is a romantic suspense in the Harlequin Intrigue line featuring a wounded ex-military man and his dog looking for what to do next with his life and a military widow working as a dog trainer in small town Idaho. This is the first book in the new K-9’s on Patrol series featuring heroes, heroines, and their canine companions.

Sharpshooter Shane Adler left the military after being wounded and no longer able to use his shoulder without pain. He did work to bring home the dog, Decoy, he befriended in Afghanistan and who found Shane in the building rubble after the bombing. They have come from California to Idaho for training to find out if Decoy can become a Search and Rescue dog for this next chapter in their lives.

Piper Lambert has worked the last four years to rebuild her life after the death of her military husband in Iraq. She now works as one of the trainers for her college friend’s canine training facility. When assigned to Shane and Decoy, she has problems with Shane’s military background, but they go on to work well together.

Piper is having feelings of being watched and there have been strange things happening around her home. Shane is concerned and works with local police to discover who is the danger to Piper before his plans to leave to join an SAR in Montana in a month.

I absolutely loved every character and dog in this romantic suspense. The romance is slow with both Piper and Shane hesitant to start anything, especially with Piper still not sure if she is ready for a romance and Shane planning to leave in a month. Shane is also undecided on his future and still has nightmares every night since the explosion. For me, all these reasons make this slow-moving romance plot realistic. The suspense is paced well throughout the story and a believable scenario with Shane involving local law enforcement. I am looking forward to the next book in the series and the continuation of these characters, both human and canine.

I highly recommend this well written romantic suspense.


About the Author

I’m a transplanted Long Island girl who has fallen in love with the Jersey Shore. When I’m not taking long strolls along the boardwalk, I’m also a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 50 novels and novellas. Some friends will introduce me and say “She’s got a million books published,” and I’m always quick to shy away from that claim. I still find it hard to believe that I have sold that many books since my first release in 1999.

I am passionate about writing and helping others explore and develop their skills as writers. It’s why I helped found the Liberty States Fiction Writers and love to do workshops to share what I’ve learned over the years. I also love to keep on improving my own skills as a writer and meeting new people by attending a variety of conferences during the year. You can find out more about where I’ll be by visiting my Events page.

Where else can you find me? I retired from my day job as a lawyer and owe New Jersey Transit a big thanks for letting me write on the commute to and from New York City. If I’m not writing, I’ll have my nose stuck in a romance novel since I am a hopeful romantic and truly believe there is a Happily-Ever-After for everyone. Even vampires and other things that go bump in the night.

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Friday Feature Author Interview with Elise Cooper: Their Road To Redemption and The Amish Midwife’s Bargain by Patrice Lewis

Book Description – Their Road to Redemption

To put their pasts behind them…

Can they find forgiveness together?

Moving to Montana is the chance Thomas Kemp needs to open his own business and seek a wife—while keeping his shameful past hidden. Except the beautiful Amish widow who catches his eye wants financial independence, not marriage. When Emma Fisher’s toddler bonds with the newcomer, she believes Thomas is everything she wants in a husband. But can she accept his past…for the chance at a future together? 


Book Description – The Amish Midwife’s Bargain

An accident on a stormy night

Will change the course of their lives…

Grieving after the loss of a patient, midwife Miriam Kemp returns to her Amish roots and vows to leave her nursing life behind. But when she accidentally hits Aaron Lapp on a rain-drenched road, she offers to help the scarred and handsome—if somewhat cranky—bachelor while he recovers. Could this arrangement allow them to heal…while finding a love they never expected?


Elise’s Thoughts

Their Road to Redemption and The Amish Midwife’s Bargain by Patrice Lewis continues the story of the Kemp siblings.  Both are books about forgiveness, hope, and how choices made can influence someone’s life.

Their Road to Redemption is the second book in the series. Thomas Kemp travels to the Amish community in Montana to redeem his life. He is ashamed of his criminal activities of the past.  Now working as a bookkeeper, he meets an Amish widow and single parent, Emma, who has vowed never to get married. But her toddler, Hannah, bonds with Thomas and they become attracted to each other. He questions if she will accept his past where the three can become a family.

The Amish Midwife’s Bargain has one of the Kemp siblings, a nurse, Miriam, grieving after losing a patient. She decides to visit her Amish brother, Thomas, after vowing to leave the nursing profession.  But when she accidentally hits Aaron Lapp on a rain-drenched road, she offers to help him recover.  He has his own scars literally, after having his face burned in a barn fire.  This story will remind readers of “Beauty and the Beast.”


Author Interview

Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story, Their Road to Redemption?

Patrice Lewis: I had a three-book series of siblings, and this is the middle sibling.  This is a story of redemption and making better choices. Everything someone does from morning until sleep is a choice. I wanted to show how the hero, Thomas, had his bad choices catch up and then his good choices turned it around.


EC:  How would you describe Thomas?  

PL:  He was a juvenile delinquent when younger, but now he is redeemed.  He is broken, subdued, quiet, shy, scarred, and humble.


EC:  How would you describe Emma?


PL: High-spirited, outspoken, a go-getter, confident, independent, passionate about her skill of making soap, and determined.  

EC:  What about the relationship between the two?

PL:  Emma does not want to rely on a man for financial support. She is gun-shy since her late husband was emotionally abusive, selfish, and stubborn. Emma is determined to remain single. She and her late husband never wanted to be married, but after she became pregnant, they did marry. Both she and Thomas have secrets and hold each other at arm’s length.  Yet, they do admire each other. Thomas does not think he is worthy of her.  

EC:  What is the role of a secondary character, Jeremy?

PL:  He is another redemption. In Thomas’ backstory, he feels he must pay it forward. He sees in Jeremy himself and wants to help him to redeem his life.    

EC:  What about the role of Hannah, Emma’s young daughter?


PL:  She is instrumental in bringing Emma and Thomas together. Hannah sees Thomas as a father figure and becomes attached to him.  Emma starts thinking maybe her daughter sees something in Thomas that she doesn’t.  Hannah saw his kindness.


EC:  What about the second book, The Amish Midwife’s Bargain?


PL:  This is about the third sibling, Miriam, a nurse.  I saw this reference to a private nurse, which enabled me to have Miriam and Aaron get closer. She helped him after she accidentally hit him with her car.  This led me to a “Beauty and the Beast” theme. It became effortless to write.  Hands down it is the favorite story I have written so far. My mother used to be a nurse and I saw how some have painful journeys.


EC:  How would you describe Aaron, the hero?


PL:  He has been terribly disfigured in a barn fire. Now he wants to be left alone. His became bitter with a very scarred face. He can be stubborn, grumpy, with emotional pain, prickly, lonely, and likes animals more than people.


EC:  What was the role of the scar?


PL:  I wrote two ways that children responded to his disfigurement. Hannah accepted him and never saw his scars.  Then there was an “English” boy who runs away from him in terror. He realized with Hannah’s reaction that some could be accepting of him and not consider him a monster, a beast.


EC:  How would you describe Miriam?


PL:  Determined, patient, and a helper. She responds to those in pain, emotional and physical. She was devastated and doubted herself after she lost a patient.


EC:  What about the relationship between the two?


PL: Miriam feels she must get past Aaron wanting to live in solitude.  She wanted to show him that his outward scars did not diminish who he was as a person. Aaron helped her to realize she lost a patient because they were beyond help.  Both have scars, admire, and respect each other.  Both helped each other to get back on “their horse.”  

EC:  Next books?

PL:  A book will come out in March, titled The Amish Beekeeper’s Dilemma. It is about a woman who became a property keeper for an old man.  His nephew came to take over the farm. A conflict develops around it.  Another book that has no release date but is titled, Uncovering Her Amish Past. The main character, Penelope, is “English.” She is adopted and an only child.  She went to an Amish settlement, staying at a Bed & Breakfast.  It turns out she is a twin to an Amish woman.  THANK YOU!!

BIO: Elise Cooper has written book reviews and interviewed best-selling authors since 2009. Her reviews have covered several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, romance and cozy mysteries. An avid reader, she engages authors to discuss their works, and to focus on the descriptions of their characters and the plot. While not writing reviews, Elise loves to watch baseball and visit the ocean in Southern California, with her dog and husband.